Blue Bubbles – Fishy Bubbles…..and something fabulously new ….
Ahoy there!
Sorry I’m so late!
Ask me how things are shaping up for Ally Pally
and the HOCHANDA TV Show on Saturday –
I dare you!!
No, not really.
Demos done for the 1pm show.
The only problem is my neck; it seems to be revolting.
Overdone it and now it’s on strike.
Which is just great before a two-day, mental busy exhibition.
So I’ve made an executive decision : no demonstrating at the show.
Just the TV hour, and other than that, I’m going to mingle with my friends and customers, and have some fun.
I have pedalled away at that show all day every day
for as long as I can think back,
so this weekend I am going to take a back seat,
and let Paul pedal!
Here’s one of the demos I have planned for our Japanese TV hour
which is being streamed live at 1pm.
I have a feeling there’s going to be levity and audience interaction, so doubt that I will get to this one….
Right, ready?
3 circles and a frame on blue/teal coloured parchment.
Where can you get this coloured parchment?
Will we have some at Ally Pally?
Has the Pope got a balcony???
We have got 5 different colourways – bright and pastel:
20 x A5 in a pack.
It’s exactly the same parchment quality as our regular,
except it is saturated with colour, but
– and here’s the really cool part –
What this means is that when you use the colour saturated side at the back, the lineart is still beautifully white at the front!
We will load it onto our website tomorrow
and take it to the London show too.
Carp in the bubbles, Netting round the outside.
These plates are fabulous.
Colour in fish with Squeezed Lemonade Distress Pen.
They’re on the water. Will be here soon.
Highlight the carp with Peacock Feathers.
Colour in the netting with Evergreen Bough
When you flip it to the front and overlay it on a
Coated Clarity Card splashy background…
… it really hits the spot.
See how laying a yellow/green sheet underneath
transforms the blue?
Just plain white underneath?
Nope, it needs a little more funk than that!!
Use one of our new punches
to catch the edge of the yellow/green parchment –
or other matching colour paper is maybe cheaper!
Hope you like it…
Look at the state of this room !!!!!!!!!!!!
Ahh! There are my glasses!
We need a break – and preferably not my neck!!!
Yesterday, I was working with my brother in the warehouse.
“Looking forward to our holiday, Barb?” he asked.
“Can’t bloody wait,” I replied. “You?”
“47 days!” he shot back in a flash.
And while we cracked up laughing, he added, “46 tomorrow.”
“But who’s counting, eh…”
And then my friends,
we will be swimming in the Pacific Ocean with the little fishies.
White sand, blue water, warm sun – and pineapples.
WE, Dave Steve and I, are set for the road-trip of a lifetime….
It’s what makes all the long hours and late nights worth it.
45 days tomorrow!
But for now I have to keep my eye on the weekend ball.
Early start, set-up day tomorrow.
We are taking ONLY Clarity Products this time.
I have a feeling the show will be very busy,
and we think it is best to keep the stand as uncluttered as possible.
We can take orders there for anything which didn’t go on the van, can’t we?
We’ve got such a large selection of stencils, stamps and Groovi now, we could have 3 stands!! NOT a chance.
Don’t forget to go online and get your coloured parchment this weekend, or pick it up at the show.
The one-sided saturation is ace.
The one-sided saturation is ace.
Love and Hugs,
98 thoughts on “Blue Bubbles – Fishy Bubbles…..and something fabulously new ….”
Found the 'fishy' plate the other day and wondered why I'd bought it; now I have some ideas to put it to some use.
Look after that neck – you only ever get one!
Have fun 'up the Ally!' Lol. ;~}
Me too re fishy plate! x
Glad you are taking care of your neck and have a holiday to look forward to. I've never been to Ally Pally but have booked in to a retreat in August so I really have something to look forward to which makes it so much easier to cope with what today throws at you. Hope it all goes well at the weekend. I know it will. X
Wow lovely coloured parchment paper, I have a birthday next week think I deserve a treat. Have a great show at Ally Pally 🙂 x
Ooh can't wait to get the coloured parchment, fabulous. I'd love to get to Ally Pally one year. Looking forward to your 1pm show, good luck. Hope your poor neck holds out xx
More lovely things! And distress markers on the way – oh dear, better go earn a few more pennies to spend!
Hope the show goes well for you, look after yourself, neck and otherwise. You need to make it through the next 46 days intact!
Oh sorry to hear about your neck giving you grief again. after all these years yes it's time to let others pedal and you be the great ambassador for your company. Your customers and loyal subjects!! Will love having time to talk to you..hope the show is a good one..this is a great project. I will have to record show as I will be getting all groovi demoing in Burnley xx
Are you at Ally Pally!? That is brilliant! I need a word xxxx
Oh sorry to hear about your neck giving you grief again. after all these years yes it's time to let others pedal and you be the great ambassador for your company. Your customers and loyal subjects!! Will love having time to talk to you..hope the show is a good one..this is a great project. I will have to record show as I will be getting all groovi demoing in Burnley xx
Lol lol had to chuckle at your room .mine looks much the same after I've been up there … Great blog might have to wait until June for the coloured parchment, only 2 months …..have a great show ..
I love your art work today – it is stunning. Love the coloured parchment too. I've got some somewhere that I have had from years and years ago but will I ever find it???
I hope the show goes well; I am sure all things Groovi will be as popular as every
Take care of yourself and especially your neck
Hope all goes well at the show. Glad you're letting other people take some of the strain. Enjoy the break in 46 days!
Smashing artwork Barbara! And I'll have to add the parchment to my wish list!
Look after your neck. I find I get that when Ive been marking…like today. . So I lie with my head back…it stretches the ligaments and muscles the other way and makes my neck less painful! You could also get Dave to massage your shoulders and neck.. Works wonders!
Have a great set up!
Love and hugs! Xxx
Smashing artwork Barbara! And I'll have to add the parchment to my wish list!
Look after your neck. I find I get that when Ive been marking…like today. . So I lie with my head back…it stretches the ligaments and muscles the other way and makes my neck less painful! You could also get Dave to massage your shoulders and neck.. Works wonders!
Have a great set up!
Love and hugs! Xxx
Hi Barbara, I hope your neck recovers quickly. It will do you the world of good just to mingle and enjoy the show this weekend. You really do deserve to take a back seat for a change. I've been banned from doing any buying for now!!! I wonder why! Haahaa!. But my must have list is still growing by the day!
Have a great weekend.Hugs xxx
Hello to all my wonderful blog friends. I'm off to bed now as totally shattered. But the sewing machine has been put away!! Just a hour or two's hand sewing tomorrow to finish off and the chair and stool is finished. Thank goodness!!!
I hope you've all had a good day. Love and Hugs to you all xxx
Wow Morag – you have done incredibly well with the sewing! Well done you! Won't be long now until you can get back to crafting! Hugs Gilly xxx
Well done Morag, you have worked hard on your chair and foot stool. Hand sewing tomorrow means feet up to on and a bit of relation I hope! Xx
Oooo well done! I bet they both look great. Xx
You should be so proud bet they look wonderful hugs xxx
Hi Morag,
Well done, you'll soon be able to get back into the crafting now, love and hugs xx
God, I must get to grips with Groovi! I have so many plates – was just about to order these and discovered I have all of them already – plus a good few others that I had forgotten about!! And I still haven't used them – at all!!! Just can't get out of the habit of always turning to stamps and stencils – all lovely too!! the coloured parchment looks good though….. I'm not coming to AP this year – so have fun! BTW, the cushions came in handy today. I paid my credit card bill – so it was back to zero – but not for long!!! Make sure you have lots of breaks – and I bet you end up demoing something – you wont be able to stop yourself!!
ditto about the plates …..it's frightening ! x
I was only thinking about your neck (if you'll pardon the expression) today as you hadn't mentioned it for a while. Sorry it's flared up again, do take care and let others do the necessaries for you.
I hope the show goes well for you, would love to be there, the parchment looks lovely, there is just so much I would love – more than I have pennies for sadly. Take care xx
Beautiful work as usual. Hope show goes well, glad you going to step back and enjoy a bit of socializing, Paul is bound to make a wonderful job of the demos. Take care of that neck, I get problems with mine and know how rotten it is. x
Lovely colours! I saw someone had used a coloured one earlier today and was thinking I'd have to investigate. No need now! Also got some backgrounds similar to those you have which I did for last month's calendar challenge. I do hope you neck improves and what a good idea to take a 'back seat' and mingle, people will enjoy that too. Have a great show x x
I sympathise with the neck, I am currently sitting with a Shiatsu pillow behind mine. This project is lovely and is giving me ideas…must get groovi-ing.
Ooooh just love the coloured parchment. Will have to wait a bit as have ordered goodies twice in last ten days! Sorry to hear your neck is giving you grief, hope it gets better soon. A good holiday is in order me thinks! Hope AP goes well don't over do it! Am sure Paul will be great. Xx
Hi Barbara
I really hope your neck improves for the shows, typical but I know you will do well & this project is gorgeous X X X
Hi Barbara, what a great piece of art work and as for the coloured parchment I can't wait to buy mine on Saturday, I have my list all ready. I've never been to Ally Pally so I'm really looking forward to it.
Barbara you are doing the right thing about no demos except for the live show, you don't need your neck giving you problems before your holiday, best be safe then sorry.
Take it easy and I'll see you on Saturday. Oh I have a clarity order to pick up tomorrow so that my first stop tomorrow😉 Xx
Ouch Barbara but so pleased you know when to stop……relax with something in a large glass, oh and try wrapping a hot water bottle in a soft towel and put it around your neck while you have the drink
You rest that neck we are happy to seat have a coffee with you Sunday Katie will love it anything can do will always help love hugs goodnight sleep xxx
Barb what did I tell you take care before you make yourself ill. Now you've gone and damaged your neck again. Tut tut tut. I hope the neck doesn't cause too much of a problem on Saturday. Enjoy all you do at the weekend. Remember it's 45 days tomorrow. Lots of love and best wishes.
Wow more stunning products beautiful art work Barbara you have got a fabulous team to demonstrate couldn't be in better hands than Paul so pleased you know to take a step back your clarity family will love you just mingling around to see you in person how I would be thrilled to do that but I can only watch you on hochanda so looking forward to the wonderful hour with your insperation have a fantastic ally pally lots of hugs comming your way xxx
Barbara.i have some cream I use for my neck as have muscle spasms and pain it's called capistan (zacin) you can get it in different strengths I don't know if you can buy it as I get it on percription it it brilliant don't know if it would help you worth a try xxx
Evening Donna Dorothy Diane Brenda pam gilly morag Alison pen sue 55 thinking of you all hugs to all on the blog xxx
Hi Sheila – hope that you are ok, many hugs Gilly xxx
Evening Sheila, hope you've had a good day. Have you done any craft today. I've made an Anniversary card tonight, a stamped one. Friday tomorrow can't believe this weeks gone so fast. Love,and hugs. Pam xxx
Hi Sheila, hope the hand is better today. Your canvas for the calendar challenge is beautiful. Well done. Xx
Hello Sheila
Hope you've had a good day today, have you managed any crafting today? I went out for lunch today with some friends and had a lovely catch up, that's twice this week, what a gad about! Sending hugs xx
Hi Yes I've mannage to craft this afternoon Donna /pam using the stencil from February club and the new wee church stamps they are beautiful thank you for your lovley comments on my calendar challange glad you managed lunch out Diane lovley to catch up with friends and you mannage to craft pam .i rang a dear a friend after crafting so good to catch up another friend rang me yesterday which was so good too both going through there daily life struggles it's so good to help each other through xxx
Hi Sheila, glad to hear you've got some crafting in. I went out to meet some friends yesterday just coffee ( I even refrained from having a scone!) Then later in the afternoon, Dave and I went up to a lovely old pub up in Weardale, so no crafting for me. Hoping to get some in today – got some new goodies yesterday. love and hugs Alison xx
Hearing how you are getting ready for the show at Ally Pally has made me v.excited now, loving the Japanese groovi and Mr and me are sure to have a good old spend up whilst there………looking forward to seeing all the Clarity guys on Saturday … save some stuff for me xxx
Congratulations Barbara! You have made the right decision, it will be so wonderful for you not to demo, and mingle and chat with people. I am sure that they will love that – hope that the neck improves soon. Another great piece of artwork, and I too love the coloured parchment. Hope that the show goes well for you all. Gilly xxx
Now she tells me that we're taking the coloured parchment ! Fortunately it's easy to get to (not) ,in our overflowing warehouse….. I remember it's in those brown cardboard boxes to the left of those other thousands of brown cardboard boxes! or was it to the right?!?!? Oh well, early start tomorrow,
Hope to see some of you good people there….X Thanks for the lovely comments.
Have a brilliant time think of your holiday xxx
Never mind Dave, a woman's privilege to change her mind. Good luck with finding the parchment. Look forward to seeing you both and the team on Sunday.xx
I need an early wake up call in the morning too, Dave, so I will think of you while I am packing my car. A little bit of crafting stuff for the evenings has turned into a heavy bag full and I now have a bad back. Good luck finding that parchment. xxx Maggie
Oh dear, hope you find it otherwise people will be chasing you with their Groovi tools! Xx
Hi Dave
Oh that made me laugh, it's a good thing you love Barbara isn't it! I can just hear it tomorrow 'is there room to take these?' ' look what I've found, let's just put these on the van too!' Good luck and make sure you get a break too! Xx
Hi Dave,just keep smiling and saying "Yes dear" and you'll survive the weekend! Not long till your holidays! Love Alison xx
Hi to all my blog friends – please excuse me for just a general Hi to you all tonight. Not been feeling the best, but tomorrow is another day. Hugs to you all, Gilly xxx
Sending you special hugs dear blog friend hope tomorrow is a better day rest up xxx
Thank you Sheila! Time for bed now, I think! Hugs Gilly xxx
Goodnight then Gilly hope you feel much better tomorrow. Take things easy, maybe you haven't been resting enough. Love and gentle hugs,Pam xxx
Feel better soon. Xx
Hope you feel better soon Gilly xx
Hi Gilly, hope you're feeling better this morning, take care. Love and hugs Alison xx
Sorry you've been having trouble with your neck again, you've obviously been doing too many demos. Hochanda 1 day special as well as the Sunday's show must put a strain on your neck. That's a,great idea to just mingle and enjoy the show this weekend. Your craft room looks a lot like mine tonight. Love the coloured parchment, do have some from way back which I did come across a few,weeks ago but where it is now I haven't a clue. Hope all goes well with the set up for Ally Pally and of course your Saturday TV show. Love and hugs Pam xxx
What a brilliant idea to let others demonstrate while you chat and have fun. Would've to be there but I am going further south to the sea to meet up with old school friends. I am sure people will love to have the chance to talk to you more. Have a great show, and please can we have black parchment too. I was hunting for some tonight, but I reckon I have used it all. Get some massage on that neck. xxx Maggie
A4 black in production xxx
Thank you, Barbara. I am sure you have got some kind of esp to pre-empt my every wish. I am not even going to ask about storage for the babies because I know you will have it all in hand. xxx Maggie
Evening Donna, Diane, Brenda, Dot, Morag, Alison, Pen and Sue55, hope you're all ok and that you've had a good day. Love and hugs Pam xxx
Meant to say all good wishes to all the bloggers on here. Xx
Hi Pam, have you been busy crafting? Xx
Hi Pam that's reminded me, I've got some rainbow parchment somewhere from many moons ago, wonder where I put it! Hope your exercises are helping your back xx
Hi Pam, sending love and hugs your way xxx Alison
How interesting, coloured parchment! Like that idea and especially as it still gives you white lines and white work. Enjoy the shows and all the chatting you will be doing. I have been sorting out paperwork this evening………..lots of Clarity orders 🙂 XX
Hello Donna it's those tell tale A4 sheets that give the game away isn't it 😀 The coloured parchment looks lovely doesn't it but I will sit on my hands for now. Hope you have had a lovely day, weather here has been showery again but it's ok, just means crafting instead of gardening! Xx
Hi Sheila, Diane, Pam, Dot, Morag, Gilly and Alison. Nearly time for bed! Xx
Evening Brenda, hope you have been crafting today. Xx
Hi Donna, hope you had good night, xxxxx
Hi Barbara
Oooooh this looks fun, coloured parchment, lovely. Now there's a daft question, how do you know which side is which? It's probably obvious when you look at it. Well done on making a big decision for you and only doing the TVs show, your neck will appreciate it. Can you take one of those foam collars with you to put on when people start asking you to just show them how to do …. You know, the ones who think no means yes! Look after yourself and make sure you have a laugh whilst setting up tomorrow.
Love Diane xxx
Hi Doht, Brenda Alison and gang hope you've all had a lovely day, have those cushions had a rest today, at this rate Morag will be recovering them! Take care
Love Diane xxx
Hi Diane, just know that coloured parchment is going to drop into my basket! Love Alison xx
Sorry your neck is playing you up Barbara but a great idea to be the ambassador and go meet the public and let Paul do the demoing instead. Good news you have a holiday booked too. I love the artwork today and the coloured parchment is very pretty and a great idea. x
Hi Barbara &ladies, sorry to hear your neck is not so good at the moment. I it is a daft thing to say try and take it easy on a show like this but have a great time. The artwork was wonderful, coloured parchment looks very interesting. Hope you all have a great weekend. Love to the ladies xx 💖 Lynn
Hi Barb. Hope your neck improves. I am glad to hear you are delegating demonstrating and you are going to mingle and feel the vibe. Wish I could be going to Ally Pally. Then again my bank balance would definitely take a bashing if I were. Will look forward to the live demo's and can join you at least in spirit. Much love Jayne
Hello, missed a blog or two as I had a full anaesthetic and have been floating around in the clouds in my head, so glad I haven't missed this one, I love the carp groovy plate. Hope all goes well and look after the body, you only have one xx
This parchment looks great. Right decision to leave the demoing to Paul, as you need to look after your health so that you can enjoy your holiday. And I am sure everyone at Ally Pally will enjoy your mingling
Hi Barb, all I can say is wow, this is beautiful, and that coloured parchment is fabulous. Hope your neck is feeling better. Paul is brilliant and very inspiring, and I am sure people will appreciate the decision. Hope the show goes well (I am very sure it will). Take care. Bx
Oh no, not the neck again! Poor Barbara, but good to see you're not going to demo much and give your neck a bit of a rest. Can't do parchment but love your new groovi plate! Looking forward to see you at the Ally Pally xx
Oh no, not your neck again!Poor Barbara! Good that you will only do the one demo and give your neck a bit of a rest. I can't do parchment but I do love your new groovi plate! Lovely design! Looking forward to seeing you at the Ally Pally tomorrow. xx
Morning Barb, I am sorry to hear about your neck, just when you didn't want anything like this to happen but you will be leaving the demoing in good hands with Paul and all the clarity crew. I am really excited about the coloured parchment and will definitely be getting one of each colour (or might be more) as I know some of my grovvi club members will not be able to get to AP. I will hopefully be there bright and early in my mobility scooter and plan to get to you first as I have a few questions to ask.
See you tomorrow and try to rest that neck.
Stay safe, healthy and happy, hugs, June Smith xxx
See you at Ally Pally on Saturday time is not going quick enough love the coloured parchment will definitely purchase some of that. Just getting into my Goovi board and loving every minute of it. Not as good as you yet.xx
Hi Barb,
Sorry to hear that your neck is giving you problems again. You have my sympathies there as I know exactly what you're going through. Mine has been OK for the last couple of days after getting my new pillow, just hoping it stays good. I think you've made the right decision about not demonstrating at Ally Pally. Your lovely loyal customers won't mind as they'll all be chuffed to bits just to see you and hopefully have a chat with you and Paul is such a good demonstrator as well.
Really loving this coloured parchment and the carp artwork. These are the two plates that I didn't get as I wasn't too sure about them, but seeing this that might have to change! Not long to go now till your holiday – keep smiling! Love and hugs Alison xx
Love the bubbles barb have a lovely time at the pally glad your mingling wish I could get there
Love June Horrocks xxxx
Love this – blue is the colour for me. Been a bit of one of those weeks so far but keeping it in the day. They say things come in Threes…. and it seems right.
Wish I was at Ally Pally to see you but not to be… but I will be thinking of you and sending all my crafty hugs. xx
Hi Barbara,
I hope you will get better soon.
I visited Hawaii two years ago. Oahu, Kauai and Maui…
My favourite was Kauai. I loved this island!
Oahu with Honolulu was great too.
And on Maui you can do the "Road to Hana" which every tourist does and the rest of the island – not so interesting. But that´s my opinion only for sure.
You will love Hawaii!
Rolf xxx
Morning, and hope your neck if feeling a bit easier after a good night's rest. Good luck with the show, and enjoy having a chat with everybody at the stall – sounds like the perfect plan to me. Susan x
Beautiful design! Thanks for posting this, Barbara. I have those groove plates and that's such a wonderful take on it, I must try it out. Hope your neck bears up at Ally pally!
Wow, your coloured parchment paper is calling to me… but I am not really into the groovi plates… but I know that I could use it in lots of other projects – perhaps embossing folders? perhaps die cut flowers that would keep their shape and could take some white lines grooved into them… now what else can I think of…!!
Morning Barbara, Yes !! I really like these fishes, your colours really complement each other, I'm loving the coloured parchment, ideal so that the whitework shows. I love this !!
I hope your neck feels better today, I can sympathise as I have a problem with my neck, and I also carry tension in my neck too, and it gets to a stage where you don't know where to put yourself with the pain and discomfort. A good idea for you to mingle with your customers and let Paul 'take the strain', poor Paul but he will love it !!
Your holiday sounds absolutely fabulous, you certainly deserve it and you are definitely ready for it, no wonder you are on the countdown haha.
Lots of love from Patricia xx
Hi Barb.
Your table looks just like ours did, after a couple of hours crafting last night, and also like you I am suffering from neck ache this morning. I have arthritus in my neck and hands, and suffer after crafting or sewing, but I take a couple of co-codamol tablets, sing a little bit and get on with things. Well you have to, haven't you.
Dawn and I were playing with the stencil from the new design club, which arrived on Tuesday, and as we already had the Fox stamp we baught in one of the sales we were able to attempt the tutorial, wich turned out very well.
Hope you have a good weekend at the Ali Pali, and hope to see you at Happy Stampers in May
Margaret xx
Good for you, Barb! Looking forward to catching up for a chat on Sunday…
see you then,
Liz M xxx
I'm so sorry to hear about your neck troubles again! but I'm really pleased you'll be enjoying chatting and catching up with friends rather than straining your neck any further. I remember standing with you, beside your demo area a while back at the NEC, whilst you were stretching out that blasted neck pain during a busy NEC day…
…There you were, looking up at the celling chatting away to me, minding our own business when we heard a murmur of I can't see anything… It was so funny! Looking around there were lots of folk around us, all looking right at the spot on the celling you had previously been checking out, not quite working out what we were looking at!! Funny, just the thought of it still makes me giggle!
I hope you have lots of fun times this weekend! Good luck with the live feed. Man, that's gonna be fun!
Coloured parchment… oh yes! I've seen it, its just wonderful! – That's not going to last five minutes at the show!
Good luck Team Charity, have a wonderful show! xxx
Hi Barbara
Try some arnica gel or cream on your neck – it helps to remove muscle soreness and inflammation. I am looking forward to Ally Pally tomorrow.
Good luck to you all
Hi Barbara
Great parchment and like the colour choice.I'm going to miss the live show tomorrow due to partner in Hospital,mortified so will have to record the show.
Hope your neck doesn't cause to much trouble this weekend.Have a good show.