3 Days to Christmas Eve Giveaway
Hi there!
Thanks for popping in.
What a busy day I have had!
Both Mark and Grace landed safely,
– albeit one at Gatwick and one at Heathrow –
both are watered and fed and chilling in the house,
(My German Potato Soup went down a storm).
So I thought I’d just pop up here and check in with you.
Before we look at today’s Giveaway card,
I wanted to share a cool light display at Heathrow Terminal 2:
See? The snowflakes are aeroplanes.
How cool is that?!
And now look at the optical illusion bottom right.
It was painted as if there were a hole in the floor.
Brilliant art!
Anyway, on a far more modest scale,
here’s a Dove of Peace which I would like to give away to you.
Grunge paste though the stencil,
Dove stamped onto Fusible Fibre.
I am sure you understand why I am digging out finished pieces
to give away, and not creating originals from scratch!
The kids are in the house, and are decorating the tree.
I just want to make a cuppa and watch them.
So if you would like this artwork, signed and sent to you,
leave an uplifting comment below,
and go into today’s random Card winning draw!
I think I will send you a Fusible Fibre Starter Kit too.
And the Star stencil.
As a gift, of course.
Gotta go!
Dave bought some new simple lights,
so after yesterday’s debacle, I have to watch this!!!!
love and hugs,
166 thoughts on “3 Days to Christmas Eve Giveaway”
Gorgeous as always. No-one could possibly begrudge you spending time with the family. I've closed my blog until the weekend as I still have gifts to finish making. Enjoy your children!
how lovely of you such a nice gift love the card and the aeroplane snowflakes
merry christmas
How wonderful to have your darling children home Barb I am delighted the tree is getting decorated, I knew they would love to do it ;0) Enjoy your family time and thanks for another wonderful give away xx
Ah so glad you have them both home X snow flakes super cool, artwork as ever.. Awesome X
Soup sounds great.. Time to relax
Much love
Kim x
Glad they both arrived safely. We have been waiting to hear from our son who travelled to Slovakia on Saturday – apparently it took all day incl. a 3 hour wait for a train at Bratislava! anyway, alls well and he and family are ok. Peace is such an evocative word – it even sounds serene. And your generous offers make a prize to treasure. No matter that they are from your stash of finished pieces – every one an original Gray!
Hi Barb, I can't believe I am the first to comment today! I am Soo pleased that Mark and Grace are now with you – thank you for sparing VERY valuable time to do this for us all. Very much appreciated – your Art and Gift are fabulous – a little like yourself! Enjoy, enjoy your time watching your very own elves decorating your tree. Please let us know, is it a real one? Love the aero-flakes too!! Love, Gilly xxx
Well, there were no comments on here when I started to do mine! That's my story and I'm sticking to it!! xxx
Love the street art where it looks like your going to fall into it! Hope you all have fun decorating the tree . It's great your kids are home for the festive season . X
Lights Barbara, I think your children will light up the house. Children, such a gift. Love Nadia x
Treasure every moment with your family Barbara. Merry Christmas to you all x
Gorgeous card, you must be so pleased to have both children home for Christmas. Both my daughters are home to share the holiday with us, it will be such a pleasure to have the family together. Merry Christmas to you all.
Lol, very pleased you have Grace and Mark home safe and sound and your tree is fulfilling its Destiny. What a lovely piece of artwork too, must have another play with my FF xx
Welcome home Mark and Grace, how lovely to have them around… Love the card.
So glad that Grace and Mark got home safe and sound!
Heathrow's light show looks like the snowflake stencil has been in use albeit on a large scale!
Enjoy having your family at home with you! Love and hugs to you all. Xxxxx
Oh, I bet it's so lovely having your children home. I'm dreading mine leaving home as its been just me and my two boys for 15 years now.
The dove of peace card is beautifully elegant.
I hope you make lots of beautiful memories to hold onto for when they are away again. Xx
Evening enjoy and enjoy some more. Wow snowflake aeroplanes.
Art work just beautiful. I think I saw u doing this type of art work on tv – ironing -and I thought now that I the sort of ironing I can do.
Lovely to catch up
Crafty hugs pen x
Love the dove of peace image. It brings a calmness to me that I hope others feel too.
Enjoy and treasure your family time. Have fun creating new memories. x
Thanks for sharing the aeroplane snowflakes – very cool ! Liked the card, hadn't seen it before. I have the doves as a groovi but I think I need to add the line art stamps, very crisp . Enjoy your family time .
This is my very favorite . How I would love this and hang it all,year round .
Enjoy your dear children . What a blessing they are . Love and joy to you and you and you .jan
Hopefully, the sentiment on this beautiful card is in all our hearts and minds during Christmas. Mxx
So nice at this time of year to be with family. Happy Christmas to you all and a very Happy New Year. Lovely card again, no surprises there … So eat drink and be merry, enjoy your special time together. X
Hi Barbara this is a gorgeous. Enjoy the time with your children it is a very special time. Time to make memories. Hugs Jackie
Love this one. Have a lovely chilled evening with the "children" and here's hoping the lights don't tangle
Lovely Barbara! I have some fusible fibres that I haven't used yet, I feel once I start I won't stop! Glad the children arrived safety. Thanks for showing the effects at Heathroe, very clever all of them. Hope the lights work ok! You just post. Pic of the finished tree please.
I've just been back InTo work for the Children's Christmas party which was lovely as usual.
Those aeroplane snowflakes are so clever. Enjoy having Mark and Grace home and enjoy watching them decorate the tree though you should all be drinking Gluhwein! Merry Christmas from Fi x
Beautiful artwork as always. Hope you enjoy every minute with your lovely children xx
Barbara I would love to win one of your brilliant pieces of art. I never know where you are going with your designs when you start, but when you finish it is always a big wow from me and you always make me believe that I can do it too. You are so inspirational.
Jacqueline xxxx
fab elegant card. i'm actually intrigued by the german potato soup though. could you share recipe sometime?
enjoy every moment with the kids. i think it is totally understandable and acceptable if you even miss a few days of blogging, hugs xx
When you find some sort of reel or just a piece of stiff cardboard then you can wind the lights around it and next year they will be easily coming off without being tangled. Just like ribbon. Or of course you can buy new lights again 🙂
Enjoy the time with Grace and Mark who are surely happy to be at home.
So glad Grace and Mark are both home safely. See everyone told you yesterday that they would love to dress the tree (they probably think you left it on purpose for them to do)and the new lights have been bought by way of celebration of the fact. Very clever use of the aeroplanes as snowflakes – love it. Hope you have a lovely relaxing evening xxxx
Well done Heathrow! And well done you for putting your family first! Have a great Christmas xx
Lovely art work as always, great to see something different each day. Would love to see a photo of your "children" with the tree. Try not to work too much while they are here.
Evening – enjoy watching the tree dressing – Love the dove – |I have tried fusible fibre but never got the results I wanted – Maybe I need to try again – Was watching you on Hochanda today and really enjoyed it.
Really beautiful card, would love to receive this one, enjoy the dressing of the tree it will be grat fun and specially while you chill out and watch, bet there will be great fun had by all X X X X x
Bet the warm glow you are feeling watching the tree being decorated is nothing to do with the potato soup. Enjoy every minute xx
Hey girl – Last night I said that I was unlikely to be ironing this winter and guess what today I got the iron out. True I was ironing tissue paper to stamp candles. What a blast! Of course if I won the superb artwork and fibre I'd have to get it out again. But worth it! Fab cards, excellent designs and wonderful techniques. Keeps me off the streets and out of the shops. Much love.
So pleased that the kids arrived safely and are having a treemendous time, hope no one gets needled. Sounds as though you are the dove of peace, loving arms, a mother's kisses and German potato soup. Who could ask for more?
Ps love the Heathrow ice crystals!
so pleased that Grace and Mark are both home safe and sound and have fitted right back into the Groove!! Lol.I love this card, and love how you used the fusible fibres on it. Stunning piece of artwork and I would be honoured to have it in my craft room. xxxx
Thank you for finding the time to join us on your blog once again. What an exciting (if busy) day you've had welcoming your children home; how wonderful that you get to spend Christmas time together.
I didn't spot the aeroplanes making up the snowstorm – how clever.
As for the pavement style art – that is superb – so much so I could not walk on it 'just in case' there really was a hole in the middle LOL
I love your card for it's design as well as its message – it's a good choice to show alongside the airport artwork as this card has real depth to it too
Hope you have a lovely family evening
Glad you are all home safe and sound. Enjoy a lovely Christmas and I love the dove. Wouldn't it be lovely if we had peace in 2016 x
So glad the children arrived safe and sound. Am sure they were as happy to see you as you were to see them. Enjoy every moment you have and don't worry about your blog, we all understand how precious every moment with them is. The artwork is gorgeous and what a lovely piece for some lucky winner to own. Hope it's me. My Gray Day order arrived safely today in Canada. Had a ball going through all my new goodies. Thanks so much to the Clarity elves for getting all the orders out so quickly. Have a wonderful evening.
Lovely artwork as always! I used the star stencil today to make a welcome baby card for my beautiful new Grandaughter who was born this morning and guess what they've called her, yes! Grace !! Glad Mark and Grace have arrived safely. I don't blame you for wanting to spend quality time with your family! Merry Christmas every one!
Congratulations Nettie, what a wonderful Christmas gift for you. Grace – such a pretty name . I hope mum and baby are doing well xx.
Congratulations xxx
Thank you x
Beautiful card Barbara……….. enjoy your family time, it is so precious. C xx
You are so right to put your family life together and to enjoy the company of Grace and Mark. I hope you videoed the redecorating of the tree for future watching. We all understand how precious this time is to you, especially after all your worry about Dave's health. You are entitled to take time off even from your blog for a few days. Enjoy this time together. Love Maggie xxx
Beautiful dove card. Peace would be wonderful! Hope you all have a fabulous evening making the tree come to life.
Tonbridge Sue
After yesterday Peace has arrived !!! enjoy the tree decorating. Love the Heathrow pictures.
Stunning art work how I would be so thrilled to win this one signed it's beautiful what you make with the fusible fibres wonderful that grace and mark arrived safely and you fed them too
And you let Dave back home bless him have a fantastic catch up treasured memories you make
Evening Donna
Evening Diane
Evening Dorothy
Evening pam
Evening Brenda
Hugs to all on the blog
I had my first acupuncture today went very well another one next week xxx
Ooooo I hope you didn't leak when you had a cup of tea! Xx
So cute glad your nearly done for Christmas xxx
Oh Donna that made me chuckle! Sheila good to hear it's having some effect. Hope you two are ok xxxxx
Fingers crossed it helps with the pain. Xx
Thank you if it helps me craft more again it's worth it xxx
I don't blame you at all for not wanting to create art especially when your kids have arrived…..I would be doing exactly the same. Another gorgeous piece, how nice that you can just pull this out the hat, so to speak. I have never played with fusible fibres, but on my never ending wish list. Enjoy spending time with Grace and Mark x
Hi Barbara, Lovely dove of peace. Inspirational art work as always. An original by you Barbara would be such a joy to have. So glad Grace and Mark both arrived safely. Great to have all of your family around you for Christmas. Peace for all of us this Christmas would be wonderful. Thanks for all your inspiration. Looking forward to lots of projects next year using clarity projects. Mx
Fantastic card. Enjoy your evening and tree decorating!
Love the little dove, and so pleased that Mark & Grace arrived safely, and are helping with the tree decoration. I'm sure it will be beautiful. Enjoy every moment of your time with them. Susan x
Glad your family home safely and enjoy your quality family time. Love your dove artwork. I have some grunge paste and can't wait to play with it have never used it before so really looking forward to using it.
Hello Barbara
Glad you are all safe and well under the same roof. Enjoy.
Oh wow! That looks so amazing, love to have a go at that. Your ideas are so inspiring, even when you don't have too much time and you have your lovely kids home and you must really want to spend every moment with them, you stil find time for all your adoring fans! You're lovely you are and thank you, thank you, thank you for all you help and guidance with our crafting this year, can't wait to see what you come up with in 2016. Hey, that floor at Heathrow was pretty cool. Luv ya Barb. Xxxxxxxx
Love the snow airplanes, looks great would love to win your artwork the dove is beautiful xx
Lovely to hear that Grace and Mark are home safely. Enjoy every minute with your family Barbara. Much appreciate you still doing your blog when you must be so busy. Beautiful card again today, don't think I've seen you make this one. Don't think I have the stamps either, even more for the wish list. Love to you all.xxx
Another lovely card. So pleased that the kids are home and safe and that the Christmas tree was spared the wrath of Barbara's scissors. I've just been watching Barbara Gray and Dean Wilson do shrink plastic on youtube – very very funny, cheered me up no end.
Hello there, Donna, Sheila, Diane, Brenda and Dot, hope you are all well and nearly ready for Christmas. Love and hugs to you all.cox
Evening pam hugs xxx
Evening Pam, nearly there! Did a bit of food shopping tonight so I think apart from fresh veg I'm done. Xx
Hi Pam just been present wrapping as I'm visiting a few aunts and uncles tomorrow so lots of talking and cups of tea and no doubt my uncle will have some great Christmas jokes for me! Mother in law cooking this year so just the turkey to pick up Christmas Eve and a few bottles of wine to get! Hope you are ok xxxxx
Wonderful card ! Enjoy the time with your kids xxx
That was xxx not cox blinking predictive text. Sorry.x
That was a nice surprise, wishing you and your family a merry Christmas and healthy New Year x
Simple, effective, stunning! Nothing more to add other than enjoy Grace and Mark being home for Christmas – missing my eldest son this year! xx
So pleased to hear your kids are both home. Love this peaceful dove . enjoy your evening catching up. X
Definitely don't begrudge you a special evening with your children; especially when you're offering us the chance to win such a beautiful card. Very happy to hear that they both landed safely. Gorgeous snowflakes at Heathrow, just like your stencil flying around. Hope you're beginning to feel like Christmas is here now that you have Grace & Mark home. I'm sure that Dave enjoyed showing you how easy it is to put lights on the tree without the use of scissors. Enjoy your family evening. Hugs & love Jeanette xxx
Love those snowflakes made from planes. Enjoy your time with your children. Oh love the artwork.
Glad that today is going more to plan – good luck with the lights!
The airplane snowflakes are fantastic and look as though Paul's been pattern building on a grand scale. Love the simplicity of this and also today's artwork xx
Lovely card ! We all understand you want to be with your children – it's a special time when their older and come home for things and you have them all together albeit for a short time – my youngest daughter is in New Zealand and I'm looking forward to March when she's home -although the older two are home so it will be lovely xx God bless you and your family xx merry Christmas xx
Another beautiful card, Barbara, and another very generous offering.
So glad to hear that you have all your family home for Christmas – I'm sure they've enjoyed trimming the tree.
Have a wonderful Christmas together.
Hi Barb,
Beautiful piece of artwork today. I'm sure whoever wins this will be absolute,y thrilled. So pleased you've got Mark and Grace home and I bet they are enjoying doing the tree, will bring back happy memories for you all I'm sure. Love Alison xxx
Hi Barbara, I love religious cards at Christmas as the rest seem to b so very materialistic. Your card rocks. xxx
Enjoy every moment xxxxxx
A lovely card , so glad you have your family a round you, xx
Enjoy the love and the laughter. Have lots of fun and time to reflect on every moment of joy throughout Christmas. I used the dove for my Christmas cards last year. I love the elegance of your beautiful card. Jillx
Bingo it looks like I finally mastered the publishing bit, so look out here comes more.We were at the airport today too collecting Mother who was delayed but pleased to be here in the sunshine.Just wanted to say thankyou for all your wonderful inspiration I run a small craft group here in Spain and am thank full for all the ideas I can get.Besides which you do make me giggle. Have a wonderful christmas and God Bless; Lynda in Spain
I love Santa's, snowmen and robins, but a religious Christmas card tops them all. After all, if it wasn't Christ's birthday, there would be no Christmas at all. I love this card – I may have to 'pinch' this idea for my Christmas cards next year! Lol! ��
Love Joan x
Thank you for using up some of your precious family time to write this blog. A beautiful card today. So inspirational. x
Enjoy your family and have a wonderful Christmas.I have had fusible fibres in my stash for about 10 years maybe I'll get around to using them soon.
Beautiful card and I love fusible fibres! Those snowflakes ate so cool I had to look again when you said they are aeroplanes, how brilliant. Have a nice first evening with Grace and Mark. Xx
May the joy of the Christmas seaon fill your home
With as much love as you have for your children
I wish you and those you love a Merry Christmas and Luck, Health and Happiness in 2016. X
Evening Brenda, Diane, Pam and Dot. Sending hugs XX
Hi Donna, hope you are enjoying your holiday xxxx
Yes, had a good day. A little bit of craft always works. Xx
Hello Barbara,
What a lovely day for you…being reunited with your children. I have had a day of very mixed emotions. My best friend of 40years is sadly reaching the end of her life and I've spent most of the day at her bedside. It is also my birthday and I have been lucky to have been sent lovely cards and gifts.
Like you I am blessed with a husband and children who are there for me during the ups and downs of life. It puts everything in perspective especially at this time of the year.
Have a lovely christmas and a very succesful 2016 X
Simply exquisite – so pleased you have your family home safe and sound. the soup sounds delicious. Wonderful pictures. Have a lovely time with everyone around you.
Lots of love
Anne (Reading)x
Love the art must get out my fusible fibres have fun with your family
Wonderful, as usual. So inspiring, Barbara. Thank you. xx
Very pretty. Hope the lights went up ok!
Hope tonight was more peaceful & relaxed. Love the artwork. Dx
Hi Barbara,
enjoy the days with Grace and Mark and Dave and your parents!
Can you believe I love cards where fusible fibres are used but I´ve never did one!!! Don´t know why… maybe if it doesn´t work I´m to disappointed. But I know you showed us in a video how to use it.
However I would like to win this card for sure.
Rolf xxx
Oh, Barbara, the best yet. I love angelina fibres! The best card yet. So glad you are ensconced with your children and dave. How lovely. I've finally made the last of my cards – 93 in total (didn't know we knew that many people!). So I am now relaxing with a glass of wine. A – n -d r -e – l – a – x. Hmmm
Wow! That's a stunning card. Thought the snowflakes at Heathrow were very clever but I wouldn't have spotted the planes if you hadn't pointed them out. Enjoy your time with Mark and Grace and hopefully you'll get some time to relax whilst they are with you. Fran x
Hi Barbara
This beautiful card inspired me to buy the dove of peace stamp and I used it for some of my Christmas cards. I had to improvise as I had no stencil or fusible fibres. I am pleased to hear that Grace and Mark arrived safely and am looking forward to seeing your decorated tree. Enjoy Christmas with your loved ones . Thank you for your daily blog which is an inspiration to all of us
Hugs from Chris X g
Live the card as usual and so happy both home safely enjoy your week lots love joy xxx
Hope you have a Blessed Christmas, Barbara. Enjoy every minute of your time with Grace, Mark and Dave. Family is so precious.
Thank you for another year of Clarity loveliness! Christmas wishes to the whole team. May 2016 be a wonderful year!
Love Linda X
So pleased Mark and Grace arrived safely, enjoy your time with them. The card is beautiful! Angelina fibres are on my to buy list (along with several other things)!
I cam imagine the excitement with Grace and Mark just arrived. Please take as many shortcuts as you want with your blogs. As much as we all love your chatter, please take a break and enjoy your family. We appreciate your dedication but your family time is more important.
Love your latest card . I used the fusible fibres with the Good Wishes stamp set and was pleased. with the results.
Sleep well, they will still be there in the morning.
I have to say I have used the word Peace on so many cards this Christmas, it's something most of us pray for. Glad to hear you have some new lights—- and I'm sure Grace and Mark will do a fantastic job with the tree. Enjoy your time together as it is so precious. X
Beautiful artwork as always I have never tried Fusible film would love to.
Dear Barbara,another fantastic piece of work. Thank you so much for being so generous and sharing your talent with us. Would love to give this piece a home. Enjoy the time with your family.
Another fantastic give away. I haven't tried the fusible fibre thing yet, another project for the new year , I never seem to catch up. I am glad your family have arrived safely. I can only imagine what it is like for you as my two boys live 15 miles away and my daughter 2 minutes walk away. she helps me so much with my mum who is 93 nearly blind and can hardly walk but who still insists on living alone.
Hi Barbara
Thank you for all the pleasure, joy, and inspiration you bring us. Your posts are always a must read. I so much appreciate you sharing some of life's journey too – it's not all a bed of roses for any of us – good to hear that you are human too!!!
Have a wonderful Christmas with your dearest ones. May you have joy and peace.
Warm regards from DownUnder xx
Christmas isn't the presents you get or if your tree is perfect or if your lights are working it's being safe, happy and healthy with your family – the greatest gift anyone could have. Enjoy your time together this Christmas X
The light effects at Heathrow were fantastic. I've got that stamp and plenty of fusible fibres when I return from my daughters' houses I'm going to give it a go that's if I can put down the 'Groovie' for long enough. The Grunge and the fibres look wonderful. Thank you for inspiring me to 'play' with the fibres again. X
Barbara you're a cure for sure! Happy Christmas everyone!
Glad to hear all home safe and sound, the rest is just icing on the cake, if the tree gets decorated, if the lights work and if it still has pine needles, who cares, your kids are home and your Christmas can begin. So dig out any and all pieces, coz home with the kids is where you should be, not shut in the room over the garage. There's plenty of time for new art next year when you need the distraction. Since you are on early in the New Year, why not make the Jan show on HOCHANDA best of 2015, it will be new for most of the viewers and save you trying to create too much new. A bit like your Calendar, pick your favourites or ask us to nominate ours to feature in the show. Have a fab Christmas, just managed to finish Mum and Dad's card so only pressies to wrap and table runner to finish, phew!. Hugs all round Karen xxx.
I want to see the tree and the lights after yesterday's escapades. I bet you are bursting with happiness that the children are both home for Christmas nothing better. Xx
So glad they're with you safe and sound. Time to enjoy the time right now! I'm with my family too, cards done, presents wrapped (well, the ones for them anyway) and a good meal had. Even the cat has settled in. Lovely to relax and let other people take some of the strain.
This is a very pretty piece, and I've not used fusible fibre before so would love to win today!
Christmas wishes all round!
Love the dove of peace image.
Hi Barbara
Glad to hear Grace and Mark have arrived home safely – love the snowflakes and artwork at Heathrow, nice to see they get into the festive spirit. I'm sure you can hear their happy laughter and banter from where you are sat, it's good to hear more lights were purchased to save the day! Wonderful artwork again today and wow what a great offer again, you are spoiling us, thank you. Enjoy your evening, I hope they are not too jet lagged!
Oh yes I've been meaning to say thank you for my Grey parcel which arrived on Thursday, I was allowed to stroke it but no touch!
Take care
Love Diane xxxxxx
Hi Dot
Hi Brenda, hope you are both ok xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Ooh, those aeroplane snowflakes are awesome! Thank you for sharing them. Glad Mark and Grace got home ok – how happy you must be! Lovely artwork today, the fusible film really shimmers and shows off the gorgeous dove. Love the stars too! I hope you had a lovely evening! xxx
Peace to you this Christmas,enjoy your family.
Happy Christmas xx
Welcome home Mark and Grace. I bet they enjoyed decorating the tree (did you describe the tussle you had yesterday?) – that made such an amusing blog! The Heathrow plane snowflakes are a clever design too and your dove card is gorgeous as always. Be happy ! Xx
With all your talk about the Christmas tree it reminded me of a beautiful post I saw on fb. A man not wanting anything for Christmas, his wife decided to donate to a charity instead of buying him a present. She wrote down what she had done and put it inside a white envelope, which she placed on the tree. After everyone had opened their presents on Christmas morning the husband opened the white envelope and was delighted with what he saw. This custom went on for 40yrs until the husband died. The following Christmas two white envelopes appeared on the tree. His two children had decided to keep the tradition going in his memory. I thought this was a heartwarming story x
Thank you for sharing xxx
The Chidren have landed and Christmas is a'coming! Wishing you Barbara, Dave and all a happy time together. Oma and Grandpa will be pleased to see them and spoil them too.
This star stencil is so lovely and a frame for some of my mum's cards but due to being in Kuwait earlier in the year and without Grunge Paste, I made my own concoction, but then couldn't believe it when it worked, yippee; the stencilled images turned out so well and took on Distress ink colours without fail – a triumph in my very much amateur eyes!
As for the dove stamp, I decoupaged it along with 'Peace' for some of my cards as the image and sentiment were so appropriate.
Fibres deserve a 'go' though! ;~}
Hi Barbara,
What a lovely card,simple in it's own way.
Needing a bit of peace today…feeling so rough that a trip to the shops was a massive pain in the derriere!
Can I cancel Christmas and move to a fortnight from now? Pretty please?
It's lovely that the kids are here and ok, have a lovely family Christmas, enjoy your cuppa.
Crafty hugs, x
Have a fabulous time now your children have arrived.
This is a lovely card, thanks for the chance of winning
Magnifique gréât work
Hello Barbara, Yet another beautiful piece of art, and so appropriate for this time of year! Let us hope that the season of goodwill and the hope for peace become a reality. Glad that Grace and Mark have come home safely, please take the time to unwind and enjoy this special time with your family. Mary xxxx
Who in their right mind would have put grunge paste and fusible fibre together? Only you barb, i have an airplane stamp somewhere, gonna try snowflakes, Thanks for sharing and hope by now the tree is lit and adorned. Much love. jilly xx
Really lovely card – not just for Christmas either! Glad you have Grace and Mark home for Christmas. This year will be our first where our son and his wife of 4 months are not going to be here as they have moved out to Indiana, USA. It's going to be strange! Fortunately our daughter and grandchildren arrived today and will be keeping us busy through the festive season. Wishing you all a very happy family Christmas xxxx
Hi Barbara,
Thanks for sharing your and heathrow's art work with us it's great, however I was looking forward to you sharing your potato soup recipe with us! Hey Ho or should it be HO HO HO never mind, may next time. Speaking of stars, I hope you don't mind if I share with you my proud joy for my two dogs Billy and Kelly. We are a Pets As Therapy visiting team we go into nursing homes, hospices, hospitals letting patients and residents stroke them bring them joy and calming effects. We also work with people with dog phobias. Anyway one of the places we visit nominated us for the BBC North West Tonight Christmas Star Awards and HO HO HO we now have a glass star on the mantle piece, we were also on BBC NWT receiving the award. How nice would it be to have a Barbara Gray signed Dove and ring of stars above our own star.
Barbara hope Dave, Grace, Mark, yourself and the whole world have a good christmas.
that you put into your work. Please do Nugenix move forward with more like this.I just added your blog to my blog roll, I hope youd take into consideration doing the same.Hey, I think your really on target with this, I wont say I am completely on the same page, but its not really that big of a issue. For more ==== >>>>>> http://www.healthsupreviews.com/nugenix/
What a lovely card! And the airport art, that's ver clever 🙂
How lovely for you to have both children at home and watching them decorate the tree 🙂 A moment to save.
My best wishes for Christmas to you and all your family.
Amazing artwork. How wonderful to have both children home. We will be lucky enough to have all of our family here on Boxing day.
Wunder, wunder schön. Das sind Karten, welche man immer aufbewahrt. Gerne würde ich mal so eine Karte bekommen.
Hi Barbara glad to hear Grace and Mark arrived safely and hope you all have a happy Christmas. Your card is beautiful as always and would be lovely if we could all adhere to for the future please God. Xx
Guten Morgen Barbara,
es freut mich dass Deine Kinder gut gelandet sind und Ihr Euch endlich wieder gesehen habt, habt eine schöne Zeit miteinander.
Und Deine Arbeit ist wieder total klasse … ich selbst habe noch nie mit diesen Fasern gearbeitet aber was nicht ist kann ja noch werden.;-)
In diesem Sinne Euch allen einen schönen Tag.
Herzliche Grüße sendet Sabine:-)
Hello Barb, loved this project/artwork when you blogged it previously and still do. So lovely with the fibres. Glad to hear the Grace and Mark arrived safely. Mmmm, potato soup, sounds lush. Hope the lights went on ok and did not involve any more scissors. Take care. Bx
Can't believe you are still"Blogging live" with all that is going around you. Love your art, really liking the stencilled grunge paste vibe this year. Your pics of Heathrow are great, thanks for sharing xx
Hi Barbara glad to hear Grace and Mark have arrived safe and enjoyed there soup you can never make soup that tastes as good as your Mum's.
Have a lovely time catching up with them thanks for taking the time to still blog and for another chance of a Barbara masterpiece. … love health and happiness to you and Dave and your family..Dot..X
Morning girls hope your all well and Brenda here's yir cuddle ….xx
Thank you for taking the time to share the Heathrow plane snowflakes plus the pavement art and show us your beautiful dove, especially now when Grace and Mark are back with you. It's lovely to see so much happiness and joy being shared on the blog too.
Another beauty Barbara … less is more as they say. Hope your lights are ok and enjoy watching the decorating of the tree. Look forward to seeing the finished design xx
SEE…. I told you to sit back and relax!! Your very capable family are well able to take off some of the pressure. As for today's card I think it is truly beautiful and PEACE is the message we would all like to pass on this Christmas. Thank you for the generous offer Barbara.
Your artwork may be smaller than that at Heathrow, Barbara, but it's no less beautiful!!! Thank you, once again, for taking time out of your (very busy) day to bring us inspiration. xx
Really beautiful card Barbara,fibres are something I forget to use ,so thank you for the gentle reminder.Lovely to have all your family around you at this time of year.I'm leaving for the airport in a few hours to catch the plane to visit with my grandchildren ,I'not seen them for quite a while so looking forward to spending Christmas with them .I'll be back in the UK next year,hopefully In time for your new shows on hochanda
Just popped in to wish you and yours a wonderful Christmas together, I hope you have much fun and joy filled hours….warm hugs..xx
Glad your babies are here safe and well have a great time together love tha artwork it's beautiful thank you love June Horrocks xxxxx
Beautiful card Barbara.
The card is simply stunning. I used the same stencil on my cards this year and got lots of very positive feedback. I can sense the dove stamp will be flying my way soon! Doubt I'll be able to make it look quite he same as you, but happy to give it a go. Many thanks, as ever, for sharing.
so pleased for you all.I am sure the tree will be fantastic. The design on the card I love might try this one myself. xx
Enjoy you tome with your precious family❤️ Never been brave enough to try fusible fibres!!! Xx
Hi Barb. So the children are home safe and decorating the tree – just like old times I guess. A proper family scene. I just love the Dove card its so serene. I am really going to start to be more experimental in the New Year. It doesn't matter when the art work was done its always fantastic. Well finally getting the decorations on the tree myself today. Survived the food shopping yesterday and was pleasantly surprised that it wasn't too busy. On the last leg of finishing making my presents thank goodness. Had a few very late nights though! My youngest dog is very excited now the tree is up and everything has been moved round to accommodate it. I think he knows that santa is on his way with doggy treats. Enjoy your family time. Much love Jayne
Hi Barb. So the children are home safe and decorating the tree – just like old times I guess. A proper family scene. I just love the Dove card its so serene. I am really going to start to be more experimental in the New Year. It doesn't matter when the art work was done its always fantastic. Well finally getting the decorations on the tree myself today. Survived the food shopping yesterday and was pleasantly surprised that it wasn't too busy. On the last leg of finishing making my presents thank goodness. Had a few very late nights though! My youngest dog is very excited now the tree is up and everything has been moved round to accommodate it. I think he knows that santa is on his way with doggy treats. Enjoy your family time. Much love Jayne
How lovely that the family is at home at last. I can truly understand that all you want to do is be with them and not be doing all the 100 other things that we women have to do at this time of the year. Be with your family…..the rest can wait! Have a good day x
I love your dove and the splashes of pastel blue with the black and white are beautiful. So glad you are able to take the time out to enjoy being with the family and that you have some new and less complicated lights for the tree so stress levels can remain low ..lol. Thank you for another beautiful give away card and the fusible fibres and stencil to go with it. I have never tried using the fibres before so if I was lucky enough to win them I would enjoy giving them aa go. x
A truly beautiful card. I have never used fusible fibre but it's effect is gorgeous. I would love to own this card and try out the fibres. Thank you for such generosity with all the Christmas giveaways and the time you spend demonstrating and blogging – love it all but can't sometimes keep up with your blogs as I have vertigo (waiting for hospital appointment) and it raises it's ugly head (excuse the pun!) for no reason and floors me.
Have a happy time with your family making memories.
Best wishes, Jacqui
Awww, PEACE…we certainly need more of that in the world, no? Thank you for sharing your piece of peace with us. It is quite lovely, as usual.Love to see the new technique with the fibers. Isn't it nice to see the airport take the time to share creative art with all travelers and airport employees? Smart. Enjoy your time with your children as it will fly away, like the dove.
Fab card as ever and I don't blame you for wanting to watch the kids, as they get older family time is precious and we need to just make, and take, the time to sit down, relax and enjoy the simple things again. Life is sweet, family is fantastic, Christmas a wonderful excuse to bind us all together again and firm up those family ties. xx
Hope you have a fabulous Christmas with your family. I'm spending CMas with my loved one – my dog 😉
Enjoy those precious kids. Bet they had fun decorating the tree, I love getting all my lot together. Boxing Day this year we all be in one house. Brilliant. Those snowflakes were very clever, lovely idea. Fabulous card as well. xx
Belatedly wanted to say how pleased I am both Grace and Mark have arrived home safely, I know how precious they are to you. Enjoy your time with them, and thank you for sharing it with us. We all completely understand why artwork isn't top of your priority list right now 🙂 Lovely reminder of a technique I must try again. Claire x
Barbara you got to stop being so hard on yourself. I've had to learn to not worry about a lot of stuff and so do you. Enjoy the time with your kids as we know they will be off again to pursue their dreams. I would be very grateful to receive any sort of craft from you and I think most others will be too. Happy to hear they are home with mum, love the photo's of the snowflakes and I didn't see the planes until you said lol! The soup sounds great too. Have a lovely family Christmas Karen x