10 Days to Christmas Eve Giveaway..

10 Days to Christmas Eve Giveaway..

Hi there!
Thanks for popping in.
Hope you are doing well, in the run up to Christmas?
Having spend a delightful weekend with my Mum,
it’s time to knuckle down and sort out a few last minute things.
Like tax returns and the proposals for January’s TV Shows!
But actually, they can wait till tomorrow…
I have had a think about how we can celebrate 
the days leading up to Christmas here on our blog.
The situation is this:
At Clarity, our lovely loyal elves are still caving 
under the last time I had a good idea – namely Gray Friday!
The good news is they reckon all the Gray Day Sale orders will be out by the end of this week.
So I DAREN’T add another sale or special offer to the mix.
You understand, I’m sure. 
But, and I hate to presume that anybody would appreciate an original card by myself,
what I can do without adding any pressure to anybody except myself, is give away the artwork I blog each day.
So between now and Christmas Eve,
I thought I would make a card or something each day, 
and then you, in turn, 
could say something pleasant or uplifting below. 
Then I would close my eyes 
and pick a person to send the artwork to.
That way, nobody at work is involved –
only me and thee. 
Signing art always feels a bit pretentious 
when I am giving it away, but I shall. 
Because You never know.
One day, if I do something outrageous that goes viral,
it may be worth a few bob signed !!!
So on this first day,
10-Days-to-Christmas Eve, 
Barbara made for Thee…
A Gelli Plate brick stencil background from my stash.
inked up in both Sepia and Black.
Add the large corner from the same set in the corner.
You need a permanent ink pad to stamp on acrylic paint; 
hence the Archival mix.

Small corner in the lower corner.
Then let’s colour in the line art.
The Spectrum Noir pencils work well on acrylic too.

This way, the brickwork inside the deer etc is covered up.
Add grey or black underneath to create a shadow.

Colour in the holly and the stars.
White takes well on acrylic paint too.
It’s almost like the texture gives you tread.

Noel from our Christmas Word Chains sit well…
Love love love the lettering.

Let’s make some stars with the masks from the mask 
which comes with Santa.

Dab dab dab some green Archival gently over the masks. 
Easy does it!

Add a little drop shadow with a brown pencil.

Add a little shimmer with a Sakura Stardust clear pen.
Works a treat on card and acrylic paint.

Trim back the card to leave that lovely gritty printed edge.

Looks good on green….

Green it is then.
And then white.

So that’s it.
If you like the art, and you would like me to send it to you,
then leave an uplifting message below, 
and maybe your name will be randomly picked.
If you don’t like it, just don’t leave a comment, 
and you’ll be spared!!!
So let’s have a count down to Christmas, shall we?
We celebrate Christmas on Christmas Eve.
That’s why it’s 10 days away for me!
Love and hugs,

176 thoughts on “10 Days to Christmas Eve Giveaway..

  1. It's important to sit back and breathe even in the mad rush to get ready. Take the time to enjoy the time with family and loved ones and don't overwhelm yourself in the detail

  2. WOW!! Barbara, you make it look so easy! I love all your artwork, and wish I was a fraction as talented as you. I try…..really, I do! But it never looks quite the same!! 🙂 However, I never let that put me off…
    Your little elves at Clarity cave are working wonders. They deserve a big 'THANK YOU!' from each and every one of us! Jo x

  3. Hello Barbara. What a lovely card. How could we not like it…and signed…No need to make the run up to christmas shorter…I need more days to make my own cards lol. Hope you and the family are well. Hugs xxxx

  4. One day at a time Barbara and cross off your jobs as they get done! And if they don't there is always tomorrow!
    Lovely artwork…. It's tres Jolie… Say it with a thick Manchester accent!
    I'm on countdown to Christmas now. 4 more get ups! Then 2 whole weeks off!
    Love and hugs! Xxxx

  5. Wonderful as always. I always enjoy your blogs and art work, you really make it pop out and I also learn a lot which I try to apply when I do my artwork.
    Much love

  6. Wonderful as always. I always enjoy your blogs and art work, you really make it pop out and I also learn a lot which I try to apply when I do my artwork.
    Much love

  7. Hi Barb,
    What a lovely idea and how very kind of you to do this. Pleased you had a lovely weekend with your mum and dad – treasure them whilst you've got them. I love this set of stamps but unfortunately it was either the stamps or some more Groovi plates and the plates won. Still there's always next year! The card you've created is gorgeous and I have just the spot on my mantelpiece for it!!! Joined the new diamond club today ( or at least put my name down for January) and that's something to look forward to. Love Alison xx

  8. We just celebrated our family Christmas over the weekend as we can't be together on 25th….you can make Christmas happen just spending time together with good food and family fun. Relax and enjoy and don't let the hype and retail stress overcome the true festive spirit xx

    1. Fantastic Card, love the way you break everything down for us. I already have a signature of sorts from you….I got it at the NEC…and each time I look at it it makes me chuckle so much. It reads to me…from me!!! you were chatting so indepth with me at the time you actually signed yourself as me, so although I do not have your signature as such I have a little treasure in your hand that nobody else has, AN ORIGINAL BARBARA SIGNING OF MY OWN NAME, how lucky am I. Now I would love the pair hehehe. Thanks for a whole year of inspiration and step by step projects, it must take you ages to write up and photograph everything

  9. So pleased you had a lovely weekend with your Mum. It is nice to kick back sometimes and do something just for you. What a fabulous piece of artwork and what an honour to possibly own a Barbara Gray original – who wouldn't want a piece of your artwork?? Fingers crossed for at least one out of the 10 days giveaways. I am sure your list will dwindle as quickly as the days. Love and hugs to you and Dave.

  10. I'm with you Jane. 4 get ups, 3 year group parties and then 2 weeks of bliss.
    Love the card. Too late for this years offerings, but lovely for the special family cards next year…… Here's hoping I'm lucky.
    Hope you have a really special time this Christmas with all your loved ones at home for the festivities. After a year full of worry and stress…….a rest is called for.

  11. Beautiful artwork, I love your arty Santa, he reminds me of something I can't quite put my finger on. He would be a treasured heirloom I am sure, brought out lovingly each Christmas.

    So glad that you had a lovely weekend. Can't wait to join the Diamond Club, sounds fantastic

  12. Lovely card as always Barbara and hope I can be entered in the lucky dip too as I would be thrilled to receive a piece of your delightful artwork. I'm afraid it's hard for me to leave an uplifting message for you, when I'm dragging along the bottom and need uplifting myself 🙂 but I'm so glad you had some quality time with your Mum, just delegate the horrid jobs and focus on Christmas Eve and your children coming home, sounds like a good plan to me 🙂 xxx

  13. Hi Barbara, what a lovely card, would be perfect for someone celebrating their birthday on Christmas Day, i.e. me, it would make the day extra special

  14. Love the colours and subtle shading in this! It manages to look traditional and modern at the same time – really clever. I'm still making my Xmas cards and starting to feel ever so slightly panicky that time is running away with me!! Always find time to read your fantastic blog though xxx

  15. Arrrr don't you just love technology! Tablet just did something very strange and now won't turn on! I have had to fire up the computer so fingers crossed this will let me publish.
    I really like this Santa and gelli plate design, didn't know pencils would look so good on paint. Love the shadow work. Glad to hear you had fun with your mum this weekend. Getting crafty is certainly much more relaxing than tax returns! Xx
    Fingers crossed……..here goes……..

  16. Hi Barbara, I would love a piece of your artwork. It would give me so much inspiration for cards in the future. I have just spent a fortune posting cards that only needed a 2nd class stamp only to find the Post office in the area will not have any until Thursday – which is too late for 2nd class! All had to go 1st class. Your card….stunning and ideal for posting…..what a lot of comments I would receive! A workshop with the very talented Clarity team is on my christmas list but if i couldnt have that, what better than to have a Gray original to inspire me. I also want to add my thanks to your head office team…they have done a fab job!! x

  17. Would love to be considered for the beautiful artwork– one of my favourite stamps and I ordered it on your mad Gray Day so I got a Christmas bargain! I hope you take time out to relax over Christmas, Barbara, and forget all about our orders. Family time is precious. Guard it well! xx

    1. Hi Donna, Diane, Sheila, Brenda and Dot, hope you've all had a good day. Sending love and hugs to you all. Where are you Brenda? My thoughts are that maybe you're too tied up with your sewing to talk, hope that's all it is, but try just to say a Hi.

    2. Yep, a gift bag works wonders…………is this where I admit to reusing a bag? Just try not to give the bag they gave you back to that person the next year! Naughty I know but I have to save money for my Clarity obsession somewhere! Xx

    3. Haha Donna, me too! I leave the label on so I know who gave it to me so I don't give it back to them – except for a parrot one that is going backwards and forwards between my friend and I as a joke, it's on it's third year now! Hope you are ok, only a few days left now xxxx

  18. What a brilliant idea and a lovely card. Another brilliant surprise today when my club stamp arrived. A few days ago I commented that I am having a go at combining stamps and Groovi and then I find a perfect stamp in the mail, it made my day thank you!

  19. You never cease to amaze me, I love watching the picture build up, and the finished result is just wonderful. I keep practising ! Waiting on my groovi from Santa 🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄

  20. So glad you had a good weekend with your mum: family time is so precious. Like you, my two are both home for Christmas this year. It's only for a day or two but I can't believe how much I'm looking forward to it. (It'll even be worth the 4 hours on the M62 on Boxing Day to get our daughter back to Liverpool and work!!) Love the card. I really must practise making images stand off the card with shading. Mxx

  21. Beautiful work, Barbara. Your creativity inspires me. Thank you for sharing a bit of yourself each day, and your lovely artwork for the next 10 days. Love and hugs to you!

  22. How lovely! My Gray Friday order arrived today hurrah! This stamp set was part of the order so If I don't win I shall have a little try to recreate it as I already have the stencil, and I need a push to use acrylic paint on the Gelli plate. My order also contained my Groovi Starter kit and some lovely extra plates so I'm very excited about trying that out. I think it's lovely that whoever wins will get a signed piece of your artwork. I was thrilled when my calendar arrived and it was a signed one as you are a big inspiration to me and my confidence with stamping and stencilling has come on in leaps and bounds since I started following your blog!

  23. Wow! 10 more days for Christmas times. Your work is so beautiful and lovely artwork. Oh I would love to have your autograph on Christmas card. Always love and reading your blog each day. Thanks you. Love you, Barbara xx

  24. This is wonderful and so beautifully coloured as always Barbara, and you always come up with such unusual designs and the gelli plate background at first glance wouldn't seem the ideal choice but when finished looks fantastic. Glad you had a good weekend with your mum and you are right to let everything be cleared at Clarity ready for the new year. Just pace yourself and enjoy having the family around you as I will be doing too. x

  25. Hi Barbara this is a stunning card I just love the things you create. You do have a great team behind you. I hope all the plans and prep go well. Have a wonderful evening. Hugs Jackie

  26. Another beauty emerges from you. I am pleased that you managed to fit in some time with your parents and you can look forward to the kids coming home.. I bet the Clarity team are counting down to the Christmas holidays…they will be ready for a rest. I haven't helped their cause either today…just added to the workload lol xx

  27. Another beauty emerges from you. I am pleased that you managed to fit in some time with your parents and you can look forward to the kids coming home.. I bet the Clarity team are counting down to the Christmas holidays…they will be ready for a rest. I haven't helped their cause either today…just added to the workload lol xx

  28. Inspiring as always Barbara ,looking forward to the new club .love this this artwork . eeeeek only 10 days being taken out tomorrow to hopefully finish present shopping (not allowed to drive or lift anything heavy until Feb due to op ) never mind all will be done ,what isn't won't matter . would love to be a lucky winner ..

  29. I would love to own a piece of Barbara Gray's Artwork – signed too!! Please consider me!! My 'Gray Day' order arrived today!! Looking forward to seeing the next 9 days artwork Barbara! xxx

  30. Hello Barbara and fellow bloggers. Barbara you inspire and enthuse, it would be lovely to receive a signed card. You have a great team working for you but then they have a lovely boss. A lovely card, wish I could get the same result. A Peaceful and Healthy 2016 to you and yours. xxx

  31. SANTAS NOW ON HIS WAY…..fab card as always Barbara.I love the word chain stamps I used the Christmas ones on my cards this year they performed so well I didn't need to repeat any at all.Thanks and have a great Christmas relaxing

  32. Ooo… I wish I had seen this before I made my OH's card!! There are certain elements in common but that's as far as the comparison goes!! I am holding off on any more purchases until after Christmas as I know my daughter will be looking at my wish list for inspiration – but it's hard!!!

  33. Oh I love your artwork … and the other thing is, I'm rubbish about saying uplifting things, and so I tend to read your Club letters if I am in need of being uplifted! Somehow you seem to fit so much into life, and however nightmarish things might be for you, you still manage to be positive! Thank you for that! X

  34. Beautiful card as always! You amaze me at how you find time to create when you are so busy! I just need to put aside time and not let life get in the way or many teenagers demanding my attention!! I am however, enjoying having my daughter home from uni for a few weeks. It is nice being able to chill out with her!

  35. A beautiful card. All good things come to those who wait. Looking forward to receiving my Gray Day parcel as a reward for all my hard work today. Also looking forward to visiting my Mum and Dad tomorrow!

  36. Ah Barbara you are a crafters inspiration with a kind heart, what a fabulous give away. Time rushes by but I always take time to relax with your blog, looking forward to tomorrow!

  37. When the world we live in seems to spin
    And the year is drawing to a close
    Let all our friends here in B.G blog land
    Lead us all to a place where peaceful waters flow,
    Where we will find much to our pleasure
    That Barb has brought us another treasure
    A gelli print, stencil, stamp or groovie plate
    Will bring us all a smile, a heartfelt lift and giggle!

  38. I've so enjoyed seeing the photos of you and your Mum, my Mum is 85 and not able to get around so much these days so difficult to go out and enjoy with her….my Mr retires on 23rd December so having the car will help getting her and my StepDad out and about.

    I love this Santa stamp and wanted to buy it but, was not sure how I would use and your blog today has given me the inspiration to get it – think I'll hang fire until your rush settles down though, lol xxx

  39. I love this artwork. I have a gelli plate but I've been too much of a coward to use it. You have inspired me to set aside some time on Thursday when I will have the time, if I make the effort, to get my bits out!!!

    Tax returns are great…when they are finished.

  40. Barbara will you ever give yourself a break? A gorgeous card as always, I wish I could see into my geli plate prints in the way you do. My lovely hubby bought me lots of Groovi things for Christmas on Gray Friday then told me he couldn't be bothered to wrap them. Well that was just too much temptation so I have been playing with my Christmas gift all weekend & I love it! Thought you might be interested to know that this menopausal woman currently sleep deprived by the dreaded night sweats has had the best 2 nights of sleep for months. If it's all in my mind then so be it but I think there is more to this than meets the eye…!
    I look forward to learning much more from you & your ambassadors.

  41. Wonderful idea, I would be honoured to receive a piece of your artwork. Very considerate of you to think of your team too, spoke to one of your lovely team this morning as I renewed my stamp club subs and put my name down for Groovi January, yay can't wait xx

  42. Hi Barbara, I so wish I'd spoken to you at the NEC. I look forward to reading your blog each day as I love your positive attitude. I have a stressful job and the time I take when I get home to read your blog is never time wasted. I have lots of groovi plates and am looking forward to Christmas so I can spend time playing. Keep up the excellent work xx

  43. Hi Barbara, I so wish I'd spoken to you at the NEC. I look forward to reading your blog each day as I love your positive attitude. I have a stressful job and the time I take when I get home to read your blog is never time wasted. I have lots of groovi plates and am looking forward to Christmas so I can spend time playing. Keep up the excellent work xx

  44. Amazing card Barbara, as usual. It looks so modern. I have the stamps and stencil but I wouldn't have even thought to use it with the Santa. Very impressed and I would love to win one of your signed cards. So please put me in the lucky dip. Hope doing these cards isn't going to put you under even more pressure.xx

  45. Hi Barbara

    What a lovely idea and so considerate to your team. I love reading your blog every day especially Wednesdays, you often inspire me as I'm just getting to grips with my groovimate.

  46. What's that you say……only 10 days to go…omg..oh well, no point in stressing out at this late stage if it doesn't get done it doesn't. What a lovely idea – who wouldn't want one of your master pieces. I'm still patiently waiting for my Gray day goodies – just hope I don't duplicate an order as I can't remember what I ordered now (my memory's not what it was you know). So, looking forward to seeing what you will come up with over the next few days. You and you wonderful team are just

  47. Wonderful artwork Barbara. We're just back home to find the work on our house has been completed and an extra ceiling was painted because of a plumbing mishap! I just thought the guys had moved some of the furniture about to make room for my Christmas tree. Hope life at Clarity Towers gets smoother for everyone in the run up to the big day, so Merry Christmas to all on the blog, thinking especially of those who are alone, struggling with health issues or missing someone special this year. Susan x

  48. I could only send an uplifting comment. Superb artwork as ever. I am striving to catch up with you. Thank you for your inspirational artwork. Also your blog, which has given me so much. Cannot forget the Crowborough retreat – I had a wonderful time with you, Paul, Jane and the Design Team. I wish you and Dave and your lovely family a wonderful Christmas. If I win a card, it would truly have a very special place in my world.
    Anne (Reading)

  49. Love it, love it, love it. This was the stamp set which I used this year for my special cards. Oh I wish I'd seen your version first. Truly magical.
    Anyway, many thanks to you and your team for all the pleasure and inspiration through the year. I haven't cracked the ordering by the web but staff always patient and helpful.
    Santa is bringing me some groovi stuff so another challenge ahead.
    Merry Christmas and best wishes to all for 2016 from away up north.

  50. Love this Santa …..and of course your card . I don't know how you do all you do but they say if you want something done ask a busy person – you are certainly that.
    I really enjoyed Paul at the weekend ( his demos ) Such variety and lots of tips especially with the groovi – loved it – He will certainly be an asset to your company

  51. Thanks for using that brick stencil – it's inspired me to get on with a special project I've been mulling over (namely some 'scenery' for photographing my dolls against!) – I'm thinking she (the doll) should be in a brick walled Parisian café. So that's the backdrop, I just need some props now! (suggestions please on a postcard).
    Just done all my cards using my Clarity bespoke name stamp I got last year, gosh – it really saves loads of time! So…. it said Have a happy Christmas and New Year – which is what I wish you and Dave. See you next year.

  52. Evening Barbara, what a lovely card. How nice to spend some time with family. Unfortunately mine live too far away to spend time with them over Christmas, however we have a couple of celebrations before then. It's my sister's wedding anniversary today and my birthday on Wednesday. Just enough time to recover before the big day and all its indulgences. I've also left my details for the diamond club, but meantime I'm going to look into the Gelli plate – if I can find enough space in my craft room for it. Looking forward to seeing what comes next.

  53. Oh Barbara, how could you think (even for a second) that I (or anyone else) wouldn't want to own an original piece of art designed and made by you??????

    I read your blog every day to be inspired by your ingenuity and talent that makes amazing artwork. I would loooove to own something you have made, and today's project is just gorgeous, so would like to enter the draw please.

    I bought your calendar on the day it was launched so I made sure I got it AND had it signed by you. However, it won't be used as a calendar as such – i'll have a cheapo one that I can write on as writing with spoil the look of the art

  54. Evening Barb, what a wonderful offer from your very good self a wonderful card made and signed by yourself no less. Now back to your card just beautiful and the green goes so well. Can see the 3d too.

    Big crafty hugs Pen x

  55. This makes me want to start all over again with this years cards…already done and posted… Ah maybe a cue for me to start on next years already. Love the ingredients, I can feel an order coming on.!!!

  56. Barbara what a lovely card as always even on the run up to Christmas you give inspiration to us all
    Christmas is a time for family and friends and Christmas cards we send
    the Groovi is my latest toy and oh it gives so much joy

  57. Well I for one would love a piece of your artwork. Would you notice I wonder if I left loads of comments to increase my chances, that would be cheating though. I love the card you have created very Christmassy. So fingers crossed ( toes as well). xx

  58. I don't know if this is uplifting but Barbara you were the one who got me into card making. I was flipping through channels a few years back and came across Create and Craft and you was on the show. I was hooked. I try to do as much crafting as I can but working full time I am not as creative as would like. You have done so much the craft world. Always striving for something new and expanding what you have. Brilliant. Looking forward to all the creativity and inspiration in 2016. If I was lucky enough to win a card signed by yourself, would be truly wonderful.

  59. Beautiful card Barbara, of course you should sign it – everyone's a little treasure!!
    I already have a signed calendar to go with your previous calendars, none of which have been used except for inspiration.
    Thank you xx

  60. I hang this in a place f great honor .
    I received my gray Friday package — never did I expect it this quickly as from across the pond it takes a good while . Words are inadequate to express how marvelous you and your wonderful staff have been . Responding to my concerns about my difficulty getting the site to accept my credit card to then having to hand write it out to even a personal message from Barb . Thank you all,so much. Thank you for daily blogs . You are all very blessed with love and joy . Merry Christmas xo. Jan

  61. its beautiful Barb – I love this to bits – I was playing with this stamp set last night – gorgeousness – I used it to make my eldest daughters card – and to enter the clarity challenge. Brilliant! Love it! Hugs Rachel x

  62. A beautiful piece of festive artwork. I think the chance to win one of your pieces of artwork is a very acceptable alternative to a sale…for your elves as well as for my empty Christmas purse!I'm pleased to read that you are finding time to spend with your parents. Hope you've had a pleasant evening. Goodnight xx

  63. Lovely piece Barbara. We've moved house this year and had some building work, which is not yet finished. Tomorrow is my mother in laws 100th birthday and the second celebration starts in the morning. Up til now Christmas is sort of passing me by, so your art has reminded me that it's not long. Back to it then. Xx

  64. Gorgeous artwork as always. I love this stamp and can't wait to play with mine. Running out of time for this year but have a cunning plan to play over the Christmas break and get ahead of the game for next year without the pressure. thankyou for keeping us inspired, even when you are snowed under xx

  65. Gorgeous piece of artwork Barbara. Who wouldn't want this beautiful piece and signed as well. Would be treasured in my home in Canada. What a wonderful idea and so thoughtful of you.

  66. What a lovely card ( as always). I haven't got this stamp -yet- but have the word chains , the font is so great that you can make really quick cards with a simple image ( I used calligraphy Xmas tree and holly corners ) surrounded by the sentiment . I chose " peace on earth " as it pretty much sums up how I feel.looking forward to a family christmas for me it's all about a traditional dinner with people I don't get to see as much as I'd like .thankyou barbara for another year of great blogging – well done !

  67. I love the feel of this, very vintage and a bit grungy. But still pretty, and completely Christmassy! Just got in from my Christmas dinner with the local mums, so feeling very festive. Would love to put this on my wall next to the "Joy" card I won earlier in the year!! Have a little Gray Gallery!

  68. Wow, I love this, it's right up my street. This stamp set is gorgeous, if I could afford it I would have had this one, it's so trendy. It looks great grunted up. Make sure you have some time for yourself at Christmas and don't stress about everyone else.
    Looking forward to seeing what you will be up too in the new year. Xx

  69. Another stunning piece of art work Barbara so much inspiration ,how much I would treasure a signed piece of your work, I watched paul church shows through the night as pain was so bad I couldn't sleep he voice was so soothing and watching his talent putting his different spin on things because it was on recorded I could watch his demonstrations and see what wonderful cards your talented team have made too .so a big thank you for helping me through
    I'm having a very bad day with pain my fibromyalgia and CFS are making my days unbearable but I'm still following your blog so thank you for blogging each day looking forward to the rest of your inspiration up till Christmas hugs xxx

    1. Sheila sending you gentle hugs, sorry to hear you are in pain and not sleeping well. Thank heavens for recorded TV, you can watch what you like rather than what's on! Look after yourself xxxx

  70. When I first saw this stamp I didn't think it was one for me. Now seeing what you have done with it I think you have made a really beautiful card and I now have different ideas about the stamp set and I would very much like to have it. On to the wish list it must go.

  71. Amazingly beautiful. I love this stamp, at this moment in time I think I will use him for my next years Christmas cards. But being fickle I expect Barb will come up with something equally as tempting.

  72. Hi Barbara
    Thank you for sharing your talent and giving inspiration too. I find your step by steps so helpful and a kick start when my mojo goes into hiding. I love everything you have done here especially the stars. Thank you for taking time every day to write your blog and help all of us in different ways. My Art Deco Ladies have arrived and my Son has said to order what else I would like for Christmas. I am off to the website now to choose.
    Hugs from Chris X

  73. Wow busy the blog tonight Barbara, no wonder who wouldn't be thrilled to own this beautiful piece of art from you he's a wee cheeky Santa I think just love him'
    Hopefully the team at Clarity Towers are now hopefully getting on top of the Gray day orders I can see why it would take them the time your packaging of our goodies is second to none.
    Its the Final Count Down till seeing the wee ones and the tattie salad…take care..Dot

  74. I love this card, it has a real vintage, nostalgic feel to it. I'm starting to feel very Christmassy now, not too much more for me to do. It was like Christmas day today, I received my Gray day order, and my Club envelope. Yippee! And then I read there is to be a Groovi club, hooray!! Fantastic, made me a happy bunny.
    Hugs for anybody who needs them xx

  75. Hate to think that you're piling on the pressure just to give us the chance of something extra special, but hope that you lost yourself in the making of this card and found it a peaceful process – and you know that, in giving it away, you're going to bring real joy to someone. I'm sure we'll all enjoy this special countdown to Christmas!

  76. What a lovely piece of artwork. I would love to win it. Hope I'm lucky. I just love this funky stamp set and have made quite a few cards and canvases with it. I'm sure it'll be one of those sets that gets used time and time again!

  77. If that card came my way would be pride of place just love love love it 💗💗 well finally started getting Christmas ready well pressies today most brought and wrapped tonight day in Milton Keynes dented that job just cannot get into it so phew finish of Wednesday with trip to Peterborough Wednesday then food lots love hugs Joy xx

  78. Dear Barbara. So enjoy your blog. Love the card and would like to win it to go with the one you did for me at port sunlight. It is great to be able to keep up with you while in California. Still haven't had time to try my groovi plate. Hopefully in the next couple of days.

  79. Hi Barbara
    Oh no! Does this still count as day 10 or will it be day 9 now?!!! I've been chasing my tail all day, especially after my optitions said this morning my eyes are fine it's just my arms have shrunk! I'm going to try varifocal contact lenses now – this could be interesting! What a fabulous step by step and such a lovely Santa, how did I miss him. Would I like a signed Barbara card? Oh yes please, think I might just jump for joy and do a happy dance around the lounge.
    Take care
    Love Diane xxxx

  80. I think it safe to say we like it, judging from the comments and I think it is a lovely way to celebrate up to Christmas. Been burning the midnight oil finishing a card for a friend at work which did not go to plan and ending up taking all night, good job I had already finished the cowl earlier today. Anyway presents wrapped and tags done, just goodness knows how many more to finish and just over a week to go. Would love a piece of original artwork, hubby will frame for me and I can gaze at it on the wall when everything is getting a bit much. Night night all, Hugs Karen xxx.

  81. Oh my goodness, what could be better than a piece of your artwork !!

    Just got back from Cornwall today and received my NDC envelope with the new club offer – will be on the phone in the morning !!

    I even managed to make my own card this evening, or the start of it with the groovi mate for a friend who's birthday it is on Weds and is in hospital awaiting a triple heart bypass op which might even happen on his birthday. I've used the deer head with the wreath around it and have put happy birthday down one side and get well soon down the other – he's the sort of person who will appreciate that!

    Oh well, better get to bed am tired after a lovely weekend full of laughter and meeting with lovely friends and forgetting my hubby as prostate cancer and the next hospital appointment for him which we don't have yet !!

    Glad you enjoyed the time with your Mum. I enjoyed the newsy club letter – what a year it has been for you ! Bit of a one for us too but we must count our blessings! xxxx

  82. Well what alot of comments lovely step by step and i like this stamp and corners hope not to late to be included would love to win just moved into a new house and have a whole room for my crafty habit have found things in boxes i for got i had have been in a caravan since April space mow lots of it Happy Christmas to you all. Xx

  83. Hello Barb, wow what a great boss to work for – not adding extra work before Christmas. What a great idea, who wouldn't love a Barbara original. Love this one, the shadows are so effective. Thank you. Bx

  84. Guten Morgen Barbara,
    ach was ist das wieder für eine schöne Karte, ich bin ganz begeistert.
    Ich wünsche Dir und dem ganzen Clarity-Team einen wunderschönen Tag.
    Viele Grüße sendet Sabine

  85. You make such beautiful cards Barbara and give me and 100s more so much inspiration. Glad you had a good time with your Mum. I am very lucky in having a caring family especially my daughter. I would be thrilled to own a stunning piece of your work. Enjoy the day. Hazel c uk

  86. I love the card, the part I like the best is the wall;yep – nuts I know; but the wall seems to be just rushing by and not just being passed by Santa. It's an illusion I know but it's fab.

  87. Fantastic Card, love the way you break everything down for us. I already have a signature of sorts from you….I got it at the NEC…and each time I look at it it makes me chuckle so much. It reads to me…from me!!! you were chatting so indepth with me at the time you actually signed yourself as me, so although I do not have your signature as such I have a little treasure in your hand that nobody else has, AN ORIGINAL BARBARA SIGNING OF MY OWN NAME, how lucky am I. Now I would love the pair hehehe. Thanks for a whole year of inspiration and step by step projects, it must take you ages to write up and photograph everything

  88. Wonderful card!! It just goes to show you that all you need is the idea and good quality products. I think we all need to remember as we rush around preparing for Christmas how lucky we are to have people around us to rush around for. Be thankful that we are fortunate to be in a position where we may feel over whelmed at times with it all and wonder if we will be ready in time. Just remember in these moments those who have no one at all and who will be spending Christmas Day alone because in these busy days there are others who would be only too willing to change places with us in a beat of a heart. It breaks my heart to think of others who have no one and who won't even speak to another human being on Christmas Day. So be mindful of what you wish for and keep a thought for others as this is the true meaning of Christmas – and when you can share your good fortune and time with others. A random act of kindness to a stranger may just mean the absolute world to them and be something money can't buy. Christmas blessings to all – much love Jayne

  89. Fabulous card Barbara. Very generous of you…good job you're not having another sale as my purse keeps jumping open and buying Groovi stuff…I just love the system. X

  90. I really loved watching to see how this card developed into a work of art. He looks such a happy, rather cheeky Santa. I agree with your elves – it is a good thing you are not having another sale. I bet they start to dread you coming into work with another good idea, and so does my credit card. I already have a backlog of orders that I want to place, but I will wait for a while to give the elves a chance to recover, and to give my card a chance to recover too. Just make sure you are ready at home to have lots of happy time with the whole family, especially as you will have both Grace and Mark to share it with you. Love Maggie xxxx

  91. Oh Barbara, I really love this wonderfully arty Santa! The background sets him off a treat as does the green border. Never mind if I'm too late to be in today's draw, I just had to let you know how much I love this piece!
    Tonbridge Sue

  92. That's the first time I have seen the reindeer and Santa stamp Barbara and oh my what a wonderful image! I would love that but have to say in advance that I already have a piece of Barbara's art – a beautiful stamped bookmark that has been well cosseted and looked after for many years. It must be getting on for ten years old, a gorgeous bookmark that you created that I will always treasure. Off to look in the shop now although I don't dare buy any more craft stash for the moment as I had a big spend a short while ago Karen xx

  93. I am just catching up with your blog as I was made recundant at the end of November I have been busily job hunting. The good news is I had a job interview yesterday and was offered the job. A completely different environment to my previous job so looking forward to the challenge. The icing on the cake would be to win one of your marvellous pieces of art.

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