My very first Blog project!

My very first Blog project!

Well, here goes!
So often, I get asked to show the technique using Perfect Pearls on double-sided adhesive. So, I thought it would be a good one to start this new bloggy adventure with. You can follow the pictures, whilst I try to figure out how to load them!  Mind you, darling Maria Simms has been showing me the ropes, so let’s see if it works!

Take an A6 sheet of double-sided adhesive and peel off the Clarity paper
Lay it back down to leave half the adhesive sheet exposed

Ink up the tall trees stamp with black Archival

Stamp directly onto the adhesive sheet,
repositioning the Clarity paper closer to the image

Place an A6 piece of Clarity card over the top

Flip the whole piece over

Cut the spare half of adhesive and wax paper
off with a scalpel for another project, another day

Using the craft scalpel, score along all the line art
you can see through the orange paper
Even do the outer edges. i.e. the entire stamped image
Now comes the best bit!
Peel away the orange paper sections, starting at the bottom
Add Perfect Pearls mica powder with a paintbrush,
mixing the colours to get different shades
Keep peeling away a piece of wax paper at a time,
painting the sections with the mica powder shades
Change the colours for the trees and consider light and shade as you go
Do one area at a time, lightly cleaning and wiping
with a tissue in between sections
This looks a lot harder than it is. In fact, I would argue that loading
these pictures onto this blog was 10 times more difficult and I could
probably have completed a set of 10 cards in the same time!
When you get to the sky, use the white pearl mica
powder before you do anything else. Clouds first.
Mix the white pearl with a tiny amount of
Forever Blue to add contrast to the clouds
When the centre is finished, peel away the border and add mica
powder around the edge, too.

Now the system has crashed, and before I lose all my work, and walk away frustrated and feeling stupid from Blogland once again, I am going to post this finished or not! I would love to show you the finished effort; maybe Maria will bail me out here!
Anyway, you get the drift I hope!

54 thoughts on “My very first Blog project!

  1. Well done Barbara. I know how you feel, I call on my Son to bail me out when I get stuck uploading things onto my blog.
    Looking forward to seeing many more, so don't give up.
    Sally x

  2. This is great Barbara well laid out and easy to understand but are you psychic? Why I ask is that I was looking for something in a drawer and I found 3 Christmas images stamped on double sided left from last year and I have left them on my table to finish off …spooky.

  3. Welcome to blogland, I hope you enjoy blogging and I will pay a visit as often as I can, I love your products and your tutorials. Todays card is just so Clarice Cliff looking love the trees. hugs Shirleyxxxx

  4. I can hear you chuntering at that wretched technology, but I love the demo and yet another way to use those trees and many other stamp sets. When I find enough desk, I will have a go at that one. Thank you. xx Maggie

  5. Fab project. A whole new way of educating us all the Clarity way. 🙂 No wonder you are proud of this. ….all those photos must have taken an age to load. Thank you for persevering!!! Wonderful results.
    Sharon xx

  6. Yay, so chuffed you've got your own blog, gonna be great to see step by step instructions for your techniques and card inspiration. Looking forward to learning so much from you Barbara.

  7. What a great first "Blog" Barbara, great step by step instructions. Can't believe that we can now get more "Barbara Gray" Demo's…….you just keep giving and giving, thankyou xxx

  8. So happy you have started a blog, don't know where you get the time or energy, but would love some. This is only the second blog site I have joined and don't know really what I'm doing. I tried to upload my picture but the thing just kept buzzing round and round for about 15 mins, tried again and same thing and then I couldn't find my name on your list so not sure what I'm doing wrong, help anybody please. Look forward very much Barbara to this new venture of yours. Thank you for sharing your talents. xxx

  9. Barbara after a fantastic weekend on C&C now we have you on a blog. what more could we ask for? Barbara Grey in any form is great by me. I will look forward to reading your blog again.

    Hugs Sue

  10. Thank you, thank you. I am not able to record your tv shows so being able to access your demos again and again via your blog is wonderful. No more being reliant on my dodgey memory! And yes blogger can be very frustrating at times but please persevere.
    Thanks again

  11. Love your new blog, great ideas and instructions as always. Lovely to see you at both Harrogate and Doncaster. I too have just set up a blog. I have no idea what I'm doing! Anyone out there how do I get my photos from the iPad onto the blog? Help!

  12. Love this step by step guide. I have bought this stamp and just need to buy some perfect pearls before I can have a go at this project. keep up the good work of inspiring us all Barbara x

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