I’m a Blogging Virgin….

I’m a Blogging Virgin….

Well, here goes. Working my way around this new Blog is much like wandering round Sainsbury’s blindfolded. I think I have been down a different aisle, but keep ending up at the same place, the Cheese counter. 
Ever the optimist, I will carry on writing, even though the probability of this ever actually getting saved and posted is about as likely as me getting back into those size 12 skinny jeans I used to wear way back when.
It’s like everything new, I guess. Learning to blog is like learning to do anything: the level of success will be in direct proportion to the amount of effort, time and energy I am prepared to give it. When I look around, in Blogland, there are so many clever people, and I think I should be able to do this! But I must tell you, this isn’t my first attempt at starting a Blog. Oh no! I reckon I must have at least 3 skeleton blogsites, sitting all forlorn and forgotten. Just never knew what for, where and how! But this time, it’ll be different, I promise….

71 thoughts on “I’m a Blogging Virgin….

  1. Hello Barbara, Welcome to Blogland! Looking forward to your posts (although I don't know how you are going to find the time….such a busy lady). Liking the background. 🙂

  2. Welcome Barbara, I'm sure you'll grasp the art of blogging quickly. Loved ur class last weekend with Martyn Parker. He was chuffed to bits with his stamping, bless him. He had a good teacher in you though. Good Luck, Love, Chrissie xx

  3. Morning Barbara good to have you with us in Blogland. If it's any help I use the blogger App on my iPad for most posts – just tap and you're away. It's really easy to add photos from the App too.
    Loving your background. Till your next post, Bye x

  4. Woo hoo! Great to have you in blogland Barbara!!! I'm sure you'll get to grips with it this time!! And you've got friends who will help out if you need any help and guidance with it!!!!

  5. Wey Hey welcome to blogland,no doubt you will be a past master in no time at all. I can't figure out why it has taken until this morning to appear on my fb timeline —but I have caught up now lol xx

  6. Fantastic! Lovely to see you in blogland Barbara. You'll soon get the hang of it. ….. and if you get stuck there are loads of peeps here to help. Looking forward to seeing what you are up to. Good luck. xxx

  7. Welcome to Blogland Barbara. I love your Gelli background – very appropriate! I hope you have as much fun writing yours as I do mine. I look forward to reading it. x

  8. Hello Barbara and welcome to blog land. I know it isnt easy to start a blog. (And keep it up) there are some pretty fab blogs out there and I always feel mine is lacking compared to theres but like you say it takes time and effort to master. I much prefer to put my time and enery into crafting. As long as the blog works thats the main thing . Look forward to following.x

  9. Welcome to Blogland Barbara….a virgin no more….you will soon get the hang of it….and we all help each other anyway….looking forward to following you …..x

  10. Hi Barbara and welcome to this land called Blog!! I have become a follower and look forward to reading your future posts and seeing your gorgeous creations
    Dense xx

  11. Welcome to Blogland, Barbara. I love your background, and look forward to reading your posts. It will be like extra newsletters to add to the gems we get once a month. It is a wonderful place to find help too. Have fun, and today is perfect day for that if you log on to have a look at the workdesks on show each Wednesday at http://stamping-ground.blogspot.co.uk/. xxx Maggie PS I shall be following you

  12. Welcome to Bloggyland it's THE place to be .. your blog is looking lovely instantly recognisable with its lovely arty gelli plated background … you'll have to carry on now, Barbara look how many comments and followers you've already collected , all waiting with bated breath 🙂 xxx Annie Mehew

  13. Great to have you in blogland Barbara. Your home page looks lovely and I,m really looking forward to all your news and projects. GOOD LUCK xx Jennie Pattison xx

  14. So Barbara welcome to Blogland, I remember being in this very position a few years ago. Its like a mini adventure the more you discover the more exciting it is, and with me, when I actually got a follower well I couldn't believe it!!! So your next step? you need to follow a few Blogs and they follow you right back, of course in your case I think you already have a few hundred followers waiting to find out you have a blog! so you could probably just sit tight! Sam xx

  15. Hi Barbara *waves* and welcome to the land of Blog!!! I'm so looking forward to reading all future posts and seeing all your fabulous creations.
    Huge Hugz, Lorraine xx

  16. Well hello there… and welcome in blogland. YOU.CAN.DO.IT!!! Promise! I started a blog 5 years ago and look where I am now… (Oh wait, you don't know of course… but I save that story for another time… that is, if you decide to stick around in blogland…) Enjoy your week and a hug from Holland!

  17. Keeping your blog going is just like writing a diary except that once you post it the whole world can see it. But it is fun and a good way to connect with other crafters and once you get into the habit of it I am sure that you will enjoy it. And if you do have some spare time you can always add two or three days posts at one time and then schedule them to go out on the days you want. Have fun and there is a wonderful community in Blogland and lots of people …me included … that are always willing to help out xx

  18. Yeah welcome to Blogland- I am now following you so you MUST blog now lol As you say " One day at a time" Reminds me of me lol little and often as and when the time allows- Im a newbie following you after meeting you at Weestpoint the other week.:) So looking forward to seeing your ideas

  19. Very in-teresting………… that's cause i have only just started reading people's blogs, would have no idea about doing one… leave that to others, will look forward to it very much. I shan't forget westpoint this year either was great having you.

  20. Not anymore you're not !! Once you dip your toe in Mrs that's it ….. lol Hope you enjoy learning Barbara, but it should be fairly easy for you to get to grips with afterall you have plenty of people nearby who I am sure will be more than happy to help if you should run into difficulties xx

  21. Well, I for one, am glad that after so many attempts you have finally made it to the land of blogs, Barbara. In my experience, the real problem is finding the time to write the posts but then there's the fun part – reading all the comments … 65 so far and still counting 🙂 Hope to see you in Glasgow too. Elizabeth xx

    PS: love your Gelli plate print blog wallpaper.

  22. Hello Barbara, welcome to the Bog… I mean blog!!!! I started a blog back in Jan, and was great at the start, but not so much now, maybe i'll be more inspired now to be a more frequent blogger 😉 I do love getting your monthly newsletters, so it will be lovely to be able to read more about the adventures here. Looking forward to blogging along. xx Claire

  23. Glückwunsch liebe Barbara zu Deinem Blog! Freu mich ganz dolle auf den direkten Kontakt! Hatte Dich neulich kontaktiert wegen "Zentangle auf den Heißluftballons"
    Einen schönen Sonntag und herzliche Grüße die Eva

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