The tree made from birds….
Hello there!
Thanks for stopping by.
Rather late I’m afraid,
but I decided to switch off
from Clarity and crafting for a few hours,
and just be a housewife.
Isn’t it ironic? I have had such a delightful day,
cleaning and hoovering and doing laundry!
Many of you would argue that the woman’s lost it.
I would argue that creating nice clean dwelling is pleasant, too.
Monday’s Blog is Trees and Flowers.
On the TV show yesterday,
we launched a superb new Tree stamp
I’m going to work with the stamp here,
mostly because I cannot find the stencil!
Here’s a background I rustled up earlier,
using Distress reinkers diluted in spritzer bottles.
Stamp the bird tree into position, using Archival Black.
Well. Solid black it is not!
But as we know, you can’t go back over it!
So let’s try something else…
Instead of colouring the tree in with a black pencil or pen,
which would be easy,
let’s go the other way, and see what happens…
now let’s get the dark pencil out and add some texture…
I think I’m even going to add a touch of blue,
so that the image tones in with the background.
Add Dream for the Word Chain No. 5
I want to add a gold shimmer.
Out with the Gold Shimmer spray I really must give back to Dee!
Now THAT’s better!
I speed-dried the card with a heat gun and it buckled a bit.
Never fear! Spray Mount’s here!
The artwork flattens perfectly once you spray mount it.
Then spray mount it again on black. Done.
and there’s still time for a lovely walk along the railway lines before the sun goes down…
No, not before the train comes along!
It’s a disused line, and I love it, because there are no gradients!
No hills, not even a slope!
I am even considering getting a push bike, because I reckon you could pretty much roll along with a minimum of pedalling…
See you tomorrow!
You Tube Tuesday !
You Tube Tuesday !
I have an idea, too. Leave a pleasant message below about anything which makes you happy, and tomorrow I will pick a random somebody to send this artwork signed.
If you don’t want it, then don’t leave a message!
much love,
71 thoughts on “The tree made from birds….”
Good for you Barbara, time you thought of yourself and what YOU want to do, we can all manage till you get to us down your list as we are no going anywhere, as we wait for you.
Great show yesterday really enjoyed it. Take care and look after YOURSELF, we need you
Hi Barbara, loving this stamp. Thanks for a great two hours on Sunday too, I learnt a lot of new things. I just received my box of goodies that I ordered in your blog sale, but now am going away for a week and will have to wait to start using it all. I'm going to Dartmoor and won't have any broadband signal so will be without your blog for a week too!! Still I'll have a whole week's worth to gorge on when I get back won't I. xxxxxx
Can't believe that I'm one of the first to comment!!! I'm usually waay down at the bottom.
I like this card and would love to know about the gold shimmer as well! There was a mark on my screen that looked just like a crescent moon above the tree-just an idea!!!
I'm sure you've enjoyed your walk. It's a lovely evening here. Thank you, Jan
Hi Barbara, so glad you took time out for yourself you certainly deserve it. Great show yesterday and I eagerly await my tree stamp and stencil. Love this way of repairing a 'not quite right' stamped image, looks really good. Lots of things make me happy with number one being walking along the coast and hearing the sea talk to the shore and feel the sun on my face. I also enjoy it when it's a little rougher too! Hope you had a lovely evening walk. xx
Fabulous card as ever. Can you come to mine and do some housework I hate it. But I do love that my eldest is having another bany and she has been for a scan today and now we know which flavour to expect. Knitting needles on the go. Enjoy your evening walk I am off to see the expectant parents. Xx
Oooooh this tree stamp and set were my favourites from yesterday. Love the artwork you've made. Great show yesterday too.
I love having a nice clean and tidy house – smashing to dry the washing outside too, it makes such a difference.
Enjoy your walk Barbara it's a beautiful evening xxx
I love putting bed linen on the bed that has just come straight from the outside line and always sleep better with it. xx Maggie
Should say stamp and stencil set!!!!
That's a really lovely card. I nearly always have to colour in my stamped images! I'm happy to be alive.
Hello Barbara,
No-one will begrudge you a few hours off. I am glad you are enjoying your day. I took my husband to his day centre, did some tidying and then spent a lovely couple of hours with my elder daughter.
I love this stamp and stencil. Will have to order it from you.
Love, Roz.x
Hi Barbara (trying to post this for second time. Hope you don't get a duplicate). Thanks for doing this demo here and on Sunday. This beautiful image is one of my favourites so far from Clarity. I had promised myself I'd go on a Clarity diet until I got the overdraft down, but I happily fell off the wagon bigtime today and now await this stamp and stencil along with other goodies. Can't wait! I've just taken two dogs for a walk in the park in the lovely September sunshine – I hope you had a great walk too. It's nice to know you manage to get some time to relax. Thanks for all your hard work, it's appreciated. All the best, Kay.
Lol, you do jest don't you ? Who would not want this lovely piece of artwork. I ordered mine yesterday and now wait for it to arrive very impatiently, I have plans for this and I do so love trees xx
So good that you took time away from the shop front. One woman's housework chore is obviously another RnR!
Hi Barbara – there is something lovely about having your home all clean and tidy that really does help you to chill and relax, although to be fair, you get the same effect having a cleaner come in a do it for you!! Can't afford one any more, but I used to love Tuesdays which was when my fairy came when I was working down in London! I really love this stamp, and I really do appreciate you showing us how to "rescue" an image when the stamping doesn't quite come out how you intended it to be – Thanks, and enjoy your evening walk! Susan x
I really don't know how you manage to do the blog every day. I am working my way through doing the samples that come with the club stamps and I haven't even taken the blue off the stamp yet and I normally do this as soon as they arrive. I have managed to re-net the veggie plot though, and I've made enough tomato soup to float a small boat. And hopefully, if I open all the windows tomorrow, there'll be enough of a draft to blow all the dust out. Sorted!
Who would not like a piece of your art work. Just wondering if I could leave ten messages!!. Lovely I liked this stamp and stencil yesterday so think might treat myself. I too have been a good housewife today, all is sparkling and a nice dinner cooked. I am hoping to be able to go for a little walk tomorrow, knee permitting such lovely days. xx
How can't we wish it????? What makes me happy? that's a treaky one. When I am on my own in the chateau where I work, I love having a walk through the forest and just listen to the birds or the wild animals. My favourite time to do that is in the winter when it's very cold and when it has been snowing, so you can see the trace in the snow. Hope you enjoy your evening walk.
Laurence x
Another tip for using the Stick and Stay – you sometimes get a tiny bit that escapes from the edge of the work, just use a tiny bit of talcum powder and rub it over the sticky bits. Perfect and it smells nice too. Another tip is to put your art to be sprayed into a large box before spraying – it beats hours of trying to remove spray mounted black dog hair from a beige carpet! I know what you mean about creating a nice clean fresh home. I am loving my newly found conservatory, and just need some new art work for it. This tree stamp and stencil could just be the way to go. xxx Maggie
PS Artwork from you would not get into the conservatory in case it faded in the sun. xx Maggie
Hi Barb,
Lovely piece of artwork and one that wouldbe appreciated by any Clarity fan. Really do like the stamp and stencil set, but will have to wait a while I'm afraid. I might be tempted on Saturday though! Pleased you took some time for yourself today, – you deserve it and hope you enjoyed your walk. I like a clean and tidy house but it's just a shame that at the moment ours is anything but as we are decorating the whole house and it's just a tip at the moment!! Love Alison xxx
Playing with my stash in my craft shed makes me happy, as does reading your blog!! Thank you for all your inspiration.
Lovely artwork as usual Barbara. Don't they say "tidy house = tidy mind" The artwork reflects that. As if all the birds are the day to day troubles flying away from your mind. Then a walk by a disused rail track along an even pathway. Is all sounds very restful and spiritual to me……… And relax 🙂
It was a beautiful sunny day in Scarborough so hubby and I took the dogs for a lovely walk, always makes me happy. Love your artwork with this new tree stamp, I have to get it, how you'll be taking 400 to catterick as everyone will want this one 🙂 x
Does nt the sunshine make such a difference! Glad you had time to be a housewife today, bet it's sorting out yr beautiful new art room that's inspired you. I usually have a blitz when something new has happened in the house. Could do with that now. Love love over this stamp and stencil. On the list for next month. Great show yesterday too. X
Glad you've enjoyed your day and hopefully a relaxing stroll in the sunshine this evening. A bike is a brilliant idea for a path like that especially as there's no hills.
I love the affect you've achieved with the spray inks. Makes a very atmospheric backdrop for the bird tree.
I've got a few things to make me happy today. I've finished a project on my sewing machine, got the washing dry in the sunshine and it's only a few days until Catterick. Oh and tomorrow I can look forward to You Tube Tuesday.
See you soon
Jeanette xx
Barbara love the card stamp and stencil some more clarity to buy .if I can craft a little each day it helps me get through the pain and having a signed card from you would make my day very special ,happy crafting for you tube Tuesday xxx
"hope" lol x
fell in love with this stamp when you did that sneaky peek, had to wait to watch show late Sunday due to work but couldn't wait till Catterick, ordered last night lol.
We all need a break from work (even if it it is crafting) at times, enjoy the rest of your day.
Love it Barbara. Thanks for the adhesive tip, I'll remember that! My sister coming to visit from Vancouver makes me happy! So does walking my dogs in the sunshine! Plus, of course, losing myself in my crafting!
I've been reading some of your old blogposts from February,I want to let you know how much I enjoy them and to say that they have got me crafting ( that's my me time) again so I thank you very much for all the work that goes into to them.
Having a good day at work, family, having fun, getting Clarity parcels and good friends make me happy. I also find many a happy hour spent in my crafty zone making and creating (usually a mess!!) cards and scrapbook pages. I have recently purchased an art journal to fill with crafty ideas! Pure bliss. XX
Ooh, I'd love a Barbara original!! I always watch your YouTube vids, and learn so much from them. I missed them over the summer, but enjoyed your extra projects/ramblings. Here's hoping I win!! What makes me happy? Spending time with my two gorgeous children. They're 9 and 7, and I'm very lucky in that they're very snuggly children still! I'm enjoying it while it lasts!!
Alana x
Again. Love this stamp. This equates with the boy with the flying birds ( my favourite) ( of all the stamps I possess) and I have a few ( hundred) ( help, I'm a stamp addict)
Must get it. Missed your show due to travelling down south for a few days away. Hope you demonstrate a few of your stamps on the Web. X
Your art works are fabulous Barbara, always inspiring….
I think a family day at the beach makes me happiest, I love a walk along the shore too in the early evening…perfection…xx
I do love that stamp and you've made another fab piece of artwork with it!
As to what makes me happy….well lots of things do but one today has to be one of my students saying thanks for helping him in the lesson. It proves they do appreciate me!
So I'm passing it on….thanks Barbara for all the inspiration you give to me and many others! Love and hugs xxx.
I love feeling really, really tired after a hard day gardening or crafting, then having a shower lashing on the body lotion and slipping into a wonderful clean bed with Egyptian Cotton linen. Bliss.
Sorry, missed the show yesterday. Was in the Midlands to celebrate my Mum's 88th Birthday.
Love this Barbara
I love a walk by the sea when it's stormy and the waves are crashing on the shore
Jackie x
Lovely art work Barbara. What a wonderful stamp. What wonderful samples from the design team on Sunday and of course great demos as always. I love going for walks, they usually end up being hikes though! I agree with your sentiment. I always tidy the house before I do anything else. Enjoy your stroll. Xx
love this and loved the stamp and stencil so much they fell into my basket on Sunday. Glad you had a nice day and hope you have a lovely relaxing stroll x
Mmmm I love a day at home too, to potter in the garden, clean the odd window, cook something tasty for dinner, arrange a few flowers for the table… then spend an hour or two crafting in the evening. BLISS! I love everything you create – you are a great source of inspiration Barbara. xx
It was a perfect day in Worcestershire for pottering and enjoying the garden, wasn' t , Gill? xx Maggie
what makes me happy enjoying the great outdoors preferably when the sun is shining. love the artwork wasn't sure about this stamp when i first saw it but it is growing on me. xx
Hello Barb. I thought you had given today a miss – just too tired perhaps after your hard work yesterday – and I didn't mind at all, but then – here you are and with such a beautiful piece. I would love to earn an original from you, but how. By telling you how good you are? But you know that already; by saying that your perfect day is my perfect day, but then so many appreciate a day at home if they are busy working all the time. No. I shall just say – Please! xx Margaret Col.
Hello Barbara, lovely tree, trees always make me smile. I think they are friendly and very wise. I know what you mean about old railway tracks they are great for walking. I used to be able to climb mountains but not anymore however I can walk for miles along a disused railway track. Enjoy your stroll. x
Great demo Barbara, and great show yesterday. I fell in love with this stamp, and it's on the top of my list to buy on Saturday. Life makes me happy and I try to appreciate everything I do and who I spend time with.
Glad you've had a good day Barbara. I absolutely adore this tree and birds stamp and stencil; its definitely on my wish list! I'm on holiday at the moment, but we have stayed at home so the lovely sunny weather is making me very happy. It also means that I get more time to craft: happy, HAPPY days! Xxx
i love being outside when the sun is shining, sunshine makes me happy. it automatically puts a smile on my face….
good on you to take some time to do something different. it kind of recharges you. take care, hugs xx
Well good evening Barbara, I do not blame you one bit for doing housewife stuff – the satisfaction of a good days work there is just as satisfying as being at work and ticking a load of things of a to do list!!! If not more sometimes as you get to enjoy the fruits of your labours!
I really really – no really – love this tree – it goes so well withe the boy – who I also love – so this is a must for me!!!
Love what you have done here – plus you have shown us how to turn something not quite so perfect in to a work of art – so thank you.
HAPPY – well lots of things make me happy – but I guess what really makes me happy is when you do a good turn for someone – they do not know its you – and you see them smile, and feel better – that is happiness .
Much love Barbara – hope you enjoyed that lovely walk – go get yourself a bike – a nice Dutch Bike – sit up and beg handle bars xxxxx
Just changed my bed today and really looking forward to crawling in to freshly laundered sheets.
We did not have the wind that appears to be in todays artwork but the warm sunshine dried the bedding perfectly. I know that housework eats into our precious crafting time but it is a lovely feeling to have everything clean and tidy. (I imagine)
Linda x
WOW! Brilliant Barb, love this stamp & stencil. Love your piece of Art, the colours in the background are amazing. I would love to have this on my wall.
I have plenty of housework here Barb if you have time lol! A woman's work is never done ay?
What makes me happy? Easy, seeing my kids happy, that is all I have ever wanted.
Have a nice day.
Love & Hugs
Jacquie J xxx
Hi. Barbara, thank you for your blog – I'm new to stamping and have learned so much from you! If you go to the window and look to the west, that's me waving at you from the Georgia coast, sitting with my sweetie, holding his hand with our toes in the water. Love this stamp – saving up for an order – will include one for sure!
Seeing my lovely grandchildren aged 29 to 12. Their grandfather lives on in their eyes!
Lovely artwork. I would love it here in Devon. Enjoyed the shows and think this stamp is fab!
Not seen yesterday's show yet, but did record it, so hopefully will catch up later this week. Lovely card. Love the addition of the gold shimmer. I frequently end up with buckled artwork. Looks like I might need some of that Stick and Spray. Sounds like you have enjoyed your day. x
As much as I hate Autumn , increasingly shorter days, dark evenings and getting cold, I love the Autumn colours, the glorious leaves and best of all this stamp and stencil. Thank you
No crafting for me I day Barbara as I've been looking after my grandson. He's an absolute joy. Love the way you turn a mistake into a masterpiece. Xx
Hi Barbara,
you showed great tricks at C& C on sunday. One of my favourites: The screwed paper pressed on the coloured Gelli Plate.
This card here is very nice too. But I´m wondering that the Gold Shimmer spray is so gleichmäßig verteilt (Sorry, don´t know the english word) ;-)) I have always problems by using sprays.
Best wishes
Rolf x
I just thought 'freedom' when I saw this stamp. I couldn't resist buying it yesterday. Thank you so much for yet more inspiration – it just keeps coming!
Love the artwork – your ideas always make me want to play!
Caught up this morning on yesterday's shows as I was out all weekend on a 2 day Japanese Woodblock printing course, great fun but as usual Miss Slowcoach was last to finish and I still have some work to do on my prints before I am happy with them. Shows were great, I too could not resist ordering this stamp and stencil, I loved the back to basics of what you did on the show. Will have to have a go at the distress ink in the spritzer background, great effect. I too am tidying up as taken the plunge and my cleaner starts tomorrow, so don't want the place in too much of a state. Ain't it always the way, at least it might make me a little tidier, Bob Hope and no hope. Have a great evening Karen
Hi Barb
Just loved watching the show yesterday, just caught up with the second half.
Just beautiful samples from your Design Team – such inspiration.
I bought the Fuchsia stamps – as they remind me of my granddad's greenhouse, which was always full of them – his passion!
So can't wait to receive my order to start creating!
Thank you for so many ideas and inspiration.
Hi Barbara – hope you are back from your walk now as it's dark outside! I like the bike idea- how about you and Dave on a tandem ? That way you can look at the view for inspiration as he peddles lol. Sounds like you have had a rewarding day, it is lovely when the house is clean and tidy isn't it ( doesn't happen here that often). I've spent the day helping my daughter tidy her room so she is organised for the year ahead (day off after 3 days of college!). If I help her it gets it done rather than her getting distracted and playing her musical instruments instead ! We had a laugh whilst doing it and listened to music so job well done. I am one of those sad people that enjoys ironing – as long as there is something good on TV , especially if you can get the washing dried on the line and ironed in the same day. Also coming home in the winter to the smell of a casserole cooking – yum. The card today is wonderful and that stamp is amazing, thank you for sharing. Love Diane xxx
What makes me happy? Watching the hedgehogs bring their babies to my garden each night and teaching them where the feeding stations are. Daytime happiness is watching all the wee birds, tits of all kinds, goldfinches,robins, pecking from their feeders and fosicking in the grass in the sun -perfect peace.
Hugs Janet (in Kent)
This fabulous piece of artwork makes me happy! So does the wonderful evening I have had with my husband and his parents. We had a gorgeous Chinese takeaway. The red wine that flowed made me happy too! xxx
My teenage sons make me happy when they ask if want a cup of tea! Lovely. Xx (doesn't happen that often)
It was our wedding anniversary at the weekend 18 years – so we spent the day out traipsing through the woods with our boys (ages 13 & 6), before heading back to the car and the camping stove for a hot dog picnic – just perfick !! x
Greetings from greetings from the Grand Canyon! We had the end of our 60th bday celebration and it was amazing, such an awesome place. So often we said ohhh this would make a beautiful clarity stamp, stencil, or Barbara Gray art work! That makes us happy and smile. Love today's card and I laughed out loud at your ending! You make us smile too.
Love this tree it makes me smile I had forgotten to come on blog this piece of art work would make me treasure it as Sandie loved trees birds are like a freedom and this time last year she was freed from pain and went to heaven I am happy she was in my life I was given the honour to be her mum . Sorry for the weepy message look forward to video later today x
Hello Barb, love this stamp and the stencil, you have made a lovely card with the stamp, great idea with the pencils, do have the stmap and stencil on my wish list, as have had to layoff spending for a while. What makes me happy is to do something and someone really notices and comments on the result or outcome, whether that be crafting, cleaning/housework, cooking or the day job. Sounds like you had a great day, ending off with a lovely stroll. Take care. Bx
I love this stamp. It could also be used as a remembrance to us of friends and family who have left us and hopefully gone to a nice place. I will be ordering the stamp later to make a picture for my bedroom wall. SueL
Glad you found something to do today that allows you to wind down from the shows at the weekend. For most of us, we use craft to unwind, so what do the people who work is crafting do to unwind – the answer obviously is housework!