A new Oriental Stencil…step by step project.
Hi there!
Thanks for popping in,
Have just finished putting the finishing touches to the TV demos,
have checked and double-checked the gear to take.
And now I just want to sit for a bit and chat to you
before I go pack my overnighter.
Just went through the artboxes with all the fresh samples
from our Design team.
Wow. What a brilliant group of artists.
They make my job so much easier!
If you think I have vision,
wait until you see what these girls come up with!
here’s a quick step by step of one of the pieces
I may or may not get to tomorrow…..
There’s a new, very lovely pair of Oriental stencils
coming up tomorrow.
One of them looks like an ornate trellis
or exotic window frame…
So I placed the 7″ x 7″ stencil on a piece of copy paper,
and coated it with Versamark ink by dabbing the ink pad all over the stencil.
Laid the wet side of the stencil down on a piece of
7″ x 7″Stencil Card,
ran it through my Ebosser, like a mangle,
so that the Versamark ink transferred to the card.
Tipped Detail clear embossing powder over the card.
It catches the Versamark.
Tap off excess powder and heat set.
Lay the Paris skyline mask over the top
and brush Chipped Sapphire Distress ink over the buildings.
Wipe the ink from the mask into the buildings with a make-up sponge.
This is what it looks like when you lift off the mask.
Now add a huge moon and dust in some sky.
When you lift the moon mask, it will be too white.
Lightly dust the brush over the moon and bring out the embossed trelliswork.
Doesn’t it look as though you are looking over Paris
through an ornate window?
No? Squint at it.
Then just trim it and mount it and finish it off!
Hope you can join me tomorrow and Monday.
I am doing the 2-3, 5-6 and 8-9pm tomorrow,
and the 9am Monday.
Paul is taking over at 12 noon and doing 4pm and 7pm.
I can’t hack 7 hours live TV like I used to.
Admittedly, we sold out the last two Mondays by lunchtime,
so I was done anyway!
But seriously, no can do.
And Paul is brilliant at flicking a light switch on and off too!
Have a great Bank Holiday Weekend,
whatever you are up to.
Love & Hugs,
117 thoughts on “A new Oriental Stencil…step by step project.”
Looking forward to the shows xx
Lovely lovely artwork, must invest in those masks and yet another way to use the stencils, great designs. It's hubby's birthday tomorrow so I have Sky plus set up just in case although I'm full of cold at the moment so anticipate going far but the Tour de Yorkshire is finishing on the beautiful Yorkshire coast in Scarborough tomorrow afternoon so I'm hoping the weather will be kind, we've had it all of late. Very excited about the 8pm show, it sounds illuminating!!!
I'm sure Barbara will shed some 'light' on the show! XX
Do you think they've had a bright idea at Clarity HQ?
It will become perfectly clear at 8pm tomorrow!!! xx
Lightbulb moment…..
Ha ha ha Clarity has seen the light…xx
Pretty stencil, love the simplicity of this technique. Travel safe bothe of you. Will be watching. Thanks for sharing love Jillyx
Will be watching tomorrow, and Monday can't wait to see the new demos and new products. Time for you to rest for a bit before going up to the TV studios. Make sure you do something that will keep you warm, it's freezing today! XX
So looking forward to watching you wonderful people…..timer set already 😡
Beautiful piece, safe journey and looking forward to seeing all the shows
A lovely piece of at work again. Can you just tell me how you clean the Versamark off the stencil please – last tine I tried this technique I got in one ellovamaess! Best wishes for the shows, I'll get them on catch up as I will be out all day xx
You don't need to squint, how beautiful ! Good luck with the shows, not that you need it! x x
Yes Barbara I see it, without squinting. Lovely artwork, very tranquil, thank you for sharing. Would it be possible to stock the Versamark reinker, I was thinking we could then use the reinker on cut'n'dry foam for inking stencils instead of using up the inkpad ink? I'm going to try to waytch all your shows live, Hochanda live stream on their website has been playing up a lot recently though, so I may need to wait and watch on catch up at quieter times :-(. looking forward to seeing all your demos and new products. Hope you've got chill time planned for today before you travel up. love Brenda xx
(try again – head not functioning today!!!) Hope you have great shows and everything sells out. safe journey xx
Hi Barbara & ladies, this art work looks something different to aim for. Yesterday's art work on the Groovi that was outstanding. When someone has a few minutes could you answer me one question. I bought a distressed marker, but one end of the marker will not work , do I need to stand them a special way, the paint brush end is ok. Could it be they have been in the shop quite a while. Lookin forward to the shows tomorrow and Monday. Have a good weekend all safe journey to you both. Lynn x
Lynn, I think some people left you replies in yesterdays blog regarding your pen xx
Hi Lynn left you a message on yesterday's blog hope it helps xx
Hi Brenda, many thanks the info had a bit of trouble yesterday with my blog. Thought it had not gone through. Must be old age! !!! Not have a good weekend. Lynn x
Hello my lovely, nice to see you! I am having a crafty break from the craft room, before I mess up my canvas (any more than I have already!) Why do I never listen to that inner voice screaming NOOOOOO don't do it……leave it alone! 🙁
I know that one Donna, only too well! Obviously not with canvas though. Yet!!! Do another totally different craft for the rest of today, until your head has worked it out, that usually works for me. I'm just about to see how much I can mess up my Groovi pieces!!!! I got caught up earlier cooking, always takes me far too long. I've ended up with a very large bowl of very very purple soup!!! Beginning to think cooking is like the gelli plate, you never know what you're going to get!!!! xx
Purple soup! Sounds………yummy? You know what would make it taste really good, NUTELLA!! 🙂
It is yummy, and did look good with all the bright purple and orange and green, I like colourful foods, but the other veg are getting stained with the purple now. Do you want some? Got enough to feed everyone round the camp fire tonight! I put red cabbage in. Nutella, aye well, you can go off some folk you know!!!!! xx
Hi Brenda glad to see you here. Purple soup sounds ominous, is it beetroot soup? I've been making some Apple and raspberry crumbles to put in the freezer this afternoon. Find if I do a bulk cook saves me time through the weeks, do it with cottage pies and lasagne too. Take care,and have a good weekend. Love and hugs Pam xx
Ooo, Brenda I love soup, can I come. I wonder if I bring a haggis and wrap it in foil if it would cook on the fire? I could bring some tablet to have with our cuppas.
Our campfire will be a jolly place tonight with purple soup, Scotch pancakes, haggis and crumble! I will have a jar of something tasty too! XX
Aye Julia you're welcome to some. Probably better eaten in the dark with the colour it is now!!! Haggis cooked on the fire sounds good. Anyone got any neeps and tatties to go with it? I've not had tablet for years. We used to get it made for us when we were wee, we liked it best when it went wrong and was all goohy and sticky!!!! Pam it's red cabbage that's made it purple. Donna, you're being frisked, nae Nutella allowed, you can bring some butter for the pancakes instead, and custard for the crumble!!!! I better get back to my short, long, short, long, short long, short, long….. xx
OK I assumed 'tablet' was a spelling mistake but now it seems it is something you eat. Must be a Scottish thing us Sassenachs know nothing about! XX
Tablet is a bit like fudge, but has a more crumbly texture. Good tablet just melts in the mouth! … and now I've got a craving for some…
Ahhh, fudge! OK Ruth you can bring the fudge to the campfire. Hmmmmm fudge might go nicely with…………..
Tablet is lovely Donna you must try some, like fudge but different and very yummy. Purple soup Brenda that sounds interesting. My Money was on purple sprouting broccoli rather than red cabbage bet it tastes good too. I've got tatties ready to bring to the camp fire! Xx
Morning my friend glad yiv managed to get the campfire stocked up can't wait ti taste the purple soup could have done wi that last night late hame Daughter at her friends 40th party don't mind though she hardly ever leaves wee Amy's side she was good for her Gran though well apart from sqeezing all the shampoo doon the loo..see yi later her's a morning cuddle…xx
Mesmerising artwork – really beautiful. I have been deprived for a few days could not get the blog or the TV. However had a lovely few days in Hunstanton and did think of you as we walked for miles along the beach.
Looking forward to all the shows. They will be marvellous as usual.
Love Anne (Reading)
Hi Anne, good to see you back. I was starting to worry something had happened to you. Glad to hear you were missing for a good reason and that you had a lovely time xx
Hello Anne nice to have a good break away hugs xxx
Afternoon Anne, back in time for the shows tomorrow and Monday. Hope you had a lovely relaxing time. XX
I too wondered where you were, glad you had a nice break, I loved Hunstanton when I visited a number of years ago. Happy watching the shows this weekend Anne.xx
Lovely to hear you had a good holiday xxx
Glad to hear you have been chilling Anne..xx
Absolutely amazing – never thought to try this sort of technique with versamark and stencils. I've been trying to work out how to do a different technique using a stencil for a while, and you've just given me an idea for how to do it! Thanks, Susan x
Wow Barbara another stunning piece of art work chill out till you travel safe journey good that your now deligating some shows to Paul he is amazing too glad your listening to your body and sharing the load you amaze me with your talent and dedication crafting hugs xxx
Same question I asked on yesterday's blog when are the arty papers comming on sale a must have for me xxx
Hello Donna Dorothy Diane pam Brenda gilly morag sue57 Julia Alison Chris Francis thinking of you all hope you all having a good day special hugs to you all hugs to all on the blog xxx
I mannage to do some groovi-ing this afternoon well pleased another day pain is controlled oh it does feel good to groovi again xxx
Afternoon Sheila, won't be long till you have all the projects left on the calendar finished ready for each month! I am so pleased you are able to craft again. Sending hugs. XX
Good news about your pain control. No crafting for me today, potted on my tomato seedlings this morning and did a few bits outside as it was actually a bit warmer. Baking this afternoon, a cheesecake to take round to some friends for tea tomorrow. Must get Barbara's light box so I can Groovi in the evenings without eye strain xx
Arty papers will be with us in about a fortnight.
Thank you Barbara look forward to using them xxx
Hi Sheila, so pleased that you're getting some relief from pain now & that you can do your groovy and enjoy it. I finished off a parchment card this morning. Having a bit of trouble with seeing the grids very well. Haven't done any pricking just the dotting. Have a good weekend and enjoy the shows. Love and hugs Pam xxx
It must feel so good to be in control of your pain. I spent such a long time putting a top coat on the woodwork this afternoon and what a mess I made after not making a mess yesterday. My arms, hands, hair and carpet have oil based satinwood all over them. I have washed my arms and hands in white spirit, my hair just looks like I've gone grey overnight and the carpet will get a wee trim with some scissors. I think I'll take myself off to the back room to make a birthday card so I can chill out for a while.
On Julia it might Have been a crafting day not a painting one enjoy crafting tonight xxx
Oooo Donna that would be soooo good but I'm just happy with a little at moment I cannot do June's yet as need the groovi for the outside part sent for it with my groovi black mat may is already to send in though how you doing with yours ? New challange tomorrow and new offers will get my cushions ready for the new arty papers too hugs & smiles xxx
Haven't even thought of May's yet, but I know its a canvas! Arrrrr. Never mind I'm sure following the steps will be easier than freestyling! XX
Morning Sheila so chuffed your grooving away there ..xx
Hello Sheila I'm so pleased to hear you have been able to groovi pain free today. I can feel your joy in your comment. Tom must be over the moon to see you enjoying yourself and not suffering. Big hugs to you both xxx
Hi Sheila,
I'm so pleased that you are at last getting some relief from the pain. Really great to hear that you've been doing some Groovi work too. Love Alison xxx
Afternoon Diane, Pam, Dot, Morag, Gilly and Alison, hope you are all enjoying the long weekend. XX
Morag, are you feeling better or is the world still spinning. XX
Hi Donna, I got in a mess with the canvas I did, hope I get better at it. It seemed I was forever at the sink cleaning everything off, it all dries so quickly. Have a lovely weekend and enjoy the shows. Going to my Nephew's in a while, all having a takeaway Chinese. Take care, love and hugs, Pam xxx
Hi Donna, re your question yesterday, my daughter has a light box so this morning I gave her a stylus, a piece of stencil card and this months groovi plate. She immediately said 'mum it doesn't work'. I had a look and had a go and it is possible but it isn't very easy to see the plate and the lines are very fine. I don't think it would work on an intricate design. We did try a thinner piece of card but it didn't make any difference
Hi Julia, I did wonder if the lines would be too fine to emboss onto card, I will stick to parchment. Thank you for trying and answering my question. XX
Morning rainy and miserable here this morning but need to get to Asda as its mother hubbards cupboard here and back to watch our Barbara see you later might get a jar oh that…..x
Hi Donna I was hoping to be crafty but ended up cleaning then off to a certain Swedish shop for some DVDs storage, you know how quickly time passes in there! I did pick up a untencil pot for my lovely clarity brushes though and some cheep curtain poles for my ribbon habit! I'm hoping to groovie today but must get the grass cut first. Xx
Hi Donna,
Sorry I'm a bit late in commenting but it was really late when we got back from the Lakes yesterday. Anyway we had a lovely time and it was great to catch up with friends. Hope you enjoy the shows today. Love Alison xx
Looking forward to the shows, will be watching on the laptop, hopefully will stream ok. Must try this technique thank you for sharing it Barbara. Have a brilliant weekend and it will be good to have Paul with you to share the load xx
Ooh forgot to say my Diamond club parcel came love it all and my goodie box bought with my voucher came too, all fabulous a real mix of plates including grids to practise with, hubby is away tomorrow & Monday so I can play all weekend!! Hope everyone has a good one xx
Hi Barbara
Oh I love that stencil and what you have created with it. See you on Hochanda tomorrow.
Hugs from Chris X
Love the stencils and will be their watching shows just got home from CEM had a great day 24 of us some new ladies and some from Nottingham group was nice to finally meet up with some of them xxx
How's your dog joy hope it's a better day hugs xxx
Afternoon Barbara, I love the new stencils, and how you have used this one…have a safe journey and I will be watching Paul and you,,.take care ….hugs…Jo. xx
Hi Barbara, Wow !! this is definitely like looking through a beautifully ornate window frame and seeing the view on the other side, really lovely. I am looking forward to seeing your demo's.
Lots of love from Patricia xx
Hi Barbara, Wow !! this is definitely like looking through a beautifully ornate window frame and seeing the view on the other side, really lovely. I am looking forward to seeing your demo's.
Lots of love from Patricia xx
Stunning! I love the gorgeous design and looking forward to seeing the shows.
Enjoy your weekend too!
Linda xxx
That's a wow one Barbara, love it, never thought to use versamark with stencils, brilliant idea, in fact I keep forgetting to use it at all. Will watch the shows with trepidation as I'm not to buy for a while, there's bound to be things I have to have. My paints I ordered came today. My tickets for Crowborough arrived the other day. Seriously though glad Paul is coming with you and taking some of the pressure from you. Have a safe journey and take it easy when you can.xx
Love this oriental stencil Barb, I can see this being a sell out lol!
Love & hUgs
Jacquie J xxx
Hi Diane, Dot, Alison, Gilly, Morag, Pen, Sue57, hope you are all having a nice day. Hope you have managed to get away Gilly and that you can still manage yo rest, and that you're feeling a lot better Morag. Hey Dot you don't live that far from my brother in law, they live in Pitteuchar. We were up their last August for their daughter's wedding. Take care all of you my dear friends, live to all in the blog, enjoy the shows. Love and hugs Pam xxx
Morning Pam small world I'm at the other end near the Golf course have a good day …xx
Hello Pam
Hope you have a good day. Have you thought of filling a cake box with soapy water and putting it on the floor beside you as you work on the canvass ( on newspaper of course with a lid on it!) so when you finish with each bit you can pop it in there and then clean it all at the end? I might be teaching my granny to suck eggs here but sometimes it's the easy things we don't think of to help us. Take care xx
Hi Pam,
Hope you are well and having a good weekend. Looking forward to the shows today although I know I'm going to be poorer after them! Love Alison xx
wow wow wow absolutely beautiful …must try this might have to wait until Crowborough before I buy though as just paid holiday off and the retreat in july … have a great show
I love what you have done with this stencil and it most definitely look like you are looking through a fancy window and I didn't squint. As others are requesting items I'd like somewhere to store my mounting stock of masks.
I will be watching live or catch up
Love this stencil
Hi Barb,
only two words:
But no – two words are not enough:
Your card is amazing and the stencil is definitely on my wishlist!!!
Good luck to you and Paul for tomorrow
Rolf xxx
that is a great stencil. kind of stuff i love, hugs xx
Simple and stunning….simply stunning. Looking forward to all your shows tomorrow. nothing like boxing clever with a bright idea. Xx
Love the stencil and the simplistic yet effective way you've used it. Good luck to you both with the shows. Safe trip xxx
Your demo looks brilliant. Hope shows all go well and great that Paul is helping out, that is a long shift. Good luck to you both. xx
I'm really looking forward to the shows tomorrow. This demo is so lovely, really effective – I could definitely see the window! I've only just finished catching up with Paul's shows from last weekend, so lots of Clarity goodness for me at the moment! Good luck with all the shows x
Have a safe journey and hopefully I'll catch up with you on Monday! I may be a little busy tomorrow! Xxx
Have a safe journey and hopefully I'll catch up with you on Monday! I may be a little busy tomorrow! Xxx
Morning Barbara you'll be up and getting ready for the off knowing your an early burd hopefully you have managed a nice cuppa to calm the nerves although your alway's brilliant.
Love what you have created with the stencil so lovely and hopefully we can see you do it live as I think I could give that a wee go looking forward to all the shows Happy brayering and remember that's what got most off us here in the first place so look out for the fan club getting a wee bit bigger.
Take care safe journey…Xxx
Morning all cushions oot see you on the way doon…xx
Morning Dot think I will be playing catch up as its grass cutting and Grand Prix today! Leave the cushions down though just in case! Isn't it lovely Barbara is going to wow some of the newbies with her magic brayer, as you said it's how we all came to follow Barbara – classic Gray! Hope you are ok xxx
Hi Dot,
Don't keep the cushions to yourself, I'll be needing them too! Love Alison xx
Afternoon Dorothy see you round the camp fire cushions at the ready hugs dear blog friend xxx
Hi Barb, love the piece of art you created, fab new stencil design, safe travels to you and Paul, looking forward to the shows, thankful that Monday is a bank holiday, so can watch the shows and get some crafting done. Bx
Hi Barbara
This is beautiful and to think it's just card ink and embossing powder and a stencil or two. I hope you get time to show it. I do like the look of this stencil, I hope Dot leaves the cushions down! Safe journey today, have fun and what a good idea handing over to Paul on Monday to share the load and save your neck. Take care love Diane xxx
Morning my lovely blog friends, fell asleep whilst commenting last night! Not good. Enjoy watching the shows and have a good day. Xxx
Hi Diane,
Hope you have a good day and enjoy the shows, love Alison xx
Afternoon Diana lots of hugs for today xxx
Hi Barb,
This is gorgeous and yes you are right that it looks as though you are looking through an ornate window. Love the colour you've used, very atmospheric. Really looking forward to the shows and getting my hands on a light tablet. I think it's a great idea that you're hanging over to Paul for the later shows. Obviously we would love yo see you doing them, but I think that it's too much for you to do on your own especially when you've already done the 2 hours before the One day special. At least you know that Paul will do a fabulous job as well – you and Clarity are lucky that you've got Paul and Maria sharing that heavy load for you. Good luck for the shows ( although you won't need it!) love and hugs, Alison xxx
Hi to all my lovely blog friends,
Hope you're all getting ready for the shows today and that there are some big cushions waiting! Had a fabulous day yesterday visiting friends in the Lakes – haven't seen them since last year so that was lovely. Only downer on the day was that Sunderland are now back in relegation zone! Anyway, what will be, will be! Enjoy the day and the shows, love and hugs Alison xx
Afternoon Alison shows on record so don't miss anything cushions ready so lovley you had a great time in the lakes it's one of my favourite places to visit I cannot go now but have some lovley memories I love Beatrix potter once took my granddaughter on a day trip to her home was wonderful and once stayed in the guest house for a week near the house and pub in the village wow lots of hugs xxx
Afternoon to all my dear blog friends thinking of you all hugs to all on the blog xxx
This is brilliant Barbara! I realise you are on right now so must catch the last ten minutes or so. Must dash! x
Wow. I like it.
Fabulous! xxx
Great shows today. Loving the light
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تأتي مدينة الدمام ضمن اهم المدن فى المملكة العربية السعودية ولهذا نجد بها العشرات من شركات نقل الاثاثوالعفش التي تحتاج الي ترتيب وتمييز لذلك قمنا بتحديد افضله
شركة نقل اثاث بالدمام إلى تقديم خدمات على مستوى عالى من الجودة نظرا لما تشكله مهمة نقل الأثاث من صعوبات وتحديات كبيرة تستدعى الاستعانة
شركة نقل عفش بالخبر عميلنا العزيز هل اختيار شركة نقل اثاث امر يشغلك ،هل تبحث عن منخصصين ولم تجدبالدمام ؟ اليكم عملاؤنا الكرام الشركة الاقوي شركة كشف تسربات المياه غرب الرياض
شركة الصفرات لتنظيف الخزانات بالرياض