Kind Hearts…
Hi there
Thanks for popping in. Had a day off today. Spent it with my parents. Out of bed early doors, and over to Gillingham before the traffic got dense. Dad was already outside, sorting out the dustbins when I arrived, and Mum was already set to go out for a little drive to the shops. Good day, productive day. I like being able to help them too. It’s so important! Bit of shopping, bit of cleaning, nice lunch together, lot of drinking tea and yacking. It’s always good to sit and talk with the people who know you best, isn’t it. Very important, and getting more so. They can’t get out nowadays, and apart from Dave, I can’t think of any two people I’d rather spend my day off with.
Thank you for investing in the Members’ Half Price Sale, which runs until Monday. Very much appreciated. The Clarity team are working flat out to pick and pack, but please be patient with us and how quickly we can turn the orders around. Remember that if we sell out of something we make more when we can – and that takes time.
I find an apt quote on a card I made a few years ago. Thought you might like it. Especially as the stamps are in the half price sale! Same stamp as yesterday! And how different it looks here!

What a perfect quote. I think I would like to pen that verse in the SHAC with you; it really does speak to the heart, doesn’t it.
Stay safe
Love always
Barb xxx
9 thoughts on “Kind Hearts…”
So glad you have had a well deserved, lovely day off. Nothing like it to recharge the batteries and make you feel better. Xx
Beautiful. I get to spend some time with my elderly parents next week – can’t wait! Glad you had a special day today with yours x
Just love that stamp! Love the way you have used it today too! Glad you enjoyed your day off! It’s lovely to spend time with parents. They are so full of information too! Sadly, my mum has gone past the passing on of information, but I still give her hugs!
Good to hear you had a day off Barb, and you got to spend it with your Mum and Dad. Added the stamp to my Sale order, be rude not to!
I saw another quote today which sums up the extended Clarity family for me, (I posted it on Facebook). It’s from the legendary Ella Fitzgerald – ” Where there is love and inspiration, I don’t think you can go wrong”!
I have these words separately as they always remind me of a very dear friend who died too early some years ago. She had a plaque in her garden with these words on it and took it with them when they moved as she said they were very important.
I was supposed to inherit the plaque, but it broke during a bad winter soon after she died.
I’m glad you were able to spend time with your parents today, Barbara.
Glad you had a day off and spent it well. I’ve just come back from W.I. And we had an interesting talk about art – didn’t know what the talk was going to be but our competition was a piece of art so I went to my ‘portfolio’ of the ShacShac and picked my gnomes. I came third and was pleased with that as she was an artist herself and some of our lot are quite talented ! X
Brilliant! Well done! Xxx
Hi Barb, so glad you got to spend a quality day with your Mum and Dad. I bet over the tea, the three of you set the world to rights. Love this particular project the colours just sing to me, and a wonderful verse too. Take care and stay safe everyone. Bx