Oh…. the Blue Ridge mountains of Virginia…..
Well here is a little tag I rustled up for your pleasure,
the 6″x 6″ Gelli Plate
on a
7 x 7″ Mega Mount
The Forest Ridge Stamp
I love the free in thee Stamp
Crow in flight
Crow perched
Denim Adirondack
Stormy Sky
Stencil Brush
So stamp the Forest Ridge stamp onto the Gelli Plate
with Stormy Sky, like so:
Lay a large tag onto the trees,
lift the print and drop it down again a little,
to pull a second ghost print.
Use the lines on the Clever Megamount for precision position.
(say that when you’re 3 sheets to the wind!)
This is what I got. Nothing too spectacular,
but let’s keep going!
Stamp a couple of ridges to the front with Denim Adirondack.
So now you’ve got the mirror images to the back, faded, and the sharper images to the front.
Now comes the simple magic.
Tear a sheet of copy paper to make a hill, and use your stencil brush to add – wait for it –
If you singalong, too, you will like your artwork even more!
Add the beautiful Bird verse in Denim.
Add a couple of crows,
which double up beautifully as mountain birds.
Look, if you use your imagination,
you can even see the shadow the bird is throwing!
Dust the edges with Denim Adirondack on a stencil brush.
There we are. All done.
On the trail of the lonesome pine….
In the pale moonshine our hearts entwine,
Where she carved her name, and I carved mine;
Oh, June, like the mountains I’m blue –
Like the pine, I’m lonesome for youuuuoooooooo;
in the Blue ridge mountains of Virginia,
on the trail of the lonesome pine…
I remember we played this at a Cowden Retreat a couple of years ago. It was fantastic. 32 women crafting away and singing this little ditty!
Come on! Singalong! It’s good for the soul!
52 thoughts on “Oh…. the Blue Ridge mountains of Virginia…..”
Beautiful Barb, love the verse too.
Love & Hugs
Jacquie J xxx
What a beautiful tag Barbara! Isn't it amazing what you can do with a bit of torn paper and ink.
You mentioned the retreat…..not long to go now to the start of those…..and I am coming this year….Soooooooo excited!
Love and hugs as always! xxxx
I do live your tree scenes that's one of first things remember you doing on C&C when you first came on and thinking wow I will never be able to do that and now love doing them thanks for teaching us how to do this you help me to be able to do so much have a fab days x
Am singing!!!……This song brings back memories of the 60's – my Nan was an early morning cleaner at a large factory in Charlton (she used to carry a truncheon in her bag in case of attack!) – can you imagine doing that now? – anyway I digress – every year they held a Christmas party for the staff and families and there was a special kids one – I can remember going along there – and this song being sung on the stage with everyone joining in as an act done by some of the staff!!! How bizarre – it was the sort of party that when you left in your little gift bag was a satsuma! Such a lovely memory – thank you Barbara!!!
Love the tag – great start to the day xxxx
Much love
Kim x
I loved Laurel and Hardy – watched them every time they were on, soooo funny. Thanks for sparking this memory Barb. Love this tag – so beautiful all in monochrome – gorgeous. I wondered whether you would consider doing the Bag O Tags in just white on the website?? – I bought the multi pack but have used the white ones more than any other?? Just a thought. Thanks once again for the beautiful inspiration. Hugs Dawn xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Love it, love it, love it, love it! Xxxx
Morning Barb, absolutely fantastic, both the classic clip and the tag, love the verse too, great start to a Thursday morning. Bx
Love it, the singalong and the art, great start to the day, thank you xx
Hi Barb,
Fabulous! This has certainly brought back very happy memories for me. My late father absolutely loved Laurel and Hardy along with the legend that was Tommy Cooper. This has brought back memories of him chuckling away as he watched the comedy duo. So thank you for that. Love the scene that you have created too. The soaring crow reminds me of a buzzard which brings back happy memories of being in Pembrokeshire – there was always a buzzard screeching and flying over Trefloyne golf course in Tenby. Fabulous times and very happy memories – I feel quite nostalgic now. Love Alison xxx
Lovely tag Barbara, although I am singing 'Hi, ho, hi, ho it's off to work I go'! at the moment. Hopefully the Blue Ridge Mountains will get a look in later on today. 🙂
Hi Pippa! Let me sing along! I owe I owe! It's off to work I go! Xx
I have many happy memories of this song Barbara , used to love watching these oldies with my dad and I loved this one!
So today it will be buzzing around my head and I will be bursting into song at regular intervals!
Oh yes-love your beautiful scene .
Thanks Barbara,
Lovely tag and fond memories of school holidays when they'd play these old films in the morning. Think there'd be two generations now who wouldn't have the foggiest if you sang this song to them…Nearly retreat time! X
Hi, I am singing too, Good job you can not hear me. Beautiful picture cold but serene, I hate to say it but may a christmas card?
I used to love that song. It was on the juke box in a pub I used to frequent in my youth and I was always putting it on – much to the annoyance of some of my friends. Thank you for sparking some great memories. The tag looks great and I shall have a go at that too!
Hi Barbara
Yes I'm singing too can you hear me? Great memories of watching with my dad too – it must have been a dad program! I'm loving the tag Barbara I haven't tried stamping on my geli yet but will get round to trying it one day. I'm having a play afternoon with a friend tomorrow as she wants to have a go with it before she thinks of buying one. Hopefully I can persuade her how fun it is! Have a great day,
Love Diane xxx
Hi Barbara, I'd like to say that I'm too young to remember this amazing comedy duo being shown when I was a kid, – but I shouldn't start the day with a lie!!!!! I was cheerily singing along. Great tag, lovely way to use Gelli plate, stamps, and stencil brushes to create a simplistic, though lovely scene. Have a lovely day xx
Good morning,
Beautiful card I don't know this song, but it does match your work. Lovely thanks
Love the song they were great ,love those trees and birds ,but still not got gelli plate xx
Absolutely brilliant, I can just hear all the singing, or is it the birds (Sea gulls) in my case
Great tag! Love how you create these great scenes with just ink and plain paper – reminds me of those little kits you got as a kid, where you just used a wet paintbrush over a page and a picture appeared just like magic! Thanks, Susan x
Hi barbara …love the tag must try … Happy crafting ….x
Hi Barbara. Yes, I am singing along : ) I remember watching Laurel and Hardy in the holidays while staying at my Gran and Grandad's. This is a beautiful scene and verse. I love how you magic up something so atmospheric from so little : ) Take care
Brilliant artwork Barbara, your blog is good for the soul too! Pat x
Love the tag Barbara very classy love the song as well thank you for sharing love to all June xxxxx
Love the tag, Barbara and the song. You know I will be haunted by it running around me head all day.xxx
Hi Barbara, a beautiful tag. I used to love watching Laurel and Hardy!
A wonderful tag Barbara, and I have the song in my head now no doubt for the rest of the day but I don't mind I'll just keep singing along.
I can't wait for my stencil brushes to arrive having finally saved enough pennies to buy them plus a couple of stamps from the club sale..
Have a good day
Jackie x
This is a gorgeous creation. I adore the image. Love the stamping and whole design Anneke.
In the pale moon shine, our hearts entwine, where she carved her name and I carved mine, oh June….. Love the song, love two amazingly talented chaps and love the card!!!!! The whole scene is breath taking. No one does it better. Thanks Barbara. Joan x
A gorgeous tag, it would make such a lovely christmas one too. Think I'm going to be singing that song all day now.
Sue xx
Oh no Barbara you really would not want me to start singing not a good experience for anyone listening. Just terrible. Hubby has a lovely voice, used to be a choirboy in Tewkesbury Abbey. The tag is beautiful and with a different sentiment would be great for Christmas. Just love it when you create these lovely scenes from a blank piece of card. Wonderful. xx
Hi Barbara,
You really don't want to hear me singing, that's just for in the car or shower 🙂
Love todays artwork, a lovely scene.
Thanks for sharing your artistic talents, x
fantastic landscape. You are so, so creative. Slowly getting there but it is slow.
you've certainly got me singing barbara! wonderful xx
Hi Barb,
This is so atmospheric. I agree with previous bloggers who say this would make a great Christmas (ooh wash my mouth out) card!
Wish I could say I remembered my dad or granddad singing this, but unfortunately I remember joining in when we went to the "ABC Minors" at the local flea pit in the 1940's after the war!!
My brother liked the 3 Stooges but I liked Laurel & Hardy – by the way Stan Laurel was born up here in the North East, I think it was in North Shields which is only a few miles from Newcastle.
Have a good day everyone xx
Ha! My Nan was from Southshields. x
P.S. Well, there you go, I've just checked and he was born in Ulverston, Cumbria – so just ignore me as much as you like, I obviously know nothing about anything!! x
He lived in Bishop Auckland and went to school at king James 1 grammar school. There's now a statue of him in the town. Only 6 miles from me. Love Alison xx
Beautiful I love using blue fabulous tutorial xxx
Love this, looks so tranquil and yes I thought it would make a great …………. card too. Thanks jx
Your work is always so inspiring, but as with all other things every so often something comes along that really sings ~~~ this {for me} is one of those things. I truly love it. Thank you for the inspiration.
yay!! forth time lucky. Must use my gelli for stamping. Re watched your video on you tube last night for trees and their mantles, must have been a sign!
Wonderful scene and I am singing! xx
Lovely piece of art. Wish I could get the song out of my head though-hubby getting annoyed now!!! Thanks, Jan
Such a beautiful scene created on the tag. And I agree with Lynne, with a different sentiment, it would be perfect for Christmas! Great use of stamps on the Gelli Plate again. I attempted the trees and their reflections using the Gelli plate the other week. I wasn't entirely happy with it, but used my fourth attempt on my dad's Father's Day card. He was very pleased with it. x
This tag is super Barbara, and that particular song is so well known, and tends to go round and round your head for ages after you have heard it! I can't wait to get my gelli plate so I can try some of these techniques out. Thank you for this. x
What a lovely treat at the end of a long day – this is lovely .
I'm loving the fact I can use my stamps with my Gelli plate as opens up a whole new side to things. Thanks again for your generous sharing of ideas and the reminiscence xx
Your tag is beautiful and quite masculine in the blue, very very nice and so simple.
Have fun
Love Denise x
beautifully crafted in my fave colour. yes i also think this could easily double up as a christmas card, hugs xx
Lovely tag, got to have a go at this x