Times are a-changing…
Hi there!
Thanks for popping in.
Just got in from London, after a lovely birthday weekend
with Dave, Dee, (Beekie Mick n Titch).
No, not really. Colin!
with Dave, Dee, (Beekie Mick n Titch).
No, not really. Colin!
Theatre, Covent Garden and the British Museum.
Bit overcast and nippy, but hey! If you don’t like the English weather, just wait a minute!
Bit overcast and nippy, but hey! If you don’t like the English weather, just wait a minute!
But a very simple, quick project now,
because tomorrow it’s back to work –
and I want to enjoy the log fire Dave has rustled up!
because tomorrow it’s back to work –
and I want to enjoy the log fire Dave has rustled up!
So out with the stash of Shaving Foam backgrounds…
The one made with our Jo’s Bubbles Stencil speaks to me,
so that’s step 1.
Doesn’t that look super?! Who would think that you can create something that cool with a stencil, some shaving foam and a few bottles of reinkers!
Next, which stamps? Loving the Wee Folk!
I also want to say something meaningful, and the Word Chains speak volumes with very few words.
What I want to say is that I have made a decision this weekend,
to change a few things in my life which are getting to me.
Nothing earth-shattering, but a few things which are bugging me, and nobody can change them except me.
So while I was making this piece,
I was using the time to organise my plan of action.
Sometimes you have to look at a thing from another angle to see it for what it really is.
And sometimes you have to cut right back.
Even if that leaves a slight imperfection.
And just because you’ve always done something the same way,
doesn’t mean you can’t try something new.
So instead of making a black edge, let’s make a white edge.
And instead of layering up on more of the same
Gelli Card shaving foam,
let’s use a glossy Claritycard background!
Same colours.
Same inks!
But sometimes, we just have to mix it up a bit.
There are no rules here!
And the changes I want to make in my life will make you laugh.
But for me they are very, very important.
I want to get up earlier,
I want to READ a book, and FEED MY MIND.
I want to LOSE my midriff bulge.
Exercise required.
Now NOBODY can help me except me.
How hard can these things be??
Very apparently.
I have been making a lame attempt at all of the above
for about 3 years.
Nothing has changed.
Still don’t eat breakfast,
don’t read,
don’t go swimming,
So tomorrow,
Shit or bust.
Fruit’s in the fridge,
book’s by the bed,
cozzy’s wrapped in a towel.
Who wants to join me?
If you do, just add the number(s) below.
1= Breakfast
3= Midriff Bulge be gone!
I think there is power in numbers,
so hands up if you are in!
Eat, read, trim down and exercise.
I expect to see a lot of 3’s here, girls!!!
This has to be done!
I have a wardrobe that says so!
I have a wardrobe that says so!
much love,
87 thoughts on “Times are a-changing…”
No comments yet? Maybe we are all scared to admit to midriff bulge LOL. I already have brekky, read my Kindle for an hour before sleeping every night but HATE swimming with a passion, Probably due to all year round swimming classes in a sea pool during my school days in Australia. Also react badly to chlorine -so, another exercise? Maybe yoga??? Lucky for me my midriff only bulges a little bit (no babies to stretch things!) but a flat tum would be loverly..
1,2,3,4 for me Barbara! I've started on 1,2 and a bit of 3 but to continue with 3 I need to do 4. And I want to get out and about more !!
Let's have a happy change! Xxx
Definitely a 3 for me, and I really want to do more of 2! I suggest not eating too much fruit for breakfast or your s*** or bust may be a true statement 😉
Definately 1 & 3!!!!
I love the card with the white edge too, it looks brill.
Good luck and hugs
Amanda xx
Good evening Barbara, so good to hear that you have had a lovely weekend…love this piece of art…..really cool…I already eat breakfast…, must admit don't seem to get time to read…and yes the middle bit is getting bigger…( I blame my shampoo….it says adds body…and I was my hair in the shower!!!) so I am a 2, 3, and 4…..hugs…xxxx
Glad you had a lovely weekend! It must be coming out of winter into spring feeling that gets us thinking about our daily lives! I too already eat breakfast, and read most evenings but I too have the old midriff bulge, or muffin top(!) I start Pilates on Wednesday in an attempt to kickstart a change! I try and swim but HATE putting my face under water! So that will be two large 3 and 4s from me! Xx
Hi Barb,
I love your thinking and reasoning BUT it will have to be 1, 2 and 3 for me. I can't swim and have a fear of the baths (a hangover from when a loving older brother threw me in the pool deep end when I was 6 and I'm now in my 70's). I have tried over the years, but one instructor was so pleased when I gave up she said that she feared for my life every time I got into the water!!!
Only trouble is I do 1 and 2 now, will have to think of something to do instead of 4.
Maureen xx
I'm one step ahead of you Barbara, started Aquafit a couple of weeks ago and joined slimming world to try and lose the bulging midriff. I already eat breakfast but only read on holiday! I'm right behind you xxx
I never eat breakfast unless we are on holiday! I can't face food first thing in the morning but I always have a fruit snack at school break time. I don't swim, I have the unhealthy knack of floating two inches below the surface which is not good and also turn blue at the slightest hint of cold. I read – lots so the only one left is number 3 which is top of my 'To Do' list as soon as the cardiologist works out how to get my heart back into something that resembles rhythm! So I will join you with the battle of the bulge then 😉
Just a 3 from me- such a goody goody! Hate swimming from schooldays. I think it was because, without my specs I was totally lost and couldn't even tell when it was me that people were talking to. Anyway, will do my best with the threes. Hubby's managing to lose some of his so…
So pleased you've had a good weekend.
Thank you, Jan
Hi Barbara, this is lovely, and great changes too. Always easier to do when not trying to do alone. I'm behind you, encouraging you to do it and keep it up, we can all encourage and help each other to achieve these :-). Me definitely 1, 2, 3, would love to do 4 but too many problems to overcome first and no one to take me (there's a pool only 2 minutes walk from here!). I've got my own exercise devised that doesn't hurt my body too much, so I'll do that as much as I can while thinking of you all swimming :-). I already eat breakfast so 1 is easy :-). Reading is something I loved, devoured books, they play like movies in my head, far more descriptive words than anyone says so I can understand what's going on better and who cares if I get it wrong, it's only in my head ;-). Not been able to read books for a few years (need to be calm), and desperately been wanting to get back into it. Lord of the Rings my all time favourite, what's yours, people on here's favourite books? Healthy eating I already do too, it's good everyone, tastes good, makes you feel better, more energy and it's easy once you get used to not reaching for the chocolate /cakes /biscuits /crisps …. all the time, honest! 🙂 I'll admit – I had no choice due to developing bad food allergies, so that kind of made it easier to do!!!!
Tomorrow the start of new all of us 🙂
Good luck everyone
love Brenda xx
(hope you enjoy your log fire)
Hummmmmm, favourite book……………that's a tough one! I suppose for me one of my most favourite ones would have to 'Charlottes Web' by E.B. White. Such fond memories of this story as it was the first one I remember reading all on my own and it made me cry! Must have been about 8 or 9 and I can still remember how that book made me feel. They say good stories never leave you. XX
Mmm…favourite book ever….Jude the Obscure by Thomas Hardy.
Bit more high brow than mine! Xx
Favourite book – To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee closely followed by Bring up the Bodies by Hilary Mantel
Lots of favourite books, but I really enjoyed The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society – it's written as a series of letters so it's really easy to "hear" the voices of the characters in the story.
That book sounded so interesting I went on Amazon and looked it up. Now have it downloaded onto my Kindle! Xx
Hope you enjoy it Donna!
My fave book was The Mists of Avalon, by Marion Zimmer Bradley, but funnily enough one of the last books I read was The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society! It was a pretty good read.
Wow, thanks everyone. Been in bed all day, and no not read a word (yet), hang my head in shame, letting the side down!!! Well that's the start of my reading list sorted then 😉 Although Thomas Hardy sounds scary, too much like the books I had huge struggles with in English lessons, but willing to give it a try! Once I've had my Tolkien fix of course, couldn't tell you how many times I've read Lord of the Rings and The hobbit over the years 🙂 xx
Just a 3 from me- such a goody goody! Hate swimming from schooldays. I think it was because, without my specs I was totally lost and couldn't even tell when it was me that people were talking to. Anyway, will do my best with the threes. Hubby's managing to lose some of his so…
So pleased you've had a good weekend.
Thank you, Jan need help with all glad you had a great weekend you deserve the rest
3 for me! I already do 1 and 2! So pleased you had a good weekend, and belated happy birthday wishes.
1,2,3 and 4 for me too I'm in lol x
Already do 1 and 2. Thoroughly recommend the outlander series by Diana Gabaldon.
Want 3 and 4 too. Have been thinking about going swimming to get fit for about a year now! Really need to just go and do it!
1 2 & 3 does a 2 bar kit kat count for 1? I did weight watchers and still lost weight eating that for breakfast !
Oh Barbara ,1&2 I do would love to do 3/4 but CFS /me won't allow as I have tried 4 but 2 times swimming a week ment spent rest of the weeks days in bed ,so now I craft when I can and when I see my card / art work I know I have done well crafting hugs to all xx
2 is already on my retirement list and so is 3 with more exercise. 4 will be ok on holiday but I'm not keen on indoor pools and it's too,blimp in cold here for outdoor ones! Loving the bubbles again . Had a lovely family day today and glad you had. Good weekend
5 stop replying on the iPad as it does daft things!
Already do 1 – do 2 sometimes – def need number 3 and don't know why I don't do 4 cos I love it. Happy change here I come. Fab card too Barb. Xxx
ha ha ha. i'm sure all of us bar Jo Rice prob, will be joining in that. if she loses any weight she will disappear. i know she is probably virtually throwing something at my head when she reads this but i've told er that before…. any way i will join in 2 & 3 as i don't like swimming pools actually i don't like the chlorine. have fun. it will be invigorating for you, hugs xx
Go for you… 2,3,4. Best to you on these! Love this card too. Glad you had such an amazing weekend. Xxx
Really like the bubbles and those arty words and the wee folk. 3 and 4 for me. And in addition would really like to find something that I like doing to earn some money, which fits into the hours between 9.30 and 3.00 term time only ha ha.
Already do 1 & 2 can't start the day without my breakfast, and every night when I go to bed I read.
Now No. 3 I will join in with but how to shift it. 4 Swimming it is a little cold here to go swimming, but come June we have a flutterkickers swimming exercise club, (All our pools are outdoors)
Glad you've had a good weekend, me too. I already have breakfast and love reading (though I too easily drop off.) I expected to swim a lot in retirement but it hasn't happened, however weekly Zumba is good. The battle of the bulge is definitely for me, so 3 it is.
Love the card. x
1 , I always have breakfast,
2, I read my iPad does that count , I only read books when I'm on holiday ,
3, I don't have a midriff bulge , mine is a Muffin Top, lol,.
4, Every week I say I'm going swimming but don't seem to get there.
I retired 5 yrs ago and I have gained 3 stone since I left work . I'm being checked over with the Dr as hubby keeps on that I'm always out of breath ,.then she said if everything is ok she will refer me to a gym uugggg. So I'll come swimming with you ,,.
Hahaha! X
Don't do 1 unless overnighting in a hotel; 2 – read constantly and love to spend waiting time finding odd books in airport departure shops; 3 cut out the odd glass of wine recently and notice a difference already then to 4 – off to warmer climes soon so it will be a warmer experience without the cold, austere and sometimes not too pristine changing rooms in those expensive gyms!
Hello Barb. You go girl! 2,3 and 4 for me. Although I haven't anywhere very near for swimming so I'm giving walking a go. It's the discipline that let's me down. I'm so good at starting something and then giving up at the first hurdle. So … determination is the key. Let's do it! xx Margaret Col.
Hi Barb,
Really pleased that you've had a good time in London.
I always do 1 everyday, No 2 – I love reading, read at least 1 chapter every night in bed. Currently working my way through JD Robb's In Death series ( I believe there's 39 & I'm on No 3!). I don't have midriff bulge – I have body bulge! So I'm definitely in for that one! As for No 4 can I play golf twice a week to count? I only like doing breaststroke and not supposed to do that with a knee replacement so I do have a good excuse. Love Alison xx
Hello Barbara, so glad you had a lovely weekend. Good luck with your four changes. I already do all of these. I can't go without breakfast, I love reading, and I exercise every week, 1 to 3 times depending on work and if I get a better offer from friends!!! 🙂 My problem at the moment is finding time to craft!!! Hope you get off to a good start tomorrow. Hugs xx
good inspirational blog Barbara. Already do 1 & 2, will never do 4, 'cos can't swim but definately 3!! been thinking about joining the gym again, but will just start with walking I think!
Good luck in achieving your 4!
Hi Barbara I love your simple artwork using your stash, it motivates me into thinking yes I can do it! I always have breakfast (most important meal of the day), try and read , yep need to reduce middle bulge so it's a 3 for me and 4 , love swimming but hate the faffing about that goes with it but have started to try and go for a walk every day! Glad to hear you had a good weekend in London. Take care . Love Diane xxx
Hello Barbara
Love the artwork today.
Good luck with the changes. I always eat breakfast and read when I can. My favourite books (35 at the last count!) are The Morland Dynasty series by Cynthia Harrod-Eagles. She takes the Morland family from just before 1400 to the present day. At present it is the 1920s. A fascinating read mixing fiction with fact.
I don't really need number 3 as I lost weight about three years ago and managed to get my blood pressure under control and come off the tablets.
I would love to do number 4 but my present life commitments do not allow enough time to do it.
Looking forward to seeing you on Friday at the NEC.
Roz, I've not heard of these books but have mad a note as it sounds like my kind of read, when I have time…..
I always have breakfast, I read in bed at bedtime, really need to loose weight tho & my midriff and been trying for months but swimming is totally out, it kills my back. I'm with you for the midriff tho. Great card looks good with a white edge too. I was eating a lot of fruit but still not looking weight doctor told me to eat bread with it as it turns to sugar. Glad you enjoyed your weekend.xx
Really?! So your doctor is saying a Summer fruit Pudding is good for us?! I could live off that!
Ooh, I will be joining you, Barbara. Summer pudding is just to die for, especially if I can stop the dog eating the fruit from the garden first. xxx Maggie
I've never tasted summer fruit pudding, I love fruit and puddings 😉 what is it? xx
What a great idea Barbara. I love it too. Think the Dr. meant a sandwich though. Oh I love your humour!! Your idea sounds so much better. It's made by lining a pudding basin with slices of of a well made loaf & overlap them. Cooking rinsed soft fruits such as raspberries, strawberries, blackcurrants and redcurrants etc in a large saucepan with about 4-5 ozs of caster sugar for 4-5 mins over medium heat only until the sugar has dissolved. Put the fruit inside keeping about three quarters of a cup of the juice back. Then a layer of bread on the top. Cover with a saucer that will fit just inside the rim. Put a weight on top and place in fridge overnight. Just before you serve it turn it into a large serving dish and spoon over the juice, covering any bread that is still white. Serve in slices with thick cream or ice cream. Ok Brenda straight from Delia' s book. Yummy!! xx
Forgot to say about one and three quarters lbs. of fruit. 7-8 slices of bread from a large loaf of bread. Sorry !!!
I'd like to lose all of my midriff bulge – my name for it 'worry beads'! The best weight loss/fitness for me has been
1. the 5/2 diet
2. walking more
3. weekly Tai chi.
I feel fitter, lost more than 11/2 stones and best of all the 'worry beads' are slowly disappearing.
The best bit though is I'm so busy 'playing' (crafting) that sometimes I forget it's lunchtime! Heyho!
Blimey! 5. get my eyes checked. I thought I read that you had lost 11 1/2 Stone!
So did I until I looked a bit closer.
So I'm with you on 5 Barbara….
Gorgeous piece of artwork! I always have breakfast and I read too. My midriff definitely needs to be less and I do what I can! Good luck with your happy change! xxx
Hi Barb,
1: its very rare I miss breakfast.
2: I would really like to be able to read for more than 5 minutes when I fall into bed at night!
3: I would definitely like to lose a few pounds. If only I could lose them as easily as the pounds in my purse!
4: I'm a very poor swimmer, so I hope persevering with my gym visits 2 or 3 times a week can count.
So that's 2, 3 and 4 for me. Here's to happy change! Xxx
The only thing about swimming is it's a bit of a mission. Wet hair, dry hair and all that. Maybe I should buy a swimhat….
Can you still get those, would they have those bright coloured flowers all over. You would definitely be noticed, no hiding!
Same here Barbara, my local swimming pool is 5 minutes walk from my house so I should use it more but I always talk myself out of it. All that hassle afterwards (I have very long hair!) But I am re-joining my local running club so that will do for no. 4. I always eat breakfast but could probably do to eat a more healthy one. I definitely need to work on no. 2 & 3 🙂 x
Ps. Gorgeous artwork x
Hi Barbara
1-2-3 for me. 3 is a must ( late middle aged spread and over indulgence in chocolate) Sorry no 4 as I can't swim. I will walk more !!! It's amazing how many of us miss breakfast. I only eat it when on holiday. Shaving foam backgrounds are such fun-a surprise every time. The white edge is lovely. I have my Jo's bubbles now so can't wait to give it a try.
Hugs from Chris X
I have been very good about breakfast until the last couple of months so that is No 1 that need attention.
I have not sat down to read to ages although that used to be an important part of my day, so when I set off to bed in a few minutes, I will get No 2 underway again with a new book to read. No 3 needs loads of work and a lot before I get back into the swimming pool again to take care of No 4.
So it is 1, 2, and 3 with No 4 to follow.
I used to swim three mornings a week before work but never bothered with a hat, just good anti-chlorine shampoo and conditioner and short hair so it dried quickly. A good pair of goggles and a nose clip were my important extras.
Make sure you get that breakfast while you are at the NEC as well.
xxxx Maggie
Ok, rarely have a proper breakfast but does 3 biscuits (no more, no less) with cup of coffee in bed count? Always reading – day, night, whenever. Favourite book of all time "In the springtime of the year" by Susan Hill – harrowing but wonderful. Midriff bulge?- well maybe just a little – but hey – I'm 64 and in good shape otherwise. Don't swim but walk a lot – clears the mind, helped to 'process' issues and problems. My springtime resolution will be to make more time for crafting and trying 'new' techniques even if they don't always work! That feels like enough 'improvements' for the time being!!
1. does coffee & a fag count
2. can't get going until I've read the paper
3. I suffer from cake retention
4. never learned to swim, a bit too long in the tooth to start now
not much hope there then, but hey-ho I'm happy in my own little way!
1. I never have breakfast
2. I read every day, I love to read all sorts of books except soppy romances
3. I would dearly love to lose my midriff, slowly working on it with callenetics
4. Sink better than I can swim. I do get to do Hydro Therapy now and again (6 week courses) and that helps a bit with my spinal condition.
5. Remember to eat dinner.
I love the shaving foam technique. I have made loads of them but as yet only used a couple of them for projects. I love using pearlescent card as the when its dry you still get the sheen coming through.
Best of luck with your new direction Barbara. xx
How could you forget Dozy?! Dave Dee was one person, followed by Dozy, Beaky, Mick & Titch. Shame I can't remember things I need to instead of useless stuff from my yoof.
Was eating breakfast I blame for my weight problem (Adele Davies: Let's eat right to keep fit – pah!). On WW at the mo, got a tad more than a midriff bulge to lose! So feel free to skip the breakfast (unless a fag & a cup of coffee ;-)). I read as much as I can & I can't swim! But I'm with you in spirit.
Thanks for a great blog! x
So glad I'm not losing it and someone else remembers that there should be Dozy in that list! I have a vague recollection that we named a litter of puppies after this group when I was a child!
2 & 3 would be the numbers I'd try to go with – since I started needing glasses, I've read much less (always used to have at least one book on the go); and I could do with slimming down!
Lovely card I like the white background . 1 I eat breakdSt but not a healthy kne – not 2 it sends me to sleep unless a Mafazine counts? 3 yes I have put on 1.5 lb since I started my diet in January! 4 I will exchange swimming for WII Dance . X Let's get to it!
Hello Barb, beautiful artwork, love the 2 different backgrounds, looks great with the stamped image and words and a white border. For me it will have to be, 1 – I very seldom eat breakfast, so must, 2 – I do anyway as often as I can, 3 – I am probably a bit underweight, 4 – yes that would be lovely, but need to fit it in with everything else that needs doing. So let's see how we all do. Take care all and have a great day. Bx
I'm in Barbara – providing you don't beat yourself up if you don't quite get there straight away lol!
Nearest pool is a twenty mile round trip so I will stick to my walking, but now the evenings are light when I get home from work I will go further and enjoy it more
Look forward to seeing you and all the goodies at the NEC
I do 1 and 2, will do 3 and for me I will replace 4 with exercise of a different type other than when on holidy as the round trip to the pool would be a morning out of the day and less time for other things
Hi Barb,
Marvellous card. I'm definitely a 1 & 3, no 4 as I can't swim lol! I was in London too over the weekend so hope you had as good a time as I did.
Love & Hugs
Jacquie J xxx
Good for you Barbara – make time for all those changes in your life! I always have breakfast (but don't always sit down to eat it!), read most days (I joined a book group at the library), but definitely need to loose the wobbly bits, sadly not just confined to my midriff, so 3, 3 and 3 for me! Don't massively like swimming, but do go to Tai Chi weekly. Good luck with your changes, Susan x
Ha ha, realised the value of 1 a few years ago and am definitely mentally more alert sooner when I have breakfast.
2 yes I want to read more although I have discovered audible books which mean I can 'read' while doing other things – a good compromise.
3, my recent boob reconstruction has gone a long way to sorting this – you get new boobs and a tummy tuck for free!!
4 my favourite form of exercise but won't be able to do this one for a bit – hopefully need a new smaller cozzy when I finally get back to it.
Have a great day
Hi, happy belated birthday X. I've recently switched my diet to paeleo ( well June last year) have lost 3 to 4 stones without really trying. But, I've slipped of the horse recently, and put on a little bit…….oops! I adore reading, it keeps your brain active. Can't swim, well, like a brick…..and I wouldn't like to frighten the horses and small children by putting on a bathing costume. I walk the dog around the park, I consider this more dignified ( drowning isn't dignified) and manageable. I'm still.18 in my head, my body doesn't agree unfortunately . Xx
Hi Bstbara …yeah late as usual granny life gets in the way of blog catch ups bet I'm not alone on that one anyway I'm in on 1..2..3..but the last time I had a swimsuit on was a knitted version my lovely Gran made not a good look put me of for life good luck with your 1..4 keep us updated…..take care….Dot…xx
Hi Barbara even…….note to self don't do comments on phone …….x hugs
3 for me , I have been working on my midriff bulge for a few months now. I have only managed to almost succeed by joining Slimming World. Something I never thought I would do but hey I am 2 stone lighter and feeling great. Wish I could do the swimming as well. So stick with your resolutions, you will succeed. Card is lovely by the way. xx
3 for me. I still have a tummy despite losing over 2 stones with Slimming World so I really need to exercise more. Love the colours on your card. Pat x
Well already do 1 and 2. Need to do something about 3 or I won't fit into the outfit I have for my daughters wedding. I hate 4!!
Good luck with it all.
Sounds like a great idea. I do already have breakfast and I have been trying to read more lately. That leaves the bulge which definitely needs some work and I have apples sitting in the kitchen in an attempt to make an effort, I also had salad instead of potatoes when we took MIL out for Mother's Day. Can't do 4 as I never learnt to swim – I find the prospect of being in a pool full of water quite scary but I'm very happy to cheer you on from the pool side! 🙂
Any change is good as it keeps us fresh – I do eat breakfast but am currently trying to not eat any later than 3 hrs before bed …………just ending up going to bed later and later !
I too love reading and compromise with audio books in the car .
As for the midriff I have purchased HIP HOp Abs which promises a 6 pack in 60 days …………my daughter says watching it is not enough ?!
Like many others swimming is not an option but hopefully my Hip Hop abs will have to do 🙂
I wish you well changing your life – it is time to look after your health
I'm in on 2,3, and sort of 4. Lovely card, I must admit, I do quite like slight imperfections.
3 and 4 for me. I manage breakfast now and love reading, in the bath! And until I fall asleep in bed, I find it switches off any gremlins that keep me awake. I ve just discovered Peter James books, which are proper page turners and he has written 10 in a series about a detective. Gripping stuff, you can t help reading those, not sure how good it is for your mind however.
Hi Barbara, great show – only ever seen the film but can imagine the stage version being great!
I do eat breakfast (though by the time I do most days its almost lunch time), I do read (can lose my self in a good book and block the world out) – swimming – hmmm well the minds willing but the body just too tired after work! and there is always something else in the way (thats my story anyway)!!!
Lets see what the forthcoming months have on offer as the evenings are pulling out – and I have moved house!!!
Much love as ever
Kim xxx
Love this shaving foam scene and your ideas for change are positve and sensible. The trouble is keeping things going. I do eat breakfast but nearer lunchtime than breakfast time so sometimes I don't have lunch but later in the afternoon have a snack of two or three biscuits, first bad mark! I used to read a lot but these days only in bed at night so don't get through a book very quickly. My midriff could do with a bit of sorting out and swimming is wonderful all over exercise, but I don't swim well and like you loathe having to sort my hair out after swimming, so consequently don't often do it – second bad mark! Partially redeemed by doing some walking when the weather is fine, more in Summer than Winter time. Good luck with the regime Barbara, and you are a good self motivator so I'm sure if you really set your mind to it you will do it successfully! x
Hi, 2 and 3 for me. I've made a start with the bulge and joined a running club and track what I stuff in my face in My Fitness Pal app and so far I've lost 13lbs this year.
I've joined the Goodreads challenge to help me read more but I'm behind on that and I need to make more of an effort.
I'll look forward to see how you get on!
Fiona x
Has to be number 3 for me, definitely have a bulge to lose! I do eat breakfast and find I don't get tempted to snack all morning, I can even walk past Greggs on campus at Uni where I work, and not even tempted by the smells. Dare not do more reading, I get so engrossed in a book that when I start I have to finish it! Swimming would be good, I just need someone to go with me. Shall we swim together? Sue