Six New Groovi Characters ! And I love them all !
Hello there!
Thanks for popping in.
Thursday’s blog is something blue, right?
Well, I’ve got something really cool up my sleeve,
for all you Groovi friends:
I would like you to meet our latest addition to the Clarity Family:
You may recall Rosie, Lily, Annabel, Laurel and Doug.
They are part of our Stamp Collection, and come large too.
Here’s what we did when Holly turned up…
Six Brand new Groovi Borders!
Yep. This is the first time I have really got frustrated with my neck, because I just couldn’t play with them all for hours –
and I sooo wanted to!
and I sooo wanted to!
But there we are, c’est la vie.
I had to pick one, and Holly it was.
Here’s a step-by-step, to decipher the artwork above.
Add Holly, walking into the frame…
Add the second oval.
Now use the Square nest to make a rectangle.
Just means moving the parchment along a little.
Add a small double line.
Mine was a bit out, but by the time this is finished
you won’t notice that!
This is where the new Groovi Plates are brilliant.
Above and below each of our Clarity Characters
(and yes, I did draw these myself)
are the most superb relevant pattern elements.
Naturally with Holly, we have holly.
So fill the corners.
The Holly part of the border also tessellates.
So you can join it up top/bottom, left/right,
to make a larger holly block too.
Check the front. Lookin’ good…
Time for the Landscape Plate from the Starter Kit.
Mountains and hills…
Add fence posts with the Square Nest framer
Make them smaller in the distance.
And closer together far away!
Soft side of the Starter Kit Blue Mat.
Working from behind, time to start some whitework.
White crescent moon.
Now it’s a race against time with the neck,
until I have to submit.
Using the fine stylus, the one I use for the actual line art embossing,
I have added dimension to the fenceposts and some wire.
Add some white shade to her cap, cape and her dress…
I could spend many many more hours on this,
white mountain peaks, pattern on her bag, holly detail,
and would if I didn’t need a blue blog today!!!!
Signature required….
and some snow!
Coloured in the open oval with a purple and blue pencil.
Real solid colour from behind, and cut the art right back with a ruler and blade.
I have a plan….
Funky Gelli Plate background from my stash.
We will have to get the Gelli Plate out this weekend methinks….
Here’s why I wanted to make the oval really opaque with colour –
so that you can’t see double-sided tape I am going to attach the parchment with!
4 little pieces, north south east and west on the oval border.
I love it when you can see a funky background
through the parchment.
Layer up to brighten up.
As I said,
the potential for Holly and her five friends is massive.
They are so interchangeable, and work so beautifully together.
This spot marks their official Weekend launch.
I thought I’d introduce them to my Blog friends first.
I have come up with a good deal, a very good deal for you.
They are all available individually, @ £7.99 each.
Or you can get them in 2 groups of 3, @ £6.99 each.
Holly, Laurel and Douglas
Lily, Rosie and Annabel
Or you can buy all 6 character borders together,
@ £5.99 each, saving £12.
Whilst I think they should all stick together,
you may want to get to know them one at a time!
I do hope you like them.
I think they are wonderful.
love & hugs,
81 thoughts on “Six New Groovi Characters ! And I love them all !”
Ooooo fabulous..I will be on the phone to Ann in the morning!
Ooooo fabulous..I will be on the phone to Ann in the morning!
They are all wonderful, it is a must have……. !!!!!!!!
Any plans for HSE 24 in Germany this year ? greetings from Düsseldorf, Gisela
Wow that's a beautiful card you ve done ! I just love it ! Your so talented, clever and inspirational ! Holly would be lovely as a stamp ? Xx
Will sort it out tomorrow xxx
I thought the same too Rose! Would be fabulous to have her join the rest of the family! X
I thought the same too Rose! Would be fabulous to have her join the rest of the family! X
Absolutely beautiful. Birthday next week and have asked for Clarity voucher. Know where that will be spent. Hope all is well with you.
These are great and thank you for a great price. After almost 2 weeks of jury service, should finish tomorrow but might now be Monday I think I need a treat to restore sanity. Gosh has it been tough. So, these are just the thing and have jumped into my basket! Hope all good in your world though your neck needs some TLC still by the sound of it! Lots of love
ooooh blimey, how lovely! xx
p.s. I thought you were supposed to be slowing down ……. it would give us all a chance to catch up you know LOL xx
Wowzers how lovely are these, love the finished parchment artwork. I really must have a gelli plate session myself x
I love them all Barbara, well done, the new Holly is beautiful, will she come as a stamp too? Hope your neck's not so painful soon, it must be infuriating not to be able use them as you want to, I know I feel like that too, I plan what I want to do the next day in bed when I can't sleep and then things happen so I can't, have a hug on me xxx
Absolutely gorgeous parchment artwork.
Another fascinating project for us Barbara. So many elements to use, it's wonderful. I love Holly too. Hope you do her as a stamp too.
Ooooh …. I love these Barbara. You're certainly tempting me to get the Groovi plate now!!! xx
Hahaha! Go on, you know you want to! Xxx
Beautiful ….. how is the "not eating chocolate" going…Barbara …. ????
Crafty hugs Pen x
Piece of cake. Ask me about the peanuts I filled the chocolate void with…..
Was that cake and peanuts Barbara? Lol xxxx
What about the peanuts? I am interested ….. I just LOVE peanuts. Were they covered in chocolate (smiley face) hehehehehe
Crafty hugs Pen xx
How gorgeous – I'm hooked by the extra patterns and adornments on the borders with the characters – think I'd buy them for those!
And would love some gelli plate ideas at the weekend – I'm still a bit uncertain using mine, but really want to have more of a play.
The finished card is simply stunning! Love the colours and the new groovi plates are beautiful. I soooooo need to add them to my groovi stash! Xx
Evening Brenda, Sheila, Diane and Dot hope you have all had a good day. Dot, have you managed to play with your new groovi things yet? Xx
Hello Donna had a good day crafting managed to Finnish of my elephant and back it onto a card for this months clarity blog challange have to pace myself do some rest then do some more might take me a few days but it's so good to craft xxx
Hi Donna and Sheila hope you have both had sunny weather again today. Sheila your elephant sounds lovely. I've been good today and put the Hoover around and dusted off the iron so no playing for me. Will make up for it tomorrow ! Hope you are both ok xxxx
Hi Donna itching to get started but will have to wait till Saturday are you on hols like the schools up here next 2 weeks…xx
Hi Dot you've just popped up – hope you are ok xxxx
Hi Diane I'm good thanks hope you are to …xx
Hi Dot, we have another two weeks down here before half term. You will enjoy the groovi when you get started on Saturday. Xx
Love this card, more things to add to my wish list!! Barbara have you any plans for Groovi Storage? I need something to keep my plates and tools together and safe as you keep tempting me to buy. 🙂
2 weeks longer to wait for the storage solution…..tis cool!
Brilliant!! Have started squirreling money away for NEC Birmingham so best start putting more away. Cant wait to see what you have for us. I know it will be fab
Looking forward to that Barbara xxx
You have brought a little smile to my physog after a challenging day, ending in ripping upstairs bathroom and hallway carpets, before dumping the sodden (AKA sodding) masses in the bath and that was before the drenching of moi on opening the downstairs lounge doors! No water, no heating; beans on toast for tea – needs must!! Has the water ingress reached my craft room? Don't know – too much clutter to find out tonight. Tomorrow is another day! (could use a stamp with that on it at the moment!) Just as well I washed my hair this morning! U
Upside – what a brill chance to declutter!! Renovation plans for next year may just have to be accelerated!
A little order WRT plates could just go a little way to cheer me up! Love 'em. Just finished completing my first tracing of a stamp onto parchment; end result – quite pleased with and – all white work!
Off to relieve stress with some 'wet' canvas work in the kitchen, only warm place in the house. ;~}
Blimey Shelagh. That sounds rough. Hope you get help xxxxx
Thanks, Barb!
In the 'chill' zone now.
I'm not a 'certain well-known British company' priority, so will sit tight before the s hits the fan tomorrow when they don't appear between 0800-1800 as promised, although was promised a visit today within four hours! and when I'm left all weekend without heat and h2o, things may get just a bit 'heated?' Don't know why we pay so much for such a 'premium' service each year!
Just as well MKM is not here – he's due back from overseas on Wed. At least he'll be around to dump the soggy residue!
Isn't working with canvas and grunge paste so therapeutic and calming? ;~}
Oh Shelagh thinking of you crafting hugs xxx
Oh Shelagh that sounds dreadful – what a day you've had! I hope you get sorted tomorrow. If you need any help or just need cheering up just come on here and say and we will do our best. On the up side, weather should be good over the next few days which might help you dry out a bit and craft will keep you warm. Sending you a big hug xxx
Many thanks Sheila and Diane,
Getting a bit cool, even here in the kitchen so off to set my alarm for six, in case the workmen arrive early. Ha, ha!
Have a great weekend.
Mwah, mwah ;~}
Hi Barbara
I loved the stamps and now we have Groovi plates to match. My Groovi collection is growing fast. Now there are even more things on my NEC shopping list. Will there be a Holly stamp by then?Please try and rest your neck if possible.
Hugs from Chris X
This is so beautiful Barbara! On my wish list, specially love the holly "filler". Look after your neck! X
Ps, like the sound of Groovi storage… Another for the wish list! X
Gorgeous piece of work, and I may yet be tempted onto the Groovi train as Jo is giving us a taster session at Clarity Glasgow on Sat! Looking forward to seeing you revisit the Gelli plate though – mine is currently lost under a pile of "stuff" in the craft room…. Susan x
Wow Susan, I've inspired you to become a befriender to someone lonely and isolated, that's amazing. Thank you for telling me. And thank you so much for thinking of someone in a similar situation to me. At least I know someone else like me will now have a lovely caring and kind person who will help improve the quality of their life, and I helped it happen. Love Brenda xx
Well Barbara you've done it again! Fantastic card and I can't wait to get the new plates! The characters look brilliant! I'll be on the website later!!!
I hope Holly becomes a stamp too and her holly background!
Sorry to hear your neck is giving you jip again! I know where you're coming from with that though!
Love and hugs to you and Dave xxxxx
Well Barbara you've done it again! Fantastic card and I can't wait to get the new plates! The characters look brilliant! I'll be on the website later!!!
I hope Holly becomes a stamp too and her holly background!
Sorry to hear your neck is giving you jip again! I know where you're coming from with that though!
Love and hugs to you and Dave xxxxx
Beautiful, love Holly and the picture you have created. I hope your neck is easier tonight, not sure the change in weather helps as most of my joints have ached this week. Nothing that has stopped me but conscious of the pain. Now I have to decide if I wait for NEC for some of these borders or invest now. xx
Absolutely fantastic – speechless. Have had an absolutely awful day at work – abused, bullied, over-worked – and then off to bed. But before went on your blog – now calmed, inspired and so happy to have your blog, your inspiration, YOU.
Many thanks for making a poor, little crafter so happy!!
Lots of love to you, Dave, the Team – everybody
Anne (Reading)
Ooooh love holly temptation calling you are naughty by nice love hugs Joy xx
Love the artwork, Barbara. I don't really use figures in my cards but Holly is delightful, as is the filler.
I notice your elegant figures probably don't indulge in chocolate.
I hope your neck soon improves. I get it a bit sometimes, mainly I think from hunching over the laptop at the wrong height. Carol
Hello Barbara
Like Carol I don't use figures on my cards but these are lovely. Sorry your neck is such a trouble. Can nothing be done? My aunt swore by acupuncture for hers.
Beautiful card , tempting to get into the groove , but I'm having enough difficulty with the stamping , have a few hahah that I haven't used , but there is great potential there .
Wow wow wow stunning holly is absolutely fabulous and is my favourite what brilliant offers too .
Rest your neck then you can craft another day crafting hugs to all xxx
Hi Diane
Hi Dorothy
Hi Brenda
Big hugs to all xxx
Will I post you a cushion then Sheila or is it to late…lol..xx
I think it's going to be the extra large cushion Dot with double filling! Xxxx
In two weeks Barbara said she is fetching out storage solution for our groovi I think we will need huge cushions as I think we will all fall of the wagon. CCA here we all come xxxxx
Groovi storage!!!!!! Oh dear better get my cushions strapped back on! Xx
Cor Barbs I love em! Xxx
Hi Barbara, lovely parchment artwork, thank you for sharing. Holly is a lovely addition too.
I've worked out a solution for neck /back pain using the Groovi. I've got a box easel, you tighten the wing nuts to a comfortable angle. You can sit it on a table or I sit it on my knee in bed or in my beanbag and the height of the box base lifts it so it works well. For using the Groovi on it I found a solid piece of smooth board, it's at least 5mm thick (board that was inside my posh, to me, John Lewis bedding I got in their half price sale – my luxury :-)). It's a bit larger than the Groovi plate mate and I stick the plate mate to this board with masking tape, so then I can freely move it round whatever way I want it on my easel. For the borders I just stick them to the board on their own, all lined up together. A board for the plate mate and one for the borders so no need to take anything of and on when I was doing my Groovi stuff. No hunching over anything, works a treat. Hope that helps you or anyone else who is also having problems. Love Brenda xx
That sounds really helpful Brenda, I'm sure a lot of people will too. I have an easel it's not been out of its box yet and I've had it for over 20 years, had planned to take up oil painting but never did, still have the paints as well, I expect they are,all dried up by now.xx
Your a clever wee thing that sounds just the job for me to do a wee bit in bed Barbara might be pinching that idea a groovi mates mate on the website soon Im sitting up waiting to dry sons tears here he's on his way back from Scotland match at Hamden oh well there's always next year.
Won't put him off though have packed his case he's of to Portugal tommorow Kilt still swinging for the next game on Sunday….xx
Hi Brenda
That sounds a brilliant idea, you are a genius trying things out and sharing them with us. I take it that means you are enjoying your Groovi plates then! Will you be needing the cushion too? Now I know there's a desk easel somewhere around, I must hunt it out. Hope you are ok. Big hugs to you and Daisy xxx
Thank you for your kind replies. Still not been crafting, I cam up with that before all this recent stuff happened. It's way too hard for me to talk about but basically my support service ends next Friday and I've still not even been introduced to anyone from the new service, and the allocated social worker has gone off with flu so haven't even met her either! xx
Well done Brenda your so clever I've got an easel somewhere but I use my buddy board as I can use that in bed at the table almost anywhere it turns too and it has bands to hold my craft work in place big hugs xxx
Hi Barbara this is beautiful cant wait to get started with my Groovi at the weekend …..xx
Wow Barbara, Holly is fantastic, must have her. Beautiful card, so inspirational. Been on the groovi making a Christmas card tonight, really pleased with it. Just love all the groovi things, so glad I have them. You make it all so tempting, putting in an order tomorrow, bet the line will be busy.xx
Gorgeous Groovi work with the pretty Holly and how great to have all the other characters groovified too. I love the way you built the whole thing up and then added that gelli plate piece behind which works beautifully. Look forward to seeing you get the gelli plate out soon Barbara as mine hasn't seen the light of day recently and need some encouragement. x
Hi Barbara
What a beautiful piece of artwork, holly is really beautiful and I love the background holly too. You are spoiling us with these offers and treats you know. I'm looking forward to seeing the stamp too – oh dear! Just going to show them to Julian – he might be tempted! Thank you for sharing. I hope you have given your neck a rest tonight so you can play again tomorrow.
Love Diane xxxx
Fabulous! So happy to see these old friends again, and with a new lady friend too . Agree with Jane that a stamp would be great. Hugs. Jeanette
Love them. Lots. Will have to see what magic Santa can work. Till then i have plenty to keep me busy.
Necks …. funny things (not!) hope you can get some relief soon xxxx hugs
Dear Barb, these are fabulous, and such a beautiful image and card. I must confess that I don't have my Groovi plate yet. Have had to lay off craft buys (basically all non essentials) for a while. But I do know what will be in my first purchase along with the basics and some other bits. Maybe Santa is listening. Take care of your neck, and hope Dave is doing great. Bx
These are fantastic, likely to see these characters again. Love your artwork with the great gelli background
Love your new Holly girl (or lady). Great card, still don't have the groovi things, so can't join in, sadly.
Love this work Barbara your talent is awsum love the new people
Love to Dave xxxxxxx
June horrocks xxxxx
Fabulous, Barb !!! Hope your neck is better soon . Love and hugs, Angela xx
I really like Holly, i have to get her. I love the card, it's really lovely. Hope your neck is feeling better. Thanks jx
Oh, Oh ….. can feel a spending urge coming on – these look brilliant xx