Live This Life
Hi there
Thanks for popping in. It’s been filthy outside, persisting down all day here in the southeast. While I had a good morning cleaning the house whilst listening to a great book (The Binding by Bridget Collins), Dave went into work to repair the stampmaking machine – what a difference a Dave makes – and we’re business as usual thanks to him.
By 3 pm I was ready to sit down. And it occurred to me that I might actually turn the TV on and watch a cheeky little episode of Downton Abbey, which has been on hold in this household since before Christmas. (I never watched it back in the day, for whatever reason, so have been catching up). Now this may seem a perfectly reasonable thing to do for the vast majority of you. But to me, who pretty much NEVER watches TV during the daytime, this was quite rebellious. Me? Watching the box on a Saturday afternoon? Unheard of.
So unheard of, in fact, that I didn’t know how to switch blimming NETFLIX on, or indeed find Downton Abbey! Had to wait till Dave came home, he who handles the remote, and by that time the rebellious aspect of watching afternoon telly had completely dissipated.
But it left me thinking. Why is something so normal in most homes so alien in mine? Why can’t I sit down and watch a soap during the day? Why did I feel guilty? And it’s a SATURDAY!! Something to reflect on for sure. I suppose I think TV is an evening sport. What do you think? I mean, they wouldn’t broadcast daytime TV if people didn’t watch it, would they?!
And irony of ironies, I even DO daytime TV! Like tomorrow at 2-4pm!! And yet I was very unsure about kicking back with Mr Bates and Anna this afternoon! I have a soft spot for Mr Bates.
Dave came home with a great letterpress print that he made this morning. He’s getting to grips with the huge Albion press, and working things out…

“Fabulous, Dave”, I said. To which he replied:
Live THIS Life. Not one you think you should be living. LIVE THIS one. It’s the only real one.
D J Roe
How right he is. So I put Downton Abbey on pause, left him in the kitchen, making Anglesey Eggs, which he wanted to make for us this evening,

and came up here to chat to you. How often do we dance to somebody else’s tune? And how often do we still dance to their tune years after they have departed, left the ballroom, expired.
So just for today, I am doing as I please. Not as somebody (and I don‘t even know who) would have me hop about. In fact, there’s nobody in my life except me who pushes me. Nobody. All self-inflicted. Now there’s food for thought!
Stay safe.
Love always,
Barb xxx
PS. Mmmm. Dave just pinged me a pic in a text: Dinner’s Ready…

33 thoughts on “Live This Life”
What a good blog. Interested to know what Anglesey Eggs are, look good
Me too! Looks yummy.
It took me ages to watch tv other than in the evenings and morning news. But as a very early riser I find the older I get the earlier I want to go to bed so I just record stuff now and watch it when I am awake which could be 5am or early evening or like today on a cold wet afternoon rather than fall asleep in the middle and have to watch again to understand what’s going on. I too was very late to Downton Abbey but did what the kids do and binge watched it some while ago. I think the film is on tv this weekend too which while it wasn’t earth shattering felt like a comfy blanket when I watched it whilst we were all locked down last year. I think as streaming tv becomes the norm it may seem more usual to me but watching tv as I do still seems like a guilty pleasure. Looking forward to the shows tomorrow
I have the TV on all day but I don’t sit down and watch it it’s just on and I dip in and out of it. I’m generally watching you on You Tube whilst crafting. Some Sundays I put it on and you just roll on from one You Tube to another – so relaxing to me. I shall definitely be watching tomorrow 2 – 4pm xx
Yes I have tv on in background all day as a comfort. I also use you tube a lot when I can sit and listen or watch.
Hi Barb
I have the tv on as company as I live by myself. It’s The Craft Store mostly and the banter with the presenters makes me laugh. It’s also a safe space from the madness of the real world. Not always great for the bank balance though, especially when you’re on!
Looking forward to your shows tomorrow. Travel safely.
I’ve just Googled Anglesey Eggs – they sound delicious xx
Know what you mean, we so often dance to others tunes without realising it. Why do we do it?
Now we have our new Sky box with lots of storage I tend to record all the shows I like and hubby watches his science and wild life during the day. I watch my recordings in the evening while he sleeps. At least that was before the Christmas films arrived!!!! We’ve had them running almost non-stop since December apart from the Clarity shows which I try to watch at the time but record them anyway in case we get interruptions.
It has been a mega lazy time over the holidays but now I must pull myself together and get on with a life for ME!
Can we have the recipe for Dave’s eggs please – they look scrumptious.
Itching to see what you do with the new stamps on Sunday, they definitely look like a “must have” item.
Stay safe.
Never heard of anglesey eggs so googled it, they sound delicious. Well done Dave xx
Ok. so here goes..Anglesey Eggs, well at least my version ! Very simple really. Freshly mashed potato’s , mixed well with freshly braised chopped Leeks , all well seasoned. Place the mix in a shallow ovenproof dish, push fresh hard boiled eggs, halved lengthways , into the mash mix, top with plenty of strong grated cheddar and dust with paprika..place in the oven for about half an hour … no quantities I’m afraid , just delicious ! Enjoy. x
Sounds wonderful might try it tomorrow I’ve got potatoes and leeks in the garden still.
Thank you.
Sounds good. x
And completely calorie free too-lol!
Thanks for the recipe Dave. Will definitely give it a go. Looks delicious.
You’ve got a “good egg” there Barb! Well done Dave…it looks delicious! I too had to google Anglesey Eggs….and I used to live in North Wales!! Downton Abbey is one of those “comfort” programmes, which I enjoy watching, and I too have a bit of a soft spot for Bates. Maggie Smith has to be the best though…..”What’s a weekend?” Hilarious!
Anglesey eggs sound delicious! Well done Dave. Looking forward to your shows tomorrow – I always get new ideas to try x
I also rarely watch daytime TV, just seems too indulgent. Like you I never touch the remote either, not my domain. Anglesey eggs look interesting , might try those. Thanks Dave for your recipe. xx
Well done Dave on fixing the stampmaking machine, many of us will appreciate that, especially with more Clarity goodies coming out! And love the look of your efforts with the Albion press, hopefully we will get to see more Dave’s words of wisdom on a letterpress print. Barbara, I don’t think there are “guilty pleasures” – just pleasures we should treat ourselves to without feeling guilty ( no matter what someone else may say!) whether it’s daytime TV, enjoying a delicious meal with a loved one or ordering the latest Clarity goodies! So live this life how you want to, and I shall definitely enjoy some daytime TV tomorrow in your good company!
We’ve had friends over this afternoon, played cards, I went out for fish and chips for tea and then we played some more. It made a nice change. It has been a miserable day weather wise that’s for sure. Hubby watches some telly during the day, it’s either doing up cars or aliens for him! He’s always doing crosswords too. I tend to let him and then I can sit at the table and craft LOL !! I did catch the Downtown Abbey film the other day on Netflix or Amazon and enjoyed that. I think we both live the life we want to now more than ever and it’s a good motto to follow – sensible Dave ! I’m going to look up Anglesey eggs now.
I’ve listened to the Binding too, and must do it again as I’m sure I missed some bits when not concentrating properly, it took me a while to realise exactly what was going on, very interesting.
Looking forward to the shows tomorrow. X
Live THIS life – just what I need at the moment. It is literally my job to help people live in the here and now, but I’m rubbish at it myself! You have truly inspired me Barb, as you always do. Remember that every day we wake up is the start of our life and only we can make the decision of whether we turn left or right. I have spent too long trying to work that out, but now I know the answer…. We don’t turn left or right – we go straight ahead 💖love always xx
When I retired, I resolved to not to watch much TV during the day – only if there is NOTHING else to do, or I feel poorly. Like most of your readers I record what I am particularly interested in and watch in the evening. Funny about remotes isn’t it? My husband is in charge until he presses something wrong (or he drops it again – which is why there is an elastic band permanently around it!) then I fix it (I’m a bit of a Dave).
Anyway, husband is off to the cinema to see the new West Side Story today so I am watching the Downton Abbey film while he’s out – I’ll see the new West Side Story eventually when it’s on TV.
Too many things to sort in the craft space while is’s daylight – just got all my Claritystamps organised into 8 boxes (one labelled Clarity Girlfriends – try and work that out!!)
Hi Barb, I think most of us could do with a “Dave” around. Well done Dave on the dinner, it sounds delicious, will google it, as hubby is not meant to have too many carbs due to diabetes and trying to get his blood glucose level down, so we have to try cut out potatoes, rice, pasta, but maybe we can sneak it in somewhere. Looking forward to the shows this afternoon, may just be sitting or lounging on the sofa watching as have felt a bit rope since Thursday evening – fortunately not covid, but whatever it is has absolutely floored me. Take care and stay safe everyone. Bx
Love this blog and the new print that Dave has done! I do watch tv during the day as I have to rest at times! I also have it on as a distraction to other noise ( tinnitus). I’m afraid that I get control of the remotes unless I’m not at home! So it’s always my fault if I don’t get it right! Haha. Doesn’t mean that I get control of the programmes! Looking forward to seeing all the new stamps.
I understand about the tinnitus, Sally. Doesn’t it drive you bonkers, lol! Fortunately only in one ear, but affects my balance. Good excuse to have tv on.
I am afraid I do put the telly on when I am hand quilting or doing crafty things where I can sit in the living room, where the tv is, not really watching, mostly listening.
If I am in the craft room I put on radio 4 extra, I do zone out and just as with the tv, 2 or 3 programmes meld into one, so have no idea really what it is I am watching or listening to. hahaha, think I just don’t like being in a too quiet place.
Those eggs do look yummy. will have to google recipe, my chickens seem to have gone on a go slow at the moment, so I will need to have words with them. about contributions to their lodging. Bless them.
Hi Barbara I sometimes watch craft TV during the day. We hardly ever sit down in the day time and watch anything else it just doesn’t seem right somehow. Your supper looks amazing. It is worth learning to use the remote. I have found it quite useful lately. Take care. Hugs xxx
Reading that recipe is making me feel hungry !! It looks delicious so might investigate or at least pass on the recipe to OH who is head chef – I am the bottle washer !!
Love the print that Dave has done. We visited Robert Smail’s Printing works when we went to Scotland, I was fascinated as my Gt Grandfather was a printer compositor in the late 1800’s early 1900’s. We were apprentices for the tour – & made up a block to print our names. learnt about upper & lower case & having to spell backwards. A lot of our sayings today come from the printing trade – Mind your P’s & Q’s & Hot off the Press are a couple.
Just time to sort the washing out & tidy up before 2pm & the new stamps etc. Running late today !!
Great 2 hours Barbara.I couldn’t help but buy, the stamps will be useful. I like the idea of the split wreaths as it adds many possibilities. Thank you
Ooh, that looks good. I didn’t know what Angelsey Eggs were but found a great recipe on Google so I know what I am having for dinner one night this week.
Funny how we have ideas about TV – I used to think I had to be home sick to watch TV during the day. Now I am retired, I still tend to keep it for evenings only but will watch sometimes during the day.
Enjoyed the shows on the Craft show this afternoon. Usually only watch that or Father Brown or the heir hunters – otherwise I feel guilty! And I’ve been retired for 10 years!!! Anyway, I have ordered the calendar and journalling stamps – I can think of plenty of occasions for using those, so thanks! And thanks for mending the machine Dave!
I wonder if it’s the puritan streak, you have to do all the jobs waiting before you are allowed to do something you enjoy. I’d feel guilty in doing an enjoyable thing (craft) while something else needed to be done then a mad panic as you have to make that birthday card for a friend which is not as enjoyable to do as rushed.Daft really…
No mash for Angelsey eggs but maybe a souffle baked potato instead mmmmm.
The eggs look delicious, and I’m sure went down very well. I usually watch things I’ve previously recorded during the day, including the craft programmes which I rarely watch live. I can then cut out the ‘waffle’ bits if I want to in the craft programmes, and the adverts in the other programmes. Bea and I are together in the evenings so we watch live things then. I can’t craft after dark any more, which is what I used to do while watching. I still can’t get used to ‘The Craft Store’ name, and often miss programmes . Hochanda was much more catchy!!
I’m catching up with your last couple of blog posts and although I rarely comment, I just couldn’t let this one pass by without saying something. It is incredibly spooky but I think sometimes you are inside my head! Your observation about giving yourself permission to watch afternoon telly – that is me too! Retired now for umpty-ump years, I still record the ‘special’ daytime craft shows that I don’t want to miss or the occasional drama and watch in the evening when somehow it seems acceptable. Acceptable to whom? Maybe I need to take heed of D J Roe!