Children in Need

Children in Need

Hi there

Thanks for popping in. It’s that time of year again, when the entire nation steps up to the plate to show solidarity for the young vulnerable people in our society.

Here at Clarity, we also want to help, so this year here’s what we’re doing to raise funds…and YOU are a big part of this.

On Monday: we doodled a couple of very cool twiggy baubles together in the SHAC.

On Tuesday: I took the sketches into work and Jazz drew up a fab set of stamps and a cool Groovi Plate of our doodles.

On Wednesday: They made a load of both, cleaned and packed them. Even cut the masks for the stamps too.

On Thursday: I pitched the idea in the SHAC, and we started selling both the stamps and Groovi plate on our website in the evening.

Here’s the deal:

You buy these lovely arty stamps and/or Groovi plate at the full retail price, (sorry! no club discount).

We donate ALL profits from the sale of these two items to Children in Need.

And then, on Thursday 30th November at 6pm in the evening, we all get together in the SHAC, and have our own little Christmas Craftalong Party! You bring the mince pies and mulled wine, and I’ll provide the arty projects using these stamps and Groovi Plate.

So you not only get to donate to a VERY VERY VERY worthy cause, but you also get to own a fab new set of Clarity stamps and Groovi plate, which we will then use together in a FREE craftalong, masterclass (hahahaha) with Barbie!!

Of course, it goes on, doesn’t it. You could then make cards too, using them thar twiggy stamps n Groovi. Or give the stamps and plate to a crafty friend as a gift. I’ll be sure to show you some lovely quick makes which you can rustle up for gifts or charity.

There ya go! 4 days from pencil sketch to beautiful finished products.

With everything that is going on in the world, we may think it’s all way too big and powerful for the likes of us. What could we possible do to help? But together, we are much greater than the sum of our parts. Together we really CAN make a difference. Raising honest money for children in need is something you and we at Clarity CAN DO. So let’s.

Here are the products…




Over 50 SHACKERS donated yesterday, by the time we had finished our doodle in the SHAC! Over 50! That’s epic. Do you remember when we did the same for the UKRAINE with our Sunflower stamp and Groovi plate? We raised over £6,000 for that cause. That’s a lot of stamps and Groovi plates! So let’s pull together again. This one’s very close to home, but it’s unbearably real. We’ll continue to donate all profits from these designs, right up until the 31st December, 2023.

So come on! We’re such a nation of givers! And every little helps x

Don’t forget to join Paul this evening for the 7pm Craftalong on Facebook and Youtube. Lovely Grace will be joining him from Brooklyn too. We’re here to keep you company.

And just to be clear: ALL of the profit from these products goes to Children in Need. I’ll let you know how we all do…

Love always,

Barb x x x

16 thoughts on “Children in Need

  1. Mine ordered. Yes a very good cause. Really enjoyed our get together last night. My first one live. Hope to join you on the 30th. Hope Dave is feeling better. Take care.

  2. Fabulous Barbara , ordered mine last night during SHAC – Clarity and the Clarity family are just so kind and mindful of everything – thank you. please forgive me and I hope I am not stepping out of line, but I thought you said last night Christmas Craft along was on Thursday 30th November not December.
    Love all things Clarity, products, staff and all.
    Kind regards

  3. Couldn’t join in last night so have only just seen the appeal. This is such a great cause so have now ordered both stamp and groovi plate. Thank you for your generosity.
    Lynn x

  4. Looking forward to the Craft along party with the new baubles at the end of November. Items in my basket waiting for me to complete my order with some more of the other new items.
    I enjoyed finishing the bauble last night in the SHAC but the stamps & Groovi plate will speed up the batch making -don’t know where this year has gone to as I am nowhere near ready for the big day !!
    Hope Dave continues to improve – perhaps he needs a couple of Clarity elves as apprentices to help him carry on the method of printing to the next generation.
    Will pop in to the Craft along tonight to see what Paul has to show us & then watch Tina tomorrow on C&C. She is also doing a tag on Sunday for Alzheimer UK via her FB page at 2pm
    I will be also checking out the to see what Grace has lined up for us this weekend xx

  5. Hi Barbara, I’m gutted that I missed the craftalong last night but childminding duties always have to come first as I’m sure you understand- I Will however catch up over the weekend and will be placing an order.I have been following Vernon Kay’s progress on Radio 2 and have been blown away by the response and how much they have raised.It is such an important cause especially with the world as it is today and it does show how we pull together in these sad and difficult times. Thank you so much for your generosity Barbara and the clarity team.

  6. Had a lovely time last night & will be popping over to the website to place my order in readiness for the craft along at the end of the month. I really do enjoy the craft alongs spending a whole evening with like minded people doing something I enjoy. Hope Dave is feeling a bit better xx

  7. Thank you Barbara for shining some light into a troubled world . I was late joining the SHAC yesterday evening. However I managed to catch up and had a great time.
    I will also be purchasing some of the baubles. Well done to you, Steve and your TEAM in developing this so quickly and for such a worthy cause Children in Need.
    Thank you again. Xxx

  8. Wow, you don’t hang about do you? This is a wonderful idea and so good of you to get things going so quickly. You and your team rock. I will be placing my order tomorrow together with Linda’s set 6.
    I frequently miss the craftalongs and SHAC’s and so miss out on the news. Hope Dave is better and continues to improve.
    Take care.

  9. Morning Barbara, just read your blog and what a fab idea! I’m in. Also love the idea of a SHAC Christmas party but sadly I won’t be able to join you for that as I will be in Germany at that time and will be out that night. Really gutted! Sadly I haven’t been able to join you in the Shac for a while but hope to pop in again soon! How is Dave? Hope he feels better soon! Well, better get up and sorted. Have a lovely weekend. Alles Liebe. xxx

  10. I couldn’t join in on Thursday evening but just read your Blog, what a result! Great idea and am catching up and placing my order.

  11. What a great idea for Children in Need ,but like a lot of people I cannot watch the programme for long as I get too emotional but have just bought a set of your stamps . Also watched Paul on the groovi show and what a great tip for using the gel pens on the groovi plates . Thank you for your great ideas tips and kindness in giving the profits from your bauble stamps and groovi plates to a very worthy cause

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