Life’s a Bowl of Cherries

Life’s a Bowl of Cherries

Hi there

Thanks for popping in. Life’s a Bowl of Cherries…. Mmmmmm…Ya think? I decided to investigate, and find out where that saying comes from. Originating as the title of a song (1931) by Lew Brown (lyrics) and composer Ray Henderson, it was performed by lots of favourites, from Doris Day to …lookie lookie… Judy Garland.

I thought we could take a look at the lyrics while she sings them to us…

Life is just a bowl of cherries
Don’t take it serious
Life’s too mysterious
You work, you save, you worry so
But you can’t take your dough
When you go, go, go
Keep repeating, it’s the berries
The strongest oak must fall
The best things in life to you were just loaned
So how can you lose what you never owned
Life is just a bowl of cherries
So live and laugh at it all
Keep repeating, it’s the berries
You know the strongest oak has got to fall
The sweet things in life to you were just loaned
So how can you lose what you never owned
Life is just a bowl of cherries
So live it, love it, wriggle your ears
And think nothing of it, you can’t do without it
There’s no two ways about it
You live and you laugh at it all

So I guess what we’re saying or singing here, is that we shouldn’t take life so seriously, that it is what it is, and you may as well enjoy it as best you can, cos you can’t take anything with you when you go anyway! Too True Blue!

We were talking about stencils yesterday, and doodling into them. Did you know we have a Bowl of Cherries Stencil? Designed by Mel Turner. Would make a fabulous Doodle Stencil!

There’s an apple one too: You are the Apple of my eye

What a super pair of 6×6 inch stencils! How about we make a crafty little bargain bundle of the two for you.


I just know these will be very cool for doodling because we can create our own borders. I see beautiful reds and bright greens coming up! Found some cool DT samples too…

Cherries and apples are the two fruits I pretty much always have at home. I love Pink Ladies in particular, but cherries are my absolute favourite fruit. What’s yours? I’ve always said if I were banished to a desert island and could only take one food with me – it would be cherries.

I would plant a cherry tree, sit under it in the shade, eat cherries, and read good books. That is my idea of heaven. What’s yours?

Love and Hugs

Barb xx

18 thoughts on “Life’s a Bowl of Cherries

  1. Hi Barbara, just seen some cherries starting to grow on our two small trees in pots – all leaves last year, this year blossom and start of fruit. I wonder if the birds will get them before us ! Or even whether they’ll stay on the tree and become cherries! who knows. It’s certainly true ‘we can’t take it with us’ so I guess we wont be crafting…. I’ve started looking at my stencils again, I think I have these. I did start doodling with the new club one as it was nearest to hand last night. Anyway I’m sat in the garden, listening to the birds and, hopefully, watching the cherries grow! Have a good day xx

  2. Thanks, Barbara, for reminding me to keep an eye open for the cherry harvest down in the Vale of Evesham this year. I blinked last year and missed it. I refuse to buy the foreign ones and just make a pig of myself during our local season. Just looked at my gooseberry bushes and the blackcurrant and they are loaded with tiny fruits. Hope you get a good harvest down in Kent. xxx Maggie Craner (Silvercrafter)

  3. More lovely doodles, I have got as far as inking the outline of the Funky Foliage stencil – now to add the doodles. Having trouble with my eyes again today for some reason – Opticians have booked me in for a checkup for next Saturday to check that my glasses have been made to the right .prescription
    Meanwhile back to the bowl of cherries – thanks for sharing the full verse – makes more sense now – similar to our motto of ”live for today – sort tomorrow out when it comes” We never know what might crop up however well we plan things for the future so why worry about what hasn’t happened yet.
    take care, stay safe & carry on crafting xx

  4. My favourite fruit is also cherries and particularly the dark juicy ones from Turkey. Living in very dry Suffolk very little fruits are commercially grown here but I planted ten different fruit trees in my garden last year so maybe in a few years I will have a crop. !
    My favourite tree though is the coconut palm .Very difficult to beat a tree that gives fruit , drink , shelter from the sun and rooves from its leaves and fibres from its husk for material It will grow in the toughest of conditions and is very resilient. A good lesson for us all and a role model.How about a nice big stencil, stamp or die please Barbara? Would love to make some art with coconut palm designs. Thanks for the reminder not to stress about everything.

  5. My favourite fruit is bananas. I can’t say I’ve ever tried cherries so maybe I should buy some and try them ! Food shop tomorrow so I’ll look out for some I think. After all you can’t comment or write them off if you’ve not tried them ! Happy day everyone 🙏🙏

    1. For many years I’ve thought a good book and sunshine is my paradise but recently I’ve wanted to drink and to escape!!… I know my depression has reared its head again but I’ve realise the life I’ve created to keep me sane is now suffocating me.. The wanderlust has reared its head and I can’t let it free due financial restraints and health but mainly financial 🙄

  6. I love most fruits but usually have apples in my fruit bowl and always they are pink lady!!! Well they would be!
    Think that I need to dig out these stencils.
    Love and hugs.

  7. Not tried to use any stencils before but I am thinking that I might just give it a go….. as long as it doesn’t get messy – I don’t do messy/wet crafts……!!!

    I only discovered fairly recently that I like cherries – I have never liked anything cherry flavour but now I do like fresh/real cherries!
    It’s my 60th birthday today – thank you for the lovely birthday card! I am having a great week off work relaxing, parching, seeing friends and family and lots of cake is involved too, of course!

  8. The only way you’ll get ripe cherries off a tree is to put the tree in a net cage. I have no idea why I think that’s cruel but I do know the birds love the cherries of my tree they have been eating them for over twenty years. I get mine from the greengrocer.

  9. I think my favourite fruits are British strawberries and raspberries with British apples coming next – I think I love all fruits! Not into stencilling although I’ve got a few but don’t really know what to do with them – Groovi is all absorbing though! Enjoy your cherries x

  10. Great stencils.
    I love most fruits and make up a big bowl of fresh fruit salad at the weekend. The rest of the week I mainly have a banana every day. Cherries have to be the dark, sweet ones and when in season I have a tendency to binge but it can be expensive. Peaches and nectarines in season are good. Now that strawberries, blackberries and raspberries can be bought all year round I buy these every week too. Guess i just like plenty of fruit and veg to go with my protein.
    Life ain’t always a bowl of cherries but we try to make the best of it.
    Stay safe 🍒🍒🍒

  11. We have similar taste as I always have pink ladies in the fruit bowl and share one with my wee whippet at bedtime. He loves fruit but not so keen on veg!! I also love cherries and used to have a cherry tree with a bench beneath and often sat there. I make cherry jam every summer, getting the fruit from a local farm. I am also very fond of Victoria plums and have a tree in my present garden. Sadly no blossom at all this year, so will have to get the fruit from the same farm! I make a batch of jam and a batch of chutney with plums!

  12. I love cherries ,Pink Lady apples….and plums! Not keen on any of them if they’re cooked though. My Dad always told me about a house where they lived in Kent, where he was stationed in the RAF (my sister was born in Maidstone), where they could pick cherries off the tree in the garden through the bedroom window! I thought it sounded so lovely! They had moved |”home” to the Midlands by the time I was born. Really excited to be travelling down to Kent for the open days 🙂

  13. Hi Barbara
    Love cherries also grapes have to disagree on apples always Royal Gala in our house. I’m allergic to strawberries 🍓 so don’t actually like the taste or smell of them. Always have fruit in the house better for you than chocolate but have to have that as well 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
    Love Ruth & Jackie xx

  14. I love any fruit – the more the merrier! I’m particularly happy now the strawberry season is about to start – there’s a fantastic strawberry (and fruit) farm not too far from us, that has it’s own well-known jam factory. Afternoon tea in their tearoom is heavenly!

  15. English fresh cherries and strawberries can’t be beaten, such a pity season is so short.

  16. When I was a child I’d spend my pocket money on cherries when in season. When my children were young we used to pick-your-own cherries and eat so many while picking. Memories as delicious as the taste.

  17. Hello Barb, love both these stencils, and I am right there with you on the Cherry front, always have been one of my favourites. Great samples from the DT, and a great song too. Bx

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