What would you say?
Hi there.
Pull up a chair!
It’s good to see that you’re here and you care.
So Friday’s here,
I can hear you cheer!
And below is some art that I’d like to share.
One day in LA at the CHA,
nobody was giving me the time of day!
I’d smile and chat –
and they’d walk away.
I’d chat and smile –
and they’d run a mile!
So there I stood with my Groovi Selection,
and all I was feeling was total rejection.
They weren’t even slowing down their pace;
High heels and suits flew by in the race.
So before my head got my mouth into trouble,
I went into my Clarity Bubble,
and got into the groove with a plate or two,
did something that I like to do.
Stopped fretting about folks in the aisle,
or being friendly or trying to smile,
and focussed on the lines and squares.
So what if they walk by? Who really cares?!
Just for a while I let it go,
the business, the people and the show.
the business, the people and the show.
And when I looked up after a while,
there was a lady with a huge smile.
“This looks so cool!”
she said to me,
and opened the door, gave me the key.
That’s all it takes to build the bridge:
A smile and a positive word.
Not hard really.
I didn’t get to finish my artwork, because we got busy after that.
And I have to go now – can’t finish my rhyme!
Paul has just arrived for supper!
I will find this artwork in the suitcase and finish it tomorrow.
But the truth is it did its job in LA
It helped me clear my head.
Which word would you add to the space?
I have one. Can you guess what it is?
Love & Hugs,
119 thoughts on “What would you say?”
I don´t know if I got you right
RELAX is the word you hide?
However I wish "Good Appetite"
for your supper with Dave and Paul tonight!
Rolf xxx
I'd put 'inspire' because that's what you do!
Glad to know you're back home safe and sound and can't wait to see what you have for us next! Xxx
I'd put 'inspire' because that's what you do!
Glad to know you're back home safe and sound and can't wait to see what you have for us next! Xxx
The word I would add would be Joyous, because you achieved what you set out to do ! Reeled the American audience in to get in the Groove X
Faith. I believe that from all the negativity you have experienced you have spoken to someone who admires your work. So have 'faith in yourself' this time it is going through happen and America conquered.
Faith was the word that sprung to my mind first.
Have Faith in yourself and your product – both are AWESOME!
Clearly! Welcome home, enjoy your supper x
inspire as you always inspire me xx
welcome.I love the art work
'Groovi' Xxx
'Groovi' Xxx
I think 'smile". Enjoy your evening and hope you are not experiencing too much jetlag!! xx
Maybe I'd put 'Mindful' or possibly 'Inspire'.
Sometimes it's a real struggle to get people on side especially if it's something as new and innovative as Groovi, but I'm glad it all worked out.
Tonbridge Sue
Tonbridge Sue
Create and I the groovi got my cottages and groovi from your last show and wow could believe how big the house stencils is looking forward to playing with them. Enjoy your lovely dinner xxx
Well,I've got it for sure —– in the space I would put GRACE — because it is what you received as you sat in your place . God bless and joy now , jan
How about "sod 'em"?!?
I like "Faith" as Elaine suggested, or "Connect", one of my touchstone words.
Whichever it is, what a powerful way to deal with a negative situation.
Hope you're having a break and getting over the trip – it must have been draining. I hope your last day tour was good! Not too much work talk with Paul over dinner now!
Haha Lucinda, I like Sod em, it works well! Xxx
Very pretty, Barbara. Going to have a play with my groovi plates tomorrow. xx
I think I would add 'relax' You certainly deserve to!!
Calm…cos you were trying to keep your two gremlins at bay xx
Calm…cos you were trying to keep your two gremlins at bay xx
It needs to be Shalom – a wonderful word encompassing so much: According to Strong's Concordance Shalom means completeness, wholeness, health, peace, welfare, safety soundness, tranquillity, prosperity, perfectness, fullness, rest, harmony, the absence of agitation or discord. Shalom comes from the root verb shalom meaning to be complete, perfect and full. All from one simple word x
Clarity (of the mind … clear thinking)
Clarity (of the mind … clear thinking)
Friendly! After all, everyone needs a friendly smile now and again, or at least someone to make you feel that what you are doing is worthwhile 🙂 Have a lovely evening xxx
Glad you are home safe and sound. I would put Clarity – that is what you had which put you in the bubble – a moment of Clarity. Hope you get some time to chill before Wurka and Hollick drag you back to the madness. Xxx
Serenity, I think that is what the Groovi creates.
That’s all it takes to build the bridge:
A smile and a positive word.
Not hard really.
Especially when you are
Creating with Clarity Groovi.
Glad your home safe and sound have a rest you.and Dave xxxx
I think I would choose Hello. It only takes a second but it shows you have registered a fellow human being who may just need a kind word.
Enjoy ou weekend.
M F Mxxx
I would put Believe cos if you believe in yourself, you will succeed – as you always do Barb. Glad to see you are both safely home. Have a relaxing weekend before Wurka and Hollick get at you on Monday!!!
I'd put mindfulness in there Barb….by focusing on just creating a door opened without you even trying. So glad it all worked out. Have a mellow weekend xx
Tranquility – I think you were in a little oasis of calm in the Groovi zone. Lovely piece of work, and I look forward to seeing the final project. Susan x
The word would have to be PEACE. Knew you would convince them Groovi was …well…..Groovi!! Enjoy your dinner. Xx
Evening Brenda, Sheila, Diane, Pam and Dot. Thank crunchy its Friday! Xx
Ha ha must have been typing at the same time you got to remember my laptops coal fired compared ti yir hi tech tablet have a great weekend my friend celebrating my daughters 40th tomorrow so might be a bit late after the champagne and bits…take care.xx
Oooo Dot, enjoy the bubbles, hic! Xx
Hi Donna hope you've had a good day, got the weekend to look forward to. It's going to be a cold one by the look of it. Love & hugs Pam xx
Evening Donna late tonight my internet is playing up enjoy crafting at the weekend
I got my wee houses and shops today and the hen and cockerel set from the members sale hopefully craft over the weekend hugs xxx
Hi Donna
Yeah it's Friday, have a good weekend and stay in the warm and do lots of crafting! Xxxxx
I think 'Hope' – which is the word that I have chosen to apply to my life this year. Both my husband and I have health issues, indeed at the moment we are awaiting the result of a biopsy that he had last Monday. I think that it would work for you in this instance too – because obviously you were 'hoping' that all would go well for Clarity at the CHA. Enjoy your weekend – we look forward to seeing the finished piece of artwork. Nice to have you back home, safe and sound! xxx
All you need is LOVE
All you need is love love
Love is all you need
We all love it so
Let's build that bridge
All the way from wee Edenbridge
P.S. Dinae burn the sausage rolls ….x
take care Welcome Home.
Evening Donna Sheila Diane Pam hugs to all
Brenda missing yi come in my lovely let me know yir ok here's yir cuddle…xx
love to all Dot ..xx
Hi Dot, missed you yesterday. Have a super day celebrating tomorrow. Love and hugs Pam xx
Hi have a lovley day celebrating your daughters birthday it's toms birthday tomorrow too
Will be thinking of you hugs xxx
Hi Dot have a lovely time celebrating and enjoy the champers- does it make you giggly? I'm terrible and giggle until I get hiccups! Xxxx
Gratitude or believe or patience …. Enjoy a peaceful evening
Crafty hugs Pen x
Very glad it's Friday, I'm pooped. I think the word is Faith, you kept yours and the Groovi system sold it's self, congrats xx
Patience! I love the poem and I hope you and Paul have a pleasant evening.
Linda xx
Good to see you home again Barbara. I think the word is Breath. xx Claire
Believe! 😉
Believe would be the word for me. Believe in your products and yourself and the rest will follow. Welcome home, Barbara.
Welcome home!
Serenity. Because I bet that was the vibe you were unconsciously projecting, which attracted the woman to your stall. 🙂
p.s. Yes, welcome home! xx
Hi Barbara, such a poignant poem from you today. What a very sad and lonely, disheartening place to be. I can feel it. Even though I know it turned into such a positive experience for you. I would say you need to write more than one word – calm your mind, have faith. It's what I'm desperately searching for, and failing to find, today to put my rampaging gremlins and bad feelings in their place. Maybe I need to get my Groovi stuff out again, not well enough physically to do it just now, but I'll keep it in mind for when I am, now I've found the parchment! Good to have you back and glad it went so well for you in the end, it's the least you deserve. Big bear hugs and love, Brenda xx
Thank you for all the wee messages and not forgetting me my blog friends, much appreciated. It would be totally understandable if you had! Sorry, I'm not strong enough in my head just now for explaining what's going on. Love and hugs, Brenda xx
Dear Brenda, I don't often blog, but I read every comment every day, and like so many others, I have missed you. You have the love of many friends xx stay strong and lean on us if we can help in any way.
Hi Brenda, lovely to see you on here again, hope you will feel strong enough soon to join us, even if it's just to offload yourself, you know what they say 'a problem shared is a problem halved'. God Bless love and hugs Pam xxx
Hello dear blog friend so nice to have you here hugs xxx
Hello Brenda, there you are, that's made my day. Lovely to see you and send you and Daisy a big hug. Hope you are nice and warm and not too much snow in your parts. Take care my lovely xxxxxx
Hey Brenda, glad you came, good to hear from you. Looking forward to seeing you again. Keep strong. Much love Karen xxx
Hi Brenda – been missing your posts. Take care and big hugs
Pen x
I read the blogs daily , and have missed you . Sending positive energy all the way across the pond from the good ole USA . May you feel,the loving presence and the joy within . Jan
Thank you will never forget you. You are one of the reasons I'm here
stay strong love yi…xx
That was fir oor Brenda…xx
Bonjour Brenda! Nice to see you my friend. Xx
Hi Barb, I'd add two words 'And breathe'……….have to say it to myself all the time! 😉 xx
'Trust' as in trust your own instincts and business acumen. Well done Barbara xx
Freedom … from all the helpful thinking xxxx
For me it would be peace or calm or possibly even faith! Keep the faith Barbara, if you Groovi it they will come! Welcome home, hugs Karen xxx
Spring. As soon as I saw the image I thought it looked like the new flowers of the year coming out of the corner.
Good to see you back home. The word I would choose is 'Believe'. Believe that after all of your hard work, your dreams will come true. No-one deserves it more x
Smile of course. It can change everything.
Smile of course. It can change everything.
Serenity is the word i would have chosen to put into the space. The only other word i could choose is Chilled. Groovi does this for me though my latest piece of clarity groovi is for much sadder reasons but it is i hope a beautiful piece.
Really glad you are home safe and sound. Enjoy your dinner with Paul! Looking forward to lots of crafting tomorrow as I have lots of birthday cards to make. Most will be stencilled and stamped. In the next two weeks I have four family birthdays as well as several friends. I am really looking forward to creating some nice cards.
Really glad you are home safe and sound. Enjoy your dinner with Paul! Looking forward to lots of crafting tomorrow as I have lots of birthday cards to make. Most will be stencilled and stamped. In the next two weeks I have four family birthdays as well as several friends. I am really looking forward to creating some nice cards.
Hi Barbara,
Success. As that was what the art work achieved.
Hi Barb
'Believe'…in yourself, your product, your ability, your experience, and in others for realising their potential creativity.
Have a great weekend xx
Hi Barb, great that you are back! I have loved reading all the suggestions and would choose either Faith or Hope, both so appropriate. When things are not so good, hope is always the most difficult, don't you think? Enjoy being back, and try to relax now! Love, Ruth
I'd put believe. To reinforce my belief in human nature which more often than not prevails in a good way
love Marilyn
What about ' have a nice day' x
Hello Barbara
'Peacefulness' if there is such a word, lol.
Brenda it is lovely to hear from you again. Keep your chin up and try and stay strong.
Hi Barbara, I think I'd use Beauty because it's beautiful, Harmony and Serenity would also be good as its very serene and the flowers are in perfect harmony. Hope you and Dave have had a lovely meal and super evening with Paul. Hope you get time to relax this weekend after your busy week. Love Pam xx
Hi Sheila and Diane, hope you've had a good day today. Love,and hugs,Pam xx
Hi pam how's your pain ? I've spent most of today in bed bit of a bad day big hugs xxx
Hi Pam hope your back is more comfortable today, Emma's last day at home today so sorting out washing etc then we've just got back from London so she could catch the coach . I think she's going to find it extremely cold in Aberdeen when she gets back tomorrow morning! Xxxxx
I think that my whole sentence would be -Thank goodness for the peace found in Groovi.
Welcome home, Barb and Dave X
BELIEVE,that would be the word I would use. Welcome home. Hope all was a success. xx
Barbara the words( are (get in the groovi it will take you far )welcome home big crafting hugs xxx
Hello Diane lots of hugs xxx
Hello Sheila hope you feel more comfortable in the morning and, as it's past midnight – happy birthday Tom! Have a lovely day together xxxxxx
I would say 'believe, too. Glad you are home and have a lovely evening! xxx
I think the word is Believe too. You just have to believe in your own talent, the quality of the product, and the beauty of parchment work…….
……If you believe, they will come!
(A quote from Field of Dreams) x
I think the word is Believe too. You just have to believe in your own talent, the quality of the product, and the beauty of parchment work…….
……If you believe, they will come!
(A quote from Field of Dreams) x
I am deliberately not scrolling up to see what everyone else has until I have typed my word.
Breathe: breathe
That's all you have to worry about and all you need to focus on Karen xx
Just me and one other put Breathe! I am now wondering if we are the odd bods are the ones that realise breathe is just a word that relaxes me when I'm scared, frightened or worrying. I tell myself to Breathe and let the rest of it go xx
I have read them all tonight and I think the word should be Believe as so many others have said believe in what you do.
Lovely to enjoy such a great blog i try to pop in every day love your work and all your protucts waiting on a parcel to arrive x
Before I read through the comments,
My first thought was of 'Believe'
But then got to thinking a little bit more.
Of what Clarity Stamps has achieved.
With a product as 'Special' as 'Groovi,'
Then 'Happy' must please you, I'm sure,
And for us 'Inspire' is the buzz word
With all planned additions and more.
But from your insightful description
Of those who 'Walked on By'
They are the ones who'll regret such a snub
To Clarity, Quality and Pride!
A late and I little ditty from the Metz house. ;~}
Hi Barbara
I'm so glad that lady stopped and smiled and changed your day around. It can be very lonely sometimes when you are surrounded by people can't it. I think the word should be Clarity.
Hope you had a lovely evening catching up with Paul. Enjoy your weekend – and don't forget to relax!
Love Diane xxxx
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Morning Barbara,I would say either Believe or Acceptance. Berlieve in yourself and accept that what happens is what is meant to happen at this time.
Lovely work, I believe that seeing someone enjoying time with the product makes it sel! Itself
Believe………..that is because we all believe in the wonderful groovi's and what you have so far achieved, looking forward avidly to the next releases, I have got every one of the plates so far…….what am I like.
Stay safe, healthy and happy, hugs, June Smith xxx
I'd put serenity as that is how I feel when I am being Groovi! Just started, seriously, I need more plates already!!! Not nearly as good as I'd like to be but practice, practice, practice!!x
Hello Barb, glad you are back safe and sound. Hope you had a good catch up with Paul. Love the start of this artwork, looking forward to where you go with it. I think the word is courage, because you need that to just back off and not get embroiled in situations and with things you cannot control. I still have the Groovi system on my wish list, but well the bills have to come first. Take care. Bx
Beleive. This wasn't the first word that popped into my head admitedly, sincerity was. Having done craft/trade shows in the past I know what it's like to have that barrier between you and them. Bridging it is hard, harder when negative comments are made in your earshot, but that's people. It worked out in the end with messers Rubbernecker. Love the poetry. Hapoy weekend, warm regards, Julia
Believe is very popular but I think Bloom would be better. I can see all the flowers growing and filling the page!
I think I would need two words – Stay Optimistic. I am glad things took off after that slow beginning. Well done to that lady for seeing what you were showing her with your Groovi relaxing. Welcome back home. xx Maggie
Patience – is that too long?
My first thought when I saw the squares was gingham and there'd be a lot you could do with that and flowers. Welcome back ! x x
Special- That's you and the things you do.
Like many others, I think 'believe' is a really good one. Maybe you could suggest to people that they 'smile'!! I imagine it's good to be home. Mxx
It reads more like a Mindfulness Wednesday post than a Friday 🙂
What a week you've had, sorry you have to be ignored at first but sooooo glad that the week was successful after that. Pleased that taking time out for YOU and getting Groovi brought people and customers to you
Hope the jet lag hasn't hit you too badly
The first word that came to my mind was "breathe". There are others appropriate as well.