The SHAC Rocks…

The SHAC Rocks…

Hi there

Thanks for popping in. Just want to shine a light on our SHAC, our wonderful Safe Happy and Creative group. It started on the first day of Lockdown in 2020, and it’s been going ever since. In the beginning when we didn’t know what was going on in the world, we stuck together every single day, and there were over 500 of us; nowadays there are still 200 loyal and lovely Shackers. We meet twice a week, Mondays and Thursdays at 10am on facebook LIVE. You can find the way into our LIVE sessions on our Facebook Page Claritystamp. You can also join in on our Claritystamp Youtube Channel, if you don’t do Facebook.

What do we do? Well, we doodle and colour in together, we chat, we laugh, we get deep and philosophical, and then we doodle some more.

The last couple of weeks we’ve been doodling on a sheet of Northern Lights Designer parchment. It’s quite amazing how we can change a single sheet of coloured parchment paper when we spend a couple of hours…

It’s not finished yet. There are still hours of play in them thar ammonites and starfish. But my point is this: It’s the simplest process imaginable, starting with a pencil swirl on paper and then building a pretty special work of art.

If you would like to follow the tutorials and catch up, you can. All our SHAC sessions are recorded. You can find them all HERE :



If you sometimes lose your mojo, or you feel a little lost or lonely, then this little group may be just the ticket for you. It’s FREE , it’s FUN and it’s FRIENDLY. Just hanging out together and keeping each other company.

If you’re one of the SHAC family, please leave a comment below. Let folks know we’re real and we care.

Love and Hugs

Barb xxx

60 thoughts on “The SHAC Rocks…

  1. Hello my fellow Shackers and any new Shackers that may have stumbled across our wonderful group of like minded people. A big shout out to our Bus driver Barbara Gray who’s guidance knowledge, time, laughter and tears have pulled many us through some very dark and uncertain times. We’ve laughed together, at each other and cried too. But what a wonderful gift we’ve been collectively given, Barbara Grays time and a sanctuary of on line friends, some of which have become great friends. If your uncertain of meeting people this way don’t be. We are all friendly humans that just want to give and receive joy by sharing. Sharing art, experiences, support and a sense of family and community. Barb you literally ROCK and so does this group.😍

  2. The SHAC kept me sane through the last two years and losing my mum, who was also a massive Clarity and Barbara fan. Thank you for being there for everyone who needs it.

  3. Hello , Love to have joined the group of shackers twice every week , listening to barbara’s stories and looking at the comments of all the other fellow shackers and doing some arty doodling besides that 😁
    Just stepping out of these not so nice times right now for an hour is really perfect… 🙋🏼‍♀️

  4. I think the Shac-shack should be prescribed on the NHS! It kept me sane and calm in early Lockdown (and gave me confidence that I can draw).
    I’m not able to join in regularly now but I’ll often just have it running in the background whilst I’m working, listening to Barb’s chat is very soothing to the soul. And I’m so glad that all the sessions remain available to catch up with when I get the chance.

  5. Love the shack from day 1. Don’t manage to catch it live very often now but try to watch in evenings. Sometimes just listening. Try most projects but don’t always get time to completely finish off.
    Always enjoy what I do accomplish. Thank you so much

  6. As a card maker, mainly die cutting and stamping, I have found so much inspiration from Barbara and the Shack. Now 73, I didn’t know I could draw until the Shack started and Barbara showed us how to break things down and build them up! Now I can add original artwork to my card making efforts! Sometimes life gets in the way of joining in the Shack live but I always manage to catch up later- don’t want to miss the tutorials or the banter! Thanks so much to the bus driver! Xx

  7. To anyone who’s thinking of joining the Shac it’s the best place ever. Barbara stories have had me in floods of tears,laughing until I cry but knowing that in times of sorry and not knowing what was going to happen the Shac was a godsend. We do also learn a lot well I have anyway before the Shac I would never have dreamt of posting my art work on line but thanks to Barbara ‘s teaching and encouragement and the likes and comments of other shackers I now feel quite comforable in doing so. So don’t think just come in in and say hello.

  8. Hi yes I was there on day 1, I don’t always join you live now, but I do watch every episode. I’d be lost without our lovely group, your end last chats and of course the artwork we create. Who can forget the gems, the mandalas and of the the feathered friends postcards that we coloured. Thanks for getting us through a pandemic and beyond. xxx

  9. Well I love the shac shac. You can watch live or you can catch up whenever. I have learnt so much. Found I could draw! But Barbara really encouraged us to try with just a piece of copy paper, a pencil and an eraser to begin with. It’s been fun all the way. Found loads of people in the same boat. You can be as anonymous as you want or you can join in the banter! It’s certainly something to look forward to each week. Thanks Barbara, Paul and all the others over the last two years. Hoping for many more 1 hour sessions!

  10. I love this great group and learnt so much through lockdown. Don’t manage to watch much now but I do so miss it! Dropped in this morning, such beautiful artwork!! Must get back!!!

  11. I’m on holiday in the North York Moors, but I’m still getting withdrawal symptoms cos t’interweb connection is shocking here!! I will be playing catch-up as soon as I’m back tomorrow (Friday). Missing you guys!! (but it is very lovely here!) xxx
    Debbie Lee ❤️

  12. The Shac Shac has really helped fill the days during lockdown and beyond!!!
    Who would have thought we’d still be joining Barbara for these Facebook lives over two years later.
    I remember how Barb would show us doodles and we’d all be commenting we couldn’t ever do that but we followed her and we did it. And the doodles became more and more complex and detailed and we loved them. And out of a lot of them came stamp and Groovi plate designs that added to our expanding craft collection. Just wonderful.
    Thank you Barbara for investing your time and energy into the Shac and I know it helps you too.
    I don’t always join in these days but I rarely miss the lives as it’s like having friends drop by.
    Lots of love to you and to all my Shac friends. Xxx

  13. Hip Hip Hurrah for the Shac! Apart from somewhere to be Mon-Fri at the start and now Mon & Thurs it’s also taught me so much. To be amongst friends with like minded crafty thoughts make such a difference and, for me, I would never have done the drawing/colouring I’ve done. Thanks so much for all the projects, there are a few later ones I haven’t managed yet but I know they’re sat waiting for me to go back to. Can’t wait to do this latest one though and it will be the next one I can do when I can fit it in amongst the cards I need to make! Thanks for everything Barb and Clarityteam and all the Shackers, long may we continue ! X

  14. The Shac Shac definitely rocks. All the way through lockdown I joined in daily. Now i try to watch on catch up as often as i can but i can truly say it kept my sister, my mum and i sane during lockdown and taught me skills i never thought i would be able to do. It’s well worth joining

  15. I felt so cut off from people during lockdown and the Shac kept me sane. Not just the doodling/colouring etc but the general natter. As Barbara has pointed out it helped all of us including her.
    I don’t always join in the task that Barbara is undertaking but will sometimes watch while doing some charity knitting or crochet. I have still applied what I have seen at some point to my Art Journalling (very basic) and card making though.

  16. I love the Shac, have watched every single one. It’s so good for me and for everyone else too. At the beginning could watch or join in almost every day live but this last year it’s more often on catchup. Have learnt so much and enjoy doodling and trying to emulate the wonderful ideas that Barbara comes up with. Something that I was convinced I could never do as was no good at art ,as I was told at school. It is so much fun. Barbara breaks it all down into simple to follow stages and I find I’m usuallly very happy with what I achieve. Come and join us. It’s a great place to be. Lots of laughs,occasionally a few tears but always fun.

  17. I love tuning into the SHAC i usually watch on catch up on YouTube and i look forward to it all day. Im into my groovi and i groovi along and listen to Barbara. She always makes me smile and i feel so good when i have spent an hour with her. Love the updates on what’s coming up too so i never miss anything.

  18. Well, where to begin! The Shac Shac ROCKS. Barbara Gray ROCKS!!
    I’ve watched every one, from the beginning, and I give thanks for every episode. Recently, I haven’t always joined in the projects ax I did at the beginning, not because I don’t want to, but because life is being a bit of a B…. at the moment! As I’m sure it is for a lot of us.
    The Shac definitely saved my sanity, alongside Groovi Tuesdays, TV demos, and blogs galore, not forgetting PJ parties.
    So, tune in, join in and become part of this amazing family.
    Thank you so much x x

  19. Hi Barb
    I have been with you since day one of the Shac but living in Canada I don’t get to watch live because of time difference and I bet there are a lot more then 200 who are with you but have watch later. Love spending the time with you
    Thank you for your time..and positive thoughts for your dad

  20. I didn’t find the Shac until a few days in, but I went back to the beginning and have watched every single one since….not always live but it’s always a bonus when I CAN watch them live. I tried explaining to Barbara at the open days in Ditton exactly what the shac had done for me, but I got a bit tongue tied when I met her and didn’t explain it very well!! In lockdown it was such a comfort and something to look forward to. I have laughed (A LOT) and cried too. Some episodes I have watched multiple times! The one on Christmas day 2020 is a favourite. It never fails to lift me up when Im feeling sad. Dave’s face when Barbara is trying to speak with a face full of mince pie is just hilarious. I’m no artist….far from it! And to be honest I just tune in to watch and listen, I don’t usually participate in the actual “doing”. Thank you, thank you, thank you Barbara. You really have made such a difference to me personally x

    1. Well said, Liz. I agree the Christmas episode is classic. I often go back and watch ‘my favourites’ just to cheer myself up.
      Barbara is so special, a one off, and I think we all agree she has made a difference to all our lives, and I don’t think she realises just how much.
      Take care. Keeeep watching!

      1. Me too I think Barbara is a star, a treasure. I doodle a bit but not much more than that but just love listening to Barbara’s stories she has lived such an interesting life

  21. The SHAC Shack has kept me sane and grounded. We have laughed and we have cried together. I have tried things I never dreamed I could do and my colouring has improved beyond recognition. I have encouraged others to join and will continue to do so. I feel safe, happy and in great company. Even if I don’t feel crafty I love to just watch and listen. Long may it continue 🙏🙏🙏

  22. I started watching Shac from the start, had a blip when the bus was going to Africa, desk top computer had a turn, & I was so grateful that I found someone who was working through lockdown, who could sort it out for me, as I missed it so much. Nowadays, I can only watch live on a Monday, as work on Thursdays, so usually try to catch up before I return on Monday. It’s improved my colouring, and my drawing. The Shac has cheered me up no end, have laughed & cried with you Barbara, and I always answer you back when you ask a question! Thank you so much Barbara for your time, inspiration, and keeping me sane through lockdown. xx

  23. Looking at my files of projects plus those that have made it to the walls I am amazed at what we have achieved over the last 2 & a bit years. Like many I thought I couldn’t draw but working along side Barbara in the SHAC shack has shown me that it is possible to achieve some acceptable artwork.
    Thank you Barbara for steering the Bus through the land of art & to Paul for sharing Groovi Tuesday with us. It has helped alot of people – probably far more than you think to get through some difficult & strange times.
    See you in the SHAC on Monday for more doodling xx

  24. Hello everyone,

    Wonderful Claritystamp and the Shac Shac, and
    such good company in this weird world we are in.
    Crafting is so good for us and I would be lost
    without keeping hands busy!!
    Thanks to all at Clarity,

  25. I cannot watch the S H A C live at 10 am as I need to do what housework I can before I run out of steam ‘cos if I sit to watch nothing gets done the rest of the day !!! My remedy is to binge watch whenever I can. It is such a JOY to listen to Barbara’s chat and follow the lessons. I’ve learned quite a bit and really enjoyed trying out some of the projects.
    Still have some of Paul’s posts to watch but will get round to it in time.
    Overall Clarity has been my saviour during the last 27 months, bolstering my mojo in times of mental drought, and has encouraged me to try things out of my comfort zone ie: mixed media and messy stuff.
    Thanks to all the team for giving your time and expertise, especially the “bus driver and conductor” aka : Barb n Paul. You are crafting treasures.

  26. You and the SHAC were lifesavers for me during lockdown and I have been with you since day 1. I have a file with all the artwork I have produced (never thought I could draw before!) and my most treasured possession is the Hummimgbird postcard, which I coloured in with my then newly acquired Polychromos. It is framed on my sideboard and I admire it daily, with such pride. Sorry if I sound big headed! Although I can no longer join in every session, I do try to catch up and read all the comments from the lovely SHAC community. I haven’t done the ammonites, but hope to catch up one day. My heartfelt thanks to you and everyone involved, for being ‘our strength and stay’, as her majesty The Queen would say, throughout the pandemic and beyond. Xx

  27. Can’t praise the shac and it’s wonderful bus driver enough. It truly rocks. It’s been my friend, tutor and saver of my sanity since it started. I have been there since day 1 even if I don’t catch it live ,I always catch up. My darling husband has been so impressed with Barb’s generosity and my tenacity in carrying on that he’s agreed to take me to Ditton hundreds of miles away for the first two days. My place and hotel is booked. Can’t wait. Hope to see some of you good people there and somebody will take me under their wing. Hope the Shac continues as long as Barb can find the time. We all love you and what you help us achieve.

  28. I love the shac shac it’s keeping my mind busy l can’t always be there for the 10 am show it’s usually a couple of hours later thanks to Barbara it’s been a god send for our clarity family we have the bus driver up front and steering us to some wonderful places which if it wasn’t for Barbara we probably wouldn’t even think of going l have enjoyed every hour that Barbara has given her time to teach us some wonderful colouring and doodling and long may it reign xxx

  29. Yes, I agree with all the above! I was there on day 1 and you sure had a brainwave, Barbara! It has stood the test of time, and although I don’t always watch at the time, now, it is great to catch up later. Thanks you!

  30. I found shac a couple of weeks after it started and have been doing it ever since, mostly live but sometimes on you tube. Have learnt so many techniques and had fun on the way. Thank you Barbara!

  31. I joined the shac from day 1 but can’t always watch live now. It was a life saver in lockdown and I found that I could draw! I understand colouring and shading more now. I’m very lucky to be able to get out to play golf and so to be out in the fresh air with friends does take precedence I’m afraid but I do try to catch up (although I am behind with the ammonites and have a few unfinished projects). I would recommend anyone to take part and Barbara deserves an MBE for services to craft!

  32. I discovered the shac and groovi Tuesday about a year ago and I love it. Usually manage to watch live, often join in though sometimes just listen whilst doing other things. I tried joining Facebook a couple of months ago but we didn’t get on at all well, so I’m sticking with You Tube. I am not very good at socialising and only have my dog for company so it’s really nice to have someone to have coffee with 3 times a week. Have been very brave and booked a place on the retreats in August and I think I am looking forward to meeting some new people, probably!

  33. I love the SHAC, listening to all you funny and amazing stories, it really gave me something to look forward to. It’s great you are still going strong. Now back at work, I miss these day time relaxing sessions but love to cat up in the evening or weekends.
    Thank you Barbara and all at clariry towers, a fantastic crew
    Lots of love yo you all 💕
    Heather xx

  34. Hi Barbara
    I did do shac at the beginning then Mum moved in with us and became a full time positive job. I would catch up on you tube when the time allowed. Mum passed on the 19th and when I feel able I will catch up again. Glad everyone enjoys themselves and you are able to spend time with everyone thank you.
    Ruth & Jackie xx

  35. Hiya, I feel privileged to call myself a fellow Shacker. I am terrified of Facebook so join in via the YouTube channel, I would like to combat this fear in the future. I do not have enough praise or words to bestow on our amazing bus driver Barbara. This is also the first time I have ever left a comment of any kind. I just wanted you to know how much this little gathering has changed my life, and if you don’t mind I would like to explain why. I have been battling personal struggles such as confidence, bullying, loneliness etc and have been on anti depressants for as long as I can remember. I was also bordering type 2 diabetic with high cholesterol. I started joining in with the Shac Shac doodles about 10 months ago and it’s the first time I’ve felt like I am amongst friends in a safe environment and no one wants to judge me or make me feel worthless. The sessions give me something to look forward to, and I feel like a very good friend pops round for a cuppa and a chat. So Barbara I wanted you to know that slowly slowly the antidepressant dosage has reduced and finally in the last month I have finally come off of them all together, I have lost 56 lb in weight, and now walk 2 miles a day and am no longer boardering type 2 diabetic the Dr said I’m not even in the pre-diabetic category. My G.P is absolutely amazed at the change. Ive suggested he puts the Shac Shac on prescription. I know I have a way to go, but thanks to you I’m ready to face the challenge…You are a beautiful being inside and out, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I wish you and yours a safe happy life. Penny x I’m sorry if I rambled on too much.

    1. Well done Penny. So pleased to hear that you are regaining control of your life with the help of this wonderful community and everybody’s best friend Barbara. You should be proud of yourself and all the things you have be achieved. Keep going!

  36. I lost my dad right at the beginning of Covid, the last 5 weeks of his life he spent in hospital and the last 2 weeks we went into lock down and I was unable to be with him when he died.. that hit me so hard not being with him, we was so close and it broke me. The shac was/is my savior, its stopped me over thinking and sinking into despair. I’m stuck at home due to Ill health and hubby is at work till 7 most evenings so have a lot of time on my hands. So thank you Barbara for giving me something to look forward to. Love and hugs. X

  37. Safe Happy And Creative – four simple words that speak volumes! There are not enough words, Barbara, to thank you for creating and bringing together this amazing community. A community of friendship, tranquility, laughter and inspiration for our crafting and life in general! Thank you Barbara for being the best bus driver taking us on a wonderfully magic mystery tour of art and crafts. Long may the SHAC be there to keep us Safe Happy And Creative!

  38. WHAT A LIFE SAVER. Never catch Barbara live on Facebook but watch all the recordings and I absolutely love it. Art is just up my street and to have someone likeminded is a wonderful thing. I have been a fan of Barbara’s for so long and I have so enjoyed doodling along with her in the shac shack. I think it has kept me sane over the covid debacle. I have been through all the arty projects at least twice and still enjoy repeating them. I would recommend this site to anyone who is interested in crafting and drawing.

  39. Hi Barb, I love the Shac, but usually only get to watch on catch up, but maybe when I have some leave soon, it may be possible to join live. It is always so full of enthusiasm and laughter, and I still have tons of doodles and drawings to catch up on. You and all the good people have made this a creative lifeline for so many, please keep it up. Take care and stay safe everyone. Bx

  40. I have been with the SHAC from day 1 and, at first, it gave structure to the lockdown days and later became such a confidence boost. I have learnt how to draw and how to colour. It was such an inspired idea Barbara and I’m so glad you have been able to continue, and then to add in the Groovi Tuesdays, amazing! (My husband called me a reborn Groover yesterday. 🤣) Looking forward to many more projects with you and Paul. Thank you so much. ❤️ Xx

  41. The SHAC is a wonderful place whether or not you actually ‘do’. I remember all the ‘I can’t possibly do that’ comments at the beginning but we shared our work and encouraged each other. Barbara is such a wonder teacher breaking down elements with just something to write on and with. I’ve learnt so much about colouring and shading. I can even draw and colour something that resembles a gem/water droplet now instead of a flat coloured blob. I’ve still got a lot more practice to do but as Barbara says “the more you do the better you get and the better you get the more you want to do”. I just hope the SHAC will continue even though everything is slowly getting back to a new type of normal.

  42. Almost from the beginning I joined the Shac with our lovely driver Barbara and I loved it every minute!!!
    At the beginning of 2021 I landed at the first aid in the hospital with blood and heartproblems and many visits to specialists followed and than we have to move house in december. Every time when it was possible I watched the Shac but the last half year I watched it in the evening.
    I can tell you ,I missed the feeling to be with you all. Hope I can join you very soon again live.
    Take care everyone and see you soon,Trijntje Huppel

  43. Pop in and have a look (you can even do this via Youtube later) to see what’s going on. You can participate as much or as little as you want. You don’t even have to craft with the products Barbara uses – use what you have (no-one will know)!!! The sessions can lift your spirits. You’ll be amazed how much you pick up. Don’t forget also that Paul covers Parchment on a Tuesday & Thursday.

  44. I found the Shac a few weeks after it started and was hooked. Apart from the enjoyment I get with the Groovi, stamping and now the stencil clubs that I am in, I look forward so much to the morning get togethers on facebook or Youtube even to just watch along.
    I have laughed so much and cried as well sometimes as I am sure others have.
    I feel that it is just like having friends round for coffee and even if I cannot be there for the live session, I catch up when I can later. So much information and learning to do, so generously given .

  45. I joined during lockdown and enjoyed it very much .As with many people there were sad and difficult times and having a calm space to hang out was wonderful .Not always able to join live but like a good book I savour the thought that I can pick up when ready .Most of all I appreciate the generosity that Barbara extends to us all as she shares her talent .
    Having received my club goodies and newsletter I am sorry to hear that your Dad is so unwell Barbara and hope that the time you spend with him brings precious every Day .

  46. I joined in with the Shac from day one and have thoroughly enjoyed it. As other people have said the art that we have been able to produce is fantastic and has given us all so much confidence to try something new. Many many thanks for all your input Barbara

  47. I started with the first SHAC and am still doodling and colouring along. I agree with everything that’s been said so far. Barb, if all these lovely comments don’t convince you that you are a very special person then nothing will! The Shac is the best idea ever and it has made such a difference to so many of us in so many ways. Come and join us !

  48. The SHAC truly rocks, and I’m sad to say that I’m currently a lapsed Shack’er. I’ve always struggled to stay caught up, and now I’m back to working from home most days I’ve got out of the habit of carving out time to work along live, or other commitments come along which mean I can’t attend.
    All that said, I know the power of the SHAC, I’ve felt it, and hope to be able to rejoin the lives soon.
    Thank you Barb, it really is a lifesaver, even just knowing it’s there to tap into is a great feeling.

  49. My friend Bea and I have been Shac-ers since the very first class and have not missed any yet. Even though we sometimes have to play catch-up we’ve seen every single episode and have learnt so much and now have the confidence to draw extra bits in scenes and onto stamped images and our colouring has come on in leaps and bounds. We are both so grateful to the Shac and it’s lovely ‘bus-driver’ for all the laughs and tears and sharing of life experiences. We were there at the beginning and hope to be there until the end. Thanks to Barb and our fellow ‘Shacites’ for all the fun and friendship. Covid wasn’t all bad!

  50. I’ve watched nearly all the SHAC posts from the start, and crafted along during lockdown. These days I watch live when I can, and on catch up when I can’t. Although I’m unable to craft along at the moment I still enjoy the chat and friendliness and the sense of being part of a community, led by Barb who goes above and beyond to welcome us in and keep our creativity flowing.

  51. #clarity’s Barbara Gray is a tonic, better than anything out of a bottle! I have been present at every Shac shack session, pyjama parties etc all through the difficult times of the pandemic and beyond. I was “shielding”, so very isolated and Barbara’s company and inspiration were invaluable. We are an easy going group of friendly like minded people , (no experts!) and through the shac Shack I found a friend just a few miles away, via the forum. Shopping for products is made super easy for us, at special prices. Do join us, you will be made very welcome. Thank you Barbara, Paul, and all who help make the shac Shack so enjoyable.xx

  52. The ShacShack is a great vehicle and Barbara is the very best of drivers.
    I’ve been aboard since the first outing. These days I mostly watch on utube [my laptop can be a bit cranky] It’s good to look back at the variety of topics we have drawn and coloured over the months. A real confidence boost. Thank you Barbara, XX

  53. I agree with what everyone before me has said. I joined The ShacShac right at the beginning and have watched and joined in with everyone – mostly live. It has made such a difference to my life especially at the beginning. A lovely way to join in and learn. Thank You Barbara.

  54. I watched every day from day one and it kept me sane in lockdown! I rarely see it live now but still feel part of the SHAC shack community. Do not hesitate! Join in the fun and make genuine friends for life

  55. I am part of the SHAC community, I love the SHAC I don’t always manage to see it live, mostly because as it is only on twice a week I often forget to tune in, whereas when it was every day it was easy to remember, but the reality is life has returned to normal and therefore I am very grateful to be able to still be a part of your truly wonderful SHAC SHAC, Thank you so much for carrying on with it, and I am also grateful that you find it helpful for your peace of mind too. x

  56. Was a Shacker from the begining but mainly on catch up later the same day never live during furlough as I had a tai chi class on zoom at 10am. It was great to learn such new skills now I have the confidence to draw my own cards. I would never ever have done that before. Thank you Barbara. I was on furlough from March to August but have followed every Shac. Started the amonite and will finish it now I have just retired. Thank you also to Paul I have all his Groovi Tuesdays to start now too. Hugs to you and all the Clarity Team. Su

  57. I was a “Catch Up” Shac Shacker too and oh boy did it feel good to be part of something so special. Then life started to get in the way and I lapsed! However, I have spent the last fortnight with the dratted Covid and,once I was past the awful first few days ,out came the polychromos and the Owls. I have had the most blissful recovery, thank you, Barbara.

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