Lacy Swallows on a Gelli Print
Hello there!
Thanks for stopping by on this
Thursday’s blog is always blue blog day!
I decided to use the lovely Lacy Swallows again.
Apparently though, do NOT look up Lacey Swallows on Google!
You may get some pretty birds, but I doubt they’ll be much good for stamping….
So without burying myself even further here,
let’s crack on, shall we?
So as I was saying,
Here’s a blue background I made a while back,
using the 8″ x 10″ Gelli Plate and acrylic paint.
See the punchinella pattern?
Pick a good spot and stamp the two birds in Black Archival
on the Gelli print.
Trim the card back.
Then find the button on the Ipad that changes the light factor,
so that it doesn’t look as though you’re taking pictures in the
garden shed.
Colour in the lovely birds with Distress markers.
Tear a sheet of copy paper and brush in some hills with
and Broken China.
Clarity Brushes back in stock…
Use a make-up sponge to add depth here and there.
At this point I completely wrecked the card
trying to do something clever up the side.
Do you ever do that?
Get within a hair of the finishing line and then blow it?
Story of my life actually!
However. All is not lost.
I still had the other half of the Gelli Print for a background,
so I cut the mistake away, levelled up the other side,
went round the edges with a fuchsia Promarker (chisel end)
and then mounted the considerably smaller piece on the spare piece.
Flicked the light switch again, and took a picture!
Actually, I like it trimmed back.
Wouldn’t normally have cut the Lacy Swallows off in full flight,
but hey! Time constraints and all that.
Necessity is the Mother of invention, as they say.
So who’s coming to Port Sunlight this Saturday?
Dave’s already left, to set up.
He will be doing the show with two very talented ladies:
Maria Simms and Jo Rice.
I shall be on the TV on Sunday, 9am-11am.
So I hope you can catch us at one or tuther.
much love,
34 thoughts on “Lacy Swallows on a Gelli Print”
Hello Barb, I love the Lacy swallows, and the artwork/card you have produced is really lovely. Have a great day, looking forward to the show on Sunday. Bx
Beautiful, love these birds and the blue effect. Wish we were heading North, but will watch you on the TV instead a great treat in store for Sunday. Travel safely. Cheers
Hi Barbara. The mini round blenders look really handy on yesyerdays post and I love todays beautiful Lacey Swallows : ) Take care.
Love the pink and blue combo for these doublè entèndre stamps. I'm glad it's not just me that has to trim down due to "experimentation", so thanks for your honesty and making me feel better.
Port Sunlight is a little too far for me and a little too much for my back but I will definitely be watching you on TV on Sunday. Can't wait to see what new delights you have in store for us and also the many different ways that the Design team have used them. I'll be playing "Guess the DT artist" as each is held up. I'm sure that Dave, Maria and Jo will do an admirable job at PS.
Take care on your journey without Dave. Jeanette xx
I really like the way the swallows are swooping into the scene following your trimming – may have been an accidental change to your design but it's lovely! Really looking forwards to your Sunday show and seeing all the wonderful DT creations, although you will be on recording as I'm still doing breakfasts and dealing with guests at that time in the morning!!! Hope you are on top of your list by now, and maybe just cross off some of the things that can be left til next week or not done at all! Susan x
Hi Barbara oh you do make me laugh and I am so tempted now to Google (you know when someone tells you not to do something like touching wet paint just to see if it is wet!!!!) I think the imagination can imagine what I will find, especially a large Lacey swallows!!!! Anyway back to the art work! Beautiful and thank you for sharing your mistake with us (happy accident). Your honesty with your artwork is so refreshing and makes us all a believe we can do it too and if we make a mistake, well try this instead. Lovely. Unfortunately Port Sunlight is a little too far but I am sure they will have a ball and enjoy yourself on TV on Sunday, all being well I shall be watching. Take care love Diane xxxx
Good Morning Barbara, Actually you are right they do look good trimmed off, more movement in a way. I love my full set of Distress Markers. So you not going to tell us what you did with the edge then??? xx Have a nice day.
Love the card Barbara would love to be going to port sunlight alas I can't make it thank you love June xxx
Hi Barb,
This is lovely as usual, but I've spent ages trying to see your boob, but no matter how hard I look I just can't.
In fact I've spent so long that I am now late volunteering to help the children at the school. Will have to rush in with all a back-up plan!!
Love Maureen xx
Lor love a duck, a don't mean your boob – I mean your mistake boob !! ha ha x
Lovely card Barb, I don't have the swallows, but I do have two other bird sets of yours, so I might have a go, using those instead. Beautiful morning here today, but nippy outside.
Sadly I am off to Harrogate, and the Clarity stand not there this time, but will record the tv shows to get my Clarity fix. Love the artwork and it looks good with the pro marker edge and extra background! Happy accident there then
Beautiful card – love the colours. Never mind the mistake – you always manage to rectify the artwork. I sometimes have a bin full of messed projects and done right at the end. Lots of swearing and jumping about. (The old man knows now it is nothing serious) Will be watching eagerly on Sunday.
Best wishes
Gorgeous card! I so love those swallows! They are on my wish list (ooh maybe my Christmas list!). Will be watching/recording the show on Sunday. xxx
There are no mistakes – only happy accidents – I think the trimmed back birds look great. Unfortunately I am at Harrogate this weekend so won't catch you at either place – hopefully will catch you at Doncaster.
Hello Barb. Well, your happy accident would be my masterpiece! I love the colours you have used and the cut off tail – well, if you had more time you could stamp him again, cut off the missing bit and it would look like he'd flown into the picture! Or not. It's wonderful as it is. Will catch you on the TV as this week is manic as I'm packing for Australia and a visit to my big girl who's out there for a year or two. So excited. xx Margaret Col.
Love these beautiful birds, and blue is my favourite colour. I was going to Port Sunlight, but have changed my mind. I have spent an absolute fortune on craft this last month. Really…..a fortune. So I dare not go, and hubby may well head for the divorce courts, lol. I will be watching Sunday though, and may well treat myself to a little something to make up for missing Port Sunlight, ha ha xxx
Have a great day xx
Morning Barbara, it was just one those days then, but you pulled it back from the brink beautifully. Counting down the days till your show this weekend, then NEC here we come. Hope you have a great week. xxx
Love the gelli background colour, what a gorgeous blue. Such pretty birds & I must say they look great trimmed back, very effective. Pat x
Beautiful love how you rescued your mistake looking forward to the C&C show on Sunday for all your inspiration xxx
Oh the mad crazy world of the web lol!
Even the most innocent googling can be a challenge – worse day of my life was when I was using Google images at work to find food pictures for a communication game and the shock I got when looking for 'Jelly' ! We get warning emails from IT sent to our manager and that made an intresting conversation , suffice to say I now am very specific in the jelly is am googling ( good old Hartleys Strawberry Jelly !)
Anyway love today's project and really like the cut down effect (glad that it's not just me who thinks lets just …… And ends up to coin a good Barbara phrase 'over cooking it !' )
Looking forward to Sunday and will have it recording .
Hi Barbara
The card looks great,I wish I could rescue my mistakes as well as you have can't tell you how many I've put in the bin.
i'm still trying to see where the mistake was as i definitely can't see any! trimmed off it looks good. just wondering: you could have extended the birds onto background and then it would look more 3D even if you get my drift….., hugs xx
Gorgeous card, reminds me a little of the Humming Birds. I love the colour scheme and especially the Fushcia edging. I'd never have known that that was not your intention if you'd not said.
Enjoy Port Sunlight. I'll enjoy the recording of your Sunday show after an AGM at (gasp) 9.30 a.m. Sunday morning. Carol
Love these stamps, always come out great and make beautiful focal features on a card. I will be recording your Sunday show as I will be working 🙁 Never mind, sitting down and watching you when I get in will be just as good. XX
I've looked and looked and looked and can't see what 'mistake' you made but it's a lovely finished card. Looking forward to tv show on Sunday. Laurane x
I really like the it trimmed back too. Would have loved to have gone to Port Sunlight, next year definitly, and will be recording your show on Sunday as will be working 🙁
Hello Barbara,
I am still trying to spot the mistake. Lol.
Love, Roz.x
Well I won't try putting Lacy swallows in Google. Had a rather hot under the collar moment couple of weeks ago when searching for a craft site. My daughter was in stitches though. I love these stamps so pretty. End result is fab even if you did have to alter your plan. xx
Hi Barbara, I love these stamps and am so glad you were able to rescue your image. Oh the times I've thought I'll just do……… And then wish I hadn't. Port Sunlight is too far for me, though I'll be watching you on C&C, some live and then some on playback – recorder is broken!! Hope Dave's trip goes well and that he, Maria and Jo have fun. xx
Evening Barbara!!!! I can only begin to imagine what googling Lacey Swallows reveals!!!! Don't you just love Google!….or Dougle as we lovingly call it at my work place….my colleagues Mum (bless her) said to my colleague……what is dougling ????? Well we have never called it anything else since then!!!
Any way less of the silliness – the art…. as ever Barbara I love it!!!! I am sure If I tried to just pull something off like this it would end up in the bin!!!
So looking forward to seeing you on the TV this Sunday…having missed out on my trip to Ally Pally I need a bit of Clarity fix!!!!
Much Love
Kim xx
Lovely- I'm going to try these in greens and reds for a Christmas theme….my other half says swallows are not around in the winter, but isn't that what they call artistic licence where you can create anything quirky???? 🙂 Looking forward to the tv on Sunday…have reserved my seat on the settee and will be confiscating the remote between 9 & 11 xxx
I love that blue and the pretty hills in the background, and that pink on the swallows is nice and bold. My cards often change due to happy accidents as they say, but this looks good cut down, and of course that is what you intended from the start …lol. I am looking forward to Sunday. x
Hi Barb,
Love the lacy swallows stamps. I actually like this when it has been trimmed back. I would love to know what your mistake was! Looking forward to Sunday although I daren't order anything as I'm still recovering from Catterick and your Christmas sale!! Love Alison xx