More Blimming Rain.

More Blimming Rain.

Hi there.
Thanks for dropping in.
I do hope you are dry.
What a nightmare this is for so many people.
Our good friend Kirsty Goodwill, who is one of our Design Team, messaged me this morning to say the houses opposite hers are already flooded and the water coming in off the hills during the next few days will only add to the chaos. 
It just started tipping down outside here too; 
the sound of rain just fills me with dread now. 
Not for us, but for the poor people who are in the flood areas. 
What a nightmare. 
I have made another piece of artwork with the rain and floods
in mind.
I used the Color Burst again.
The pigments shatter brilliantly when puffed onto water.
Added a large moon to stencil card 
and then spritzed it until it was really really wet.
Puffed Color Burst at it, and let it explode.
Tipped the card and let the colour streams run.

Dabbed any puddles with a paper towel to soak them up.
If it were only that easy.

Removed the moon mask,
Dried it with a heat tool and ironed it to flatten it.

Now I don’t know whether I’m supposed to show you the stamps which are coming up in the HOCHANDA TV One Day Special which launches on Sunday 4th January at 8pm in the evening.
But I am prepping with them,
they are sitting in front of me,
and I really, truly cannot think of a more appropriate set of stamps than these Wee Houses and Shops.

Used Black Archival to stamp the little houses and shops
onto the wild backdrop.

Started in the middle and just started adding more.

Went off the edge of the card.

Lifted some colour out of the houses with water on a paintbrush.
Let the water soak in then dabbed it with a paper towel.

Dried it with the heat gun.

Coloured in the houses and windows with pencils.
Added a drop shadow below the houses.

Stamped OUR HOME into place from one of our Word Chain Sets.

Went round the edge with a Blending tool and Old Paper.
Important to use a blending mat underneath.

Mounted the piece on 8″x8′ White card.


I just wanted to get across that sense of relentless rain,
but used coloured streams instead. 
Pouring straight through peoples’ homes. 
Once again, here is the link to the 
This was the only Just Giving page I could find. 
Feel free to lift this image and use it as an icon on Facebook.
Add it to other Just Giving helplines for other areas if you know any others. 
Add the helpline Just Giving Page number too.
Maybe we can create more awareness.
Maybe then, this artwork will serve a purpose.
There but for the grace of God go I.
Love and hugs

68 thoughts on “More Blimming Rain.

  1. Barbara how wonderful you have showcased the colour bursts and the cute little houses
    My heart goes out to those who are caught up in this torrential weather so sad .
    Will put this show on record so don't miss anything .thank you for your message yesterday it means so much xxx

    1. Still got a lot of pain on in my hands and fingers as I made a card up last night with toms help as my neighbour lost her husband on Christmas Day so pain is to be expected rest today xxx
      Have you done any crafting ? Xxx

    2. Hi Sheila, how sad for your neighbour, bad enough anytime but on Christmas day it just seems worse, lost my Dad on 23rd Dec years ago now but Christmas has never seemed the same since. My sympathies go out to her. Sorry to hear you are in pain with your hands, must be so hard fir you to craft. Been in pain myself with my back all over Christmas but at least I can sit down with a heatpad so can still craft. Must admit haven't done any for a week though.Love and hugs to you

    3. Oh no, how horrible to loose someone at Christmas, any time is bad enough but at this time of year people just expect everyone to be full of Christmas cheer. My sympathies for her and her family.
      It must be horrid for you to want to craft but can't because you are in pain. Make me very grateful to be able to use my hands without worrying about it. Sending hugs. Xx

    4. My real dad died on 29 Dec 27years today age 66 but I have my lovley memories they get you through .
      I'm very lucky to have my wonderful partner who helps me with my crafting if only cleaning my stamps stencils as I craft along been here on the blog with my blog friends helps me so much xxx

  2. Just love those house stamps shame cannot make them into real house for those that are flooded out up on higher ground so sad devastating looking forward to shows though got family for tea today so busy baking and prep for meal
    Love Joy xxx

  3. Lovely artwork. Really feel for those in York, they always get hot by flooding, it is only 45 minutes from where I live in Scarborough, sofar we have been ok although the water levels in Killerby on the outskirts of Scarborough got pretty close to properties being flooded. I've been in touch with Kirsty to extend my sympathy for those affected and to be on standby if I can help xx

  4. Another fabulous piece of artwork Barbara – such a shame that the inspiration has come from something so awful. My heart really does go out to those affected. Oooh loving these wee houses etc – will definitely be recording that show even if I get the chance to watch it live.

  5. I am sitting here in my front room in Huddersfield, Yorkshire, with the sun streaming through the window. Infact I have had to pull the blind down so that I can see my keyboard. I too feel for all the people affected by the floods, it must be awful for them, and even when everything is dried up and back to normal, I should imagine that they will feel very apprehensive every time it rains in the future.

    Back to your blog, I see you are using the new Best Ever Craftmat. Dawn got me one for Christmas, and having used it for the first time yesterday, don't know if I like it as much as my old mat. Can you tell me, is there a right and wrong side, and what is the best way to clean it. I shall be recordin your programme on Sunday, so perhaps you could give out some tips on the new mat?

    Margaret xxx

    1. I did find that the mat worked better with the slightly shinier side down, but I love it. You can just wash it in the sink nd so far I have not found anything that will not come off easily, including grunge paste which got left rather long. Gilding flakes jut wiped off. I lost my first one to my granddaughter, who had broken her elbow and was having trouble chasing her paper round the table when she was trying to write. This mat solved that problem immediately. xx Maggie

  6. Oh Barbara, you are starting the New Year in fine form, tempting us again with those lovely little houses. My list of wants is growing fast. Losing at the pictures of the terrible flooding in the north, I feel very lucky to be warm and dry. I cannot visualise the horror of finding cherished home overrun with filthy, sewage contaminated water, and so many possessions destroyed, and for so many it is not the first time this year. Sadly, there is no way we can ever control what Mother Nature throws at us. We can just try to help those who are suffering. xxx Maggie

  7. There are so many counties now in which the rain has fallen and left its dreadful chaos behind it and we here in the south west are fine at the moment and fortunately for us we have sunshine and blue skies today although it has been very grey for the last couple of weeks and we have had rain but nothing like the amount these poor people are having to deal with! This piece of artwork very cleverly highlights their plight Barbara and I love these colourbursts and the way the colours seem to stay vibrant and the houses are gorgeous and are something to add to the wish list. x

  8. It certainly is a terrible thing and there doesn't seem to be any let up at the moment. The sun is streaming here and I have washing out, everything is in bud and I must cut the fuschias back I think before they flower again! The people in the floods seem to be very resilient I suppose they have to be….

    Lovely artwork, as usual, and very pretty little houses! Look forward to seeing them. Just off for a dogwalk with the two next door! x

  9. We are quite high above sea level in our town in Carluke in South Lanarkshire and well away from our nearest river , the Clyde, but we can truly sympathise with all the people suffering from this flooding, both north and south of the border. Our local supermarket had a fund raising venture in aid of all the people caught up in this disaster. A lot of money was raised and the next bulletin announced that bedding, sleeping bags, pillow etc, were being dispatched. Strangely enough,the supermarket stocked those items. I sincerely hope they matched the money raised and that it was not a commercial venture for them. Anyway, let's hope the rain stops soon.
    Love x

  10. Hi Barb,
    beautiful card…
    The new stamps are wonderful. They are on my wish list for the new year!!!
    See how crazy and relentless weather is at the moment: snow in New Mexico, twisters all over the USA and the flood in the north of Great Britain…
    In each and every news we can see the pictures. I´m not very well in drawing comparisons but I never saw such a huge flood in the UK before if I´m right.
    It reminds me of a flood in 1997 of river "Oder" in Czech Republic, Poland and Germany… Nature can be horrible.
    Rolf xxx

  11. Hello Barbara

    What a lovely piece of work and I love the house stamps. Looking forward to Sunday and Monday.

    I know what you mean about the floods etc. Those poor people must wonder what they have done to deserve it all, and when is it going to stop? One flood is bad enough, but three times in two/three weeks is beyond anything. If I lived nearer I would offer my spare bedrooms.


  12. Hello Barbara

    What a lovely piece of work and I love the house stamps. Looking forward to Sunday and Monday.

    I know what you mean about the floods etc. Those poor people must wonder what they have done to deserve it all, and when is it going to stop? One flood is bad enough, but three times in two/three weeks is beyond anything. If I lived nearer I would offer my spare bedrooms.


  13. So glad you have given us a sneaky peep Barb cause now I will save some money for these wonderful stamps. Got to have some Colour Burst as well. Going to have a look on your website now cause my Christmas money is burning a hole in my pocket!! Much love Jayne

  14. Oh Barb it's fantastic artwork as ever. These little houses are fab! But then I'm lucky to have had a preview!
    Today it's been dry and sunny in Stockport… Even the wettest part of our garden has started to dry out! More torrential rain is forecast tomorrow though and I pray that all those threatened by floods somehow escape the worst!
    Hope the preparations for your next show is going well but also that you are finding plenty of time to spend with your family!
    Love and hugs! Xxx

  15. Oh Barb it's fantastic artwork as ever. These little houses are fab! But then I'm lucky to have had a preview!
    Today it's been dry and sunny in Stockport… Even the wettest part of our garden has started to dry out! More torrential rain is forecast tomorrow though and I pray that all those threatened by floods somehow escape the worst!
    Hope the preparations for your next show is going well but also that you are finding plenty of time to spend with your family!
    Love and hugs! Xxx

  16. Beautiful piece of artwork and those stamps look great. Fingers crossed that the rain misses the worst areas. Looking forward to the shows on Sunday and the one day special throughout the day on Monday. Xx

    1. Hi Donna, Sat down listening to Tom Jones on the radio, more or less his life story. Car sorted now, got dropped off in town whilst it was being done so spent most of the time in Costa as it was cold & my backs been playing up. Hope you are ok. Love and hugs to

  17. Love the colours you've used.
    Today has been lovely here in North Devon but we're expecting more wind and rain tonight. I can't imagine how it feels to be constantly flooded and I don't know how the problem can be solved with our current weather pattern. Fran x

  18. To be out of your home not knowing what you will find when you get back and more rain forecast – dreadful pictures on the local news here last night.

    Your artwork is beautiful, Barbara. I have the colorbursts so I just need the houses!! Mxx

  19. Beautiful new stamps Barbara. Like you my heart goes out to those who have been affected by the floods and I pray that the rains soon eases up to give them some respite.

    I love Dave's present to you too, such amazing carving. xx

  20. More rain forecast for tomorrow too. I have been thinking about my journey to my Mums tomorrow which I have to walk part of but what does it matter if I get wet at least I know I am going back to a lovely dry home at tea time. The house stamps are lovely, by the way has any one else mentioned that Sunday is the 3rd.

  21. We have been lucky and had sunshine today, but really feel for those families that are flooded. All we can hope for is that the rain that's,forecast tonight and tomorrow doesn't fall in these areas again. Gosh the Colour Bursts really make it look like the water is running through the houses. The stamps look great too. On the wish list for next

  22. Love the new stamps will go with wee trees getting ideas already. Just ordered colour burst paints eager for them to arrive still got month off work to play and not getting so tired during the day .

  23. Hi Barb,
    Loving these new Wee stamps. The artwork is fabulous too. I can see that I now need to have the Colour Bursts too!!!
    One good thing has happened today up here – at least there hasn't been any more rain and the river levels have gone down although it is forecast for tomorrow. I do hope and pray that those already affected aren't troubled again. My thoughts are with you. Love Alison xxx

  24. Looking at the forecast for the next couple of days, it does not look good for all of those poor people already suffering the devastation from the floods. My heart goes out to them all.
    Another beautiful, relevant piece of work Barbara. Love the house stamps.

  25. Feel so lucky that I have a warm dry house to come home to. Can't imagine the heartbreak those poor peole must be going through. Beautiful artwork, how you find inspiration in everything I don't know! Love these house stamps they will have to go on my ever increasing wish list

  26. So sorry to hear bout the flooding . So many of the areas of our world have flooding or drought or hurricanes and tornadoes . We are very fortunate here in Virginia beach , hurricanes can be a problem along our east coast but we usually escape any serious damage . Joy now to you all jan

  27. Hi Barbara – another fabulous piece of Artwork, with a message! You always seem to be able to channel your thoughts into something wonderful, which can be seen, appreciated and help so many people. Thank you! xxx

  28. Your picture captures the feeling of torrential rain perfectly. I cannot imagine what it must be like to be flooded, to watch all treasured possessions get ruined. I am fortunate to live in an area where floods will not be a problem. We will make a donation and hope that all our efforts bring some help to the poor people who are affected. xx

  29. I really feel for those who have been affected by the floods, my house is very precious to me. It was upsetting to watch it on the news again tonight. Up here in the Highlands I had washing out and the sun was shining but it is blowing a hoolie now (very windy).

    Those new hoose stamps are on my wish list already…I wish I hadn't spent all my Christmas money in the clarity sale now! Can't wait to see what else you will do with them.

  30. so apt _very creative. IN hunstanton for new year -thinking of you
    best wishes and love
    anne reading -on husbands lap top and a bit challenged with it!

  31. Hi Barbara
    Those Wee Houses will join my Wee collection. I will be shopping as soon as your TV shows have finished. I have saved my Christmas money and I want to add the Groovi Club to my Gold membership. I hope 2016 will be a very productive year for me craft wise . I hope the rain stops soon. They have the flood barriers up locally but I am on high ground. Worcestershire has flooding along the Severn. My heart goes out to those affected and whose lovely homes are flooded. Our homes are precious.
    Hugs from Chris X

    1. I am also in Worcestershire, and lucky enough to be on high ground. The big danger in this country is if the heavy rains here going into the Avon coincide with flood water coming down the Severn from Wales. That spells disaster to the south of the county. Fingers crossed. xx Maggie

  32. Hi Barb
    We regularly thank our lucky stars that we live in an area safe from flooding; I cannot begin to imagine how those poor people cope with this continual damage and I will be contributing to the Justgiving campaign.
    Just an idea, but how about auctioning these flood inspired pieces of art work that you've made? I think you'd raise a barrier or two!
    Karen xx

  33. Fabulous art Barbara! It is just so depressing not knowing what to do to help those poor peeps. The awful thing for me is the thought of how much more rain are we going to see, I'm worried that so much more is to come. Great link too and it's great to see that many peeps have donated and so much so quickly too. I've been catching up on the art I have missed and you've made some really beautiful pieces again. Keep warm and dry and I really hope they keep the people warm and dry Karen xx

  34. Evening Barbara, great art work that really showcases the stamps so well whilst thinking about those in the flooded regions. I have been listening to Radio 2 this week and very sadly the the north south divide is mentioned so much – be there any truth in it I do not know but I feel that rather than waste the energy on it there needs to be adequate defences to cope with our changing climate and extreme weather, wherever we live. It's not that long ago there were floods in your area but no one shouted about the north south divide then… Why do the media bolster such arguments? Why not roll there sleeves up and help the poor people who has lost there belongings etc instead of spiking feelings… Guess I truly will never get our media!
    Anyway rant over!

    Let's hope the new storm veers a little off track to give everyone a bit of a relief.
    How strange that since naming the storms it's been one after another and so devastating!

    Great stamps great art as ever X
    Much love
    Kim xx

  35. Great addition to the wee stamp family and beautiful art created from the heart Barbara.
    So sad that some of these poor people weren't even insured but comforting for them that so many kind people are coming to their aid.
    God bless them to…xx

    1. Hi Brenda sorry we ate all yer biscuits last night get a big tin o shortbread fir new year nae black bun though ma gran always bought that and naebody ever ate it…here's yir cuddle. ….xx
      Hi Diane hope your enjoying your wee girl being home hugs to you..xx

    2. Hi Dot it's lovely having her home thank you Dot although it's like having a small whirlwind as she dashes in and out meeting friends! Black bun, not had that for years – might have to get Emma to bring some home! Sending hugs xxxx

  36. Wow I love your work, your blog is fab I'm not great with this kind of crafting but I think I may AV a go, the step by step pics are easy to follow & I just love your stamps! I find them such a great price & they work so well together, love to see you on Hochanda so many free Barb workshops thanx for all your hard work you inspire me to be a better crafter & I really love how down to earth you are. Many thanx all my love & hugs Barb & we'll keep watching! Loved & shared❤️

  37. Hello Barb, thank you for another thoughtful blog, love the image and the new house stamps. Take care, and my thoughts are with anyone affected by the rain and floods. Bx

  38. Hi Barbara
    Your artwork is wonderful and those houses are beautiful. Perhaps you could add a pound donation to every set sold to help raise money for the flood victims on Hochanda on Sunday. I hope Kirsty is ok – it's so sad seeing such devistation on the news, and still it rains! Take care
    Love Diane xxxx

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