Hi there.
I am so glad you have popped in today.
Especially this Wednesday.
Because today we change what we do here
every Wednesday going forward.
Remember last week, I talked about Mindfulness?
If you didn’t catch it, the title is
Or should I say Tea-hee?
Get the kettle on….
What is Mindfulness?
In short, it is the art of staying focussed in the moment,
in the Here and Now.
In other words, being mindful of what we are doing,
of concentrating on what we are doing
and actually experiencing what we are doing,
rather than just going through the motions.
That’s why colouring in for adults is currently so popular;
while we are focussed on the colouring in and the detail of an image, the mind is taking a little break from all the other things we usually fret about, worry about, obsess about.
And yes.
We ARE publishing a series of colouring books.
When? Very, very soon….
What are they like? They are top spec beeyoutifful!
So I got to thinking.
How about we – you and I – teach ourselves to be mindful,
but not just when we’re crafting?
I do so many, many things every day, almost robotically.
And I am certain you do, too.
It begins as soon as I open my eyes with the first cup of tea.
The kettle boils, the water gets poured on the teabag in the mug, teabag stirred around until it’s the right brown,
sling it, add milk, glug brew.
This process is repeated many times during the course of the day,
usually whilst on the phone.
It is a completely mechanical activity;
my mind is NEVER on making the tea!
Even if you aren’t a tea-drinker, you will understand.
Just take a moment to think of an action you do in auto-pilot.
I have a plan, a very simple way for us all to get
in the Mindful Groove.
Every Wednesday, I would like to take a closer look at
something which most of us do daily, but without thinking about it.
That thing, whatever it may be, can then be the subject of the week’s mindfulness lesson.
Then we will convert that topic into a crafty session!
It’s the law !!!
Making Tea.
By taking something as simple as making a cup of tea,
and concentrating on the very act, the process,
we create an awareness of what we are doing.
And that, my friends, is Mindfulness.
In an attempt to curb the auto-pilot habit,
I even went one step further,
and created a little tea-making and drinking ritual.
No, really….
Step 1. Find a teapot which gives you pleasure.
We have a cast iron one we bought in France last year…
Step 2. Camomile tea methinks. Calming properties…
No bags. Loose leaf.
Step 3. Boil the kettle and pour on the water.
Sit with the pot while the tea brews.
Step 4. Light a candle, pour the tea, sip it, savour it.
Step 5. Sit by a window and enjoy the taste of the tea.
Let’s take time to do this.
Let’s do this at some point every day,
and see if it helps calm the mind…
Now comes the Crafty Part of our new Wednesday blog.
This Wednesday we are offering you
a FREE Clarity Colouring download.
Melanie drew a beautiful teapot for us to colour in.
It is spectacular.
Scale it up to whatever size is comfortable for you,
print it onto decent quality paper or card,
and enjoy colouring it in.
Can I make some suggestions about the colouring in?
What to use?
I love using my colouring pencils.
I will use my Spectrum Noir Pencils,
but use whatever you like!
Do a section at a time. Perhaps the lid first.
Then the spout. Then the houses, and so on.
Don’t do it all in one sitting and rush it.
Take it slowly.
If the lid takes all evening, that’s fine.
Tomorrow you can do the next part.
Remember, this is not about churning out a coloured tea pot;
this is about creating an awareness of the process.
Hold the pencil, feel it in your hand.
Notice how the colour appears
depending on the pressure you apply.
Slowly, gradually, build the picture, and fill it with colour.
In the next weeks, I will do You Tubes which get into colouring in in more depth.
I would love it if you emailed me a photo of your work,
which we can then upload to our new
Public Gallery.
Please send to:
If it takes a week, fine. If it take a month, that’s fine, too.
This will be a gradual process.
It works, it really does.
much love,
101 thoughts on “Time for Tea and a FREE COLOURING DOWNLOAD”
Hi Barb,
That was a lovely relaxing post, it sounded like you enjoyed that cuppa lol! I will have to think of my rituals and see how I can savor one of them!!! Thank you so much for the free download of the beautiful drawn teapot, I definitely won't be rushing that one but i will upload it to you once it is done.
Thank you again
Love & Hugs
Jacquie J xxx
Can't wait to colour in that beautiful teapot. Colouring is very therapeutic.
Good afternoon Barbara, oh this should be on the NHS….I could feel myself unwinding as I read it….the drawing is gorgeous and our Mel has come up trumps once again…I feel a colouring session coming up….is this to fill the Poldark slot? …enjoy your evening…hugs…xxxx
Love the teapot, any your tea ceremony reminds me of the Chinese Tea Ceremony.
Really looking forward to this. Been wanting to colour more for ages, I've got all the pencils but still haven't used them. Chemo starts next week and there WILL be a lot of sitting around so this could be an ideal project to take with me.
Is this one of the ideas you and Jane rustled up? I've been thinking about her a lot just lately.
Time for a cup of tea.
Big hug for you, Kelly. Get the pencils out. And the tea pot xxx
Thanks, hug gratefully received.
Hug to help you through xx
All the best with your chemo, keeping everything crossed that this time it will be zapped for good xx
Hope everything goes well for you Kelly. Sending a big hug for you. Xx
Good luck with the chemo and enjoy the colouring! Xx
Good luck Domino, one of my work colleagues is going in for her last chemo session so will be thinking of you both xx
Good Luck Domino. I will keep you in my prayers x
Really enjoyed the blog very relaxing for me it's been very busy few days as finally have moving date 15th may so have been on phone arranging all usual things ie gas electric etc and all that ever so not relaxing not music while you wait so a lovely couple relaxing and bit of soothing colouring would be wonderful think I will book that for Saturday Mmm thought feels lovely not tea drinker so coffee pot in stead gouging away looking forward to our Wednesday's love joy
Cool! Will be downloading the beautiful teapot and giving the colouring a go! Thank you! xxx
How relaxing today's post is Barbara. I occasionally practise Mindfulness whilst out walking (didn't know it was called that though lol. It is so easy just to stride along planning shopping, housework, feeling under pressure because there is so.much to do but if I spend time becoming aware of all the birds singing and concentrate on all the different songs and let all those other thoughts slip away I find i am much calmer and feel uplifted and refreshed! Thank you for the download. I am looking forward to colouring in with my newly acquired Spectrum Noir pencils.x
Yes yes yes yes, I recently bought a colouring book and I love it, so relaxing and as you say a mindful thing to do and focus on. Looking forward to seeing the colouring book in the meantime I will be having a go at the teapot, fabulously drawn I hope I can do it justice.
Your teapot is fab and I can just picture you sat drinking your cuppa, have a lovely relaxing evening xx
Yes yes yes yes, I recently bought a colouring book and I love it, so relaxing and as you say a mindful thing to do and focus on. Looking forward to seeing the colouring book in the meantime I will be having a go at the teapot, fabulously drawn I hope I can do it justice.
Your teapot is fab and I can just picture you sat drinking your cuppa, have a lovely relaxing evening xx
Thanks Barb for a wonderful relaxing post today. Will down load the tea-pot and mindfully colour it in.
Hugs and God bless
Jan xx
I spent most of my child/teen years colouring in, I loved it then and I love it now. I don't mind a bit that I sometimes get strange looks if anyone I tell how much I love colouring and there have been quite a few, I do it to please myself. I can't wait for the Clarity colouring books, do you know when they might be ready Barbara?
Hi Barbara I feel much more relaxed after reading your post. I have a cup of green tea by my side. I do fancy doing some colouring and the teapot is gorgeous – thank you for the image. Enjoy your evening. Hugs Jackie
Ooooooooooooooo oooooo so excited about the colouring books!!!!!!! I NEED this nrw midweek movement at the moment so download will be done straight away and started as soon as the ink is dry! Fantastic idea XX
Thank you, this is a lovely idea and I look forward to buying a colouring book when you start selling them. In the mean time I am going to switch off and enjoy colouring the teapot.
Sounds very interesting. Only today I was making a card that took me a good 3 hours to colour in. I didn't even realize how much time had elapsed. To me that is mindfulness.
About the chamomile tea, it only needs brewing for about 30 sec other wise it becomes a stimulant😉 , hugs xx
Thankyou for this Barbara, I am looking forward to the books now too, very exciting…..x
Hi Barbara, thank you. I'm lost and a bit scared and agitated and, sorry, but a wee bit (big bit if I'm honest) upset too, because I feel I've just suddenly been left way behind – not your or anyone else's fault, it's me and my stupid useless head. And obviously you can't be stopping or slowing down the journey you want to take us on because of me, I wouldn't expect nor ask you too. Really busy complicated colouring in, and making tea or some other daily routine and thinking about exactly what I'm doing while doing it. I haven't even worked out where to start with basic shading, it's really hard to get it in my head when there's no one to sit down with me and show me, do it with me to get me started. I look at the teapot and my head goes – where on earth would I start, it totally overwhelms me, freezes me. And the making tea one, I don't know, I do look out my windows and hear the birds etc. anyway and we must be already conscious of what our bodies are doing to make it, are we not, so it can't be this you are meaning for us to do? I feel I'm no longer standing at the station trying to board your train, but far far away from the station. Sorry, I think the journey you want to take us on has just got well beyond me :-(. Hope you all enjoy your colouring in and it helps you all feel better. Love Brenda xx
Brenda, don't worry about shading just colour it in however you want and see how it turns out – you can always print another later on to have another go if you want to make it look different I don't know about shading – I'm thinking mine might be a mish mash of clashing colours. x
OK, hopefully you have colouring pencils, cheep ones or tins of expensive ones makes no difference. Get them ready Brenda, you and I are going to do this teapot together! Now download the teapot. Do you have it yet? Right look at the spout, see the circles………. First decision what colour shall we do them? I won't start until you are with me! Xx
I had to change the black ink, it had run out, but I've downloaded it now, onto super smooth paper, I guess pencils will work on this. I've got cheap pencils and recently bought the spectrum noir ones too when Crafter's Companion had an extra good offer on them, but I've been too scared to use them, too good for me to use! Don't know what colour, all those circles and wave things make me think of the sea, like bubbles, so a blue, aqua blue. I don't have a pale aqua in my cheap pencils but I don't think they will work very good on the super smooth anyway. It seems a waste to use the posh ones though
p.s. thank you Jackie and Maria for the encouragement too xx
You can do it Brenda, deep breath first, take it slowly like Donna says. Will not matter if the end result is not perfect you can always have another go. Come on the journey with the rest of us. xx
Thank you Lynne. It was weird, when I read Barbara's writings I felt I was suddenly and rapidly rushed miles away from it – here, Barbara, you guys, being part of all this, and felt I was suddenly too far away and too shut away from here. I'm going to try and tag along. Thank you guys xx
Hi Brenda glad you have downloaded it now do a little each day baby steps it might help with your cfs /me even just a little its pattern means you only need to do a small bit each day ,I'm still stuck in the hotel so I carnt download it till I get back to our bungalow which might be another 2/3 weeks it would be wonderful to do it now I know it would help me so give it a go Brenda happy colouring xxx
A blue sounds good, I am going to do mine the same colour. Use the cheep ones untill you feel more confident to try your spectrums. Deep breath, ready?…………………
Ok, I've got a blue. How do you make them like bubbles, I know you need to leave a white bit but when I've tried before it's not faded into the white bit? Or will I just colour them flat without the white bit?
Thank you Sheila, goodness, those workmen seem to have been saying another 2-3 weeks for so long now! Do you have family or friend that could print it off for you, even if they have to post it to you, it would each you a lot sooner than the workmen are taking to finish your house. Take care xx
Lets go simple and just colour them flat, no white bit. Lets just see them as circles, not even contemplate the idea of them being bubbles. Just little circles that we are going to colour blue. I have my blue pencil in my hand, ……………….. Lets colour!
ok, I'll tell you when they are coloured xx
Brenda , you can't be as far Amy as I am in the USA,and the only class I ever took was with stampin up and it can't compare to clarity. No one will see it ,there is no test , you won't be judged . Everything should be FUN and if it's not then don't do it . Enough stress in life as it is . Have faith in yourself and enjoy life
I bought the spectrum noirs too Brenda and, like you, I'm a bit scared to use them. I keep,looking at them though!
My crafting friend is going to print it off and post it too me I'm so lucky to have her as my friend at least the bungalow is now at the decorating stage then the tiler then the cleaners then the carpet fitted then home we hope was far worse than first thought the drying too longer than first thought hugs xxx
Me done Donna, circles coloured in, not brilliant with them being cheap ones but I did find an aqua blue pencil so they look like the colour I had pictured xx
That's great Sheila, hopefully you've got a speedy postie!! xx
Jackie posh pencils aren't the only thing I've bought that I've never used because too posh or me not good enough!!! xx
Great, well done! Mine are coloured in too. Tomorrow we will have to do the frondy bits. I think you are very brave to try something new so be proud of yourself! XX
Well done Brenda, good for you. I've got the spectrum noir pencils too and opened one tin and scribbled a bit of colour from each one onto a piece of paper just to see what they are like, the aqua tones would be lovely for the bubbles when you are ready to do a posh one. I have an urge to take all the pencils out of the tins and put them in numerical order just to see what they look like but then put them back in their original tins in numerical order instead of the mix of colours they seem to be. Enjoy step two tomorrow . Love and hugs Diane xxx
Sheila would the reception desk people at the hotel print the picture off for you? You never know you might start them all colouring in too xxx
Thank you very much Donna, it's so good of you to spend this time helping me. You're a lovely person. I'm feeling a wee bit calmer now too, and not so upset. A big hug from me 🙂 xx (I'm trying to do as I'm told – when someone gives me a compliment hear it and not just switch off to it!!!)
And a big thank you to all you other lovely people here too making an effort to help me feel here and included, part of this again, and encouraging me to have a go 🙂
It's working, thanks everyone 🙂 I won't be scared to come back here tomorrow now. Being honest, after reading Barbara's writings today and the feelings it gave me I was thinking maybe it was time for me to stop coming here, gone beyond my capabilities, me not good enough, not belonging here. I don't feel like that now 🙂 xx
And thank you Barbara, looks like your post today has helped nudge me on a bit. And if I can tag along with you all, Wednesday is the perfect day for time out mindful thingy with it being my garden day. I keep thinking about the making tea one, maybe I might get it better if I read your words while actually doing the thing, and chamomile tea is something I should be having loads more of, just teabags and boring white kettle for me though. Nicola might be able to help me understand it a bit better, and Kim below, I need to read her comment again tomorrow as I think there's something in there that could help me get it.
I don't know if anyone gets just how huge a deal it is for me that you guys all choose to, want to, and spend your time offering me help and support, and chat and banter. It's bigger than any words I can say (put it this way, it's been very far from the norm in my life) xx
Thank you Diane. That made me laugh. You've been brave, testing colours from one set!!! I've got to fight the urge to order things and line things up, but then I've got an excuse as it's classic autism! I even do it with things like jelly babies!!! xx
By the way the super smooth paper works good for pencils, it seemed to be easy to erase any bits where I'd gone over the lines.
Barbara it sounds like you need to have a use your posh pencils day, so we all get them out their tins and actually use them!!! xx
Posh pencil day sounds like fun! XX
Glad you got started Brenda. I chose blue as well, just seemed right somehow. I have done the lid on mine. Hope you enjoyed working on yours. xx
Thank you.
Yes I did enjoy it, it's like Barbara says, I could feel my breathing slowing down a bit and me not so tensed up 🙂 xx
And I'm already thinking about tomorrow's bit too 🙂
Thank you Janice for your support and encouragement too. It must feel frustrating that you are so far away, but then you are right here too thanks to technology xx
Well done Brenda. – I'm very proud of you! Keep going a little but at a time. I really liked how you decided that these bits should be in blue. See if anything else in the picture makes you think of a colour. I'm sure your finished picture will be fabulous.xxx
Thank you Alison :-). Don't know about fabulous though, it will probably look more like an explosion in the B&Q paint aisle!!! But then I can call it arty, eh!!!! 🙂 xx
I like to think about an explosion in the B&q paint aisle! Lol !!
Go on you can do it Brenda with lovely Donna taking
you step by step it won't be to scary for you me I dont
even know how to download it to the printer but I will
get wee grandson to do it the morn so your way ahead oh me already….hugs…Dot
I'm so looking forward to the colouring books Barb, not just for me but I think they will make a fabulous gift-I bet we all know someone who would benefit from just chilling out and losing themselves within the pages.
And how kind of you to give us all the beautiful teapot while we wait for the books.
I'm raising my bone china cup and saucer to you! Xxxx
BRENDA, the colouring doesn't need to be complicated, it's whatever you are comfortable with.
Where to start on the tea pot? Why not print it out and just look at it, the first thing in the pic that draws your eye is a good place to start. Go on give it a little try xxx
Oh wow! have just printed out the tea pot. I was reading this sat drinking a cuppa my hubby had made after a slow journey home (takes 10 mins on a good day but 90 mins today – roadworks in Oxford is not something I'm going to miss when I retire tomorrow!) . I digress. So looking forward at having a colouring session soon. Thanks Barbara! I'll look forward to the books too. Hoping I'm getting the Secret Garden one tomorrow ……
Better stop now as I have a speech to write — feel I might be too emotional to read it though xxx
Enjoy your day tomorrow Jackie, I know it will be emotional but do enjoy yourself too. I hope you have got breakfast in bed planned for Friday! Xxx
Thanks Diane, I've managed to type up a few words in the hope I can get them out! Xx
Thank you for all of this today. The teapot is so beautiful and now I have downloaded it I can give the colouring a try knowing I can print it again to have another go. Loved colouring when I was younger and happily looking forward to your books.
Barbara I'm still in the hotel so cannot download the tea pot would love to join in but I carnt till I get back in my bungalow I've got the spectrum noire pencils they are wonderful to use could you put me one in first class post as got another 2/3 weeks in hotel would be a good to loose myself in colouring .im going to message my dearest crafting friend to see if she would like to join in with this mindfulness as 2 weeks ago she had major surgery to take away the cancer she had to go back yesterday for the biopsy results she now has to have chemotherapy or radiotherapy when she is stronger could I ask you to send her a clarity crafting hug thank you xxx
I'll print it off for you dearie. I'll get it in the post for you, it's no trouble.hugs Debbie xxx
Thank you your such a dear friend with all your going through hugs xxx
The colouring books are a fabulous idea Barbara, can't wait for them to be on sale. Thank you for the beautiful teapot download too, I can just see it on the front of a card.
Colouring in is certainly a restful process that can take you away from the stresses and strains of life in general – so I will download and take this to the forest with me on Friday for the weekend and give it a go.
I know exactly what you mean about processes and how we do so much on auto pilot – many many moons ago in a previous life/job I worked in the care industry where on a training course we were made to think about how to teach people to do things starting with making a cup of tea – even saying – turn the tap on – was broken down in to steps making you realise just how much you do automatically but do actually have to think about without realising – so when teaching someone who has learning difficulties you need to break things down – so your description of making your tea reminded me of that. Fast forward to this life/job I use a two-way radio every day when at work to communicate with my team – frequently they radio through wanting advice but when you ask them to describe what they are seeing so you can give that advice suddenly it all becomes complicated – we often run little exercises of sitting back to back – one has a picture one has a blank piece of paper and pen – one then describes to the other what to draw without saying what it is – so for instance if you have a picture of a TV you can't say draw a TV – you need to find another way of describing it!!!! so I try to not underestimate things these days as too much can ride on it !!!!
So I will look forward to the new colouring pages/books!!!!
Much Love Barbara
Kim xx
Looking forward to the colouring books. Great idea. Will certainly try the teapot. Colouring sessions will be good , my shading not brilliant. I am learning so much lately and trying a lot outside my comfort zone. Right off to print my teapot. xx
Oh Barbara! I can't wait to see the books but in the meantime I will enjoy the teapot!
I might have to have two…one bright and bold, the other pastel!
However that will have to wait…. I am busy marking!… Better get back to it!
Love and hugs! Xxx
Such a lovely post Barbara. Loving the beautiful teapot drawing. Thank you for sharing it with us all.Very kind. Hugs Debbie xxx
I do something similar every morning . I have a ritual and try to stick with it as it helps my day go in the right direction and on the right road . A,cup of coffee , my favorite sitting place and some short uplifting, spiritual reading ,or verse . A great book on mindfulness is " The Power Of Now " by Eckhardt Tolle . Life changing for sure for me .
R every morning
I love the tea pot and your rendition of making tea just like the Japanese tea ceremony sans kimono. I love Wes. Thoughtful mindful days!!!
Oh Barbara what a fantastic blog today. I love my cups of tea, and really enjoy using nice China cups that I buy specially. The colouring books are an awesome idea and I am so looking forward to it. I love colouring and have done all my life. Can't wait to start on the teapot. Xx
Thank you for being you!
Amanda xx
I do love colouring and do have a couple of tins of the Spectrum Noir Pencils and I love their waxy texture and the blending fluid is great for blending together the colours. I will definitely download the teapot and give it a go and look forward to some more things to colour as it is very relaxing and taking your time is part of the experience, and you are right it is good to take your time and enjoy it. x
OMG can't wait for the colouring books. MMMMMM…..tea.
thank you for the teapot, I will use my spectrum noir alcohol markers i think, or scale is down really small and try it on water color paper, not sure if laserprinter is waterproof and or if it prints on "bumpy"paper…you'll see 😉
Brilliant Blog again Barbara. I love colouring and have The Secret Garden and Enchanted Forest. Can't wait for your colouring books and hope we don't have to wait to long.
Fab blog Barbara, can't wait for your colouring books. I love this idea – a friend gave me a teapot for Christmas and I haven't used it yet – now I will!! Thanks for the teapot image, I can't wait to get started. Hugs xx
Hi Barbara
Great idea, cant wait to see the first book.
Keep up the good work. xx
What a brilliant idea and blog post. Thank you too for the teapot I will enjoy the colouring in process. Can't wait for your colouring books to come out
Wonderful – brilliant – thank you so much!! Love this teapot and can't wait to get started. I always have tea in a teapot – it just tastes better that way. Oh Wednesday just got better and better. xx Margaret Col.
Hi Barbara
What a great blog today, really relaxing. I had forgotten it was mindful Wednesday so a real treat. I now have a plan for tomorrow, make proper tea in a tea pot and just sit and listen to the birds whilst I drink it then sign on to laptop to print picture (iPad not talking to printer!) and start colouring. That sounds like a good plan! Take care and enjoy your colouring. Thank you for sharing. Love Diane xxx
Hi Barbara,
Thank you for teapot. I've saved it 'cos I'm still getting used to my new Spectrum Noirs and no doubt I will have to practise plenty before I achieve the perfect 'pot'. Still tomorrow a.m. my coffee and I will be colouring in, probably all day and forget all about going to the butchers. So it be inventive meals again. Thank you again.X
Thank you Barbara, for the colouring pic. I've always found colouring really soothing. When I was teaching, I used to sit at the drawing table with the children. While we were all drawing and colouring, we'd chat about all sorts of things. It was amazing how the children opened up and told us all sorts of things as they relaxed (and didn't have to maintain eye contact).
I shall enjoy my colouring this week. Thank you. Take care, Jan x
Just thought our next step,should be a blank teapot and see what we fill them with -design wise not liquid of course!
Amazing words today Barbara from yourself and in the comments that everyone is leaving here today. I love colouring in and today I found myself in our local Wetherspoons drawing a picture a-la-barbara style with trees and hill. I then drew a dragon in the sky for the wee boy I was looking after. He got distracted when his food came along and so there i was, sitting in a pub colouring in on the back of a kids' menu!
I am looking forward to seeing your new colouring books and I can see me carrying one about with me to fill quiet five minutes here and there.
Hello Barbara,
Love reading your blog. Wise words… How generous to make this teapot available free. Looking forward to the book!
hi Barbara
Wonderful thought for the day. I am a colouring addict so I know I will love your colouring book. I will download the teapot tomorrow.
Hugs from Chris x
Great ideamBarbara and I love the picture too. Xx
Whoa, great idea and great 1st project. I rarely colour but definitely feel the benefits of it. My life has started to get a little hectic again so i'm gonna really enjoy a spot of mindfulness and just see what comes of it. I sharpened a set of water colour pencils last week so I might just try them. I've really enjoyed all the comments, it's good to know i'm not the only person who likes to line things up, order them, touch them and rearrange them several times before diving in and using them. My first set of stencil brushes were lovingly stared at for weeks!
Thanks Barbara I love colouring in with my grandchildren
and sometimes end up doing it myself when they get bored
so can't wait for a wee grown up one just for granny…x
Hello Barb, what a fabulous image, thank you for being so generous. Brilliant blog post too, very thought provoking. We do get too tied up in life to sometimes just sit and ponder. Looking forward to an adult colouring book, would be brilliant for long train journeys for work. Have a wonderful day. Bx
What a lovely blog post, going to take some card to work and print some copies, lovely project, thanks to you and Mel x
Sorry Melanie x
Hi Barb,
What a fabulous post and thank you for the download. Really looking forward to the colouring books. I really do enjoy colouring in but haven't got to grips with all the shading yet, so your YouTube videos will be great for me. I have all of the Spectrum Noir pencils, so will be great to use them on this. Thank you, love to all, Alison xx
Thanks for the great blog and the download. Tea is my thing (plus cakes when I'm indulging) and I've just received my set of Spectrum Noir pencils/DVD's from Clarity. What a great offer. Can't wait to get started. Carol x
Barbara, you never cease to amaze me, it's a shame you're not available on the NHS, you do people the world of good xxx
Thanks – for the post and the teapot to colour, much to think about there 🙂 I love a good cuppa (has to brew 20 minutes in the pot under my hand-made, very cosy tea-cosy!) but camomile is only for rinsing hair with! That's something my mother used to do for me when I was a little girl.
Another Brilliant Barbara plan, thank you so much. Crafty love n hugs Ruth
Another Brilliant Barbara plan, thank you so much. Crafty love n hugs Ruth
This is brilliant… The response to Barbara's blog here, says it all.. As part of the mindfulness Midweek Movement myself , i feel the need and desire to maybe look at things in a different a way. We have made a start right here , The comments I have read here , where help is offered to others is brilliant, and this is just the beginning . You know it makes sense, We know it works !
What a beautiful image, I am so looking forward to filling it with colour. I retired yesterday so will have a few extra hours to play with. Thank you so much. Love your blog.
Congratulations Gina! I retired on Thursday! I haven't had chance to colour in the teapot yet!
Thank you again for all the knowledge you distribute,Good post. I was very interested in the article, it's quite inspiring I should admit. I like visiting you site since I always come across interesting articles like this one.Great Job, I greatly appreciate that.Do Keep sharing! Regards, Santa Barbara Carpet Cleaners