Made it to Munich in one piece. Just!
Hello there!
Thanks for popping in.
I am writing this from a café in Munich.
We actually left home at 4 this morning, picked Mum up and were on the Chunnel by 8.
It was sunny and warm and lovely all the way through France.
Stopped for a little picnic at a pleasant layby underneath the trees.
Here’s Mum laying the table for lunch….
Yes it was all going swimmingly, Dave behind the wheel, us two snoozing and admiring the grand French scenery. Perfect.
Until we crossed the frontier. Boom!!!
The minute we hit the Autobahn in Deutschland, it was as if the safety mechanism had been disabled,
Every driver on the road switched to radio rental mode,
And the game was on!
As far as I could deduce, these were the rules of engagement:
Minimum speed allowed 100 mph.
Extra points awarded for exceeding 150mph
Strictly no indicators permitted, and
tailgating mandatory, in fact, if you could nudge your neighbour out of his lane,
you received a bumper bonus.
Dave’s no slouch behind the wheel, cruising at a steady 80 to 90 mph, but when that Ford Mustang ripped past us at Mach1, hotly pursued by a Lamborghini and a string of beefy BMWs, he quickly retired us to the loser lane, inbetween the lorries and the other cowering English tourists.
So, tomorrow, I have a one hour TV show here on HSE24 at 12 lunchtime (11am GMT).
And then we are off the hook and set to have a little mini break.
A mooch round Munich, a trip to Herrenchiemsee, King Ludwig’s pad, and maybe even a drive down to Austria. Perhaps we’ll let Mum drive….
I remember when she was learning to drive. One day, she came in from a lesson and told us that the instructor had hit her round the head. “What?!” we gasped, “Why?!” “Well, he told me to go right round the roundabout, so I vent right round the roundabout” . He should have known when she had to write L on her left hand and R on her right hand before every lesson….
Yeah. She can have a go tomorrow. She is the only person I have ever known to not reverse her car. Ever. Never ever. She doesn’t do reverse. Nie rückwärts!
Lots of love
Barb xx
40 thoughts on “Made it to Munich in one piece. Just!”
You arrived safely so Dave must have done a good job there. I've heard about Autobahn madness but not experienced it yet, thankfully. I'm sure your show will be brilliant and you can enjoy your mini break in Austria. Take care and enjoy your mum's driving! love Jan x
Enjoy your trip Barb i have been to Ludwig's pad. Mind you it was about 40 yrs ago !!! xx
Oh Barbara you did make me giggle. I can just imagine what you'd be saying apart from you having your mum in the car!!!
Colin said he'd be going into warp drive on the autobahn!!! We did many years ago when we toured Germany on his motorcycle!!!
Have a great show tomorrow and a safe journey back!!! Love and hugs xxxx
Now my mum was just the opposite, she always had to reverse the car off the drive and to be honest was pretty good at it. Terrified the life out of me when she got on the road but could reverse a treat. Glad you made it safely enjoy your mini break. Well deserved. xx
How de'ja vu – or whatever the phrase is. When I took my driving test, many years ago, the chief examiner, no less said "Go right round the roundabout" and so guess what, I did. Fortunately, he maintained that he knew I could control a car as before the test began, my dear beloved parked in a cul de sac and I began my test with an intricate three point turn. Thought you might find that little story amusing. Enjoy your show and thereafter. Incidentally, I passed first time and my driving has got worse and worse, not to mention trying to reverse in a big 4 x 4.!
Best wishes
Anne (Reading)
Those German roads sound too scary for me! Looks like you were well prepared for your picnic though. Who got all that ready before 4am? Surely not you, Barbara after your return from Ally Pally and then a session with Poldark? Wishing you a good show tomorrow and an enjoyable mini break. Jeanette xx
Must have been the same Lambourghini that blasted past us on our way home from the North Sea last week! Yeah, it's not for the meek, Autobahnfahren. Enjoy the big M.
Hi Barbara. Oh my goodness you must be exhausted after your busy weekend! You did make me laugh though with your lovely mums driving adventures! I presume she didn't use multistory car parks then. My husband always asks why I don't reverse into parking spaces as it is so much easier to get out. I would rather drive in forward then sort out the reversing lark when I get back to the car later, the car park might be empty by then lol. Sounds like you were glad Dave was driving, what a nightmare.
I hope your show goes well tomorrow, lots of sell outs, and you enjoy your mini break with Dave and your mum.
Take care of yourself.
Love Diane xxx
I hope the show and the break afterwards make the journey all worthwhile. So nice that you're taking a few days out. Enjoy lovely Bavaria. We're going to Berlin in June where I've never been before, although I know Germany quite well. Wonderful that the frontier that prevailed in my youth is behind us now. But we're cowards and are flying. Viel Spass! x
Hope your show tomorrow goes to plan and that then you can enjoy your mini break 27th Dave and your lovely Mum. Looks as though the weather may be good to you. Just wanted to say a big thank you for my lovely little rose stamp that came with my order the other day. Did put a smile on my face, much appreciated.xx
Hi Barb,
Good grief, I bet you're absolutely shattered! I thought you were supposed to be slowing down!i don't think I'll be going to Germany anytime soon though, they sound like proper maniacs – your mum excepted of course. Have a great show and a lovely trip. Drive safely, love Alison xx
Oh my gosh…I wet myself laughing! And THAT is why I always take the trains when I am in Germany!!!
Ha ha, this post made me laugh. So funny. Enjoy your trip x
Enjoy a few hours with your Mum and Dave. I have a friend who does not reverse and avoids making a right turn if possible. It means she always goes "the long way round" I don't drive but I never have a lift with her now as it scares the **** out of me!
Hugs from Chris x
Hello Barbara
Lol. Dave's expression says it all. Your picnic looks very inviting.
LOL, Lovely blog. Enjoy your mini break x
You are amazing and so organised. When you get to it have a wonderful break. Take care. Hugs Jackie
I had to stop my hubby when he reached 110mph over there – we were on a motorbike and I just was not comfortable with all the other vehicles going that speed and more around us! He just wanted to say he'd done it – yikes! One of the other couples with us went past us and she raised her arms in triumph – couldn't get them back down again till he slowed back to something sensible 🙂
Have a lovely mini break after your show tomorrow Barbara, you deserve it!! What a great story about your mum and her roundabout experience and I would love to have seen the look on the instructor's face, probably a bit like the expression of horror on Dave's face ..lol. Your picnic looks yummy. x
Hope you have a good show and I hope you enjoy your break. And try not to miss me too much!!. xxxx I can just imagine the three of you on aa road trip Oh Boy???? xxx
Goodness me – I admire the pace of your workload at the moment!!! Enjoy the mini break after the show sounds great including letting your mum have a go behind the wheel! LOL
You certainly will have earned that USA road trip! Your plan for than sounds right up my street – having visited most of those places on a road trip back in the mid 2000's I know you will all be in for a simply wonderful time – Yosemite and the Grand Canyon being two of my favourites – especially seeing El Capitain in all its glory!
Much love and sock it to em today!
Kim xx
Enjoy your break, Barbara, you have earned it! I'm with your Mum when it comes to reversing…..if cars were meant to go backwards, they would have a steering wheel in the boot! 😀 Jo xx
Love the expression on Daves face the lovely picnic your mum did have a really blessed time with Dave and your mum safe driving lots love joy xxx
Lol glad you arrived in one piece, I did laugh at the photo of Dave, enjoy tomorrow and especially your break x
Jaja…unsere Autobahnen 😀
Soooo schlimm sind wir doch gar nicht!!!
Aber Du hast recht, Autofahren in Deutschland ist kein Vergnügen und ich tue es nach Möglichkeit auch nicht selber!
Ich wünsche Dir einen wunderschönen Aufenthalt in München und Umgebung und viel Erfolg!
Sonnige Grüße aus Köln
Hi Barbara. You have given me a great giggle to start my day with this post : ) I hope the German show goes well and then you can relax…..or maybe not until you are off the autobahn! How can your Mum get away with not reversing? I have a picture of her having to drive many extra miles just to avoid it, bless her. Have a lovely mini break with Dave and your Mum. You and Dave certainly deserve it after the last hectic week or so. Enjoy and take care xx
That would have scared me terrible barb, i love Germany and Austria. Hope the show went well, Hugs
Just caught up with Blog, what a wonderful way to start the day with a good laugh, there are times when you are priceless Barbara. it's wonderful to read your words, it's just as if you are vocally speaking to us all individually. One year with my Mum & Dad we "did" the castles of Bavaria and that was one of King Lugwig's castles we went to. Have a good time and drive carefully, they may be mad drivers, but we need you all in one piece.
Hi Barbara,
good luck for the show at HSE24.
If you are driving in Germany as I used to all of my life that´s absolutely normal. I don´t drive dangerous but fast ;-))
Dave´s face while driving could have been part of a comedy show… so funny.
I would suggest you should see Salzburg in Austria where Mozart was born if you haven´t seen it before…. You are very lucky with the weather too. Tomorrow they expect really high temperatures.
See you in two hours
Rolf xx
Thanks for the memories! Reminds me of my very first time driving on the 'other' side of the road in my first brand new car – right hand drive of course – bowling along on an autobahn and keeping up with the rest of course whilst gripping the steering wheel white knuckle-style. Sat Nav – not invented, maps -none, just hand written notes sellotaped to the dashboard. No fear when you are young! Point and press and off you go.
I'm currently in the Middle East where driving is interesting, very interesting; fast, very fast cars – Lambos, Massas, Porschepines – all racing for the same gap which does not exist – what to do? You just gotta lettem in! Somehow.
Enjoy show then chill! ;~}
Barbara you make me smile. Even on a bad day, I went to Austria seems a long time ago now but have lovley memories ️enjoy your mini break you deserve it and your mum too xxx
Hi Barb,
Hope the show is going well (It's lights, camera, action even as I type). My word, I'd be a nervous wreck now doing that, although in my youth I'd have sailed through hell for leather! Love the look on Dave's face.
You, mam and Dave have a stonking time when your work there is finished and CHILL.
Maureen xx
Hi Barbara,
What a laugh, just had similar in Switzerland, an RTA within 5 minutes of leaving Geneva airport!!! We're all ok and had a fantastic holiday.
Managed to catch the show this lunchtime, brilliant as usual.
Enjoy your break after a busy few weeks.
Take care,
Jackie, x
Oh Barbara, so funny, you've really made me laugh :-). And then I feel very guilty for laughing at the very scary drive through Germany you had. I'm glad Dave chose the "loser lane", a very good idea, we need you all in one piece! I hope you are all less frazzled today and your Germany show went well. How on earth does your mum manage to never use reverse, she should be an illusionist!!!! Or does she always have someone with her to take over when reverse is required!!!!
Hope you all enjoy your mini break. Knowing your mum is with you, I can't wait to read what antics you both get up to this time 😉 At least there will be no carpet salesmen to contend with with Dave at your side!!!!
Love Brenda xx
Love the scary Dave photo. Seen one like that when hords of crafters surge towards him at the NEC or worse when he's surrounded at Port Sunlight!
sounds wonderful Barb – hope you have a great trip! hugs rachel x
Glad u got there safely ,i have been to King Ludwig's Castle ,he had the smallest bed ever seen xxx
Hi Barbara, hope today's show went well. Have a lovely break. Kind regards Joanne K x
have a nice well earned break, hugs xx
Glad you survived the journey, and hope you have a wonderful break! X