NEWSFLASH. I have landed a new Job!!!!
Thanks for stopping by.
I am always amazed how many of you take the time out of your days daily, to visit me here in Blogland!
It certainly keeps me on my toes !
So Friday’s blog a private peek, right?
Well, you know you think all I do is work?
Let me set the record straight,
and invite you into our home yesterday.
You probably know that my
darling daughter Grace is home from New York at the moment,
that she is an aspiring actress,
that she hangs out on rollercoasters with Kevin Bacon,
and is following her red-carpet dream.
Well this week, her agents sent her the script she has been dreaming about for 2 years, and told her she needed to submit a tape within 48 hours.
BOOM. Learn the lines and film them.
Look beautiful and go for it!
So the house got turned upside down!
All the YouTube Tuesday cameras and mics,
lights and filming equipment migrated to our living room
(thank God we have the gear!)
Jim on cameras
Dave on script
and I was the Producer, Director, Hair and Make-up Artist,
and Tea-maker (multi and tasking are my middle names).
She had to submit the script with an American accent
and then with an English accent.
So we put her hair up and poshed her up as a Brit,
and let her be her usual curly-hair self to be American.
It was such fun!
Dave really got into it.
Jim sure knows what he is doing too,
which is a Godsend.
So this is it, behind the scenes.
Checking to make sure it was what she wanted…
It blew me away how professional she was. Like a real actress.
Quite amazing actually.
Claritystamps certainly took a backseat yesterday!
it was CBS all the way!
And do you know what?
Even if Grace doesn’t get the part;
even if they are mad enough to miss her,
we had a blast.
This was how she dealt with the camera being set too low….
but Dave couldn’t stop laughing, so we had to change the angle!
Just look at the state of the living room!
Silly sausage!
Right. That’s it.
All done. Cup of tea needed.
How many men does it take to plug a TV in to review??
And that really is it.
Once the tape has been edited and submitted,
it’s well and truly out of our hands.
Grace will get to where she wants to be.
She has that rare stickability, that upbeat, tenacious, audacious attitude, which will not be beaten.
Every now and then she comes home for some TLC and a chat.
New York is a big change from an old farm in Cowden or Crowborough!
So let’s just wave to the tape and blow it a kiss, as it makes its way to the desk of an Emperor in the film industry.
Whether it’s a thumbs up, or a thumbs down on this job –
somebody will spot her. How can you miss her?!
Especially with me as her Manager!
lots of love,
97 thoughts on “NEWSFLASH. I have landed a new Job!!!!”
Everything crossed for Grace.
Hello Barb, thank you for sharing this, as Dee says everything crossed for Grace and all our wishes go with that tape. Grace very obviously has her mothers blood coursing through her veins with her tenacious, will do attitude. Please keep us updated. Bx
Barbara and Grace and the film crew, blooming fantastic – Grace if they don't want you girl its their loss!!!! I wish you every ounce of luck I can send you – with the support, love and expertise of your wonderful loving family supporting you and helping you – it should be a breeze in the park as I am constantly blown away by the professionalism of the YouTube videos and you couldn't have been in a better setting when this came through to you to submit!!!
Barbara, tiring as it was – I feel that this will totally have been worth it as the love you and Dave have poured in to this with the loving support and expertise of the wonderful Jim will be the luck Gracie needsxxxx
Wow ! – Knock em dead!
Make sure you let us all know – even if its not – every submission will make you stronger
Much love
Kim xx
Wishing you all the luck in the world , Grace. Xx
It must be fate that you did YouTube Tuesday and thus had all the gear ready to do this for Grace with such short notice. Wishing her all the luck in the world. #proudmummy x
Lots of luck Grace. The words……chip off old block…..come to mind, No insult intended Barbara! LOL. Xxxx
She will get where she wants to be because she is her mother's daughter!! Good luck Grace. Xxxxxxx
That is just amazing could feel the excitement as you convert your home and day to film her so good you started your you tube Tuesday been good practice for this if only you new it's such a privilege to feel part of all this Grace I'm sure you will blow there socks of if not there mad but some thing bigger and better will come what a team wow . Will wait with bated breath to here how you get on all best grace xxx
grace is such a lovely girl she deserves to succeed. Good luck
Waouh!!! That is great for Grace. I Wonder where she gets her tenacious, audacious attitude from…… I know someone who has created an empire with a few stamps to begin with, and know she gets rewards and "fans" all over the world!!!!!! Isn't it Barbara?
"Merde" to Grace as we would say in France, it is the only way to send luck here. And please Barbara, dear "Mumager", don't forget to let us know how she is doing.
Laurence xx
What a fantastic scene! Grace trully is amazing, and how could she not be, surrounded by family and friends! Good luck Grace… You'll be a smash! Xxxx love to you all xxx
Good luck to your daughter Barbara. How exciting for you all.
Bet your so proud of her making her own stamp on the world! (Sorry I could not resist!)
Grace will go far ,if her mum is any thing to go by .
Good luck Grace
Thank you for sharing your special day, sending positive thoughts the Universe that Grace gets the result she wants xx
Good morning,
This is your best blog to date. Grace what a perfec time to be home and have your private studio, we look forward to seeing your name in lights, you are a star. Wow
Good luck to Grace! Hope it all works out for her! X
GOOD LUCK, GRACE!! Although, with a Mum like yours, you already have all the luck you need! 🙂 Barbara, she is beautiful, and looks so much like you. Jo x
Hi Barbara thank you for your private peek. Well fate certainly played its hand when you invested in the equipment for YouTube Tuesday ! How wonderful for Grace she didn't have to worry about finding someone to film her at short notice. I wish her all the luck in the world – she certainly looks the part . I just hope Jim doesn't get ideas of Hollywood with his filming and all the men finally found out how to reconnect the telly! I hope your lounge is back to normal again children have that impact on a house don't they! Have a great day. Love Diane xxx
Good luck Grace, I hope you get the part. Jx
Keeping everything crossed that this will be Grace's big break. xx
Don't they just! And the big guy Mark will ba back from his time in Brazil soon too! He REALLY lands with a Ta Dah!!
Go Grace go!
I guess you know
You can't do better than your best
So now it's time to rest
With mumager and Dave
And as you wait -be brave
Your time will surely come
And we'll all say -Well done!!
Fantastic studio shots Barbara -what fun you had – enjoy your lovely daughter and your time together,
It sounds like a fun day. Good luck Grace! x
Wishing you all the luck in the world Grace, I hope your dreams come true x
Looks like you all had fun.Good luck to grace hope she gets the part xxx
Lots and lots of luck Grace. Xx
Looks like you all had fun at CFS (Clarity Film Studios) yesterday afternoon. Lets hope that Mumager and the crew have kissed the tape enough and your dreams come true, good luck Grace! XX
Are you the new Kardashians ? or the Grayashians. Thank goodness Dave doesn't look like Bruce !! xx
Good luck Grace and thank you, Barbara, for giving us a peek into your private life.
Roz x
Hi Barbara … Loved the pics and good luck Grace. …x
What a fab insight! And like we say with all interviews, even if she doesn't get the job, it's all good experience! Wishing Grace the very best of luck, and a lovely weekend to you yourself…..
FINGERS FIRMLY CROSSED! Let us know how she got on
fabulous pics good luck Grace xx
Sending lots of good luck to Grace! It must have been fate that she received the opportunity while at home with you, wasn't it lucky that you have got all the cameras there and so lovely that you could be a part of it too xxx
Wishing you every success Grace, they'd be mad to say no. How wonderful that you got to prepare the video with your Mum, Dave and Jim, all of whom are probably tickled pink that they could get involved and be a part of the process. Thanks for sharing it with us. xx
What a great story…wish her good luck…so the thumbs will go up 🙂
Fingers eyes and toes crossed for her!
How wonderful to see you all working together and having fun too. I wish Grace the very best of luck and have everything crossed that she will be successful. Xxx
Wow Barb how wonderful to be part of your Daughters dream, fingers and toes crossed for Grace, I hope she gets it, I will be thinking of her. And then you have been part of it woo hoo, that is great. It also looked like fun and smiles although I bet there was a lot of seriousness there too.
Hopefully Grace will hear soon, I have a good feeling about it xx
Love Denise xx
Hi Barbara. How exciting for you all! Fingers and toes are firmly crossed for Grace, (makes walking and doing anything rather difficult but so worth the hassle) please let us know the outcome. Have a good weekend. Take care.
Golly gosh, the very best of luck to Grace. I too have an aspiring actress for a daughter, last three weeks of training and then she's off to find a job. Auditions are stressful and frequently disappointing, but I too believe in her and hope the right part is out there. I wish that for Grace too. At least they will always have somewhere to come home to when the going gets tough! xx Margaret Col.
Love the way you've written this story Barbara, you really bring the whole thing to life. Now, I wonder who Grace get her stickability, upbeat, tenacious, audacious attitude from??? The answer is as clear as a Clarity stamp – her mumager. I hope she realises how lucky she is to have so much family support. Have a great weekend everyone. Pat x
What a fun day you all seem to be having. Good Luck Grace or is it break a leg, hope that you get the part.
Sue xx
Grace, the very best of luck. Some things were meant to be and Grace being home now and you having the equipment and the know how to get the video done what are the odds. Super blog.
Wishing Grace all the luck in the world with her tape/audition process – must have been fate that you have invested in the equipment and technology and that she happened to have come home at this point in time! Thanks for the private peek and for sharing this amazing news with us – GO GRACE!!!
It certainly looks like you all had a blast yesterday filming it.
I've got everything crossed for Grace and hope you get the part!! Go Grace go!
What an exciting time for you all, if a bit nerve wracking. All my fingers and toes are crossed that the powers-that-be can see her talent. Just go for your dream, Grace! xx Maggie
I will be routing for Grace all the way. I bet you all had loads of fun yesterday. xxx
You have two beautiful children Barbara and Im sure whatever they do you will always be proud of them as they have such lovely natures. I wish Grace all the best and Im sure that if they dont take her they want their heads examined as she looked stunning. hugs Shirleyxxxxxx
Ooooooh how exciting for Grace I do hope she lands the part if that's what she wants. It sounds like you all had a great time making the film. I have to say she looks amazing in the photos.
Jackie x
Wonderful, I hope Grace does catch the dream she is chasing. With all that effort (and talent) she certainly deserves to.
Wishing Grace all the luck in the world and hope all her dreams come true.
Happy crafting
Tracy x
Brilliant and everything crossed for Grace x
I too have everything crossed for Grace! She gets all her positive traits from you! Kevin Bacon is one of my favourite actors ever, I am so jealous!! xx
Good luck to Grace. Everything is crossed.
Looks like you all had a blast yesterday, good luck Grace fingers crossed and here is hoping they see exactly what they looking for in our tape and you get the best news soon.
How exciting! It is wonderful that Grace could share that magnificent moment with you and you were there to support her. Fingers crossed that the part comes her way. xxx
I wish her all the luck in the world, she deserves to do well. As a lot of other people have said good job you had all the equipment to help her. Once a mum always a mum, we never switch off do we Barbara. She is a credit to you, a very likable kind and beautiful young lady. I really enjoyed listening to her stories of some of her auditions last week. So hope she succeeds. xx
Well you know how it is, one moment you're doing some building work, and the next its……..
Lights – Camera – Action !! Did'nt even have time to get changed . But seriously folks, Barbara, Jim, and of course Grace (Brilliant) were amazing, and it was just great to be part of it. Lets hope the Celluloid Gods are thinking….'Yea she's got it !' x
Hi Barb,
How fantastic – Brake a leg Grace, and the best of luck when you are following your dream. And you Miss Barbara look ever so proud having your clapperboard moment!!
I only have one question, Grace may I please have your autograph and what will you change your name to? (That's two questions, isn't it).
Barbara, my grandma was born in South Shields, Isabella Shotton 1865 – 1943, wouldn't it be odd if they knew each other?
Love to all xx
The should, of course, read break a leg!!!
How exciting Barbara. I do hope Grace is sucessful in her quest, and if she is anything like her mother, and I'm sure she is, she will keep at it. It's funny because I saw that advert the other day and thought how like Grace the girl was, not realising it was her! Well, I wish her all the luck in the world. x
Good luck grace xxxxx
Wow how fantastic for her hope she fulfills her dream how wonderful for her to be at home at this time so your all their to help her good look grace clarity hugs xxx
Fantastic! I hope Grace is going to be successful and we will see her soon on the Big screen!! She is a very beautiful young lady!
Very best wishes to Grace. What a lovely girl. I loved the blog, Barbara, and if she didn't get the part you could make a film of the filming. I'm sure it would really sell!
What is it about the US? So many of my younger relatives have ended up there.
Wow – that huge smile – could be you a couple (!) of years ago Barbara! Everything's crossed for Grace's success, with you as a role model how can she fail?
Sending good Luck to your daughter Grace. xxx
what a team! This is brilliant – hope it all goes well for Grace! Hugs rachel xx
How fantastic, reading your blog Barbara made me feel like I was right there with you, you have a great way with words (as well as stamps), fabulous pictures, especially like the last one, your face says it all …………….'Proud Mum' and so you should be Grace is beautiful and obviously talented like her mum, Good Luck Grace, hugs and fingers crossed for you, Karen xxx
Thank you for another good read and peek into your life at home. I'm sure Grace will do well with all your support behind her x
What a great story! As I am sitting here completely incapacitated with a broken wrist AND ankle, only two days old so painful, it really cheered me up! I read and enjoy your blog every day and with no crafting on the horizon for some time, I will be able to read it earlier! I wish Grace the very best of luck with the tape. May all her dreams come true.
Sorry to read about your breaks. I ran for a bus a couple of years ago and had 3 fractures. Broken right elbow, left wrist and little finger! I wore no underwear for about four weeks and George had to dress me. Believe me I looked a right clip. Hope you soon feel better, it just takes time and it's hard to be patient x
Thank you for your good wishes Maureen.
Hi Barb,
How lucky that Grace was with you when she got the call, and how lucky that you have all the gear to film her. I hope that she gets the part and wish her all the luck in the world. She will go far – she is her mother's daughter after all!!!love Alison xx
How lucky you have all the stuff. Sounds like a fun time. Wishing her well for whatever comes her way xx
Beautiful daughter and by the sounds of things, inherited her mother's "grit" – tenacity etc.
good luck to her in all she does.
Wonderful pics of you all
Best wishes
You all obviously had a great time! It's so satisfying to be able to provide exactly what the offspring need, when they need it. Well done all!!! Please let us know the outcome. Hope it's good news. Enjoy your weekend. Thanks, Jan
Wishing you every success Grace x
OMG that's brilliant! You will get there Grace. She sounds just like a chip of the old block to me Barbara, takes after you I'm sure!would love to see the tape! Have a great weekend!Wxx
Well we all know who Grace takes after don't we!!!
I shall pray for you tonight Grace.
God bless
Jan xx
Best of luck to lovely Grace x
wow she is such a beauty!!!!!!!!!! Fingers crossed Barb, you must be soooooo proud x
good luck Grace! i'm sure if you've got your mum's tenacity there is no doubt that you will get to where you want to be, hugs xx
Good luck Grace! i'm sure if you have your mum's tenacity you will no doubt get to where you want to be, hugs xx
It certainly looks as though a great time was had by all! I'll keep my fingers crossed for Grace, it's such a competitive business but she is her mother's daughter so therefore has the strength of character to make it all work for her, good luck!! x
What a wonderful thing to be a part of. Helping your Daughter on her way. Wishing the very best of luck to Grace and am certainly looking forward to seeing more of her on the big Screen. Hugs xx
Wishing Grace all the luck in the world and hope that her dreams come true!
Loverly story – good luck wishes to Grace – Spotted proud Mum in the mirror behind Grace in the penultimate picture.
Everything crossed and good thoughts for Grace – she is so like you that I have no doubt that she will get there. Thanks for sharing Karen x
Totally awesome and all the best and phew, you will still be stencilling and stamping and gelli-ing. 😀
Really wish her the best and a proud mum, brought tears to my eyes, they drive you mad at times and then overwhelm you with their being. How marvelous that you got to share such a special time
Don't worry about the state of your living room, the Americans will love it because it's historical and 'quaint ' Hope she gets the part!
So inspiring to read this as shows Family can be Family – forget the doom and gloom news papers and trash TV (sorry really dislike things like the Jeremy Kyle show ) this is what we want the fun and fab .
It was lovely to see you all pitching in and also having fun with it too .
May Grace be successful and her dreams come true and if this particular dream doesn't well she has a pretty fab mum to scoop her up and keep encouraging her .
Thanks for sharing and please tell us how she does x
Wonderful, good luck Grace
Wow, quite a day.Lots of luck Grace.With you all around for support her she will go far.Hugs x
well done Grace hope you get your big break,you deserve it you must be very proud of both your children Barbera you realy our one in a million as a crafter and a parent