Back to earth with a special offer and a prize winner!
Hello there!
Thanks for stopping by.
No YouTube Tuesday this week,
but we will I hope be up and running again by next Tuesday!
That bout of illness certainly knocked the wind out of my sails there!
But getting back to normal again, I’m pleased to report.
So today, when I got back to the office, I dug out one of my favourite stamps, and just stepped away from reality for a quick hour again.
Here’s what evolved whilst I was digesting the excitement, and flattering awards, and all that jazz…
So I found some water colour backgrounds which I made during a previous session, using A6 Clarity Card – the coated stock.
Note that I had added paper moons to all the backgrounds!
So I picked the one I liked best,
peeled the paper moon off,
and then stamped the Butterfly Tree into place
using a Black Archival ink pad.
This unmounted set is pretty magnificent.
Check it out, complete with 3 butterflies…
Since we have stamped onto coated Clarity Card,
the ink will stay wet longer.
Long enough to find the Clear embossing powder
AND the heatgun!
Powder sticks to any ink, provided it’s wet!
So now we have a high-gloss black image. Wunderbar.
Now I want to try something different.
If the black glaze is hot and still molten,
can I add Gold embossing powder?
Well, there’s only one way to find out!
Oh yes, that’s for sure!
In fact, a little too gold for me.
I was hoping for something a little less blingy
and a little more gravelly!
On she trudges, in pursuit of a less glossy gold tree….
and out with the sandpaper!
Now that’s better!
A touch of gold, instead of a whole glossy blowout!
You should try it.
It actually looks great up close.
Trim back the white card
and mount it on a complimentary background.
I went with an ochre.
Still needs a little something….
get the black pen out!
The tree needs grounding!
That’s better!
Pen works perfectly on coated stock.
Pen works perfectly on coated stock.
Should have let the black micron pen dry properly
before I started added shade with Distress pens…
Note to self:
I really must REMEMBER to be more patient!
All in all a cool card.
I wish I could remember how I did the background though!!!
So how about a little sale?
The wonderful tree and butterflies set retails at £16.
Let’s change it to £12.
There. Done.
Oh! Also the winner of the £20 Gift Voucher for Dave’s witty Ditty competition last week is
Well Done Penny and everybody else who joined in!
The witty ditties cheered me up no end!
33 thoughts on “Back to earth with a special offer and a prize winner!”
Wonderful card! Well done Penny!
Now who would have thought of adding gold embossing powder to a previously embossed image – very clever and something I will definitely be trying in the near future. The finished card is lovely Barb. Pat x
Lovely backgrounds and that is a fantastic offer – shame I already have the stamp. I did a card with it for my mum's birthday, but embossed onto a shaving foam background and ended up with a really great crackled effect! Not what I was intending, but something I will do again as it looked really effective. Glad you're feeling better, and congrats to Penny. Susan x
Love it just ordered them last week butterfly tree ordered to sets but only one set has arrive and stencils reminds me to ring find out about 2nd set theregreatthanks love Joy xxx
So glad you are feeling better. I must admit I've really missed my blog fix but would much rather you got well first. Congrats on all the recent accolades! Well deserved!
Love the butterfly tree, brilliant offer Barb, you're so generous, but already have it. Hope you can remember how you did the background, very effective. Never thought to emboss with two colours on top of each other, you see we learn something every day. Well done with the ditty Penny, and all that at nearly 3 in the morning.xx
Lovely. I have this set and ashamed to admit not used it yet. I love the trick for grounding the tree, neat. You have had a fantastic week, well done. xx
How weird me and Lynne have just had a conversation about molten lava – or striking while the card or embossing powder is hot !! It looks great . I love the background, I reckon you did that with a Cut-n-dry sponge???
A striking card and I like the idea of adding the gold embossing powder (although maybe just a light sprinkle lol!) Congratulations to Penny xx
i wish you could remember how you made that background as well. it looks brill, hugs xx
Beautiful card and lovely backgrounds. Lovely to see you blogging your great techniques again. I haven't tried the molten trick yet, but I did sand back a black EP on black card with your 'All you need is love' heart for a lovely, less shiny background.
Lovely stamp. I already have so many butterfly stamps it's hard to justify……..at the moment.
Stunning card ive got this set and coated card so might give this ago thank you for taking the time to blog crafting hugs xxx
Love the card and the background and the gold . I may have to buy this stamp since I'm a butterfly fan . Saw you on USA TV and you still sounded abit not right . Better now .
Lovely technique, I want to try embossing on embossing, or even sticking my stamp in but another thing I have yet to get round to. What a whirlwind start to the year you have had. All your awards are so well deserved.
Lovely background in fact lovely card. Congratulations Penny Go treat yourself!!
Glad you are on the mend Barbara.xx
Hi Barb,
Love this tree and the card is great. Congratulations to Penny, what you going to get? xx
So glad your feeling better. Lovely card
Hello Barbara. This is like the old days. A background, a stamp or two, some embossing powder and wow magic. Thank you. I wasn't inspired by the music for Dave's ditty so well done Penny for giving you a laugh. See you tomorrow. xx Margaret Col.
Hi Barbara lovely card today and I do love the stamp, I've been eying it up for ages so it may fly my way as it's on offer. I do love the background too. Glad you are on the mend. Congratulations to Penny, enjoy your spending spree. Take care love Diane xxx
Well done Penny! Enjoy your prize! Lovely card today Barbara, I think I will be buying the butterfly tree set! xxx
Lovely card Barbara – must try the double embossing technique. Glad you're feeling better. Congratulations Penny on your winning ditty. Hugs xx
Hallo liebe Barbara,
deine Karte ist wieder absolut zauberhaft geworden. Der Baum mit den vielen tollen Schmetterlingen gefällt mir sehr gut. Die Idee mit dem embossen muss ich mir unbedingt merken. Der Effekt ist genial. Auch das erden des Baumes finde ich eine so coole Idee. Wie immer alles perfekt.
Herzlichen Glückwunsch an Penny zu ihrem Gewinn.
Ganz liebe Grüße Silvi
Hello Barb, what a stunning piece of art, another addition to my stamp set wish list. Glad you are feeling so much better. Well done Penny on winning the ditty prize. Have a great day all. Bx
Gorgeous artwork and thank you for the fantastic offer just been to make my purchase plus the pack of acetate I forgot to order with your last offer. Glad to read you're feeling much better, don't overdo it tho. X
Hi how have you done the water colour background it's lovely x
Great card and well done Penny
Hi Barb,
Glad to see that you are feeling better. Really love this card and the offer is fantastic – I might just have to take you up on it! Have the butterfly tree stencil but not the stamp. Haven't tried the molten trick adding another colour either so that's one to attempt.congratulations to Penny – enjoy spending! Love Alison xx
Hi Barbara, another great project and generous offer on the stamps. Kind regards Joanne K x
just beautiful Barbara, glad you are on the mend x
Love the card Barbara glad your better love June horrocks. Xx
Hi Barb, glad you're back and well again, fabulous card, love the butterfly tree. Congratulations again on your award.
Love & hugs
Jacquie J xxx
Well done, Penny. Barbara, I really love this card and I know exactly what you mean about wishing you could remember how you created those background sheets. I have several like that. xx Maggie
I love the butterfly tree and the double embossing is beautiful Barbara and thanks for the great offer on the set. Congratulations to Penny also for the win with her pretty ditty. So glad you are feeling better now! x