What a day.
Hello there.
Thanks for stopping by. Yesterday, Friday, was a day I shan’t forget in a hurry.
Dave and I spent the afternoon with Jane and her husband, Stephen. And what a lovely time we had. Jane was on top form, sharp as a pin and very witty.
As if they didn’t have enough going on, Stephen cooked a delicious lunch, so we sat round the big table and put the world to rights. Clearly Jane was very poorly, but she was determined to have a good afternoon, and we did.
You should see her artwork! The whole house is full of beautiful embroidered samples and pieces that Jane has made over the years. I must ask her whether I might take some photos of the artwork. Oh she’s good alright. And her artroom was amazing! Split into two halves; half sewing and stitching, half papercraft. Blimming brilliant. Jane and I snuck off for an hour, and we talked about the future. We have a plan! To that end, I whipped out the old Ipad and filmed Jane whilst she talked about some crafty stuff. She is so eloquent!
Blimey Jane, I said, you would make a superb TV Presenter!
Bit late for a career change, she retorted, chuckling.
Poor woman was zonked by the time we left, but we have been invited back on the way back to the airport next Sunday, which totally made my day.
43 thoughts on “What a day.”
Absolutely thrilled to hear a grand time was had by all. Fabulous memories to treasure always for everyone.
Enjoy the sunshine
Wonderful when you get to connect to a fellow crafty friend, I could write more but there's no point in wallowing , just enjoy the moments you can with the lovely Jane and her family xx
Oh how wonderful Barbara, I expect very humbling too…. thank you so much for sharing and wonderful that Jane also allowed a photo …. a courageous lady indeed.
Enjoy the sun and the break….damp and chilly here!!!
Much Love Barb
Kim x
How very sweet, this is your best blog ever!
Sounds like you all had a wonderful time Jane sounds a very talented lady and fun person. Bet she was tired but enjoyed every moment enjoy rest if your stay switch if from work and have some fun xxx
Truly delighted that you finally got to meet Jane and her meet you. Sounds like you had such a good time together, chewing the crafting cud. I lost a whole day yesterday re-reading her blog. Think that, at this moment in time, you are both, exactly what the other needs! Love & hugs Jeanette xxx
So glad Jane was able to make your visit. She has been a huge inspiration to me and I am so glad she got to meet you and your hubby.
God bless you Jane and Stephen!
I too got lost re-reading Jane's blog yesterday, I cannot put into words how I felt, such a wonderful and touching blog to read. Michelle XX
Hi Barb, I am so glad you got to meet and spend time with Jane, and what a lovely photo. I am sure all of us would love to see more of her artwork, as she is very talented. hope you have a great time when you meet again. You are kindered spirits. Bx
How wonderful that Jane was well enough to enjoy your visit and to craft with you – that photo of her is beautiful and just shows how much your visit meant! I'm so pleased that you & Dave had such a positive start to your holiday – enjoy! X
So glad that you had such a lovely time and that Jane was well enough to enjoy it. I know her blog has been an inspiration to lots of people whom she will probably never know and never meet but whose lives have been touched by her willingness to share her last journey so openly and honestly. She is a remarkable woman indeed.
One word WONDERFUL, best wishes to her
I agree with Lynne, Wonderful – can't say more! xxx
Amazing lady, so glad you could spend time with her. It is so humbling to think that something as simple as few hours of time has probably made someone very happy. enjoy rest of your trip. xx
What an amazing lady. I'm so pleased you both had a lovely time and that you will be calling in on your way back too. xx
Sometimes we get all wrapped up in our own world and problems we may have then something happens to make us realise others have to contend with far worse things than us. We all need to open our eyes and our hearts a little more often and your blog often makes me do that!
I am so glad you had a great memory making day with Jane and Stephen and that you'll see them again before you leave Spain. Enjoy the rest of your break.
Love and hugs Xxx.
Fabulous Barbara, so pleased you and Jane were able to spend the afternoon together, and that you will be able to see her and Stephen again before you leave. Enjoy the rest of your break. xx
Hi Barb,
I'm so pleased that you all had such a wonderful time, and I'm sure that Jane's family were thankful that you visited with Dave and raised this wonderful woman's spirits. Now enjoy some "me" time xx.
The time spent with special people are to be treasured. Jane has given you memories and inspiration that I am sure you will treasure for a long, long time. Enjoy your break and be inspired by the exploring you and Dave do around Spain.
Barbara you would have made her day too one special lady she is and you are too happy memories xxx
Hi Barb,
What a wonderful photo of a truly wonderful lady. Like others have said, I too spent a lot of yesterday reading her blog ( a lot of it in tears I might add) and think that she is so very brave for writing down and sharing what must be an awful experience for her. Truly amazing. I am so glad that you got to meet her and vice versa. I bet you made each other's day. Hope you enjoy the rest of your break and that you have another lovely time with Jane and Stephen on the way back. Love to all of you. Alison xx
So glad you had a good day with a lovely lady. I'd have loved to see her artwork too.
people like her put everything into perspective don't they? have a good few days off, hugs xx
Janet is an amazing lady I've been following her journey on her blog for the past several months and she is so inspiring. I'm glad you got to meet her and that she was on form yesterday for your visit. Time spent with special people is so important for our well being whether that's family or friends and I'm sure your visit made her day as much as it made yours
Enjoy the rest of your holiday
Jackie x
I lovely time was obviously had by all. Glad you can catch up on the way back too. A wonderful and brave lady. x
So very pleased that you were able to spend time with Jane, she sounds like an incredible person and I bet it made her day spending time with you…..xx
Sounds like it was great Barbara. Jane has a very friendly and slightly cheeky face. Its great that she felt well enough and could enjoy the day. xxx
So glad your visit went well -you sound very enthused! Have a great week off. Jane's crafty space sound fantastic and glad she was keen to show it off
So glad that you all had a lovely day and are enjoying your holiday.
I'm glad you both had a lovely time. Jane is such an inspirational lady. Please give her a big hug from me next time you see her Barbara. x
wonderful to herar that you all had a great day – Love xx
Hi Barbara I think you two are probably kindred spirits, so glad you got to meet and share some special time together. I wonder what you two are planning! It's lovely to see a picture of Jane, she looks how I imagined, still smiling through it all. Enjoy the rest of your holiday and your extra session with Jane. Thank you for sharing. Take care love Diane xxx
How lovely that you could spend time with Jane and Stephen, I know she was looking forward to your visit so much. It sounds as though you had a lovely day together and I am sure your visit lifted her spirits no end.
Jane sounds a most amazing lady,and I am glad that you had a good day…I look forward to seeing photos of Janes artwork,,,enjoy the rest of your break…hugs…xx
Glad you had a lovely memorie making day enjoy your rest xxxx
Hi Barbara
So glad you have met up with Jane,isn't she a courageous lady?I have been reading her blog but never left a comment as I never know what to say.Enjoy the rest of your trip it's well deserved.
I'm so pleased that the visit went well. I was thinking about you both all day on Friday!! Hope your visit tomorrow goes well too. You are both very remarkable ladies!! x
So happy you had a good visit. Looking forward to the ipad suprise.
How wonderful that you have been able to spend time with Jane. She is a remarkable woman, so inspiring, and I am sure your visit gave her so much pleasure. Anne x
Hi Barbara. I so glad that you got to spend a lovely afternoon with Jane and Stephen, and that you got to see some of her wonderful creations. What a lovely start to your holiday. Sit back and relax now both of you. Take care.
Amazing Lady, life can be so cruel.
Looking forward to seeing what you are planning together lol!
Love & Hugs
Jacquie J xxx
glad you had a great day, God bless Jane x