YouTube Tuesday – Tongue-tied of Clarity

YouTube Tuesday – Tongue-tied of Clarity

Hello there!
Thanks for popping in on YouTube Tuesday.
Today’s video demonstrates a simple framing trick
using our Clarity Word Chains.
Perfect for cardmakers, scrapbookers, journaling and
pretty much any kind of art where you want to express yourself!

Items Used:
Post-it Notes

Thanks for watching.
Much Love,

41 thoughts on “YouTube Tuesday – Tongue-tied of Clarity

  1. Oh Barbara, what a gorgeous little poppet she is and your word chain and use of inks shows her off beautifully. That's my card sorted for when my first Grandchild is born any day soon. I'm so pleased that you leave in your bloopers now. You do make me giggle. By the way, the shelves behind you look very neat and tidy with all your stencil folders, files and pots of brushes. Is the room behind the camera just as neat and tidy? Thank you for another great You Tube Tuesday. Love Jeanette xx

  2. You looked amazing on this Y Tube. What a lovely photo – is it you?!!
    My only trouble is with "dead easy" I am really struggling to do artwork like this. For example the finchs you demonstrated some time ago. I can stamp, I can colour etc but and a bit BUT – cannot get the post its to cover the images – Straight. I have measured, sworn, jumped around the room, cried but to no avail. I reckon my eyes are askew!!
    Anyway, maybe after Crowborough I will be able to do it. It is driving me mad.
    You are still the best!
    Anne (Reading)

    1. What about a set square, might that be easier for you, it's a lot bigger, you could align it with your card edge as a helping guide, then lay the post-it into the right angle you've made xx

    2. Anne, if you stamp your image on to the post it note first, then you can be sure it will fit. You can do the background first and then remove the post it and stamp the image into the clean space left behind. xx Maggie

    3. Hi Barbara
      Those words are fabulous. I love the variation in fonts. I am collecting the sets. Thank you for showing how to tone down the colours.
      Hugs from Chris X

  3. I don't know who that cute little baby is but she was so prettily framed by the word chains and the beautiful brushed colour. You are great Barbara, you always seem able to be yourself and not be phased when the tongue, teeth and lips don't move in the right way, and you have such a lovely laugh. Thank you for this clever idea and perfect for any occasion. x

  4. I love this very much Barbara. Clean lines with hints of colour and fabulous word chain stamps compliment that lovely poppet perfectly. No matter what you demonstrate it is always fabulous, inspiring and very easy to follow. You are a great teacher. You also have a very infectious laugh. Have a great day. Looking forward to seeing you on the telly at the weekend too. Hugs Emma x

  5. A beautiful card for a beautiful baby – is it your grand-daughter? What a cutie!!!Those word chains are on my wish list, but at the rate I keep reordering the same stencils I'll need a while to save up – thank goodness for Anne in the office who helped me sort out my mistake! Susan x

  6. I watched you doing this at the NEC so it is great to have it now on video to watch whenever I need the extra inspiration. Love the tongue tied bit. The lighting for your filming is now really good. A great show all round. xxx Maggie

  7. Hello Barb, what brilliant, awesome, wonderful and amazing tips you always bring us. Lovely colours. Have a couple of days off for leave, so have been playing, using my brushes and distress inks. Thank you for the inspiration. Bx

  8. Hi Barbara, I enjoyed this and very informative, thank you. And the wee funny bit at the end too, wouldn't be a Barbara youtube without a bit humour!!! πŸ™‚ I think finally it's starting to click about using different paler colours to tone down or alter another ink, the concept of which colour for what, thank you :-).

    Oh, what a fright, sitting in my bean bag writing this and suddenly there's a guy in my garden walking past my window waving at me, with a measuring tape in hand! Guess it's something to do with the cavity wall insulation, seems it needs 3 separate surveyor type people! But no warning, nothing, and me very scared of people, that's me shaking and feeling scared for the rest of today now!

    Anyway, back to here, try to calm down Brenda, he's gone now! I like to outline images and card edges with pens, and all these new ideas are really making me think and build on /improve on what I already do. So again thank you for helping me learn, grow and expand πŸ™‚

    Love Brenda xx
    p.s very neat and tidy room, you must have worked very hard the other day

    1. Yeah, a bit calmer now, thanks! Daisy was just as bad, she heard someone in the garden just a moment before he appeared at the window, jumped up to have a look then scarpered! Hope your packing is going well and you're not getting frantic. Have a great time, and remember to listen out for any ticking noises while kayaking (Captain Hook's crocodile)!!! πŸ™‚ xx

  9. Hi Barbara oh isn't she a sweetheart and she looks so lovely nestled amongst those words. Love the brushed colours, I'm starting to get the hang of it. I'm so glad you don't edit your videos and leave all the funny bits in. It's so lovely to hear you laugh and it brings a big grin to my face. Your room is looking very tidy, is it just that bit or did you manage to clear the lot? Sometimes our house looks really tidy, but don't open the spare room door…. Or the cupboard door!!!
    Take care
    Love Diane xxx

  10. Great demo, like the framing effect using words very novel. I will have to try and remember this! Sometimes when I sit in my craft room I feel like Winnie The Pooh tapping my head saying "Think, think" Oh well all the ideas are in there somewhere! Right back to the packing XX

  11. My favorite stamps, favorite brushes and my favorite blog all in one go πŸ™‚ Lovely technique. I have to be honest here and say that I love my brushes so much that I spend hours just feeling them. No wonder I don't get many cards done πŸ™‚

    I would of never used old paper to alter a colour, it does make it look really vintage and goes so well with the photo.

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