Introducing some pretty neat dolls…
Happy Sunday!
Well, it’s TV Sunday for me, so by the time you read this, I will either already be off the hook, or still on the hook!
So here’s a little card showcasing a set of super Navajo Dolls
(great price this weekend; 40% discount + an additional 10% for our Club members)
Attach the round Aperture Stencil to the square Gelli Card.
These Framer shape stencils are very cool to use. They give you a simple starting place every time, whatever the occasion.
Dust around the aperture with Peach Bellini,
and one of our Stencil Brushes
Add Mountain Rose next.
Tear a piece of copy paper,
and introduce some hills through the aperture.
Concentrate on the edge of the paper with the brush.
Add a sun-moon mask
Cover up the land,
and add a sultry sun.
Just whatever is still left on one of the brushes will do.
(also in the half price Sale)
I remember drawing this one a while ago, while on holiday in New Mexico. This girl knows how to spend her time off!
Use a black Archival for all the stamping.
Now for the dollies! There are 8 altogether. So I have checked to see which ones I want to use first. Holding hands…
There we are! Grace and I !
Coloured in the Spectrum Noir Polychromos.
I would highly recommend these pencils.
Ooh look! It’s party Time!!!!
Happy Dance!
Dust around the outside with The Peach Bellini
Run a black Sharpie pen around the edges.
Find a bright yellow to mount your art on.
It put me in a good space just making it,
and deciding who was who!
You could personalise this brilliantly, couldn’t you.
Make great name settings for a dinner party too…
Now I want to invite some friends round for a Mexican night,
and make fajitas and virgin Mojitos!
Must dash!
(said the Mexican)
much love,
35 thoughts on “Introducing some pretty neat dolls…”
Barb I do like this especially when you personalised it, how lovely, it wasn't until you did, then I liked the dollies so much more, before that they didn't do too much for me but now I see the potential of them. It could even be a little Wedding couple 🙂
I love how you show the potential of any of tour stamps or stencils, it helps give further ideas and makes them more versatile, well that I suppose is part of your job and seeing how your DT use the products too.
I am excited to see what you come up with today and hopefully you will get to show yesterday's inky technique.
Barb have fun, I will be enjoying from this end and I will see you very soon on the Box.
Love Denise xx
Barb will you be showing the remountable stamps too as I have just had a sneaky peak at what was new on the website and would like to see them up close too.
See you soon
Fantastic… It makes me happy too xxx
They are brilliant seeing them used now comes the temptation , was staying strong till know but seeing then here look so good. Looking forward to show this morning will be there coffee in hand glued as bob at work Katie away house to myself so watch show then some crafting after because I can going to be a good day enjoy being in the telly and safe drive home xx
Happy, happy card. Looking forward to watching you on TV soon & seeing all the new products. . Might just grab a bit more sleep first. Xx
Gorgeous piece of Art to begin the day. Bring a lot of sun in the house and we need some today in France. Grey as if we were in September…. Love the idea of the Mexican party, we can organise that while your on TV and have a big party when you're coming back…..Lol!!!! Anyway, I would like to go for Royal Mojito…..You should try it Barbara, it's delicious.
Laurence xx
Hi Barb, well this is just fab. great idea, and could be a party invite to a Mexican party. Love the bright colours on a very dull day. Hope the show goes very well, I am sure there will be some humour thrown in. Enjoy. Bx
arrr they are very cute Barbara i love them ,wasn't to sure at first ,going to a wedding next week would have been good for it but i have done my card its in shape of house but not stamped this one xxxx
Hi Barbara. Love yesterdays card, the effect is beautiful. I do hope you get to demo it today. Todays card is great fun, love the ladies : ) I hope you enjoy the show with Nigel, I know that I will : ) Have a safe journey. Take care.
Wow these are so cute, love the dolls. I like the lovely colours in the background. Must dash you are on telly. Have a great show. Best wishes Joan x
Hi Barbara'
Wasn't sure at first glance of these stamps but now I've seen the card I'm there quite nice.Watching the show and I have to say the sample cards are beautiful and the new stencils and stamps are great,will be ordering after the show.
Hi Barb,
This is a great card. I've often looked at these stamps but couldn't think how I'd use them, now I have ideas buzzing in my head!
Can't spend much time on this blog, there's an important show on C & C at this very moment!
Love xx
Lovely stamps and colours
Hi Barbara.. Love the demo.. And watching you on c/c… Lovely …x
I too looked at these stamps and wasn't sure what I would use them for. It's always great to see what you do with them. This card showcases them brilliantly! It's such a happy card! Love it. I've recorded your show so I can sit and relax with a cuppa later and enjoy it in peace when the kids have gone out! I'm sure it all went swimmingly. Xx
Hello Barb. Wonderful show today and I love those christmas stamps. Will definitely be getting one or two of those. But later as the poor bank balance is shameful at the moment. These dolls are fun too and I love how you've used them. xx Margaret Col.
Love this card, and have already ordered the dolls. They will go well with the Monument Valley mask set, I reckon. Great show this morning and I love those new sets. Whoever made the bauble hanger into a separate stamp is just plain brilliant. How about stamping the baubles on shrink plastic to make small tree decs? The one on the new card with the inks would have been great with the galleons too – I could see waves on the sea there at one point (I saw three ships idea). I am buzzing with ideas. I just need more days in the week and hours in the day. xx Maggie
great make barb. am now cursing myself as i have forgotten to tape the tellybox xx
Rachel, if you message me, providing my DVD has behaved, I can do you a copy if you would like it xx Maggie
they are a happy lot. very childlike too and i suppose that's why they put people in happy spaces. i can see Sam Crowe having a field day with these….. hugs xx
Beautiful art work you make it look so easy love the colours xxx
Hi Barb,
Great show today – just what I would expect. x
Love the card love the dollies Barbara enjoyed the tele and the new goodies love June xxxxxc
These dollies are very cute and love the aperture filled with a lovely scene behind them, and then the perfect finale of the rope sentiment. Have decided I will look at your c and c show shortly, and am really looking forward to seeing it. I'm sure it will have gone well as always. x
How cute! They remind me of some worry dolls I used to have – you'd tell them your problems before you went to sleep, put them in a little bag and put it under your pillow!!! Will catch up with your TV shows on record later – I must also dash…. Susan x
Hi Barbara I'm all behind again today. I love the little doll stamps aren't they fun and yes they make you smile. I could just see Grace and you in the middle together. Right just going to watch your shows on catch up. Enjoy the rest of your Sunday . Love Diane Xxx
Hi Barb, this is fabulous, love the stamps so beautiful. Its a great fun card anyone would love I am sure. love the background too.
Love the new stamps on your show today but sadly could only afford one so went for the Deer & Holly.
Love & Hugs
Jacquie J xxx
Hi Barbara I love these stamps, and this is a great card.
Only saw a little bit of the show this morning, will catch up with the rest later, though what I did see was fab. Hope you have a safe trip back to Kent. xx
Great show today. Love the new stamps etc. What a fab demo here too. I got these doll stamps over a year ago and as yet haven't used them…Oh dear…but what you have done has given me inspiration to get them out. Loving the new club stamp and stencil too. Now let's see, what next, oh yes…off to spend more of hubby's hard earned cash on a few things Clarity. Hugs xxx.
P.s. Fabulous DT work. Xxx
Lovely, like others was not sure till you showed how to use. Great show today, so many fab new stencils and stamps. Hubby was watching as well, he made me laugh when you used grunge paste knew what you were going to do after watching Sam at Open Day. He is trying to encourage me to buy an E-Bosser when they on offer tomorrow on C&C. Hope you had good journey home. xx
Hi Barb,
Great show today and the samples as usual were fabulous – well done to the Design Team. Really like what you have done on this card although don't think the stamps are for me. Hope you have a safe journey home. Love Alison xxx
Loved the show earlier. Every time I think the design team won't get any better, they always manage to surpass themselves. I love what you have done with these stamps. Although I didn't think they were for me I am now having second thoughts as these dollis would make a great picture of Girl Guides and Girl Sciuts around the world.
A card to make you smile -quirky and cute-but not toooo cute!
Love it and the show was great too -superb samples and great demos as ever,
Cute card, love the dollies. Really enjoyed your show today Barbara, the snowflake card is stunning. Pat x
Oh no did I miss the party! I have some on order but am feeling like I should keep the whole family together! Xx