A day off.
Hi there!
Sunny Saturday here!
I’ve spent the morning tidying and cleaning the place;
have thoroughly enjoyed it, which is rarely the case!
Have paid a few bills and bought a nice gift,
which is sure to give somebody special a lift…
Sometimes something as basic as making the bed
calms down the chaos that builds in my head.
I chase round with work for weeks on the spin,
so much so that I’m rarely in.
So to hang out the laundry and be a good wife
helps me feel much more in control of my life!
There are those who’d consider me mad or insane
to delight in mere housework – how sad and inane!
But a lovely clean kitchen gives me great pleasure;
fresh flowers on the table – to enjoy at my leisure.
Not even Wurka and Hollick, those little buggers,
will stop me watching the Cup Final Ruggers!
And finally, if it’s ok with you,
I shall have a day off from artwork too.
love and hugs,
70 thoughts on “A day off.”
Fine by me, you deserve it! Now for the Ruggers!!
Tonbridge Sue
Love the poem! Enjoy the rugger…! X
Don't know how you come up with your verses! Yes, enjoy the rugby and have a day off. I've got washing on the line and that's satisfying too especially as the sun is shining! Later a Halloween party at son no. 1 as grandson no 2 is 13 today! Enjoy! x x
Well deserved day off. Hope you have your feet up and the log fire burning and a nice big cup of Yorkshire Tea, umm may be a biscuit.
Enjoy the Rugby and may your team win xx
Well deserved day off. Hope you have your feet up and the log fire burning and a nice big cup of Yorkshire Tea, umm may be a biscuit.
Enjoy the Rugby and may your team win xx
Just enjoy the day, you deserve to. I enjoy putting the house in order too, like to be tidy. Have a poorly husband today so will be busy. Hope Final is good. xx
You work far too hard it has to be said
No wonder the gremlins spend time in your head
So draw up the drawbridge and padlock the locks
Sit down with some tea and the boys on the box.
The artwork will wait and your craftroom will too
But for now we'll all give a huge thank you to you!
xx Magaret Col.
Terrific pair of poets!
Well done Maggie, another poet.x
Fabulous Maggie well done xxxx
Brilliant Maggie!
Here here well done Maggie….xx
Enjoy your day off – if anyone deserves it it's you! Enjoy the rugby! xx
It's ok with me, you do enough, we all need a rest once in a while.
Enjoy a wonderful relaxing afternoon Barbara and Dave, it sounds just what the doctor ordered.
The weather is lovely here too, and perfect for a long dog walk….hugs …X X
Great plan. Artwork is great but other things can be relaxing too. Enjoy your day! (i darent't watch rugby in case i spill the beans before hubby gets to watch. I really would be in trouble then!)
Hope you enjoy the rest of your day. Well deserved! Hugs xxxxx
Hope you enjoy the rest of your day. Well deserved! Hugs xxxxx
Hubby just about to sit down to rugby too and no doubt I will flit in and out to see how they do. Have to watch the haka (not sure how to spell it). Have done the chores, the washing and the shopping so now free to indulge myself too, don't ya just love days like this! If the mood takes me might even have 40 winks! Cheers Barbara, enjoy your day off before the madness of NEC. Hugs and kisses Karen xxx.
Sounds wonderful can sit back in your lovely clean tidy house and relax. Well we are still upside down kitchen stilling in middle of refit new flooring down cupboards fitted electrics in place put not connected did put washing machine in so could catch up with the last week washing hopefully will be finished Tuesday so can get back in kitchen so lots dust about getting there have a great weekend sun is shining here in fact car said it 22c today beautiful xxx
Have a great day !!!!!
Have a great day !!!!!
Relax and enjoy………..not quite on your scale but, kinda know how you feel as all our weekends lately have been trying to redo our garden,although it's kind weather today we decide to have brunch and watch a film, something we've not done for ages………so enjoyed it. Go on, have some time off and you'll be rejuvenated (?) again xxx
A day off is the very least you deserve, Barbara. Make sure you enjoy every second of it. xxxx Maggie
I hope everyone you know appreciates what a marvelous , exceptional , funny , talented woman you are !
Enjoy your day off – well deserved! If we get antsy for ideas, we can search through this fantastic archive you've created for us. K x
Rugby the priority here today too …..snacks drinks – oh and trick or treat sweets laid out – Hubby gets in from golf and sits down to ITV +1 – Then world cup over he tells me ( lots of Rugby been on here recently ) ……….Oh but tomorrow is the NFL game .. I am .grateful I am off to a dabble day at Jo Channon's shop tomorrow 🙂
You deserve a day of doing what you please it's so good to have a clean and tidy home enjoy your time snuggling up with Dave to watch the rugger xxx
Evening Donna
Evening Diane
Evening Dorothy
Evening Brenda
Hugs to all xxx
Hi Sheila xxxxx
Evening Sheila, I have been crafting all day, trying to finish off the skull I have been colouring for my sister. XX
Enjoy hallowe'en pleased you crafted today I manage to do a little crafting too shiny clarity black card with stamp versamark and perfect pearls turned out well so glad Barbara blog it on here .
I got my clarity groovi storage plates and boarder today so groovi all put away super storage xxx
Oooo lucky you, can't wait for mine to arrive. I like the look of the perfect pearls on black, looks so vivid and the colours really show up nicely. Have a good crafty weekend. Xx
I've got some more plates to arrive so hope they come Monday and the calendar too tomorrow is some new offers do you think we will need our cushions strapped on cannot believe it's 1st November where does the months go a new clarity blog challenge too xxx
NOOOOO cant be November already!!! Where does time go?
New offers………………
SHOULD I get anymore craft stuff this month? utters snort!
CAN I get anymore craft stuff this month? Welllll 😉
Poetry is also a creative artwork so think your ok on the art front. Glad you're feeling all the better for your housework. Enjoy the Rugby! Hugs Jeanette xxx
My calender arrived today. Love it. Can't wait to start on some of the projects. Enjoy your day off. You've earned it
Well done, about time you had a day off, but you still did your blog a great rhyming one at that. Housework too, but it dies make you feel good when it's all clean and tidy. BeAutiful day here too, been making the mist if it by tidying up the garden an planting bulbs. Enjoy your evening.xx
Lots of mistakes in it, sorry about that, that'll teach me to read through it.
Enjoy your day. Having a tidy house does calm me too. We have been bird watching that is not like us at all and there were loads of birds you couldn't miss them. Hugs Jackie
Hi Barbara
Brilliant rhyme today, you are clever. They say tidy house tidy mind don't they. It does feel good when it's all done and dusted and you can just sit back and enjoy it. Hope the rugby was good , I'm sure I will hear the result from hubby soon.
Love Diane xxxx
Hi Donna xxxxx
Hi Dot xxxxx
Hi Brenda xxxxxx
Hi Diane, how is your crafty weekend going? XX
Glad you had a nice day! Fab poem ! xxx
Of course, you are allowing to have a day off work. You always worked so hard. Wonderful Barbara. Xx
Hello Barbara
Of course you are allowed a day off. Please enjoy what is left of it.
Hello Barbara
Of course you are allowed a day off. Please enjoy what is left of it.
Enjoy your evening with Dave. Rugby was good. I am now all painted and ready for Halloween. XX
Evening Brenda, sending hugs. XX
Switched between our fantastic Team GB gymnastic squad and the rugby.
House tidying for me on Monday!
Enjoy your time to yourself, tomorrow too. ;~}
Hi Barbara
Hope you've enjoyed your day off,well deserved.
Cool with me…everyone deserves a day off xx. Hope you end the day in style X
Much love as ever
Kim xx
Evening ….Been a day off for me too it's been Dens birthday and I have been "pen-nav" instead of having a satnav collecting his present. It's been a beautiful drive seeing all the autumn colours. So feet up now catching up on the blog
Had tea which included jelly and ice cream ….how silly at our age
happy days Pen x
Never too old for jelly and ice-cream! Happy birthday Den XX
I agree. Just love jelly. Made a jelly mousse on a biscuit base today for a treat, hoping it tastes good.
Sounds like you've had a good relaxing day which is what you need! Enjoy your evening too! Love and hugs to you and Dave xxxxx
Sounds like you've had a good relaxing day which is what you need! Enjoy your evening too! Love and hugs to you and Dave xxxxx
Hope you had a relaxing afternoon and evening Barbara along with Dave, and that you enjoyed the rugger – brilliant game I thought. Looking forward to receiving my calendar soon and to catching up with you in Thursday at the NEC. Hugs xx
Hi Barb,
I definitely think you deserved a day off if not more. Hope you've had a great day and enjoyed the rugby. My Groovi storage and new plates arrived today and they are fabulous – thank you. Love Alison xxx
hope your day was enjoyable. i have spent most of it in the kitchen today, not tidying but creating chaos to give the kids a nice halloween, hugs xx
Hope you've enjoyed your day off and the rugby? Back to work for me tomorrow, but there will be a little crafting and baking along the way so it's not all bad!
Happy Halloween Barbara hope youve enjoyed your day off I'm just not long back from trick and treating with my grandsons Liam was Edward scissor hands and wee ian was a pidgeon with a proper pidgeon head mask and a T shirt that said who will I sh*t on today. Me I was the granny behind the
hedges making sure they were safe.
enjoy the rest of your night I'm knackered…..take care..xxDot
Enjoy the rest off the evening
Evening Brenda Donna Diane Sheila Happy Halloween to you all …a bath and cuppa awaits me ….take care..love Dot.xxx
Sounds like a good Granny thing to do. Happy Halloween Dot. XX
Bless you your two grandsons with love you to bits enjoy your bath and cuppa xxx
Ah that's lovely, never get the chance to do that, they live a bit too far away. Xx
You certainly deserve a day off Barbara. Enjoy the match! x
Hope you enjoyed that brilliant final, people think it odd that I get great pleasure from line drying washing and converting a pile of laundry to lovely ironed organised stacks. Takes all sorts I suppose but I love it
Hello Barb, I hope you had a great day off, there is something so satisfying about just doing odds and ends around the home. Final was really good. Take care, and look after yourselves. Bx
Sounds like a perfect day and all in rhyme too. Very clever.
I can very much relate to your blog today, I've been getting on top of jobs at home, tidying , sorting and chucking out, incredibly therapeutic and it's amazing what a difference it has made to how I feel in general even taking a minute to make the bed lol. Now I'm enjoying some well deserved down time with my pooches xx