Oui oui oui oui all the way home!
Hi there!
Thanks for stopping by. Back home safe and sound, after a day of driving up from Baden Baden.
We opted for the French route. Tollroads all the way, which is expensive, and involves a lot of hopping in and out of the car if you are in a righthand drive, and your Mum can’t reach the ticket machine! On one occasion the toll machine wouldn’t take cash and didn’t like either of my bank cards. An unhelpful French toll-till officer at another booth was barking at me across 2 lanes in French, so I barked back in Franglais, basically explaining that unless she came and took my money, we, and the rapidly stretching queue behind us, were going nowhere. A nice Frenchman in the car behind me obviously got the picture. So he took my Euros and lent me his bank card to crack on! What a guy!
The only other hiccup was at Calais, when Mum set off the terrorist sensors. She swallowed a radio-active pill for her thyroid several weeks ago, and evidently there are still radioactive traces. So one minute I was really chuffed because we were able to catch the earlier train, the next we were being scanned for nuclear bomb parts. Mon Dieu. Nothing is easy, is it.
Ah well, finally got back to Blighty with Mum, and then had to tell Dad all about it. Check out the size of this loaf we bought at the German Market! It’s like a cartwheel!! Half for us and half for Mum and Dad.
Left them dancing in the kitchen to some nice Christmas music I got for Dad, and headed home to Dave and Crowborough.
I must say, it was good to finally park the motor and have a proper cup of tea with my honey. Home sweet home, eh!
Back to reality, back to work.
But I am really looking forward to decorating the house and getting it ready for the family next week.
So now we just need the lights and the baubles down from the loft and we can get started, Dave!
Lots of love
32 thoughts on “Oui oui oui oui all the way home!”
Welcome home, fab blog again x
Welcome back and thank you for sharing your trip with us. I am well into the clearing up so that I can have the decorations down from the top cupboards and get set up. Have fun doing all yours with Dave. xxx Maggie
Long drive you must be shattered glad you got through with your nuclular mum and didn't get arrested, what a loaf of bread huge feed you all for week enjoy decorating your tree night night xxx
Respect, Barbara, for driving so far and so long… I couldn´t (and wouldn´t) do that.
I laughed about the size of the loaf. We have a restaurant not far away which offers Schnitzel as big as toilet lids as everybody says here.
Good you and your mother are back home and safe
Rolf xxx
Oh you do make me laugh what escapades you and your Mum xx
Oh goodness me you do seem to attract trouble! Glad that you arrived home safely after all your exploits.
We were at Tesco earlier. There was a van parked out front that made me think of you – environmental protection service (ie: dumped trolley collection!) I too enjoyed the German lessons. I was good at remembering vocabulary but hopeless at putting my words into the correct order for sentences!
Thanks for sharing your trip with us. It had been a lovely treat.
Oh welcome home Barbara! I bet you sleep well in your own bed tonight!!! It's always good to get home isn't it!!
That loaf looks amazing and isn't radioactive man a marvel cartoon…your mum could be his wife….radioactive woman!!!
Love and hugs! Xxx
Welcome back….
Welcome back! What a drive and I thought I did well from Cornwall to Oxford! Sounds like an exciting weekend with your mum and your escapades! Enjoy your Xmas decorating! Xx
Hi Barbara. Glad to hear you are home safe and sound and have had a decent cup of tea! What a long journey, you must be tired. I'm not sure your Dad and Dave will let you two out together again with all your exploits! Sleep tight, you can put the decorations up tomorrow. Thank you for sharing your travels again, I like coming on holiday with you! Love Diane xxxxx
Well you definitely have a few new party stories to tell!! I won't ask how they discovered it was the tablet??? Glad you are home safe. Enjoy your decorating, I live my real tree! Xxx
Glad you are both back safe and well. Enjoyed hearing about all your exploits. The tolls are a pain aren't they? Had our share of them in June. Some tickets came out from the top & some from the bottom. It's so good to be home when you've been away. Nothing beats you're own cuppa & bed. Bet Dave's glad to see you. Remember now you're back take time for you.xx
Safe and sound at home welcome back xxx
I've certainly have enjoyed this trip . You and your mon seem delightful.
Maybe next life you will be a tour quite
Glad you got home safely after that long journey Barbara, and it must have been a bit disconcerting when your Mum sent alarm bells ringing. I know what you mean about the toll booths as I am short and often had to lean half way out the window to reach! What a huge loaf! Thanks for showing us this slice of your life, if you will excuse the pun, it has been very interesting. x
You definately have at least one book in you! Glad you are both back safe and sound.
Oh what a fun trip this was Barbara! I lived in Germany for over eight years in total (Army brat) and still love to go there – especially for the Christmas Markets. I hope you managed some Gluhwein (drat, can't find the umlaut) and a bratwurst (drat, still no umlaut) with your lovely Mum whilst strolling around. Although I do think you two should come with health warning – such mischief, and the trolley tale was a hoot!! Our Christmas decs aren't up yet either, tomorrow is the start as well here.
Di xx
Hi Barbara, glad you got home safe and there was a kindly French man to help you out. Trying hard to not look at the bread – I developed a very bad gluten allergy last year (to go with the very bad dairy allergy a few years before that!) and unfortunately I looooove bread but not the gluten free rubbish they sell!!!!
Thank you very much for sharing your funny holiday stories with us. I think the trolley one was your best yet!!! I enjoyed the trip very much, and can't wait to find out where I am going next!!!
I was thinking about Mary today, wondering if Grace has been back to Central Park to talk to her more?
Hope you enjoy all your cabbage, and bread 🙁 !!!!!
Love Brenda xx
Mon Dieu indeed Rodney!!! LOL – Barbara – I have to tell you that when you finally find the time to write your book I want a personal signed copy as it will be laughter every step of the way – you make me laugh every time and you conjured up the situations so well I feel like I was there with you!!!
Lovely to have you both back in blighty safe and sound but what a grand adventure you both had!
Much love
Kim xx
A great report on the days in Germany, Barbara. And you were only an hour away from my home. Greetings Anja
Welcome home, and thank you for another blog post that made me laugh out loud……so when you write your book and then it becomes a film, who is going to play you and your mum? Have you an actress in mind? Honestly I for one would pay to see that film….have a great day and enjoy decorating your lovely home….hugs…xx
Glad you got home safely Barbara. Oh my nothing is straight forward with you and your Mum – always an adventure just waiting around the corner. Have fun decorating your home. xx
Omg it's the way you tell 'em, so funny , glad you're back safe and sound 🙂 x
Hi Barb, glad you got home safely, what a laugh it has been reading your blog about the trip, trollies, toll gates, nuclear alarms – please say you will put this down on paper at some point, it will be a best seller. Has Dave got the deccies down yet? Take care, hugs to all of you and have a great day. Bx
Hi Barb,
You two are not safe to be let out on your own! Pleased you are home safe and sound but I have really enjoyed reading about your exploits! Your mum setting off the alarm reminded me of my trip to Windsor Castle and I set the alarm off there! It turned out it was my titanium knee replacement! How embarrassed was I?! Now have an orthochromatic that I can show if this happens anywhere! Love Alison xx
Welcome back! Glad you made it with your huge stash of food, and radioactive family members! Good luck with your Christmas decorations today. XX
Glad you had a safe journey hope. I don't think uneventful is in your vocabulary. xxx
Hi Barb,
One day you and your mam will have an uneventful trip and you will be bored out of your mind. Thank you for taking us along for the ride, I enjoyed it immensely!!! xx
Welcome home Barbara and mum thanks for taking me with you bril !!!!!!!! Love June xxxxx
good to know there are still some sensible people in this world. enjoy your decorations, hugs xx
Glad you are home safely, in spite of the nuclear incident! Enjoy decorating your tree, and devouring that huge loaf!!! Susan x