P for People – Q for Queue
Hi there
I simply cannot believe that a whole week has gone by since I last wrote a blog! That’s bonkers! Just thought I’d pop in and post a pic of our make in the SHAC this morning, and there it was! Last Monday’s make staring at me! Ah well. No point in fretting. I guess it’s been a busy few days!
It was evident that my fellow SHACKERS really enjoyed letting their hair down, and doodling those little people with the Brush pen. So much so, that I decided we should have another session, but put a different spin on it. You know how it is – often, when you go back and revisit, you improve your stroke, so to speak!
So, last week, we actually – dare I play this card – did P for People AND Q for Queue!

There, having neatly circumnavigated the letter Q, we doodled this little heart today…

Just in case you would like to learn the doodle process, here’s the link to the SHAC recording:
It’s a proper Live step by step, which you can fast forward, if you want to whistle past the banter and the chat. Depends what you want from the SHAC.

Have a great week! I will endeavour to blog more often. Will definitely be in the SHAC on Thursday at 7pm. For another Flowery colouring session and a get together.
Love always,
Barb x x x
25 thoughts on “P for People – Q for Queue”
loved watching you do these we people
I’ve not tried them yet but I definitely will try, I help to run a we Group called The Cosy Club it’s for 50s × we go there on Thursdays I think our we ladies would love trying these out they will definitely get a good laugh and that’s what our club is all about fun and company for a few hours gives them something to look forward to every Thursday
I love hearing that you do this to help others. Together is better xxx
I’ve loved seeing these ‘people’ come to live, haven’t done them myself yet though ! Good idea to use it for Q too! I was wondering if you were going to turn them into animals ! I wouldn’t worry about a week going by, it goes so quick these days working or not ! Enjoyed the weekend shows and look forward to seeing my name in Groovi! Have a good evening, hope the builders have finished ! X
Thanks for always being there Jackie! X
Hi Barbara, Thank you for this morning’s Shac: a great chat and a fun project! I hope to have a go at this (when I can locate my mountboard shapes).
I don’t know if it was a total coincidence or if you were already aware that February is ‘Heart Month’. Not only that, but your “Together is Better” sentiment chimes exactly with the British Heart Foundation’s reference to “the impact we can make when we act together”. Amazing!
We’ll blow me down with a feather! I did not know that! People have often said I’m a witch! 😀😀😀
These are so cool. when I find a moment I will defo be having a go!
lots of love and don’t forget to mind your P’s and Q’s.
Clever navigation Barb.
love and hugs.
P and Q’s! Yes. Thanks for the reminder. Will talk about that on Monday in the SHAC xxx
Love these little doodle people. I’ll watch the shows back and have a go myself x
Hi Sue xx Hope you are well xx
Really enjoyed P for people although my little people have such long arms! I couldn’t stop laughing and it was good to laugh. Thank you Barb for another lovely hour x
Enjoyed this morning in the SHAC, I just need to finish my heart off but will do that asap. I need to go back & watch the bit that I missed whilst I went upstairs to get my stamp board hearts. I think I have added all the elements just running a couple of minutes behind but then I was also trying to keep up with the chat !!
Hope you had a successful afternoon catching up with business stuff & that you managed to avoid the noise of the builders xx
What a great way to start a weeks holiday at home. I’m looking forward to playing some more tomorrow with this idea. Thank you.
Thank you so much Barbara for your session this morning .I really enjoyed following on from last weeks idea .
What makes Clarity stand out is that you care about us .You were sharing and teaching and not trying to sell anything for the sake of it .Appreciate that you point us in the direction of some really cool products and allow us to make choices .!All the while enjoying your company and chat .xxx.
I really, really loved last week and this weeks Shac sessions. Nothing too complicated for my artistically challenged brain just really relaxing, go with flow & work with what you’ve got vibes. I even surprised myself xxxx
These people were such fun! I love using the brush pen. I’ve been using it to draw 3D black and white drawings too. X
Had a GP appointment this morning so had to watch this morning’s episode on catch-up. Tomorrow will be the same as I have a dental appointment.
As always I really enjoyed today’s Shac and appreciate all the time and effort you give us.
As I was watching you draw, I did a Ken, and started singing (in my head as I truly can’t sing): I’d like to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony etc. and thought, wouldn’t that be wonderful if we really could all live in true harmony: I fear though, that the lust for more and more wealth and more and more power amongst the political and spiritual leaders and law makers of the world, means that equality and harmony is unlikely any time soon but, surprising, I remain hopeful.
Trust you managed to get done the things on your afternoon’s to do list.
Thank you Barbara for another fabulous blog. I watched the SHAC on replay Monday morning ( my time) – unfortunately, missed the live as it is the middle of the night where I am.
A inspiring, fun and great way to start my day- I never “whistle past the banter and chat” even though I am too late to participate. I love the chat, etc as I create. “Q”ue with little people is a brillant idea- thank you!. I love the stamp board shapes. I am loving the little people- mine need some TLC but I am excited to keep doodling, colouring, etc. This is a great on-the-go activity. I admire how thoughtful you were to your little people as you were doodling their clothing and hair 😀.
Your handwriting and printing is great- do you have any tips or techniques to improve handwriting or printing? Better Together on your little people heart is perfect.
Hello Barb, loved watching the doodling of this lovely little heart. It so uplifting reading everyone’s comments on how much they enjoyed the doodling. Take care everyone. Bx
Hi Barbara, I really enjoyed the show and will try out the heart doodle.
Many thanks
Janet cummings x
I watched most of the programme and will catch up with the rest today. Been away for 5 days so am a bit behind. But what fun and such a good idea. Hope the workmen finish soon. I couldn’t hear them if that makes you slightly relieved.
Love these little folk! I need to find a spare hour (or two…) to have a go at this 😍
Lovely artwork – such fun!
Love your blog and check every day but understand you are sometimes too busy for it. There are only 24 hours in a day and we can’t pack everything in.
Missed the SHAC yesterday as we spent most of it at the hospital for hubby’s eye op. Will have to watch on catchup when I am less cream crackered and can enjoy it.
Can’t believe it’s February already, time goes by so fast, blink and another month has passed.
The mini makes are just right for me at present, they are a wonderful idea. Hoping the Groovi mini’s will arrive soon.