Stuck in traffic!

Stuck in traffic!

Hey, Paul here!

Just had a call from Barbara to say she is on her way back from Peterborough after hanging around for some meetings after her TV shows earlier today and is stuck in traffic on the A1.

So she has asked me to share this You Tube video with you all on how to use the fibres that she demonstrated on Hochanda earlier today

Normal service will be resumed tomorrow!!!
Paul x

47 thoughts on “Stuck in traffic!

  1. Oh you poor thing being stuck in traffic – hope you get home soon for a well earned rest after the shows today. Really enjoyed them and the samples were absolutely gorgeous. Dee must have been working overtime the amount she did!!! Thanks Paul for posting this – Barb and Clarity are lucky to have you. Love Alison xx

  2. Thanks, Paul. What an end to a busy day for you, Barbara! I hope you have a restful night when you eventually get home. Loved the stamping show this afternoon (sadly, missed Groovi this morning). It was good to have you back!! Mxx

  3. Oh dear, hope the journey is over soon. That's the last thing you needed after your busy day. Greatvshows and some beautiful stamps that are now winging their way to me! Can't wait to play when they arrive. Great DT samples shown in the shows. Xx

  4. These were my first ever Clarity stamps, and I still love them, and love doing this technique! Can't say I ever do the sewing bit, but maybe one day!!! Hope you have a safe journey home, and some time to relax and unwind tomorrow, Susan x

    1. Hello Donna I've been so good missed the groovi show as my recorder failed to record got the stamps shows recorded but haven't watched them all yet might catch up tomorrow.
      You enjoy your crafting goodies
      You too Dorothy happy crafting xxx

    2. I was a good girl and sat on my hands so I couldn't order – mind you I did do a lot of falling last weekend(in both senses!) so I have enough to play with for now! I shall pass my arnica cream around! Xxxx

  5. Thanks Paul, you are a hero ! Its been a really long day for Barb… and traffic hold ups are never fun. On the plus side ,I for one, thought that the shows on Hochanda today were brilliant , so hopefully this kind of format will be used more often. Kettles on Barb !!! x

    1. Hi Dave I've only seen the Groovi one so far but really enjoyed it, lovely and relaxed with no hard sell and blow me the items still sold out! It was interesting to see Barbara was allowed to continue demonstrating too – she looked very relaxed and happy. Hope you had a good day and didn't tire yourself out too much x

  6. Hi Paul, Thanks for helping our busy lady tonight. Shows were brilliant Barbara and the DT samples amazing' and just to let you know I gave in and joined the Groovi train today so my starter set and borders will be on there way soon couldn't wait any longer for Santa hope you get back home safe soon …..xx

    1. Hi Diane cant wait also sent for the bookmark sleeves the Merry Christmas stamp some new mounts and ……no that's all its toast and beans for a while for me ordered from Clarity though hopefully before the Hochanda order gets there but I'll wait no stress there gonna be busy guys……xx

  7. Thank you Paul my dear. Fantastic shows today Barbara. So nice to see you get time to Demo. You looked very relaxed and happy. I for one think it is great to have this new craft and hobby channel. So much to see and learn. Hope you get home soon. Hugs xxxxx

  8. Thanks Paul. What teamwork! Thoroughly enjoyed the shows today and the samples were something else. Good to see Hochanda so improved in sound, presentation etc. Carol

  9. You're a 🌟Paul! Barbara, the last thing you need after three hours of demo work is to be stuck in traffic. Hope you are home safe and sound 'soonest.' Time for a cup of tea and pjs, I think! ;~}

  10. Hi Barbara
    Hope you are safely home very soon, I have only seen the Groovi show so far but really enjoyed it and you looked really happy. Thank you Paul for posting on Barbara's behalf, it's good to have a reminder. Enjoy your evening when you finally get home – that cuppa is going to taste wonderful! Night night sleep tight xxx

  11. Hi Barb, fabulous shows yesterday, hope you got home safely. Thanks Paul for letting us know and for sharing the video. Stamps and fibres, always a favourite. Take care all. Bx

  12. Thank you Paul.

    What a great show on Hochanda yesterday recorded all the shows. Hope you are back safe and sound Barbara.

    So many ideas are buzzing around my head now, I just dont know where to start. But know that I have to finish the cards I have got orders for and to make a birthday card for my Grandson who is 16 this year. Where oh were does the time go.

    Crafty hugs
    Pen x

  13. Hi Paul Barbara & Dave & All
    Wonderfull shows yeaterday well the groovi plate demonstrations were wonderfull. The afternoon shows well what can i say this was a great move, so many demos to watch and get so many ideas . Thank all the team for wonderfull cards on the show, i hope you are settlimg down in your new postion Paul you will be a great asset to Clarity.
    Best Wishes to all
    Lynn xx

  14. Now come on…. this sounds like a good excuse to observe the supermoon/lunar eclipse.
    Hope I have recorded today's shows successfully – tried to watch online but it kept 'freezing'. I hoped it was because HOCHANDA's system was clogged up with everyone buying Clarity!
    Roll on next month!


  15. Thanks Paul for doing the post and Barbara hope you and Dave have had a restful night. I thought the afternoon show was brill and not too much interruption from Scott. I'm afraid though the Groovi show for me was spoilt by Martin keep interrupting, if we could maybe keep Scott on your shows or at least off load Martin to other shows that would be good. But hey Barbara you were cool, relaxed and interesting.

  16. Thanks for that, Paul! Hope Barbara got home safe and not too late. Fantastic shows yesterday, Barbara. Taped them and then sat up far too late watching them! Hanging by a thread today… and all I did was WATCH the programmes, not make them and then drive home and get stuck in traffic 🙂 Thank you for all your lovely ideas. And that card you showed us at the end that looks like a book cover, it's absolutely beautiful. It has inspired me to buy the stamps!

  17. So sorry that you got stuck in traffic Barbara when all you wanted to do is get home. What a fantastic show with so many demonstrations and so many ideas. I must try the fibre it makes a lovely padded image. I am looking forward to the classroom shows too. Thank you Paul for the video.

  18. Hi Paul, thanks for stepping into the breach!
    I managed to watch some of your shows Barbara and am looking forward to enjoying the recorded playbacks today (without distractions). I hope the rest of your return journey wasn't as bad.
    Tonbridge Sue

  19. Hi Paul, It's must be great for Barbara to have support from her team on incredibly busy days like today. I was blown away by all the samples on the shows today and have already ordered the stencil set. One of these days I will give in to the groove and get the starter set – for the moment colouring in is my way of being mindful. Fantastic shows on Hochanda – I think the afternoon show was better because it wasn't so rushed being twice the length of the Groovi show. Looking forward to being able to craft along in the coming months. Hope everyone made it home safely and had a restful night.

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