Friday Parchment Party!
Hi there
Thanks for popping in. It’s that time of year again!
Black Friday is a-looming on the horizon ( although we like to call it Gray Friday – much friendlier sounding!). It’s always a very busy time at Clarity, because as you may or may not know, our Annual Sale is a blanket sale, across everything (except anything new that’s been launched in the month of November). Not only that, but when we sell out of a thing, we actually make more if we can, to honour the special prices. This leads to loads of orders piling up, which we plough through as fast as we possibly can.
In a bid to spread the load, we are pressing the soft launch button TODAY, starting with Parchment!

If you’re Groovi fans or Pergamano people, Parchment is one of those things which you NEED. We have a wonderful selection of plain and coloured parchment. Top quality at a very fair price – and it just got better!
Click here to stock up on your parchment. Or just go to www.claritycrafts.com and type Parchment in the search box. There are beautiful tones and hues available, not to mention my favourites, the designer parchment.

Look out for our rolling sale, as we add more offers every few days…
Love always,
Barb x x x
6 thoughts on “Friday Parchment Party!”
Thank you, Barbara xx
I will have to check my stock of parchment, I did make a list of all my parchment earlier in the year, so hopefully that will help. My lovely club goodies arrived yesterday, a lovely surprise when I got back from work. Thank you. xx
Thanks so much, Barbara. I’ll have a little top up. X
Must check my stash & top up where necessary whilst your offer is on. I also need to make a list of things I need/ would like ready for when the other offers appear. I could be there a while as my wish list grows every week as there is so much wonderful stuff to purchase/play with.
Have a good weekend everyone xx
Know I need a top up on a few colours so this sale is very welcome, thank you.
Hello Barb, well I may not be a Groover or Parcher, but still like parchment for use on cards, so may just mosey along and have a look. Can’t wait for Gray Friday to stock up as well. Take care and stay warm everyone. Bx