Starbook Competition Winners and Limericksters!
Hi there!
Thanks for popping in on this sunny Friday !
We have been having a hearty laugh at the brilliant limericks here at the office.
There has been much hilarity
as I have read them out to the crew here in the art-room.
On the laughometer, this one definitely hit the spot….
There once was a woman called Jean
Who bought a sewing machine
She was in over her head
Lost sight of the thread
And sewed her nose to her spleen……
Yep, the Nose & Spleen has it.
So a £20 Gift Voucher goes to Cedric.
Very well done to all of you though;
laughter is so good for the soul.
Now. Less of the Hilarity and more of the Clarity!
Remember the Star Book Challenge I set last week?
So many lovely Starbursts! Really lovely!
I thought it would be nice to showcase a selection of the
entries received,
entries received,
so that you can see how delightful they are too.
Alison Metcalfe
Donna Brookes
Eileen Chicote-Hughes
Jocelyn Butler
Julia Evans
Moira Parker
Penny Hewitt
Rolf Wilhelmi

Dawn Sirdefield
Aren’t they exceptional ??!
Each and every one.
I was especially impressed with the parchment pieces – they must have been so hard to do!
A winner? Impossible.
You’re all winners in my starbook.
So £30 Gift Vouchers will be sent out to all of those lovely pieces posted here today.
Because you are all stars.
(Email me your addresses and I will get it organised next week)
Have a great weekend xx
Love & Hugs,
106 thoughts on “Starbook Competition Winners and Limericksters!”
Morning Barbara, beautiful star books, well done to everyone, very funny limerick too 🙂 xx
Congratulations to all of the winners
I would have loved to enter the starbook one but when I asked what the email address was to send photo's to no one let me know 🙁
Well done everyone beautiful work . X
What wonderful work, stunning. And a very funny Limerick too
Hi Barb,
Thank you so much for your generosity! I know what mine will be used for – the new plates that Maria showcased, now I can get all three sets- yeah!! Congratulations to the other winners too – yours are all works of art. Congratulations to Cedric too for the Limerick – how funny was that. You've made my day today Barb, I needed cheering up as Scamp ( my cat) broke her pelvis/ hip yesterday and has to have very restricted movement for 10-12 weeks in a cage. We got the biggest one the pet shop had ( for a Rottweiler !) so we can put everything in it for her. She is so miserable poor little thing, can't walk and is somewhat incontinent because she get balance! Washing machine going non stop at moment. Still on the bright side, I've still got her and she should make a full recovery. So thank you for cheering me up, love Alison xxx
Well day done Alison! Sorry to hear about your cat. Years ago one of ours had a pelvic injury and even had her tail amputated! She lived on for 19 years with no further problems once she healed. We kept her in a very large computer box that I brought home for work and had to put chicken wire over it. Why we didn't buy a cage I have no idea ! Also my in laws used to call in each day to sit with her while me and hubby went to work! Brings back memories! Our cats send yours pussy hugs X x
Well done! Your card is beautiful!
Thanks Jackie. scamp fast asleep and snoring at the moment! Just managed to get first lot of medicine down her – put it in some Bisto gravy! Xxxx
Thanks Morag as well xxxx
Great star card Alison. Hope Scamp has a speedy recovery.xx
Lovely star card Alison, I hope scamp makes a speedy recovery – enjoy spending your voucher xx
Wishing scamp a good recovery xxx
Well done everyone. That Limerick was a good one. I printed the star book instructions out so will have a go one day when less pressed for time! It was good to see the different ones. I'm going to do some shaving foam papers this afternoon and have a go at the calendar challenge! X
Beautiful star cards everyone and loved the winning limerick 😀
Wow wow wow – Thank you soo soooooo much for your generosity, love and support.
I am over the moon. Well done everyone else and I have nearly wet myself with the limerick. Fantastic…. just what I needed today.
Well a great big Crafty hugs to everyone.
Pen x
Well done. Another beauty
A really fun limerick and wonderful star books, so congratulations to all. x
So out of my depths against all your talented followers. Wish God had made me clever instead of beautiful! HA HA.
Fabulous, star books, all very worthy of a prize, though very generous Barbara to give one to all.
Congratulations every one! Your starbooks are fantastic. Congratulations too to Cedric..a very funny limerick.
Barbara a great competition, and such wonderful generosity in giving them all a much deserved prize xxx
Boohoooo am sobbing here. I sent my starbook in and it isn't here! sob sob sob. These are all gorgeous and way better than mine but I did send it, honest injun! Well done Cedric, brilliant limerick. xxxx
Sorry Dawn, my bad x
All lovely designs, and well deserved winners. Mine must also be lost in the email ether with Dawn's, as I still have the inky fingers to show that I made it!! Great limerick too – well done Cedric. Susan x
I know it was received Susan cos I had an email reply back saying well done. sob sob sob xxx
Sorry Susan, my bad.
No problem Barbara – I've been having my own little battle with technology for the last few days, and the lovely Emma Burns has been helping me to sort out my blog blinky problems, with only one fully functioning arm! I was fully expecting it to be me (again)…x
So is there to lovely ladies with the same name thought it was you my lovely… if you ever get to grips with the techy side send some help for me will you..
Oh how very generous Barbara , they are all lovely , and there were many very funny limericks
What a fabulous vacation you had Jan hope you had a ball…xx
Beautiful starbooks, that is a very generous thing to do Barbara. Not sure I would have been able to choose. I so wanted to make one but the week disappeared with grandchildren to look after. I will have a go though, think my great niece would like one for her birthday. Limericks were wonderful, so funny. xx
Wowee and thank you, you are a very generous lady, Ms Barbara Gray! I'm just so thrilled to see my contribution on screen. A great display from all participants, too.
As for the Limerick, visualising it is so funny.
Rubbish day here – very wet and very windy so now the curry prep for tonight's dinner is done, off to craft; new Groovi plates have arrived.
Thanks again.
Well done Shelagh. Lovely creation. Enjoy your prize. xx
A lovely card x
Many thanks, Lynne and Morag. Good piercing and snipping practice. Lol. ;~}
Wow Shelagh your star book melts my heart it's stunning you should put it up for a prize I would love one made by you xxx
Made another this evening, Sheila; just had to try out Groovis which arrived today. ;~}
Well done Cedric. That's really funny.
The Starbucks are all amazing well done and very generous of you Barbara x
Oh Cedric quite revoltingly funny. Love the star books that I have never tried but lots of ideas to get me going. How fantastic that you all won, how generous is that.
So disappointed not to see my star book here either. It was emailed on the 16th February x
sorry Linda, didn’t get the email.
Just checked with your office and it was the wrong email! Have resent to the correct one now xxxxx
Lovely star books ladies. How generous of you Barbara. I love the limerick too. Very funny. Xx
WOW!!! What a great start to the weekend!!!
Barbara, you are the most generous lady I know!!! Thank you so much.
Congrats to the other winners and cedric for his limerick.
Rolf xxx
You made a beautiful card. Congratulations x
What great Limerick Cedric and star bursts beautiful confessed didn't get time to do one next time I must make more effort but this cough and cold getting me down lots congrats everyone have a good weeken everyone hope all goes well at trade show Barbara hugs Joy and Katie xxx
Wow Barbara you are so generous. Well done everybody the star books are lovely and I laughed at all of the limericks, (i am hopeless at them!!).Haven't attempted a star book yet, as we are away and I only have limited supplies but will download instructions and have a go. Have a good weekend at the trade show xx
Congratulations everyone, some beautiful artwork there and loved Cedric's limerick. Have a good weekend. Fran x
Hi Barbara, what an exceptionally generous lady you are. Congratulations to all the winners.
And to those that didn't maybe it will be your turn to win a prize next time. You've still learned a beautiful new technique that you wouldn't have otherwise, that's a win in my book.
Hopefully if things get sorted out here I'll be able to start joining in your wee challenges at some point, to feel a part of it. Although definitely not your limerick competitions, couldn't write one to save my life!!!!
Very best wishes and good luck for your trade show
love Brenda xx
Have a great weekend Brenda xxx
Thank you Barbara :-), I'll try to. I'll try to leave all the problem stuff alone for a couple of days and see if I can craft instead xxxx
Evening Brenda, leaving the problems sounds like a good plan! Xx
So lovley to have you here Brenda sending lots of hugs for you & daisy xxx
I so hope you can leave the problems to one side for a while and do some crafting Brenda – Daisy would love one of these star books to play with x
After I get my eyes tested tomorrow I'll be crafting. I have some things I'd rather not be thinking about for a while so perhaps we will be crafting together Brenda.
Glad to see you on here Brenda. That's right try to forget your problems for a little while and do some craft. It'll help you relax.xxx
Brenda how lovely to see you. I'm sure a bit of crafting will help you to relax and forget about things for a while. Sending hugs to you and Daisy xxx
Brenda your just a lovely person to know I'm so glad your here I miss you when yi dinae manage but understand.
here's yir cuddle xx
I'm glad that you're feeling a bit better now x
Thank you everyone for your lovely messages :-). It's to be wet and windy here all weekend so no sun to entice me into my craft room, but I'm going to try. I think, if I get there, I'll be making a wee stash of spritz and flick backgrounds. I need yellow/green ones, but I'll do a stash of random colours too for my scrap box. Something that can't go wrong, famous last words eh!!! Plenty other things lying to be done if my head gets in the zone.
thank you xx
Zone it oot hen you know yi can dae it hope yi got my message last blog miss yi need ti know yir ok sorry its a Dot thing maybe yil undersaund..xx
I did Dot and I know it's because you care and worry :-).
Do you know you get drop in places in town centres that's free and they are very knowledgeable people, they'd tell you everything Amy and your daughter is entitled to, help you fill in the forms with the right information to get the best outcome, and help you if you need to appeal anything. Please tell me what part of Fife you live in and I'll have a search online to see if I can find your nearest one. If I can't find one I'll give you the number of the really good one in Edinburgh that my old service use. You could phone them to ask where it is or they may be able to help you over the phone if there isn't one near you.
I'm not forgetting about helping you with recording Barbara's shows via your laptop. I've had very big complex official complaints to write on top of everything else, but I'm almost done there. let me get those finished and sent off and then I'll help you with it, in wee baby steps at your pace. It seems straightforward, and you can put what you record on DVDs and start your own Barbara library 🙂 xx
What fabulous Starbooks, congratulations everyone! Congrats also to Cedric. I have to admit it was your limerick that made me chuckle the loudest – it conjured up such a picture!
Have a great time at the NEC this weekend, Barbara. Hope it's not ALL work and no play. May I ask, if/when we see the Ken and Barbie Show – or were you just kidding?
Tonbridge Sue
Yay! What a treat for a Friday! I loved making my mine so will be using this technique again. Thank you Barbara and well done to all the other star book winners, I really love the parchment ones too. Xx
A lovely starcard Donna.x
Evening Sheila, Diane, Pam and Dot. Happy Friday everyone! Xx
Evening Donna beautiful star book enjoy spending your voucher well deserved xxx
Hi Donna, well done, your star card was brilliant. Have a super weekend.xx
Hi Donna
Your star book was lovely – have fun spending your voucher – what a lovely end to your half term xxx
Whoop Whoop happy half term clever friend chuffed for yi…xx
congratulations on all the starbooks .so generous of you Barbara,I didn't get round to doing one as back to work ..looking forward to receiving the feb diamond club goodies though ..
Wow Barbara how generous you are so many stunning star books no wonder you spoilt them all all very worthy winners congratulations to you all .the Limerick was a brilliant choice too
Have a great weekend at the NEC.
Lots of hugs xxx
Evening Dorothy Diane pam gilly sending lots of hugs your way
Hugs to all on the blog xxx
Hi Sheila, hope you've had a good day and that you have a lovely weekend.xxx
Hi Sheila! Hope that you are coping ok – special hugs on their way, Gilly xxx
Hi Sheila hope you've had a good day today. Have you and Tom got anything good planned for the weekend? Xxx
Evening my wee Sheila the best oh hugs ti you and Tom look after each other hugs all the way doon there fi yir wee Scottish pal..xx
Evening my dear blog friends decorator comming weekend to decorate craft room Tom has found out how much craft I've got as he has had to move it all into the conservatory I can still get to my groovi and I know I will need it tomorrow thank you for messages they keep me going xxx
Congratulations everyone, fabulous starbooks and very funny limerick Cedric.
Congratulations to all the worthy winners. The art work was truly lovely, and the limerick daft and funny. X
Hello Barbara
What worthy winners. The limerick is very very funny and the starbooks are fantastic.
Hello Barbara
What worthy winners. The limerick is very very funny and the starbooks are fantastic.
Wow! Well done everyone 🙂 Mxx
Hi Barbara, Congratulations to all the lucky Winners !! Brilliant limerick, and fabulous starbooks.
Lots of love from Patricia xx
Congrats to everyone, and enjoy spending your vouchers….lots of goodies to choose from that's for sure!
Have a great weekend all x
Love the limerick! Beautiful starbooks each and everyone – hope you all enjoy your prizes!
I'm not long home from doing a double shift at work – my back aches and my feet hurt. I've been down in the dumps all week and I read the blog and I'm in it and I've won a voucher…woohoo, I'd do a dance if I wasn't so stiff – I'll just have to have a wee glass of something instead. Thank you Barbara, you've fairly cheered me up. Well done to the others who did a star book, amazing work. The limerick was a cracker. I'm off to the website to see what I'll spend the voucher on.
Glad I put a smile on your face. That was my intention xxx
Well done. Your card is lovely.
What a lovely end to your week Julie, have fun spending 🙂 xx
Aye been there wi the feet funny how a wee gless o wine helps hen magic…xx
Evening Julia hope your shopping helps you through hugs xxx
How generous you are Barbara, I wouldn't have been able to pick one winner out of all those entries. They were all brilliant. Well done all of you winners enjoy your prizes, also Cedric a very funny limerick. Hope you enjoy the Trade Show Barbara.xxx
Hi Diane, hope you've had a good day. Enjoy your weekend.xxx
Hi Dot, hope your Friday has been good, have a lovely weekend.xxx
Hi Pam hope you have a lovely weekend too, let's hope the sun shines! Xxx
Hiya Pam I'm fine the night got a weekend off from Granny duties now so now its going to be Groovi weekend think I'm getting a wee bit addicted my daughter has just pinched my baby one never been interested in crafty stuff she has well until now…xx
Great limerick and fab starbooks, congratulations to all the winners. I did try to make one but truly got confused but will have a go another time …….maybe. x
Hi Barbara made a lot of our Clarity family very happy tonight well done all of you Cedric so funny limerick and star book winners well done your all amazing.
Take care…Dot
What happened in the big space see Auld folk and this tinternet thingy no a match made in heaven me thinks..xx
Hello Dot oh big spaces are all the rage my lovely lady! Enjoy your weekend xxx
Hi Barbara – sounds like you have made some people very happy!! Well done to you all, they are beautiful, and Cedric – what can I say, you are obviously a natural at this limerick composition!! Well done!! Hope that you have a very successful time at the NEC Barbara – I am sure that you will! Hugs from Gilly xxx
Hi Barbara
What a good Limerick choice, that one made me chuckle too, well done. Cedrick X
The star books are stunning – the parchment ones are fabulist! Well done everyone, enjoy your spend. Have a great weekend in Birmingham Barbara
Love Diane xxxx
Hi Diane hope you have had a lovely day was just wondering what wee Scottish words wee Emma will come out with now if you need any translation let me know..lol..xx
Dear Barbara thank you so much for being so generous. I am thrilled my project made it through such tough competition. Well done to the other star bookers. You are such a generous lady, your team fantastic and this community that I feel part of, who also show everyone such kindness through their thoughtful words and comments on your blog. Thanks everyone.Moirax
A lovely card Moira x
Hilarious Limerick and wonderful star books – congratulations everyone! Enjoy! xxx
Oh flip! I must have sent my email to the wrong address too on 16th. Gutted, that might explain why I didn't get a response about another matter I'd emailed about too. Which email address is the correct on? I just thought Barbara had picked these as her favourites and mine wasn't one of them. Congratulations to all the winners, the Limerick made me laugh.Wx
Congratulations to Cedric for the Limerick win, and to all those beautiful star book winners, they are really beautiful. Wish I had finished mine on time. Bx