Don’t Worry – Be happy!
Hello campers!
It’s Saturday and it’s the start of
our Clarity Worry-Free Weekend!
Thank you so very, very much for all your birthday wishes and cards and flowers and pressies yesterday!
Overwhelmed of Crowborough, I can tell you!
Just look at these masterpieces!
Also represents many hours of love and kindness.
Never to be thrown away. Always to be treasured.
I am so lucky and blessed in so many ways.
I really, really know it.
And yet so often I get caught up in a Worry Wave,
which brings me down and grinds me down –
and doubtless affects everyone in my vicinity.
You know you’ve got to do something
when your other half gives you this card for your birthday…
So yesterday, I parked my worries for the day.
Just left them on the shelf in the kitchen,
and went and had a totally carefree time with my
nearest and dearest.
And do you know what?
I had so much fun!
We went to a cake shop in Faversham
and had the biggest slabs of homemade cake you have ever seen.
From 4 different cakes, too.
Then I had the mad idea of a Cake Off.
Mum, Dad, Steve and I had to taste the slab in front of us, then hang on to our forks, but move the plate to the left.
It was so funny, watching the plates in a queue in front of my Dad, who was eating far too much and too slowly!
But the fun was contagious,
and I want to take it to London with us in a minute too.
Dave and I are meeting up with lovely Dee and Colin for a Birthday Treat. Dee is celebrating a BIG ONE tomorrow!
Made in Dagenham here we come!
So come on! Join me!
Said it yesterday, and I will say it again,
just in case it slipped by you,
Life’s too short for all this fretting.
Don’t Worry – Be Happy.
W orry O nly R eally R attles Y ou
So I conclude it is a fruitless exercise
which I am going to trade in for something more constructive.
Leave an uplifting message below, and smile !
Have a great weekend!
Do something you WANT to do!
Do something you WANT to do!
lots of love,
80 thoughts on “Don’t Worry – Be happy!”
Barbara, you bring so much pleasure to so many people. Thank you! Enjoy your day out.
Have a lovely day. I will be getting my craft on this afty with my crafty beasties. Lovely walk with the pooches and quality time with Hubby later x
Sorry crafty bestie not beasties lol x
Great blog today, I'm going to remind my self of your ditty every time I feel the panics starting and you never know it might help! Thank you for sharing with us all your talent and insight into your world it's much appreciated by many . Blessings to you xx
Hi Barb, belated birthday wishes. As far as uplifting goes, I am a very happy girl and glad to say the 'normal' worries of life are happily being sent to the back of the cupboard. I got the best news ever yesterday, Friday 13th, my lucky day. Having just had to have a bilateral mastectomy having had breast cancer for the third time, the best news ever – lymph nodes are clear – HOORAY. So looks like the docs and I have thwarted that pesky cancer again. Still got a load of chemo to battle through but the signs are looking good and all those other little worries are fading into the background. Woo Hoo.
Oh that's lovely news, I'm so pleased for you. Good old Friday 13th. Hope the rest of your treatment goes well. Go and do something fun today and enjoy yourself. Love Diane xxx
That's brilliant news, bet you're the happiest person on here this weekend 🙂 xx
Hi that is fantastic news – I'm so pleased for you! Love Alison xx
fantastic news 😀
Great news, I hope the rest of the treatment is a success. Lots of love Maureen xx
Great news! Think about every drip or tablet of the chemo zapping more of those cancer cells like little bombs – good luck x
Brilliant news! And how you have just helped me right-size my stuff you will never know xxxx
Belated birthday wishes to you, many happy returns….
Great post today, may have to print out the 'worry' sign to remind myself…would make a good stamp Barbara….
Have a fab week-end..xx
Have a fun day in London. All those cards look beautiful! Hope you have a big storage box to keep them in. I am determined to feel better today and get back in my craft room. XX
Hope you managed to and are currently playing happily with your stash 🙂 xx
Love the sound of the cake tasting! Sounds like so much fun.
Today I have a day of making mothers day orders for for friends followed by a trip to the theatre tonight to see guys and dolls. Our friend is in it. It is amdram but the cast are so talented you could easily believe you were in the west end! After that we are going for a late supper with friends.
I think today is going to be a wonderful day. I hope that everyone else has a good day, or at least have a part of it when you feel happy. x
Oh enjoy, it's one of my favourite shows, and amdram are often better than the pro's.
Maureen x
All those lovely birthday cards, you are a very cherished person. Have a wonderful day and give some big hugs to Dee x
Hi Barbara what beautiful cards you had and Daves card made me chuckle – poor Dave! Love the idea of the cake tasting and yes dads do seem to have to try it again just in case the first bit wasn't quite right! Have a wonderful day in London and happy birthday to Dee for tomorrow – 20 great age!!! Have learnt this year to try not to worry, it's sort of working!!!
Have fun and a great day.
Love Diane xxx
Belated birthday wishes Barbara. I have been having a worry week, a lovely old neighbour who I have adopted has lost her teeth for the third time and for what ever reason it really got to me! Your wonderful worry free blog has reached out and touched me, so thank you. I am taking the old girl out this afternoon for a nice lunch, luckily she can eat without the teeth!!! Have a lovely day. Love Joan x
Hello Barb, so impressed by all your fabulous cards – and to think they were all inspired by you! It's going to be a great weekend with three of my four daughters and my lovely Mum around on Sunday and nothing pressing to do today – perhaps some crafting. Yippee. So belated birthday wishes and happy Mothering Sunday to all the great Mums out there. xx Margaret Col.
Belated happy Birthday Barbara! Hope you had a lovely day. It's my daughter's birthday today so will be seeing her later. Thank you for your inspirational message, will certainly try! Am having a rough time at the moment wit anxiety and depression, not helped by having to have our much loved cat put to sleep on Wednesday. I love to read your blog as it always makes me smile. no matter how down I am feeling. Maybe you should come on prescription! Have a great weekend and thanks again.
Gayle x
PS love the birthday card from Dave, Just the sort my husband would pick!
Oh Gayle, I know exactly what you are going through losing your cat, I'm so sorry for you. Thinking about you. And I agree, Barbara should come on prescription xx
Gayle so sorry to hear about your cat – I knoe exactly what you are going through. Sending love and hugs, Alison xx
Thank you Brenda and alimecca for your kind words and thoughts.
Gayle xx
Oh Barbara love the caption made me chuckle ,happy weekend to all xxx
So you had a sort of a cake fight with your family??? not bad!!!
Have a nice relaxing weekend
Rolf x
Lovely blog today Barbara…Enjoy the rest of your birthday weekend, but don't stop celebrating ……carry on until the next one in 2016!
I'm having fun today in the kitchen, cooking curry for tonight as we have a very dear friend over to celebrate his birthday, and as my crafting table is the dining table (we're eating with trays on our laps tonight – a casual birthday celebration), I'll be doing a bit of crafting in between the cooking…..my ideal start to a weekend.
Have a great day and enjoy the rest of your weekend 🙂
Take care, Carole xxx
Happy belated, so many lovely cards and wishes, enjoy London
Sounds like you had a lovely day and what some fantastic cards! So much talent.
Blimming freezing out there this morning. Hope you have a lovely day with Dee.
Tomorrow is hubby's birthday plus Mother's day so we are going out for lunch with family, there will be 9 of us, Mum just thinks she's going out with me and hubby. Doesn't know my sis the grandchildren and their partners are coming too. That will give her a surprise!
Have a lovely weekend everyone! xx
Lovely to read your happy blog today Barbara and so glad you had a fab time with your mum and dad. Have fun with Dee. I am going to adopt your Don't Worry attitude. I have been unhappy at work having to do a longer day but worried about losing a bit of money to reduce my hours to something sensible. Reading your blog the last two days has made me realise that the bit of money I will lose will be nothing compared to the extra bit of quality in my life I will gain. So I am going to ask to reduce my hours when I go back after my couple of days annual leave. Thanks Barb. xxxxxxxx
Good for you Dawn, money isn't everything, happiness is. Just think more time for crafting. Luv Pam
Well done, you can have all the money in the world and still be miserable and alone. We only live once and all each of us can do is our best to make the most of the lot in life we have been given in any way we can 🙂 xx
Brilliant plan! You enjoy, I have 10 weeks left at work til I retire, can t wait x x x
Great decision! X
Have a great time what a good idea sometimes really hard to choice what cake sharing like that also great fun. Of for a coffee and Cake with our youngest KAties at Costa xxx
Have a great birthday weekend Barbara, the card had me in hysterics!!
What lovely cards Barbara and you deserve all the love and best wishes in the world! Have a great time in London and enjoy the rest of your weekend too. x
Afternoon Barbara, what a great short but to the point quote When I'm really down…….. and I seem to be having more and more of them these days, I just think that someone somewhere is having a worse day then I'm having, weather it's in health or pain and then I give a little smile and say to myself, what a wonderful world we live in.
Enjoy you day Xx
Love Dave's card!! Hope you all have a fabulous time in London. Hugs xx
Happy belated birthday for yesterday! Uplifting thought……I love Friday the 13th's. It was 34 years ago yesterday, on Friday 13th, that I first clapped eyes on my husband. He spilled soup down my new jumper, and we've never looked back! Happy days!
Love your positive blog today Barbara. Sounds brilliant the "cake off". Glad you had a fab birthday what beautiful cards you had, you must be so proud that you were their inspiration. At my Son's last night until late, had a text this morning to say he had forgotten to give me my Mothers Day gift, although he took us out for a meal last night. He brought it down this morning (a 45 min trip each way) bless him. Bearing in mind your positivity with those anagram words, keep saying it to myself as I must be one of the world's worst worriers according to my other half. Have a super day in London with Dave, Dee & Colin. By the way loved the New Design Club stamp & stencil.xx
Hi Barbara
What a wonderful array of cards and all inspired by you and your fab tutorials and stamps. Carry on enjoying your weekend. The cake off sounds fun and a great way to try lots of different cakes.
Hugs from Chris X
Hi Barbara
Do you know you can't beat having family and friends around you when your feeling low,they'll soon pick your spirits up.Hope you have a fantastic fun filled day.
Have an awesome, happy and worry free weekend! xxx
Belated birthday wishes for yesterday Barbara. Have an awesome time in London with Dee and a great worry free weekend. I think that is a brilliant idea not worrying for a whole weekend.
Jackie x
Hi Barbara, hope you are having a good time in London. I am trying my hardest to 'don't worry be happy' and do something nice something I want to do. Trouble is I seem to be going the opposite way, unfortunately. It was early afternoon before I could get myself going today and I've got so agitated and feeling trapped, suffocating, and everything is winding me up big time! What I want /need is just a few hours away from here, somewhere quiet in nature to breathe the air and calm down a bit, recharge a bit, unfortunately nae chance ever, I'm stuck in here for as far into the future as I can see! I'm trying hard to be carried along by your happy not worry blogs and what everyone on here is writing but it's not working today :-(. I can't think of what craft I want to do either, and it's a stuck in bed day so that limits the possibilities too! Better get some food first anyway, and then maybe just try some hand sewing, maybe having a wee play with fabric, working out some ideas if I can get into it, or working out some wee knitted ideas I have, might take me away from it all for a wee bit.
Happy thought for today – I'm alive, I've got Daisy, a roof over my head, food in the cupboard, and heating to keep myself warm. Best I can do today sorry.
May as well just say congratulations to all you English rugby fans now, enjoy the match!!!!
Love Brenda xx
Don't stress about your crafting, just think of it as a mixture of things waiting for you when the time is right. When you up and about then get the arty stuff out. If you are in bed knitting or fabric work sound just right. My mum has been doing her quilting recently, I think she said it was 'English paper piecing' so she does that anywhere. Sitting sewing together hexagons is her way of relaxing, where as if I had to do that it would drive me to distraction! I just love the creating part even if its just for me and no one else sees. Your happy thoughts for the day are certainly things to be thankful for. XX
Hope you had the beautiful clear and sunny day we had up in the Highlands Brenda? All that sunshine definitely helped to lift my spirits today, so I hope you saw it and enjoyed it too! Susan x
Thanks Donna.
Broken body, broken mind, surrounded by mess and very long lists of problems and loads of things needing sorted, waiting on someone else helping with it all, and it not happening, no end /improvement in sight for anything. And there's nothing at all I can do about any of it, that's the problem, just waiting on someone else and keeping my fingers crossed it's going to start happening, while I sit and watch my chance of any kind of quality of life pour away, lost forever.
And there's something else been making me feel bad for a couple of weeks too, and no one at all to say it to because it involves Nicola, so I've just had to keep it inside. Nicola was acting up for another manager who was on maternity leave, that person is coming back soon, but because the service is expanding the whole time and this other person is not coming back full time, Nicola has been made a manager permanently. I'm very happy for her, she deserves it and the service needs her as manager, she's very good. Obviously I had to be upbeat and happy to her when she told me. But inside I'm hurting, and then I feel bad, guilty for hurting about it. You see, if Nicola was going back to her old job when this person came back I would be able to have Nicola as my main worker, have as many support visits as I wanted /could pay for, and visits here, not just the one phone call a week I'm allowed. I could have as many afternoons out and trips away as I could afford. She could get stuck in to all the lists of problems and be properly working at sorting everything out, helping me, even with simple stuff like cooking for me. And she'd be in a far better position to oversee and sort out the problems new workers have been causing. My quality of life would have improved right away and I'd have stuff to look forwards too and look towards and a future. But she isn't going back to her old job and none of this is going to happen, it's all just going to carry on spiralling down, and I can do nothing about it, there's no one tried harder than me in all ways to turn it around. And on top of all this the new worker who thinks nothing of being derogatory to me, which is really pushing me down big time!
I just wish something sometime in my life would go my way, it's certainly not through lack of effort on my part that it never does.
But there is nothing I can do about it at all, all I can do is try my hardest to make the most of any wee thing. So I've spent most of today in bed, feeling rubbish, done nothing, we lost the rugby, and everything winding me up no end. But I've focused my hardest on what Barbara is saying and everyone's happy comments, and listened to some of the playing for change youtubes, and I'm feeling a wee bit calmer just now. So thank you very much Barbara and everyone on here. Not the worry free happy weekend you want us all to have, that I wish I could have, but I'm in a wee bit better place in my head than I was earlier in the day 🙂 xx
Susan, it was wet on and off and dull all day here! Blow down this way to clear the clouds away so I can sit in the sun in my craft room tomorrow!!!!! 😉 Glad it helped you feel better though, and thanks for your reply 🙂 xx
Arrr Brenda, thinking of you and sending you hugs! Really hope someone can help you get your visits and help sorted out. Sounds like you need lots of sunshine tomorrow so you can sit in your craft room soaking it up. Xx
Thank you Donna, I can only keep trying my best and maybe one day… 🙂
It's this here community, Barbara, her blog, you and others on here that truly have been my lifeline in the past year and a quarter. It's like God /fate whatever you believe in played a hand in it. Like God couldn't do anything about what was about to happen to me from that point, knew I couldn't keep going totally on my own through it, so somehow got Barbara to start this blog literally a few weeks before, so there was and still is someone /this community to try catch me as I fall, pick me up, give me comfort and kind words and send me off again, keeping an eye out for me and always ready to do it all over again any time I need it. Barbara, that's what you and your blog and the community you've gathered round you do for me, and I bet for some others here too. Thank you everyone 🙂 xx
Brenda, Brenda…everything happens for a reason. Nothing but nothing happens in God's world by chance. Just let go, take it one day at a time and keep the faith xxx
Thank you very, very much Barbara. I'm trying my hardest to, I'll keep on trying to keep your words in my head.
For a long time I've wondered, asked, why, why is this all happening to me, why do I have to go through all this, what is the purpose of it, what am I meant to do, it can't all be just for nothing. Last week when I was telling Nicola I had nearly finished my story for you, I was telling her maybe this is what it's all been about. Maybe I've had to go through all this all my life, so I can write my story for you, to help you with what ever you have planned for helping many more people who are struggling and suffering, and lost. I don't think I'm important enough to be that, but maybe it features in there somewhere. I don't have a voice or the ability, I can't reach out and help anyone else as a result of what I've been through, but maybe this is it, maybe this is why. xx
Hello Barbara
Enjoy your weekend.
Hello Barbara
Enjoy your weekend.
Hi Barb,
Sending belated birthday wishes. What a lovely load of cards you received and I love Daves's! Pleased that you had a good day and hope your day with Dee goes well and that you all enjoy yourselves.
I'm sorry not to be so upbeat but have had some sad news in that it looks like my poor aunt is losing her battle with the big C very quickly now so if I don't get to leave a comment you will know the reason. Love Alison xx
So sorry to hear that Alison – my best wishes to you and all your family x
wow what a wonderful array of cards, super talented people. Have a fabulous weekend, think I may indulge in a cake off, sounds like fun. Saw this uplifting quote
What is truly yours
Will stay yours
Even if you share it with others!!
Beautiful cards. Enjoy your lovely weekend, we are celebrating another family Birthday this evening. Always a happy time, get all my offspring together, just great. xx
Happy belated birthday greetings! You share your birthday with my 5 year old grandson, who was very excited at having 8 presents all to himself! Glad you had a cake orientated day always the best. X x x x
Hi Barb,
Have a good time, and happy birthday to Dee for tomorrow.
Maureen x
Hi Barbara, glad you are having such a fun weekend. I've just harvested my first ever attempt at growing veg. 7 parsnips and 38 carrots, well that's Sunday lunch sorted!!! And I know it's the wrong time of year and I shouldn't have grown them in the greenhouse but I have had so much pleasure caring for them and watching them grow – so I don't care!!!!! and the feeling when I harvested them, watching eagerly as i pulled each plant to see the beautiful little veg appear, I can't even describe. So they aren't very big, and they're definitely not a standard shape but they are mine, I grew them and I can't wait to eat them tomorrow! FUN we should all have more of it!!!!!! xx
Hi Amanda, there is nothing better than eating fruit and veg you've grown yourself, enjoy :-). Wish I could see your face when you taste your first own grown veg :-). I still get excited when I harvest something and my face still lights up when I eat my own stuff and I've been growing wee bits and pieces of fruit and veg for quite a few years now. So I know exactly how you felt today 🙂 There is no right and wrong in gardening, don't worry about rules. Just you do what you feel is right, if it works great, do it again, if it doesn't use it as a learning experience and try something else next time. I'm an unconventional gardener, always do things my own way, and everyone comments on how good my gardens look, so go for it xx
so glad you had a carefree day and enjoyed yourself. today i baked a courgette cake which i had been wanting to make for ages and this evening i played a bit with the bokeh technique. so all in all 2 things i had wanted to do for ages, hugs xx
Just let the Ego mind go ,have a nice conversation with Ego to be quiet ,go away and let Spirit mind replace it and fly with the Angels and fairies and enjoy the moment now !
Sounds like great plan for the weekend, and beyond. Make the most of it. A day out with my grandchildren tomorrow will be my weekend treat. I used to be a real worrier, then I retired. I know just how lucky I am, especially compared to many others including some of your respondents here. x
Leaving your worries behind sounds like the recipe for a very successful birthday. Hope Dee enjoys her celebrations too, and maybe your birthday gift to yourself will be to have one day a week when the worries get parked outside with the car! x
Hi there Barbara. Glad you had a lovely Birthday. I always try to be upbeat and happy despite problems appearing out of nowhere! Today I am happy because I finished the artwork for my DT blog, tidied my craft room, didn't do any housework and did a good deed today for a friend in need! That's not bad for me considering I did another long hike with my son yesterday (this time he managed to find 3 sets of steps – each no less than 35, the highest being 53 – and all this in Ayr Gorge which is mainly forrest). I could hardly walk or stand up straight today but it's all positive as it is helping me reach my goal of climbing Ben Nevis at the end of May. Well I had better get on and write my blog or I will forget what I used and have to play a guessing game with myself! Hugs x
You son really is putting you through your paces!!! Don't tell him, but we were made to hike with house bricks in our rucksacks as preparation for our expeditions!!!! xx
Hello Barb, wow what beautiful cards from very talented people. Glad you had a fun day, hope you enjoyed the time out with Dee and the guys. Happy big burthday Dee, have a wonderful day. Happy Mothering Sunday to all the mums, have a beautiful day. Bx
Good morning Barbara. I did see this yesterday when I was having my lunch at Maria's workshop but as she was cracking the crafty whip yesterday I didn't have time to comment!
So glad you had such a great birthday and how lovely that you shared a fab evening with Dee. Happy birthday to you Dee!
The cake off sounds like real fun and I can imagine you all laughing!
It is right what you say about worry! And when I look around me I see people with far more to worry about than me so I try to be thankful for what I am and what I have got!
And it's always nice to smile and be pleasant to people… After all that may be enough to lift their heart!
Have a lovely day today. Love and hugs! Xxxx
Good morning Barbara. I did see this yesterday when I was having my lunch at Maria's workshop but as she was cracking the crafty whip yesterday I didn't have time to comment!
So glad you had such a great birthday and how lovely that you shared a fab evening with Dee. Happy birthday to you Dee!
The cake off sounds like real fun and I can imagine you all laughing!
It is right what you say about worry! And when I look around me I see people with far more to worry about than me so I try to be thankful for what I am and what I have got!
And it's always nice to smile and be pleasant to people… After all that may be enough to lift their heart!
Have a lovely day today. Love and hugs! Xxxx
Happy Birthday Barbara and Dee, and Happy Mother's day too! Sunny here in Ireland, third day in a row, so almost unprecedented!
Happy Birthday Barbara. So glad you have a lovely day. I can't believe you would ever yell like the lady in your cartoon picture.
Hi Barbara, happy birthday for yesterday.
I have only just got round to reading this great post, having totally zonked after a fabulous day of crafting with Sazz and Kim. My principle is (and I am not yet good enough to stick to it) that if you can do something about a problem, don't worry and just do it. If you can't do anything about the problem, then don't waste time worrying. So whatever happens, don't worry. I love Dave's card – a great sense of humour showing there. Have a good rest of the weekend. xxxx Maggie
Such wonderful cards 😉 Daves is hilarious – I tried to comment on Saturday but the iPad wasn't playing ball with me so playing catch up now! I think the WORRY idea is great – must try and put it in to practice! Sounds like you had a wonderful birthday and a wonderful weekend too!
You must feel very proud to receive such an array of wonderful cards – makes you realise all that hard work you put in for all of us is so very much gratefully received – getting so many of us through the dark days through the power of crafting and companionship
Much love
Kim xx
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