Mum and I in Baden Baden…
Hi there!
Thanks for stopping by today.
I am spending a few days with my Mum, as I do every year before Christmas.
Usually, we drive over to Germany and fill the boot with German delicacies, like Sauerkraut and Lebkuchen.
But this year, after the events that took place in Paris, both she and I elected to stay at home, and not venture beyond the English frontier.
Well, today we were reminiscing about our antics in Baden Baden, when we rattled down the cobble streets with the shopping trollies.
And so I decided to share the anecdote with you again.
That way, I get to hang out with my Mum and read the story to her too.
So let’s cast our minds back to last December, almost a year to the day….
Mum and I have had another great day in Baden Baden, and it isn’t over yet!
Today was grocery shopping day. You see, the main reason we make this annual expedition to the Fatherland, is so that Mum (and I!) can buy all the German Wurst and Speck and fabulous food that you can’t get in England. Don’t get me wrong! We scoured most of the Lidls in the Southeast corner before we came, because they do sell a lot of the German things we like, but Sauerkraut (pickled cabbage), Rotkohl (red cabbage) and Dominosteine (a gingerbread speciality) just haven’t made it across the water yet…Sounds pretty rank doesn’t it, all that cabbage, but it’s beautiful. And SOGOODFORYOU!
So this morning we set off and quickly found Wagener, the perfect super market just 10 minutes walk from the hotel. It was a bit weird, only because it was on the second floor of a department store, but who cares?!
Just look at the bakery! Trouble is, I always end up getting carried away, and today was no exception.
So we’ve got enough red cabbage to feed an army and enough Sauerkraut to put the enemy out of action for at least a fortnight!
I can never go to a German supermarket without getting whipped up into some sort of chocolate, coffee, Lebkuchen, Wurst frenzy…
As we went through the checkout, it suddenly occurred to me that I had to carry this lot back to the hotel. And Glass Jars of cabbage weigh heavy…
We each had a shopping trolly, so decided to at least get the the ground floor of the store.
Elevator down then.
So we trundled through to the front door, through the posh clothes area with our food carts, and Mum suddenly said, “let’s keep going. We can’t carry this lot!”
“We can’t do that!” I said.
“We’re doing it!” she laughed and shot through the exit. So there we were in the Baden Baden pedestrian precinct, trundling over the cobbles with not one but two trolleys, headed for the hotel! Over the Zebra crossing, through the lights. Past a very oooh la la gallery. Oh boy, did we get some looks!!
If people were only half as concerned about flashers in saunas as they were about us two with our trollies, but it obviously wasn’t the done thing! People were staring at us as if we’d nicked the crown jewels, but we kept on trundling along, smiling.
By the time we got to the revolving doors of the hotel, we were having so much fun, and nobody had tapped us on the shoulder and dragged us back either, so we flung caution to the wind and trundled straight into the foyer and to the lifts.
Here we are taking our stash to our room on the fourth floor. Seemed only logical by this stage!
“Quick,” I said “get in the room, and shut the door, before anyone spots us!”
We laughed till we cried, with our two shopping carts in the room at the Radisson.
Plan B. Repack the stash and get it down to the underground carpark…..
Spot the French basket – that’s my stab at trying to lead a normal life!
Right. Check to see if the coast is clear, and then quickly pile back into the lift, down to the cellar.
Mission accomplished. And we wheeled the lot all the way. Didn’t have to lift a damned thing!
And look! More good news! The boot is still half empty! Yay!!! Be worried Dave, very worried…..
Spot the Brits abroad….
And there’s Mum off to get her Euro back for her trolley, with me as rear gunner!
Back through town with the empty carts. Saw plenty of people struggling along with their Wagener bags, and we just skipped along all cocky like….
There you go. Trollies both back safe and sound.
And we even had 2 Euros left for a coffee!
So now we are off to the Christmas Market again. It is beautiful!
I shall take my IPad and share with you tomorrow.
I was thinking about another session in the sauna. Do you think they would wonder if I wore my sunglasses?
Lots of love
Barb xxx
43 thoughts on “Mum and I in Baden Baden…”
Good to see you taking a lil time out for yourself, I get sauerkraut from Tesco. Love Angela xx Merry Christmas to you both xxx
Wonderful, really don't blame you staying home at the moment. Shame that you got to change plans but best to be safe. That was so funny your little shopping trip. Enjoy your time with your mum. xx
Evening Barbara it's lovley to spend time with your mum anywhere you will make good memories what fun you had last year where has this year gone .
I got a lovley e mail today my clarity parcel is comming Monday so excited thank to clarity towers for all your hard work xxx
Evening Donna
Evening Diane got all my cards written just one card left to make over the weekend
Evening Dorothy
Evening pam
Evening Brenda
Hugs to all on the blog xxx
Thanks Sheila, hugs appreciated as having a vaguely blurgh day. Hugs back to you!
Hi Sheila, oh you are good, I can see your halo shining 🙂 I posted one batch today, just a couple more letters to write and a few more local cards to write and deliver. The sooner I get them finished I can make mince pies, hubby's favourite so I can bribe him to help me finish cards! Xxxxx
Evening Sheila, gold crafty star for you! Well done on getting all your cards written and only one left to make. If I bribe you with chocolate will you come and give me a hand! Xx
Thank you for my gold crafty star I did have help from Tom ooooooooo White chocolate no must be good xxx
Haha….I remember laughing at your antics a year ago, Barbara! Where does the time go? Were the years really so much longer when we were children? They seemed to go on forever…….. Jo xx
hahaha. i remember this from last year. my goodness how time is flying. pity you missed out on germany though, hugs xx
Well now I know I've been following you for well over a year and you are the highlight of my day . You may think that this poor gal hasn't much of a life . But I do , a husband ,two grown children and two grandchildren ,many blessings .
But I love reading you and learning from you — its been a true delight .
We are worried here also as you may know that two terrorist killed 14 last week in California . That's what they want you know , to terrify us . Let us trust in goodness , be cautious and enjoy all our moments that the good Lord gives us . Merry Christmas everyone and peace ,love and joy . Jan
LOL, I laughed then and am laughing again now. There's nothing better than practically breaking all the rules and getting away with it. That suana incident was funny too.
Lol, I love that story, love your Mum's attitude too. You could try the Christmas markets in Manchester. Whatever you do its quality time together and that's all that matters xx
I echo above – i did laugh then and again now. Glad you are still having a good time here in England with your Mum – best friend in the world and I know you cherish here.
Getting back to poor, tired, disillusioned me – all say ah!! Had a pig of a day, battled back through the traffic. Fell in the door and immediately became a different person. Why? you ask – Clarity Design Club December stamp – oh so lovely just what a poor old body needed. Thank you a million times – spirits changed and off to have a good weekend.
Lots of love
Anne (Reading)xx
Enjoy your weekend Anne. Get crafty if you can and try not to think about work. Xx
have a restful weekend thank you for not saying what was in your NEC envelope I love the surprise xxx
Seems only yesterday! Good decision to stay at home I think. As I type we're on our way to Cornwall for the weekend. Usuall go during the day but we had to wait for hubby to attend a hospital appointment today. Radiotherapy it's going to be for his prostate cancer. A waiting game now for a scan and then treatment. Not too urgent thankfully.
Have a good weekend everyone xxx
Have a lovley weekend xxx
Have a lovely weekend Jackie xxxx
Enjoy your weekend you both deserve it. Xx
Thanks everyone xx
Resourceful is what I'd call you two ladies, great for you and your Mum to have a giggle at your antics!! Can see the family resemblence in your piccies xxx
What a wonderful story Barbara. I spent some happy years living in Germany in the '70's. It brought back some great memories. Thank you!
How nice you do so look like your Mum x
I remember this story so well. I laughed so much about it.
Rolf xxx
Remember this story well and having lived in Germany for a couple of years albeit back on the 1980s' can quite understand how you pair of 'dollies with the trolleys' were not the norm in Baden Baden!
In Tesco's yesterday and bought sauerkraut, not Dutch or German but will give it a go. However, quite soon I'm going to have a go at the sauerkraut recipe featured on James Martin's Saturday Kitchen last week, where the demo'ing chef used both colours of cabbage. Red, white cabbage, salt, water plus kilner jar were the main ingredients. Will let you know how it works out. Xx ;~}
Hi Barbara
Oh I remember roaring with laughter at this last year, especially after the sauna incident! Not long after this we were staying in a hotel and low and behold there was a shopping trolley in the corridor outside a bedroom! I thought you and your mum might be staying there too!!! Have a lovely weekend with your mum, hope you've found somewhere nice to stay and a market to look round. I was very excited this morning when the postman rang the bell ( appart from the fact the 12 year old postman couldn't wait the 30 nanoseconds it took me to sprint down the stairs and put the parcel in the garden waste bin!!!!) – it was a large Clarity parcel. Hubby eventually opened it tonight to hide part of it and it was my new Club folder and newsletters. So exciting and what great news. Hmmmm I've just become gold, think I might become diamond! Have a lovely weekend.
Love to you and your mum
Diane xxxxx
Hi Donna xxxxxx
Hi Brenda xxxxx
Hi Dot xxxx
Hi Pam xxxxxx
Hope everyone is ok xxxxx
Evening Diane, my postman does that too. Hmmmmmm, haven't had my club letter yet so I'm intrigued to find out about the diamond? Xx
Hi Barbara
Thought this was really funny last year and the story still made me smile second time,and now thinking of your shoulder and singed nuts has made me laugh out load very funny.Enjoy your time with your Mother,very presious moments.
Remember it well started laughing soon as you mentioned it what fun your mum is bless her some English fun and mischieve together lots love Joyxxx
Wow, a year ago since we read this hilarious story and the previous one about the sauna! Hasn't a lot happened since then. Have a great time away with your Mum. Xx
Ah yes, I remember it well. I also remember you getting locked out of the hotel at some very early hour in just your pj's (I think). Very, very cold and icy, and then some builders came to your rescue. I can remember laughing so much my sides hurt. You should definitely write a book one day x
Remember this from last year. Made me chuckle again tonight. Enjoy your time together.
Ah yes I remember last ŷear including the man., it made laugh out loud. I am spending the day with my Mum next Friday, we do a Christmas garden centre crawl and a pub lunch X this year it will be in the Kent area always good fun xx
Love to you and our Mum xx
Loved this story last year and had a giggle again this morning reading it again. Your mums a lovely fun lady by the sounds of it . Your so lucky wish I had my mum to have fun with 😔 . Have fun on your trip in England and I hope you find some of your goodies x
Lovely to hear this story again. Hope that you enjoyed the perhaps more sedate antics this year x
Love the story again glad you stayed home this year for safety so many people are doing the same my daughter and I went to a mill shopping yesterday I put my walking stick next to my chair stood up to do my coat some kind person stole my walking stick which I can't manage without so whoever you are it won't do you any good you scum love you Barbara xxxxxxx
Hi Barb, glad you and Mum decided to stay safe, but it is a pity you could not have your annual Mum and Daughter trip. I bet you both had a good laugh going over the story. We have a new like in our house Sauerkraut, thanks to a lovely Polish restaurant we discovered. Take care and have a good day, hope Dave is well now. Bx
My mum in law is German. She has dementia but she hasn't forgotten her German and her love of sausage!! Glad you aren't taking any risks and going away this year cause what would we do without you and Clarity Barb? Much love Jayne
Hi Barbara. I remember this fun trip you had and your way of transporting the goodies back to the hotel …lol. Sad that you have felt it necessary to stay home this year but probably wise. x
Cannot believe a year has passed since you told us this story. Talk about time flies!
Doesn't time fly – this story made me laugh so much last year (and the guy in the sauna!) – lovely memories of fun times with your mum. Susan x