How much Pizza can one girl eat ???
Friday’s Blog a Private Peek,
so I have a confession to make…
I have had to eat so much Pizza over the past few years,
dare I admit this…
said quietly,
so nobody hears it…
that I am about to squeeze myself into Spanx
(although I don’t imagine these two pictured here have ever even smelt Pizza, let alone tasted it!)
Anyway, back to Pizza.
All sorts.
Not too fussed about the toppings,
although I do favour American Hot.
They have to be BIG though.
Sometimes, I have bought Pizza for all my friends, too,
so they can help me.
I hate eating alone.
And when the guys at work put in a late one,
I always order at least 7 large ones.
But there is a good reason….
We need the boxes!
We store all the fabulous Design Team’s samples
from each Stamp Kit in large Pizza Boxes.
Now if you honestly believe that we put
those beautiful masterpieces
in oily, used pizza boxes…
I do love Dominos though. Every time!
In fact, after all this banter about Pizza, I think
that’s what’s on the menu tonight!
Often a dilemma.
Here’s how I store my stamps, too.
All named and in rough thematic order.
Animals together, Christmas together, etc.
Dave and I have been planning storage solutions for you, too.
Check this out.
Clarity Folder with 10 really heavy duty ready-punched sheets of acetate, to store unmounted Claritystamps.
They’ll be ready and on the Website next week.
But I’ve saved the best till last.
You know all those lovely stencils you have been collecting?
Mine are all over the place!
I for one needed a storage solution..
Well, hats off to Dave for getting this organised.
Beautiful storage folders!
They fit the 7x7s, the 9x11s and the A4s.
12 sleeves, to house 12.
Or 24, depending on whether you double up and slip that lovely blue paper in between.
They are on the boat from Hong Kong. We really are doing a good impersonation of an International Company!
We flew some in to check Dave had measured them right,
and his Chinese is as good as he says it is.
And they are PERFECT!
So a big cheer for Dave AND the Chinese!
Will be here soon.
much love,
81 thoughts on “How much Pizza can one girl eat ???”
Oooh the stencil storage looks brilliant! Don't do the Spanx, Barb someone I know says it all comes out under your arms!!
Well it's got to go somewhere, I always say….
Just what I need. I have so many unmounted clarity stamps, and my collection of stencils are beginning to grow. I will defiantly be ordering both of theses. Well done.
Sally xx
Who are you defying, Sally? Predictive text has a lot to answer for. xx Maggie
Oops…You are right MaggieC…This has shown me that I should read what I write, before I press the 'Publish' button. Which I will DEFINITELY do in future. 🙂 Sally xx
It is when I am in bed at night using the Kindle. That is when I have a major problem with the spelling, and really need to check very carefully before pressing Post. That was where I discovered that you can edit FB posts but not Blogger comments. I am going to keep a list of the things it writes for me. xx Maggie
Pizza is not for me at all. There is very little I will not eat but pizza is one. However, it is interesting to see how you store all your things, and those folders for the stencils look a real winner. Well done to Dave for that. My stamps are all stored in Clarity boxes on shelves close to where I work. Each box is numbered and I stamp the image of every stamp in each box onto the piece of paper with the same number. Then each one is later scanned and put onto a database so I can find all my trees for example. Am I sad doing all that? Maybe, but I hope it will help me to.use all my stamps, and stencils. xx Maggie
PS I am not owning up to how many boxes of stamps there are. xx Maggie
Fantastic, a much needed solution
I love storage solutions for my crafty stash soooooooo much I'm always on the hunt and these look ideal and the folders for the unmounted stamps too. I am always so frightened I will lose some of the tiny ones, over Christmas I thought Jasper (the dog) had eaten one of my letterbox letters, I thought I'd have to ring up and say " Excuse me my dog's eaten my letter e" 🙂 great products, i'll be watching the website ….. bound to find other things to make up the amount xxx Annie
This is a very timely blog for me Barbara. These folders look great. I am desperate to get my crafty stash organised. My incentive? Hopefully I can make room for some more new stuff! Xxx
Looking forward to these folders Barbara. Xx
You had better get plenty in Barbara because these are going to disappear in no time. I was just looking for a better solution for my Stamps (as opposed to piled up in a box) I was going to sort them very soon!! And the Stencil holder, well just perfect! see through, washable, chuckable!! perfect. Thank you. xx
I laughed through your entire blog and think the storage folders are brilliant as I have all of mine in a pizza nope Clark's show box. Way to go Dave and the team, maybe we should have a trip to Hong Kong to,check,out the progress. Best Pizza Papa John's. I too store themed stamps in the old Clarity delivery boxes, better than pizza for the soul.
Love the looks the Storage folders. Where will they be available?? C&C??
They will be available on the Clarity website Rachel – http://claritystampchallenge.blogspot.co.uk/
Been trying to sort my stamps – these look ideal. Will be keeping a watch on the website as they'll fly!
With you on the pizza, my fave is P Express, no cheese! x
Been trying to sort my stamps – these look ideal. Will be keeping a watch on the website as they'll fly!
With you on the pizza, my fave is P Express, no cheese! x
I'll share a pizza with you any day! As for storage always an on going problem especially when your craft room is in the kitchen! It's under the table on the table finding it's way into some of the cupboards. Oh how I need a craft room ! Still until then all the little folders are a godsend so we can at least see what we have ! Well done Dave,
Hi Barb, what a laugh this morning, much needed. Good ol spanx, makes you feel like a trussed up chicken (or old bird – hehe, myself included). Storage solutions look fabulous. My folder with all my news letters and NDC's are near my desk, so it looks like I will be adding another folder soon, and can use the stencil folders in my hanging files. Well done Dave. Hope you have loads of stock. Love Pizza, but obviously Jacobs crackers too, as I have 27ish of their bright orange boxes with all my stamps in, marked by theme and a special Clarity one :-). Have a good Friday everyone. Bx
Dominoes create your own for me – mushrooms, ham and pineapple being among my favourite toppings! Storage is an issue and how wonderfully timely that Dave has got it sorted! I will be one to order without a doubt as I have run out of space – my stamps are in A4 plastic boxes but you can only get so much in them and then they get mixed up – stencils are stood on a shelf and I struggle with getting them in and out of their plastic wrappers! so whoop whoop and full steam ahead from China!!!! xx
What fantastic storage solutions. I will have to add these to my wish list for when I am paid as I am starting to amass Quite a few Clarity stamps and stencils.
You must have ready mind been looking around for what best to store all my lovely unmounted stamps so will wait a week till they come on web site and stencil covers so excited can get organised thanks xxx
Spanx are fab with slinky dresses. A few years ago I knew it was time to lose weight when I couldn't get mine on anymore! lol
I'd love to root through all of those boxes. The new storage looks great too Barb. x
Storage is always an ongoing tussle in my craft room. In reality I need the house & the rest of the family should relocate to the shed ! Looking forward to checking out your solutions…. & family members are relieved & unpacking as we speak !
So love the idea of the storage folders. Now, if only Dave could arrange an extra room for me so I could store all the storage!
Want ………….. Need some of all of the above! Pizza, spanx, extra storage etc. I have been keeping my stamps in the boxes they come in from C&C but with ever dwindling space and an ever growing collection the folder will be perfect! Looking at the pictures I think you should have play days in your craft room. All those stamps……. just imagine………….. ooooooooooo………….. Anyway I suppose I should get my boat out and get ready to float to work! Xx
Will definitely have to buy some of this storage. Desperately needed is the stencil storage ! Well done Dave !! x
Great storage solutions but pity the stencil storage couldn't have been sourced in the UK. There must be some small companies who would be glad of the business, Barb.
Hi Barb,
What a fabulous idea and thank you and Dave. I have been desperate for storage for my stamps especially. I now have so many Carity mounted & uncounted stamps that I just have no room for them. I have now resorted to peeling them very carefully off the mounts and then gently removing the sticky off them ,so that I can store them in storage boxes (crates), so these folders will be great. Love the stencil folders too. Hope you have got a massive stock of both because they are going to fly off the shelves. Off to Newcastle now – will think of you as I walk past the Spanx in the shops. Now that's a picture! Love Alison xxx
That should read mounted and unmounted ( although they are uncounted too!) Alison xx
I LOVE Pizza and I LOVE storage solutions! I have coeliac disease so my pizza has to be gluten free and Dominos do that now! I have a great recipe for a fast pizza base for pizza emergencies, though! All my crafting stash is kept in themed 12×12 clear boxes, everything for that theme is in the box; papers, embellishments, stamps, etc. Some of the the themes I have are Floral/Trees, Heritage/Vintage, Elvis/Beatles/Rock n Roll, 1950s, etc. However, its hard to keep all the stamps together so a nice folder with them in would be cool and I could stamp the images onto a sheet of paper to put in the themed box! Fab!! Have a good Friday! Helen x
I hate pizza ,if i have some its only a piece ,dont like it!! love the way u store stuff ,mine are in boxes they came in some are in plastic drawers ,would love some of the storage folders though
Pauline xx
If there is one thing I love almost as much as stamps and stencils it is storage! Great looking products. Now on to pizza, Dominos get my vote too. My favourite is Texas BBQ thin crust (large of course!) x
All my Clarity stamps etc are in a large container at the moment so I can't wait for these storage solutions to be available. I'll still have to store them in alphabetical order though, I just can't help myself. Well done Dave.
Regards Shirley G
I lurve pizza ! Before I hit 30 I could eat and eat (hollow legs) but now not so lucky lol.
Love the new storage ideas, the acetate sheets are a must, I have taken to temporarily storing my 7×7 stencils in a empty ferreo rocher box (that was yummy emptying that). I recently took a wooden shelving unit apart and then decided the shelves were perfect for my mounted stamps, I'll put a picy on the clarity Fb page later, got to dash xx
Storage….fantastic news x
You really had me going with Pizza box storage solution for a moment there but the real one is a much better idea and I can´t wait to get my hands on them.
You´ve got my taste buds working with talk of Pizza and it might be on the menu tonight. Love the 4 cheese one.
Love Val x
Well done clarity…storage solution sorted! My stamps are all in big plastic boxes, no craft room I use the table or my lap. So no order to my stash but ever hopeful for a craft room one day. Joan x
I NEED….NEED…NEED…..these ……oh I love storage and these look perfect….well done Dave….a big pat on the back….but please save me some….and yes I really do get excited about storage….!!!!! Well it is the weekend…… Have a Good Friday……hugs….Jo. xxx
You could hang your tassels on them Jo 😉 xx
I keep hearing about Jo's tassels, but no idea what that is all about. Possibly a good thing? xx Maggie
Storage solutions are always need by the crafter, soooo much stash. I like the folders, will keep an eye out for them. Good luck with the Spanx!
Oh Barbara! All that talk of pizza and I've been on a diet for months and months….. I would just love a slice. Love the look of the stencil storage, hope they're in your shop soon. Pat x
Another great idea from the Clarity team, keep them coming 🙂 xx
Looking forward to the stencil folders, mine are all in the larger size 'Clarity' postage boxes. Never thought about Pizza boxes, but I really need a larger study! Maybe I'll turf my husband out of the study and send him to one of the sheds! Then I'd have more space – dream on, Pam he'd never leave the warm study!
Great storage ideas from you and Dave. Will definitely be looking out for them. 🙂 xx
Oh my I do believe you have been reading my mind (I know fairly dangerous) but I was just thinking the other day I really need something to store these in safely. Looking forward to them arriving already 🙂
Right. We have loaded the Claritystamp Folders with Acetate onto the Website, under New In. Had no idea they would be so popular! The Stencil folders will be here in 3 weeks time. So that will give you ample time to sort your stamps out first! X xx
Oooh so pleased about the stencil storage I store mine on skirt coat hangers, the ones with clips at the end.
Yours is a much better idea can't wait
Will be looking out for the stencil storage bags as mine are getting in a jumble, not that I have got loads, I've only just started collecting them!
I also love storage Solutions. Perfekt! Have a wonderful day. LOve
Really looking forward to seeing your storage solutions. Great!
Mmmmmmm yum I'll share a pizza with you anytime Barbara.
The new storage solutions look great especially the stencil storage
Jackie x
Fantastic storage idea all my clarity is in a big deep peter rabbit storage box got my clarity club folder and bought acetate but it has not got punch holes in so the new folders will be great .will be ordering stencil folders as soon as available thanks clarity for more great products to buy and now im going to keep my boxes too .
Hi Barbara. Have you managed to get..ahem…everything tucked away in roughly the right place? If you have managed to get your Spanx on you will know what I mean : )) Don't you just love the models these companies use! As if we believe the pictures, like you say, they have never tasted pizza. a feast to them is, no doubt, having an extra grape or two! Jealous, me….never 🙂 Actually I was just about 7 stone for a few years due to a undiagnosed bowel problem (sorry, too much info ) and I hated every minute, and not just because I felt so ill but I knew I looked awful. Now I am nearer 11 stone, mainly due to some of the meds I am on, would like to lose a bit but much prefer to look like I do now! I find that loose tops hid a multitude of sins anyway : ) I am not just saying this but I always think that you wear lovely clothes Barbara so leave the Spanx in the box and don't worry! On to the storage, well done that man! Dave has come up with some brilliant storage. Have a good weekend. Take care.
What a timely innovation, as my craft room is next on the list for a declutter – which really means, keeping everything and trying to organise it a bit better, so that it takes up less space and John thinks I have got rid of stuff!!!!
So pleased that you are sorting stencil storage for us Barbara. I have been wondering what to do with mine as I'm reorganising at the moment. Is there any chance you will be selling the blue paper too? I've used all of mine from my stencils so far n projects – it's beautiful!
Hi all, wow great idea Dave I have mmm afew stencils… they get abit tangled. However my mounted stamps are all neat on a hanging airer. But I will need a 2nd one soon.
As for my pizza ham, chicken, mushrooms and xtoms.
PS looking forward to bluetits!
Thank you all at C S.
I hope you've ordered lots of the stencil folders. I think Dave may have just invented the ideal storage for cutting dies too! Nothing else like this available on the market.
That sounds like a good idea, Fi. Obviously, I shall need more of those stencil folders than I thought. xx Maggie
Great idea! I've had bother with my stamps on the handles. kept very neatly in boxes but if they get stuck together bits fall off 🙁 I've been taking them all of the handles and storing them in little bags to stop this from happening but this is the perfect solution! Top of my list of purchasing at the SECC in March 🙂
great storage solutions and pizza does sound good for tea xx
Great storage ideas. Barbara – stencil one is needed otherwise I can see them getting damaged.
I have a tiny craft room so. Need all the help I can get!
I have swooned with envy – all those lovely pizza boxes filled with Clarity stamps! I would be in heaven if I could spend an hour there!
You do not need Spanx! You are not fat or wobbly Barbara, believe me I know about those things!
Fab new storage solutions – thanks to you all! x
I use a Claritystamp folder at the moment. It is a fantastic way to store the unmounted stamps (which seem to be multiplying all the time). The stencil storage is a brilliant idea and will certainly be placing an order for this. You constantly amaze me Barbara. xx
Can't wait for the stencil storage to arrive, just what I need. Having home made naan bread pizzas for tea (we are convinced they are healthier than ordinary ones but just as gorgeous)
If you need Spanx goodness only knows what I need. A Spanx bodysuit possibly. Storage is always a problem, I only have a small craft area but better than nothing, stencil folders will be useful as I have to be tidy. So well done Dave, only told hubby this morning that my Clarity wish list was growing. He took it quite well, probably hiding bank card as we speak. I usually make my own pizza, but youngest son has just moved back home and he is a fan of Dominoes. Reckons it is good hangover food. Hope you managing to stay dry Barbara. Best wishes Lynne xx
Great idea can't wait for stencil and stamp storage to arrive – well done Dave.
Love the stencil storage idea. Will each folder come hole punched so they can be filed and organised in a lever arch file? I keep mine in a big 12" clarity box that one of my orders arrived in 🙂
You must be a mind reader Barbara, I've been wondering what to do about storing my stamps for a while now as my present system it heaving! x
You do not need Spanx!!! Great idea for the storage, looking forward to seeing them. Jx
well i have been storing the stamps on acetate for some time now. i use the folder i got as part of my welcome pack when i joined ndc and i have been buying the heavyweight acetate from clarity. i have also removed most stamps off their handles as storage was becoming an enormous problem seeing i have 100s. it's a very good system. can't wait for stencil storage xx
Brilliant ideas on storage solutions I'm always keen on anything that can save space and keep things tidy.
Some good ideas for storage Barbara, and will come in very handy I'm sure. I don't have a tremendous amount of stamps at the moment so I keep mine in plastic boxes in cello bags with the sheet showing which stamps they are facing outwards. Obviously the more you have then the more organised you need to be to be able to find them easily. I to love pizza, and it's something my DH and I eat when we have to go out in a hurry in the evening. x
Ooh, looking forward to the storage things, as I'm not a lover of Pizza. Am I the only one who doesn't like them? It's the cooked cheese – ugh.
Great they are on my wish list , which is getting longer each day lol!
Love & Hugs
Jacquie J xxx
Always happy to have a solution to a storage problem so am looking forward to getting my hands on some of these little beauties. All i need now is a foot aimed at my posterior to propel me into sorting mode. Time for a de-stash methinks, well those things not clarity i hasten to add ;-))
What a brilliant idea. Love all your boxes clearly labeled and very orderly.I am in awe.Hugs Debbie x
I love pizza too. Buy it for my boys but always manage to sneak a slice of it myself 🙂 Loving all your storage and the new products look great…well done Dave x
I might as well hand over my credit card – I've ordered the files for the stamps. Currently got some stencils in a a couple of scrapbook albums I haven't used! storage is the most difficult thing as once I've stored it I forget it (well I don't forget IT but forget where I've stored IT and move on to the newest thing…….