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Tag: Groovi Step by Step

Sending a little note……

Sending a little note……

Hi everyone. Today has been a mixed day weather-wise. Wind, rain, sunshine and rainbows. So I have spent all day inside, sorting out, tidying up, having an afternoon nap and doing some prep for my TV shows on the 28th at 8am & 12pm (yes, I know I am a tease!) Today I thought I would share a step-by-step with you of a card that I showcased on Hochanda last Saturday during the 2pm show It was made using the…

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Groovi TV Snowflakes Step by Step.

Groovi TV Snowflakes Step by Step.

Hi there! Thanks for popping in. I only just got home myself! After a very busy morning at the studios, (busy is a bit of an under-statement!) I went to Mum and Dads for lunch,  and spent the afternoon chatting with them. Loved it. They are such smashing people. So while Dave is looking for a good film for us to watch, I have shot upstairs to chat to you and share the first demo from today’s TV show. I…

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