Signed sealed and now to be delivered….
Thanks for popping in.
TGIF !!!
Private peak?
Well let me show you how I spent my evening yesterday.
Propping my head up.
But what is she doing?
Can you guess?
Signing the calendars.
One at a time.
Have you ever signed your name loads and loads of times
in quick succession?
You really have to concentrate!
Every now and then my mind would wander,
and I would do the cheque signing one
instead of the friendly arty calendar one!
That’s a lot of Calendars!
Nice cup of fruit tea.
Good for the soul…
Whose bright idea was it anyway, to sign the first 200 sold?!?!
I have to say it baffles me that somebody
would want my autograph. But I am also very flattered.
I remember many years ago, at Ally Pally Stitches,
10 years before I started on TV,
when I used to brayer away,
with landscapes, and reflections, and torn paper,
a woman came up to me and asked me for my autograph.
I laughed, and said,
“Why would you want my autograph?? I’m not famous!”
And she said,
“To me you are.”
So I shut up humbly, and learnt quickly to respect that.
Never forgot it either.
So the Calendars.
If you want to pick one up at the NEC,
we’ll have them with us.
And should you want me to sign it,
I shall smile gratefully and not hesitate.
Just like the lady taught me.
Happy to report that the first 200 were gone within 24 hours.
We had 1,000 printed and we still have about 400 left.
When they’re gone, that’s it.
So if you haven’t got one yet,
or you’re looking for a Christmas Present,
then pop along to the website and get yours today!
It’s a top quality thing, a cool collection of Bloggy Projects.
If you’ve already received yours,
tell us what you think.
Is it what you expected?
I do hope so!
I am always so busy, always chasing my tail,
always scrambling to meet magazine deadlines,
prepping TV shows, jumping from one job to another.
That’t why we haven’t had a calendar for a couple of years!
So at a very personal level, I am really chuffed we managed to get this one pushed through in October for the New Year.
I work with some very cool and competent people.
The proof is in the pudding.
Have a great weekend!
love and hugs,
63 thoughts on “Signed sealed and now to be delivered….”
Oh Barbara you certainly like to give yourself things to keep you out of mischief!!!
I'm all groovi this afternoon. Storage all filled and looking great! And a little project on the go!
Love and hugs xxxx
Oh Barbara you certainly like to give yourself things to keep you out of mischief!!!
I'm all groovi this afternoon. Storage all filled and looking great! And a little project on the go!
Love and hugs xxxx
You lucky lady. I had hoped mine would arrive before I left home today, so I shall just hope it will be waiting for me when I get home. xx
Hi Barbara. Got my calendar yesterday. Love it!! Thanks very much x
I have my calander with your arty name applied to the front! it's wonderful, love the big piccies of the finished piece, top notch! And the step by steps show how i can do it myself love it. Thanks a million Barb! Will see you at the NEC for a hug! Love jilkyxx
Barbara, you're a star, I'm hoping to get mine soon 🙂 xxx
Oh my you are so kind and wonderful. All the effort you put into everything is amazing. I for one would love to have your autograph. I hope you enjoy your evening. Hugs Jackie
Thank you Barbara I got my lovely autographed calendar yesterday. So glad I got in to the first 200.
I do hope my calender comes signed it will make my day so special what dedication you have to sign them all especially after all your hochanda shows have a restful weekend with Dave I'm awaiting my wonder clarity parcel with all my groovi storage and plates and boarder happy crafting xxx
Evening Donna
Evening Dorothy
Evening Diane
Evening Brenda
Hugs to all xxx
Evening Sheila, I'm crossing my fingers for a signed one too. Xx
Hi Sheila looks like your going to be postie watching and busy crafting soon..xx
Hi Sheila . Hi Donna Hi Dot hope you are ok – my lovely postie came yesterday with my fresco paints, good thing too – a day later delivering them and I would have been spotted – now I can bring them out and say I've had them for ages! 🙂 xxxx
Oh my goodness signing your name 200 times must be like getting lines at school. So glad you managed it because I think I,m in with a chance of receiving one. I will keep everything crossed anyway. Looking forward to it arriving signed or not.
I got mine from Hochanda, not signed but I love it lots of lovely inspiration and beautiful artwork xx
Mine arrive Wednesday very pleased with it finally a Calander I will enjoy a monthly project to do hope your writers cramp isn't to bad enjoy your evening xxx
I ordered mine the day they went on sale, so I hope I'm lucky enough to get a signed one. If not it's coming to the NEC with me, in the hopes that you'll be able to sign it for me there.
I, too, ordered mine the first day they went on sale but as there hasn't been any post today, I hope the parcel arrives soon and all the better if both are signed. If not, then I shall enjoy the contents of the calendar anyway, so thank you Barbara for all your endeavours. ;~}
Thank you Barbara I received my signed calendar yesterday it's lovely!
Hope I am one of the lucky ones to have a signed Calender. If not I am coming to NEC so might have to bring it with me! I am very excited to be coming to NEC on Thursday, it's been too long since March, I am working on your Christmas card as I speak and another secret project as requested in NDC newsletter. See you there. Hugs Karen xxxx
I shall be there on Thursday too, Karen. Perhaps we should all wear name badges so we can all put faces to the names we all know. xx
I'll be there from about 10.30, and Barbara's stand is my first port of call, so see you there. I'll bring the coffee!
That is a good idea, Maggie. I will be there on Thursday as well.x
That is a good idea, Maggie. I will be there on Thursday as well.x
Those 200 very lucky recipients will be thrilled that you put time aside to do that
My signed one arrived a couple of days ago .its fantastic a really useful one with so much info and how to's. Thanks Barbara.
I am hoping mine will be there when I get home from this weekends crop. Brilliant work to get it out so fast and so efficiently. Now, you need to give that poor neck a rest. xxxx Maggie
Hi Barb,
I received mine a couple of days ago, and I love it. My Hubble Dave was also extremely impressed. I was lucky enough to have you sign it so well chuffed. Love the A3 size- much better than the previous A4. Extremely professional and high quality . Can you tell I like it lol!! Waiting for my Groovi storage to come, can't really believe how much I've got. Been playing with my Groovi today doing some Christmas cards but also looking forward to the new plates arriving as well. Have a lovely weekend with Dave, love Alison xxxx
Hello Barb, mine is ordered, not arrived yet, but will not be allowed to open it yet, as it is part of my Christmas present from Hubby. Bless you for signing them. Perhaps you need a stamp of your lovely signature? I have an autograph from you too, with a corner stamp demo, from a trade show I was fortunate enough to attend. Love it. Take care and get some rest this weekend. Bx
Bless you – I have a job in these computer days of signing my name once let alone 200 times, you truly deserve a break xx
My calendar hasn't arrived as yet, I can't wait it's killing me, hope to get a signed copy but not to worry if I don't, I have your book and you kindly signed that for me at one of the shows. Your poor neck must have been hurting so much signing all those copies. You don't half put yourself through it. I was hoping you'd have a nice relaxing time with Dave after all the Hochanda shows. Never mind you've still got time before the NEC. Take care Barbara.xx
Well done for signing all of those calendars. They look wonderful, was hoping hubby would offer to buy me one but no luck so far. Looking forward to NEC. Hope your neck holds out through that event. xx
Well done on completing such a mammoth task and still able to smile at the finish. Looking forward to seeing you at the NEC on Friday. x
Hello Barbara
What a job! Especially with your neck. Mine has been ordered so expecting it any day now. Looking forward to next Thursday at the NEC.xxx
So pleased that I ordered the calendar early. You should take the complement or is it compliment! I am pleased to have your autograph on a piece of art work you signed some years ago in Ally Pally (I will leave it to my grandchildren – it will be worth a fortune). Seriously, you have given so, so much this year and before. I simply cannot put into words my admiration for you and ofcourse your team. Enjoy your weekend.
Sorry won't be at the NEC – work beckons unfortunately and a waste of my time and life!
I would be such a miserable bunny without you
Lots of love
Anne (Reading)
Think I might have a cheque signing one as the signature is different to the artwork signature but it is stunning and I will treasure it
Mine arrived a couple of days ago but it's being hidden until Christmas day! Hoping it's a signed one as it was ordered just after they went on sale….. but I shall have to wait another eight weeks to find out! xx
Mine arrived a couple of days ago but it's being hidden until Christmas day! Hoping it's a signed one as it was ordered just after they went on sale….. but I shall have to wait another eight weeks to find out! xx
Well done! xxx
And now the question is was the last as good as the first? Great work and have a restful evening both in mind body and hand "that did all the signing"
Been good crafting day, tried your Apple trees today it a different tree quite pleased with it. Did a bit of zentangle round the edge.
Crafty hugs pen x
Really looking forward to getting mine and having a really good look at the projects. Xx
Evening Brenda, thinking of you. Xx
Evening Diane. Xx
Evening Dot. Xx
Evening Donna hope it was another good night for you enjoy it while you can….xx
Evening our Brenda hope your still looking in and see we miss you…xx
Hi Donna have a good weekend xxxxx
Well done, I've ordered mine today. My mum always buys me a calendar so this I said Ive one I'd really like, yours so it's on its way yay 🙂 x
I hope that mine is a signed one, it would be the cherry on the icing!! I put my Groovi plates into the new storage folders today, and discovered that I needed another album. I ordered two though, cos I'm thinking I'll keep the Christmas plates in a separate album. So pleased to have them neatly stored xx
I hope that mine is a signed one, it would be the cherry on the icing!! I put my Groovi plates into the new storage folders today, and discovered that I needed another album. I ordered two though, cos I'm thinking I'll keep the Christmas plates in a separate album. So pleased to have them neatly stored xx
Without wishing to make anyone jealous….I got my two signed calendars mid-week. They're ab-fab Barbara – thank you for taking the time to sign them:-)
One will be travelling over to the US with for to my Cousin as part of her Christmas prezzie. I know she'll really appreciate it, which makes it all the more worthwhile.
I'm going to take some Clarity stamps, stencils & Groovi stuff over with me to hopefully have a crafting session with my Cousin & friends while we're over there. I'll be sure to take some photos to share.
Have a lovely weekend Barbara. Hope Dave's ok too, Carole xxx
Hi Barbara
Well done you for having the patients for sighning them.I do hope I was one who managed to get a signed copy.
Hoping that the one I ordered will be a sine one. I am really looking forward to seeing the artwork in it.
The badges are a brilliant idea! Everyone will know who each other is. Just wish i could travel down to the NEC to see you, but time and money are conspiring against me!
Your fingers must be numb after signing that lot Barbara. So many people will be hoping to get a signed one I know. Have a good weekend. x
you really never stop do you? now i wonder if i should wait till NEC to get calendar or order now? decisions, decisions. Both my kids thought the calendar was a pretty cool one, hugsxx
Hi Barbara, all that looking down to sign the calendars won't have done your neck any good at all. Did you get a chance to look at any of the desk slopes I recommended to you in the email a few weeks ago? It really would have helped as you ploughed through all that signing.
I got my calendar order made within the first 24hrs so I am hoping that I am one of the lucky ones to receive a signed version. It will be extra special if I do get a signed one but i'm also really looking forward to getting to see your artwork in a high quality printed version so that I can frame some of them
Of course we want your signature Barbara! Also any artwork you are gracious enough to give us. To us you are a star and we like to think of you as a friend too. See you at the NEC! xx
Hi Barbara so looking forward to my calendar coming and enjoying your beautiful artwork and step by steps up close and so hope I was early enough to get your autograph as you Barbara Gray are a star….take care…xx
Hi Diane can't see you yet hope your good…xx
Hi Dot I'm am late tonight. I'm on a crafty weekend away with some ladies I met through a blog ( not this one although I've finally met the lovely Maureen Killen who often comments who is such a sweetheart) . Hope all is well with you xxx
Hi Barbara
Now that's dedication! You are a star signing all those calendars. Hope your neck isn't too sore and you have a relaxing weekend planned with Dave. We used to sign 600+ Christmas cards each years to send to pensioners of the company pension scheme – a task but a lot of them apreciated the personal touch – bet they don't even get a card now!
Love Diane xxxxxxx
Love the calendar Barbara so pleased with it I always ask for autographs my daughter gets very embarrassed when I ask at craft shows mum they don't even know you my answer well I have them in my home all the time so I know them. !!!!! I rest my case love to Dave June horrocks xxxx
It's the little things that set you apart Barbara, what a wonderful idea to sign so many….well done, bet your arm was aching though….xx
Just ordered mine. You're a star Barbara, of course we would like them all to be signed but this is not possible. I do hope you are looking after your neck. xx
Hi Barbara, thank you so much, I think I may have one with your autograph (you michelin star you!). I won't know 'til Xmas day as my son has bought mine for me as a Xmas pressie and when the calendar arrived in the week, I was sooooo restrained and did not even look for weak spots in the box to try to convince myself there was a whole to peek through to check it out!!! I was well behaved and took the calendar upstairs and placed it on his bed till he gets home from uni just before Xmas.
Your poor neck…. if mine is autographed I shall feel elated, but can't wait to appreciate the artwork and the step by steps in the calendar itself. What a joy and please pass on my appreciation to the Clarity team for their joint efforts to get it all to happen.
Thanks again, Alison xx
Mine should arrive any day now, I guess I missed the signature! I know you could sign a CLEAN tissue and I could stick it on with Mod Podge!!! Sam