2 Days to Christmas Eve Giveaway.
Ho Ho Ho!!
Nice to see you today!
Christmas is almost here,
so how about a really interesting giveaway
and offer….
This year marked a resounding success with our Blog Calendar.
Many of you already have one – thank you!
So today, I thought it would be cool to give away one of the pieces of artwork from the Calendar:
The Christmas one in December !!
I also did this on TV.
So if you would like to receive this artwork,
then please leave an uplifting comment below,
and we will pick a person out of the hat.
We still have a bunch of Calendars left.
It’s the way it goes; you sell out too early,
have to do a reprint,
get saddled with a couple of boxes of them.
So we have about 100 left,
which is not many in the big scheme of things!
This morning I had a moment of Clarity.
Firstly, let’s drop the price of the calendars to £10.
(That means Gold Club members UK Mainland still get FREE P & P)
Secondly, I have signed them all.
Thirdly, in one of them I put a £50 Clarity Gift Voucher.
100 to 1 odds is pretty good.
So buy a signed Calendar at the reduced price,
and maybe you will get the Golden One.
It’s a win win win.
Even if you don’t win the golden ticket,
you get a lovely signed calendar/book of projects.
Or you win the £50 Gift Voucher,
and we sell the rest of our calendars.
Happy Days.
love & hugs,
170 thoughts on “2 Days to Christmas Eve Giveaway.”
Liebe Barbara,
auch heute hupfe ich wieder in den Lostopf rein und hoffe diese wunderschöne Karte zu bekommen … den Kalender habe ich schon hier und er hängt an der Wand in meiner Bastelecke.
Ich wünsche Dir, Deiner Familie und dem Clarity-Team einen angenehmen Tag.
Viele Grüßé sendet Sabine:-)
Hi Barbara,
You've been very early today lovely artwork as always. I was once told a joke about Christmas Day and Sprouts. How do you get rid of the smell of cooking sprouts on Christmas Day. Answer Cook them the day Before!!
A Xmas treat to brighten any dull day. As always a beautiful illustration. It could be the cover for a book.
Hi Barb, It's great you have your best works of art home with you for Christmas, it is a time for families. I've been loving your giveaway art, but have not added a message yet. I just couldn't let this piece of work go past without try to win it, it's absolutely fab! It would remind me of my work being Santa this year. My second year and my most favourite job ever! I would do it even if I had to pay them. The look of wonderment on the kids faces just can't be bought. I missed out on the original signed calendars but managed to get one of the current offer so I'm a happy bunny. Happy Christmas to you and yours, and to every one of the regulars here.
That would look great in my kitchen, I could ban my husbands rugby calendar to the lavatory…..I guess I could have the best of both, your beautiful calendar to look at whilst I'm cooking and the hunks to look at when I'm on the throne!
Howdy, Barb – gonna bag myself one of them, thar calendars! Like you say, a win-win situation.
Hope you have a great Christmas with Grace (say Hi from me!) & Mark & get some chillout time, too.
Here's to a happy & healthy 2016 for us all.
see you next year, take good care
Liz M xxx
Wonderful of you again. I have one calendar but I know a friend who would love one too.
Have a great christmas fromMFM
As always a fabulous give a way. I have so much left to do but just spending a few moments looking at your blog gives me a bit of get up and go and I'm sure I get more done that way. I am going to love having my family around for Christmas and Boxing day but I am also looking forward to finding some time between Christmas and New Year to go and have a play especially as I saw a clarity box arrive and get spirited away ready to be wrapped for Christmas. Hope you and yours have a lovely time this Christmas.
I would love this card! Ooooo tempting on the calendar, very tempting! I could always find a space for another one. Great offer with a hidden bonus, thank you! Xx
A beautiful picture as always
Morning Brenda, Sheila, Diane, Pam and Dot. Are we all getting excited about Santa coming yet? I am doing a bit of wrapping today. Xx
Afternoon Donna hope Santa brings all you wish for lots of Christmas hugs xxx
Hi Donna, yes can't wait to see the family. Wrapping all done. Off tomorrow. Have a super Christmas not sure if I'll get chance to visit Barbara's blog.xxx
If you don't have chance to pop back I hope you have a really happy Christmas and we will see you here again soon. XX
Hi Donna, Sheila and Pam just come back from my first auntie visit, got a couple more tomorrow. It's lovely to spend time catching up and reminiscing with them, just us, no other family members leaping around. Pam have a wonderful Christmas . Love to all xxxx
Hi Donna up to my ears in wrapping paper and sticky tape and trying to remember that safe place I put a a wee parcel…xx
Check in your'smalls' drawer! Wee parcels always get hidden there. Xx
What a prefect prize to win!! Will log on later and buy a calendar. My husband and i were talking about how happy we were at the moment….must be the thought of having our newly married children home for christmas – starting today. So still trying to make the house look special and do the domestic goddess thing (not working lol). I hope your Christmas is as special as ours is going to be!! xx
Hi Barbara, I haven't seen inside my calendar yet as my lovely son has bought it for me for Xmas and is under our tree, tantalising me for Xmas Day!! I've now had a sneak preview of what to expect for December next year and I absolutely love it. Even if I don't win today's give away art work, I will most definitely be following your step-by-step to do my best to reproduce this gorgeous piece of art. Well done Barbara, it is just sooooo Christmassy. Just can't wait to see the rest!! Merry Christmas to you and Dave and enjoy having your lovely kids home too for the festive season.
Alison xx
Morning, just having battled the shops for the final day before Christmas I come home to find this wonderful offer. FANTASTIC. Love the card and the offer for the calendar will just have to pop over and buy one.
Crafty hugs and hope you are having a wonderful time with your family.
Pen x
Order is in 🙂
i adore this card. such a magical stamp set! love the calendar too. looking forward to doing as many of the projects as i can. great offer too. shame i already bought two!!!! merry christmas xx
Liebe Barbare,
leider bist du nicht mehr auf HS24 und so kann ich nur auf diesem Weg deine wunderschönen Karten bewundern.Wünsche dir und deiner Familie ein wunderschönes Fest und einen gelungenen Übergang ins Jahr 2016.
Würde mich über eine Kartenzusendung riesig freuen,Anka.
What a generous giveaway! Would love to win. Getting geared up for Christmas Holidays coming way too fast, ready or not. Happy holidays to you Barb, you're a great inspiration.
Your moment of Clarity has just cost me £10 plus p&p! Not that I'm complaining! I've been promising myself one of these and not getting round to ordering and it will be signed, even better! I loved your demo of this fab Flying Santa card on Hochanda and am so pleased to see him in the calendar. Of course, it would brilliant to own the original artwork too.
Tonbridge Sue
what a lovely card to use as a Christmas decoration to bring out year on year would become a family heirloom. xx
Love your generosity. I already have the calendar and this is one of the few cards that I can't reproduce as I don't have those stamps. However, by the time I've used the geese, the chickens, the flying boy and the butterfly tree I'm sure that I'll probably get round to these. Merry Christmas – I'm having a short break from Christmas gift crafting. Two finished and the other six well on the way! Now just three birthday cards and a wedding card to make for the coming week!
Fabulous piece of Artwork today. Definitely an heirloom in the making! I can't wait to open my calendar which is also sitting patiently under the tree, with a few other clarity goodies just waiting to be played with. x
Stunning artwork as usual, May your Christmas be jolly and have a happy New year xxx
Cool artwork, fab offer too xx
I loved this card when you demonstrated it on Hochanda and had to buy the stamps. Guess what my cards will have on them next year. Going to give into temptation now and order your lovely calendar. Thank you for your generosity. Fran x
Loved this card when you demoed it.. you are early today…are you getting all your ducks in a row so you can spend time with your little chickens? It must be lovely to have them both home..xx
Loved this card when you demoed it.. you are early today…are you getting all your ducks in a row so you can spend time with your little chickens? It must be lovely to have them both home..xx
My calendar is already on my craft room wall just waiting to be opened on 1st Jan. Love all the images & the inspiration but would love to be in with the chance of winning an original!
Merry Christmas to all at Clarity Towers & to crafter's everywhere xxx
Aw bless you, you do such lovely things Barbara. Hope that tree's looking good now the kids have put their spin on it! x
A beautiful piece of artwork, fitting for the stormy day we are having in Kent. Merry Xmas. Off to get the calendar now!
I've lost the plot – was referring to the cover!!!
wunderschöne Karte und ein tolles Angebot. Alles Liebe. xx
Fab offer I bought the last calender you made and have to say well worth every penny spent on it …. full instructions of how to make the illustrated cards as well as beautiful quality. Love this time of year when everyone has loved ones home with them and families come together to enjoy the season, not possible for everyone so do spare a thought for those who cannot do this for one reason or another and wish them a Happier year for 2016. I like yourself will be lucky enough to have my daughter and my much loved grandchildren with me. Merry Christmas Barbara,Dave,Grace,Mark and family x
Arr already have your lovely calendar but it not signed ,so maybe I can give it to granddaughter and have a signed one for me. Love the artwork ,would love it xxx
Was just showing the grandchildren yesterday's blog with the pictures of the floor at Heathrow,they were really fascinated then saw your Santa card and said I had to enter to try and win it as they thought it was really cool.Guess what I agree and would love to be in with a chance,Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year to you all at Clarity x
Like a lot of your fan family, I already have a calender, I had the last one, so it would have been rude not to have this one. I do hope that you will continue this tradition, but not with such a long anticipated wait between them! I love all the art work without the instructions, but with them…..it really is a Barbie Bonus.So,if there are people out there thinking about it, don't,get one for yourself ASAP.xx
Hi Barbara,
I´d like to win the card for sure.
And I have a question to all of you:
As every year I got chriostmas cards from people I haven´t written one.
Has anybody an idea how to react? I mean not only writing an email to say thank you with regular wishes for the end of the year???
Merry Christmas to everybody
Rolf xxx
HI Rolf – I only send a few cards so often happens to me and I just thank them very much for the card when I see them. Only yesterday I got one from someone at work – made the effort to speak to her and thank her and she was thrilled I had taken the trouble to find and thank her rather than upset I hadn't sent her one.
How about a happy new year card that's what I do….xx
Hi Jayne and Dorothy,
thanks for your answers… good idea sending a new year ard.
I have one to open Christmas morning haven't looked at it , as it was sent to me, I gave it to my son and he's got it , hope he remembers too bring it back lol,,,xx
I have a calendar already and hardly got room for 1 let alone 2 ! Good luck to whoever gets the one with the prize in it. It's a bit like Willie Wonka and the Choc Factory! You have dressed up Dave as one of those Oompa-Loompas have you?!
Would love to win one of the pieces of artwork over Christmas so my fingers and toes are crossed x x x
Good afternoon – love this card – Would love to win it – I too have a calendar under the tree – don't know if mine is signed – I ordered it early on when they were but OH didn't let me look at it – a surprise for Christmas day .
Love the card and the calendar offer, i never got round to ordering and teally wanted a signed one but thought I d missed that! Will try and get in before they all sell out! Great idea from the master of great ideas!! Happy Christmas x x x x
I would love to have one of your beautiful works of art. To get 12 of them would be wonderful!! Merry Christmas from Wellington, Mo. U.S.A.
I have just started stamping, I have been suffering very bad depression, Barbara you have given me hope and joy, I find stamping very relaxing and watching you give loads of demos has helped me. I would love to win one of these, 1 because I can try and do the beautiful creations you have done and 2 it would look lovely in my craft room, and every time I looked at it , I know you have helped me through a very difficult time. Merry Christmas to you and your family xxx
Carole sweetheart you are not alone and crafting is a huge help, stops that washing machine mind and gives you something to look forward to xxx
Carole I too suffer from depression and Barbara's clarity blog and its blog family on here helps me cope each day along with all the crafting I have learnt from Barbara's insperation wishing you a restful Christmas & all the crafting hugs for 2016 xxx
Happy times xx
Beautiful card! I'd love to win the calendar as I'm sure the instructions would help me a lot.
Barbara, it is a wonderful gesture to give away some of your work as a prize. I have watched you work on both TV and at craft shows and it always amazes me when I see the final product. I have admired your work for a long time and to be able to have a calendar which I can look at all day and every day for inspiration would be my ideal idea of heaven
Smashing I'll go buy another then if i get glue or paint or ink on it whilst following the demos it won't matter as i have a spare! Thanks Barbara! Xxxxx
Oh thank you so much, you have brightened up my day. Beautiful, stunning artwork. Oh to be a winner of a Gray original – it would be the best Christmas present from a true artist. Wishing all the lovely Clarity people and Dave etc and all the bloggers – your past wishes have kept me going through a funny old time.
Much Love
Anne (Reading) – Barbara have you worked out the clue! Something to do while in pensive mood in your bed!xx
Love this piece of artwork. I saw you demo it and was amazed to see how it all came together. Would love to have it in my home. By the sounds of all the comments, it won't be long before you are sold out of calendars. Off to do some last minute shopping. Have a great day and thanks once again for your generous offer.
I thought this card brilliant from the off – a very generous gesture re not only the original but also the calendars. Enjoy your family prelude to Christmas. Off to decorate the hallway and dining room now. Having taken over an hour getting in and out of Tesco not including the shopping time, I need something a little calming and creative. Trouble is, it is not the store (it was not any busier than usual) or indeed the store car park (there were heaps of spaces) but the traffic jams on all access roads thus vehicles unable to exit the said car park!
Tot ziens! ;~}
Another good offer! The calander is a beauty it would be lovely for inspiration in my craft room. Thank you Dorothy.
Wonderful offer I've got my signed calendar and have made this large card for a couple of people
I love the Christmas set I even made a smaller one for a lovley kind person and her wonderful team I hope it gets to you before Christmas .
Thank you so much for all your insperation and time crafting hugs xxx
Afternoon Dorothy
Afternoon Diane
Afternoon pam
Afternoon Brenda
Crafting hugs to all on the blog xxx
Calendar order in gift for a dear Crafting friend xxx
Hi Sheila, hope all your little holes have repaired themselves and you are still feeling the benefits of the treatment. Xx
Hi Donna thank you for your thoughtfulness been resting today as she said it have that effect but manage to order another calendar I rang clarity to order it xxx
Evening Sheila, Diane, Brenda and Dot have a wonderful Christmas all of you, I'll say it now in case I don't get chance to get on here. Love and hugs to all.xxxx
Hi Sheila I'm glad to hear you can drink tea now without leaking! That still makes me chuckle Donna. It's good they are telling you what to expect after treatment, you can suit and relax without worrying. Xxxx
Hi Sheila you rest up and keep cheery …take care..xx
Brilliant and wonderful idea Barbara! I also would love to own this piece of 'Gray Artwork'. Your idea about the calendars is very generous and oh to be the lucky one to 'strike gold!' Hope that you are having lots of happy family time! – you really deserve it Barbara! xxx
Another stunning piece of artwork by the incomparable Barbara Gray. I so enjoy reading your blog after a hard day at work. Cheers me up no end. Keep up the good work. Thank you.
Oh my super offer on a super calendar, can't believe it's 2 days to go …. Better get my skates on then hadn't I! I'm laughing away to myself Barbara I'm 61 so me on skates I don't think so but the picture it conjures in my head is making me laugh. Maybe I'll get some from Santa ( I hope not! )
I was very lucky and got a signed calendar which I was very happy about! December's artwork is very lovely imagine having a Gray original to bring out year after year!
Hi Barb,
Love, love, love this card! I liked it when I first saw it and when you did the demo for it. I've already bought my calendar – got in early. What a lovely gesture though to put a £50 voucher in one. I'm tempted to buy another one, but that would be just plain greedy! Hope you're enjoying spending time with Grace and Mark. Love Alison xxxx
Barbara, you're amazing!! I love the artwork for today, and would be delighted to own it…..I would also love one of your signed calendars, so I'm off to Clarity Towers to order one! (I thought they were all sold out, already…!)
Dratted tablets – just wrote and posted my message today and it has totally vanished. I love this piece of artwork, one of my favourites. It is such a happy image and I would certainly treasure the original. I hope you are having a less stressful time with all the family together again. Are you going to share photos of the newly lit and decorated tree? Have a great time with them. Love Maggie. xxxx
PS As I already have two lovely signed calendars, I shall just wish everyone else luck. I have, however, just rung Clarity to sort out my membership of the new Groovi Club. Looking forward to that dropping through the letterbox every month. xxx Maggie
Tell me about the Groovi Club Maggie please.
I'm just home from work and you've already done your blog – you are on the ball today and a lovely piece of artwork again. I work for a supermarket, the 'orange' one, and despite how busy it was today everyone was in good humour, staff and customers – long may that continue as I will be working until 8pm on Christmas Eve, Boxing Day, Hogmanay and New Year's Day.
Beautiful Christmassy picture, would look lovely on anyone's wall!
B xx
What a fantastic piece of artwork Barb, how exciting it would be to win this piece. Christmas is my favourite time of the year and I would frame it but keep it up all year. I hope you are enjoying your time with your children, the tree is up and the lights are not around your neck…..LOL xx
That's me on holiday now until 11th Jan winning one of your artworks would just put the tin hat on.
What Groovi Club?? Maggie C?? Have I missed something? I do read this blog every day but this has passed me by. Anyway Barbara's designs in all the disciplines (Stamping, Stencils and the Groovi plates) are all very good and I am running along trying to keep up with them all. (My Groovi storage system is now full to bursting.)
It's so good that we have someone like Barbara to keep us all inspired. I would just love a Gray original!
Hi Jeannie,
In answer to your question, there is going to be a Groovi club starting in January, just like the Stencil club and Stamp club. I'm sure there will be info coming on the website ( if its not already there) if you join all 3 clubs you will get 15% discount + free p and p, 2 clubs 10% discount + free p and p and 1 club 10% discount. Hope this helps, love Alison x
Alison thank you so much for the information. Have a good Christmas.
I already have the calendar but would love a Barbara original for my wall. Wishing you a very Happy family Christmas. Looking forward to the New Year to see what Clarity has to bring x
I already have the calendar but would love a Barbara original for my wall. Wishing you a very Happy family Christmas. Looking forward to the New Year to see what Clarity has to bring x
Oh wow – how generous of you I can't imagine anyone who wouldn't want this. I loved this card when you demoed it but for the life of me can't remember how you did it. Hope you are having a lovely time with the family – how does the tree look? – I bet Grace and Mark loved dressing for you. Take care xxxxxx
love the calendar and all the demos.You are a terrific sales person and generous Barbara. Merry Christmas to you all x
What a wonderful idea Barbara. I think I might have to treat myself. I would love to win this piece of art. Just love this Santa. He's so cool. Xx
Well would you know I don't have a calendar yet….well I will soon remedy that!!! How fab would that be to start with a £50 spending spree with Barb 🙂 xx
Such a lovely card. I may have to buy the stamps next year. Winning one of your cards would be great of course. What are the family up to today, I hope you are making enough time to enjoy being with them xx.
Love this Santa and like many others here I already have the Calendar. Looking in on this blog is a real tonic – it's so easy to get wound up by Christmas preparations and overlook the joy of it, so a good read here is very cheering.
Beautiful artwork as always Barbara I am not good at stamping but you give me inspiration and hope that with your help I will improve.merry Christmas to all off to order the calendar now.
I love the Calendar and especially the Christmas picture . I watched you on the telly when you created it. .
Lovely artwork. Great inspiration. I love these as you can do as a replica or put your own twist on great for inspiration xx
What a tremendously generous offer. May just have to buy one for my friend as I already have a signed copy, lucky me. I love the December artwork as the Santa is just stunning in its design, just what I like
Dear Barbara
I would love to win a piece of artwork from your calendar, I will definately order one of your calendars.
Wow what an offer. Just think what I could get with a £50 voucher. Have already got the calendar but I am very tempted to have another for a crafty friend. I'm not allowed to look at mine till Christmas Day.
Loved this when you did this one on TV, and love the idea of the Calendar too, although think Father Christmas may already have one for me. Hope you are having great time with the kids. Karen xxx
Barbara you are a temptress! What an offer and a fabulous piece of artwork to be treasured by someone. I am really sad I will miss tomorrow's post as we are visiting a home in the middle of nowhere with no wifi or mobile signal. I have enjoyed the past few days and everyone's lovely comments. Happy Christmas to you all. Jillx
One of my favourites, bought the stamps loved it so much, so would be lovely to have the original. Got the calendar too when it first came on sale, but admittedly not signed, wasn't one of the lucky ones. Never know could be lucky with a card. Have a great Christmas with your family Barbara. I'll be with mine tomorrow too. Will comment if I get the chance, don't really want to misss your blog.xxx
Have a Merry Christmas Pam catch you when we can…xxx
Love that Santa 🙂 Hoping for some pennies for Christmas and if I is a good girl and Santa brings me some, I will order one of them calendars……… would love one of those on the wall in my craft room. If I don't get no pennies for Christmas then I'll just sit & sulk and eat cake………… lots of cake. C xx
Another lovely piece of artwork Barbara. I already have a calendar, unsigned sadly, and all my Clarity friends already have one too but I am sure you will be able to sell them with that added bit of incentive! Lol
I trust you have had a nice day chilling with your family and are looking forward to a fun, relaxing Christmas too. xxx
What a very cool idea…you are brilliant
Dear Barbara, your Youtube chanel was the first place that I had found clearity information how I can use my new gelli plate. It was five months ago. Now it is my favorite chanel. Thank you so much!
I wish you a Merry Christmas!
A lovely piece of artwork.
I love your calendar. I would love love love to have a piece of your artwork. Hope you have had a good day with your family.
Another lovely prize Barbara, thank you so much
Another fantastic offer, thanks Barbara. Enjoy a wonderful Christmas with your loved ones. Having sent my calendar to my crafty Australian friend I'd love one for me so I can share with WI friends so I'll order it now!
Lovely giveaway short comment as I need to go order my calendar. Lol. Xx
Lovely artwork Barbara .I am already the proud owner of a signed calendar. Have been looking back over the projects from the workshops and got loads of inspiration for mum and dads calendar ,techniques I had forgotten were so much fun . looking forward to the workshops next year xx
love the calendar, looking forward to hanging mine up on 1st Jan & trying out all the wonderful inspirational ideas each month. I have gathered the tools, just need to put them to good use & give it a go. As you say ''only a piece of paper or card & no mistakes only happy accidents''
Someone going to get a special calander with a lovely surprise, got mine when came out love it and this beautiful card would make a lovely Christmas framed picture for next year your doing well being early on here have good evening lots love Joy xxx
Picked up our son at the Norfolk ,Virginia airport. . Yah !
Let's all take a deep breath or two or three ,say a calming prayer and remember the reason for the season . Joy jan
Hi Barbara
I am so pleased that your fabulous calendar has been so successful. I have mine which you signed for me at the NEC but I have a friend who would love one. I hope you are enjoying time with Grace and Mark and finding time for yourself too.
Hugs from Chris X
Hi Barbara
Oh this Santa is so cute and of course the artwork is brilliant. I have a feeling a cheeky little calendar might just get ordered as a treat for myself as I've been eying it up for ages. Now if I wait until tomorrow to order it on the phone when I ring up about the Groovi club will it be sold out, or do I order it now just in case- what a decision! Thank you for yet another generous offer Barbara. Have a lovely evening with the family.
Lots of love
Diane xxxx
Hi Brenda Hi Dot I hope you are both ok and haven't been blown away xxxxx
Oh Bum! I already bought one at the mad Gray day! And all the projects are fab, so it's a great buy. 12 bits of inspiration, and December is a cracker! I hope you're enjoying time with your children. My great-niece has just turned two and is an absolute delight. Thank god for Skype! Just spent a happy half hour watching her pretend to be a horse, and then a doggie… wonderful.
Another lovely card and what a generous offer. I shall be ordering a calendar in the morning… You are most generous Barbara. Happy Christmas! xxx
Lovely art work Barbara. Those calendars will fly out with an offer like that :)) xx
Love the artwork Barbara it's beautiful thank you for the chance to win it to treasure xxxxx love June Horrocks xxxxxxxxx
Wow, another very generous offer; you are a temptress Barbara! I already have my signed calendar so 'Good luck' to everyone who buys one now and I'm sure that you'll quickly clear your remaining stock.
Enjoy the rest of the evening xx
What a fabulous give-away. My sister has a piece of your artwork that you gave her at a show in Farnborough one year, so I'd love to win this to be on a par with her! Happy Christmas x
How generous of you. I love my calendar and I am looking forward to hanging it up at the Bells. In our house, on Hogmanay, we takedown the previous years calendars to allow the new one to go up at the Bells to bring ing the New year.
I loved this Santa image when I saw it on tv, and I love the shading on his coat. My Gray Friday package arrived today, it's like having a Christmas present early, all I need it some time to play. If you could do a special offer on "extra craft time", that would be a real goer! Hope you have a lovely time with your family.
What a generous gift. Thank you, Barbara and good luck to everyone.
What a generous gift. Thank you, Barbara and good luck to everyone.
A fabulous piece of artwork and a very generous giveaway with your last few calendars.
Jackie x
Ooh! This artwork is gorgeous. I'd be chuffed to bits if I won this. I'm also going to pop over to Clarity Towers to see if there's any calendars left as a gift for my daughter. (I've already got my signed copy) love & hugs Jeanette xxx
Oh Barbara what a wonderful idea. I love the piece you have chosen. I am just off to put in an order for a calendar. Have a great evening. Hugs Jackie
Happy Christmas to you and your family. Thank you for the joy you bring us all year round. xx
Just got back from a family visit in East Sussex, so catching up on the last few days blogs, you get more generous with your give-aways every day, I would love to be in with a chance to win one of your calendars, Happy Christmas everyone
Pretty pretty please, let it be me!
I'm off to buy a calendar now, didn't realise you had any left and can't take the chance I 'might' be getting one for Christmas…
Well I have not got my calendar yet but I know there is one to be delivered by Santa. A lovely idea to give someone a wonderful surprise. Keeping my fingers crossed that my name will get drawn for one of your pieces of artwork. Looking forward to all that the New year brings. xx
This card just sums up the fun side of Christmas. I would love to give it a good home 😉 Hope the tree is looking good, Barbara. Mxx
Loved this when I first saw it , love it still!!
A very generous give away Barbara,
Here's hoping!
Hi Barbara, I hope you have had a lovely family day today – the first full day with your children with you as yesterday was only a part of a day. I hope you have got lots of nice things planned for the time you are all together although chillaxing time in front of the fire/tv will be good too
Thanks for the chance to win this gorgeous original piece of art, it really is lovely and extra special as I have the calendar to go with it. I'm sooo tempted to buy an extra calendar because I won't be writing on the one that I bought – it's far too special and I want to be able to frame some of the designs
Barbara, are you getting carried away with the Christmas spirit? Hope you've had a lovely family day. We have, although my dad is in the local hospital, so although we've visited twice it's not quite the same.
Feeling very festive so love today's artwork!
Dear Barbara what can I say
your daily blog so witty and gay
So Barb don’t delay
Send that fab calendar artwork my way!
Looking forward to hanging my calendar up on 1 Jan (I am superstitious and it's bad luck to hand them up before that date). I have also bought one for each of my two crafty friends, and I know they just love them. I aim to recreate each project as the months go by. Wonder how long my good intention will last?!!! Thank you for sharing with us all Barbara – you inspire us all xxx
I must write to say thank you for this so very generous offer, as have all your days leading up to Christmas been kind and generous. But this is such a wonderful example of your talent and imagination, I just had to hope to be in with a chance to win it. As they say, you have to be in it, to win it, so here I am trying again. Have a super family holiday at this festive time of year Barb, and Happy New Year as well xx
Hi Barbara I already have my beautiful calendar and when I opened it to see that it was a sgned one you should have seen my face and my happy dance (well maybe no the dance bit) lol.
It is the best callendar I can say I've ever owned and will be kept long after next December.
Hope you're having a great time with the bairns and I do love that cheeky wee Santa..enjoy…God bless you..Dot.xx
Hi Brenda how's it going how about jumping in and having a wee blether when you can were all here for you …take care..here's yer wee cuddle….xx
Hi Barbara
I do love the december piece but then again I love all the projects and am hoping to attempt all of them.
Good luck to everyone who buys a calender,I'm fortunate to own a signed copy.
Hi Barbara, I've just ordered one of your calendars & it's silly but I'm excited that I have! Ridiculous reaction from a 'grown up' but when it comes to crafting I do get excited a lot, as I know u do. Glad u have the 'kids' home for crimbo. Love & hugs from one mum to another xxxxx
Very generous offer.
I have one of your original calendars and am looking forward to the new one .to own an original GRAY artwork would be FABUUULOUS DARLING !
Yet another fabulously generous offer. I love this artwork, in fact I love all the calendar artwork. So excited to be getting mine wrapped up for Christmas. Everybody who's heard about it says what a great idea it is. Claire x
Love this card and can't wait to have a try myself. One of my faves from this year. The calendar looks fab too. Christmas present to self …? It would be rude not to xx
Hi Barb, you have come up with the most imaginative idea for selling the last of your calendars and with a generous gift inside one of them, and also giving away that beautiful December image to someone, a wonderful piece of artwork! Hope the new lights did the trick. x
Love this. Would love to win it. Dx
Great to hear that Mark and Grace got here safely and are enjoying your cooking and all the comforts that go with being at home. I love your calendar and am the lucky owner of a signed one already. Whoever wins this one will, I'm sure, love it too. xx
I've already got my beautiful signed calendar but I would love to win the artwork. Absolutely love this quirky Santa stamp! My husband also tells me that my Christmas pressies he ordered in the Gray Friday sale have arrived so there's no need to cancel Christmas! Happy days indeed!
Hi Barbara, Love this Christmas art work. I have decided that I will be working my way through your calendar month by month next year, so excited. I am spreading your artwork to my friends and family having bought 10 calendars!!! We are so lucky to have you in our lives and to be inspired by your art work. Your approach gives us the confidence to develop and enjoy the journey. Wishing you, Dave and all the family a Merry Christmas and a 2016 filled with lovely surprises!!! Hugs and luv Marian xxx
I would love this to win this gorgeous piece of artwork! I love it! Your awesome calendars will fly out! xxx
I have been lucky to receive a signed calendar, and this Fab Festive artwork is Fantastic.
Janine x
I have to say that I absolutely love this image of santa on his reindeer. It is so magical and I would love to own a piece of original Barbara Gray artwork xxx
Wow! Another lovely festive creation. Could really do with this card, as I have the lovely stamp and don't know what to do with it. I already have the gorgeous calendar. I have a plan to do each months project, so really looking forward to January and it's not often you hear that as its a drab old month – the only good thing that ever happened to me in January, was the birth of my daughter! I'll keep my fingers crossed, but I won't be sad if I don't win it, as I know next December I'll be able to follow the instructions on the calendar! Bet the tree looks fab – send us a picture. Xx
Fab, Fab, Fab – love watching your Demos – you are a daily inspiration to me x
Love this stamp set, would love to win the card. Thanks jx
What a great prize. I am having the calendar as a Christmas present but would love to win one to give to my friend who missed out on your Gray Friday because of glitches in the system which wouldn't let her order and she couldn't get through on the phone. She would be delighted. Thank you for being so generous with your gifts x
Hello Barb, what a generous gift, good luck to everyone that buys one. Mine is in the cupboard waiting to be wrapped as it is part of my Christmas present. I love this image, and have resisted taking a sneak peek at the calendar until I unwrap it, so can't wait for Friday. Have a great day everyone. Bx
Hi Barb, I don't think you need an uplifting comment from me as I'm sure you're sitting on cloud nine already 🙂 I would really love your artwork, it's stunning and I'm glad your calendars were so popular as I've never seen such lovely ones and with the instructions as well it's like having a book.
I'm sure you're very busy today (when aren't you!) I am too, I've spent all week planning what I'm going to do each day leading up to a stress-free Christmas, but after a couple of months disappointment my son and his fiancee got the keys to their first house on Monday and were determined to have their Christmas there, with us all invited, but they decided to paint every room and recarpet first, so all hands to the deck to help them out, but as we said all you need for a perfect Christmas is family and food! Hope you have a good day xxx
Oh dear, I'm now on Santa's naughty list as I promised myself I wouldn't buy anything crafty during December so that I'd have more to spend on everyone else. And what happened? There was I ordering the calendar and somehow a Groovi plate ended up in the basket too. Haven't even got the Platemate yet, but I know it's waiting for me under the tree, so itching to get started with it! 🙂
Happy Christmas one and all!
Beautiful card Barbara. Have a great Christmas.
I bought your wonderful calendar plus 2 more as Christmas presents for Barbara Gray fans…..we hope to have a lot of fun trying out all of your projects…..something to look forward to in 2016. Love this card which is one of my favourites in the calendar.
I will have to wait until Boxing Day to see if Santa bought me some pennies to spend how I want to and if he did then I will be back for a calendar lol! The trouble is I've been a naughty girl this year, especially the last couple of months, lots of crafty stash bought and not used yet lol. Thanks for the chance to win the gorgeous art or the goddies: either is good for me lol Karen x
Just love love love this piece of artwork. Loved it when I first saw it. I think its magical and that's what we all try to make Christmas isn't it. I always try to make it as magical as I can for my family. It's not been the best of years as my son has had poor health and he is only 25 and lost both of his jobs because of it. He is getting better now so I am hoping next year brings better time for him. As he hasn't had much money I have spoilt him and his girlfriend this Christmas and made him a special gift. My tree is up and has all the old favourite toys on it – Yippee!! I love to sit and look at the tree all lit up. I still bring out my son' Bear Band that he had when he was little. It plays carols and the band move. Guess who loves this the best – the parrot! He is my little feathered friend and he was whistling when I switched off the lights to show him the fairy lights on the tree. Well I hope you are enjoying some lovely time with your family cause you deserve some time to recharge your batteries. Like my mother always says – you need to take some time to feed the soul. Will be buying a calendar when I get my Christmas money off my parents- in-law. You never know I may just get lucky!! Much Love Jayne