There’s Gnome place like Gnome….

There’s Gnome place like Gnome….

Hi there

Thanks for popping in. Güd to see you! Well, here it is again – the Great Clarity Elf Hunt! Except this year, we’re looking for our other friends, the Güdlis!Fancy winning a Clarity Hamper worth £150? It’s the HEALTHY kind of hamper, not the Pileontheweightandregretit sort!

Read on….




Elvis and his family – our resident elves – are having a holiday this year, so Mr and Mrs Güdli, our friendly Gnomes, are joining in the fun!
Meet the Güdli’s! Bee Güdli and Doog Güdli! Remember when we drew these lovely peeps in the SHAC SHAC last December? 

Every day, from tomorrow until the 24th, our Güdli Gnomes will be hiding somewhere on the Clarity website.
Every day we will email you a little riddle, a verse, a clue, to help you find them. We’ll aim for 9am daily.
If you still don’t receive our Clarity emails, you can also check out our website homepage daily.
Why not sign up to our emails to make sure you don’t miss out on all the fun – Click HERE
Saves having to look for he clues everyday !
Make a note of where you found them (a different product everyday).
When you have all 24 answers send your list to, before 31st December.
If you miss a day, never worry! You’ll find all the daily clues listed on the Clarity Facebook Page and website.
All correct entries with be entered into a prize draw for a chance to win a Clarity Hamper worth £150
Are the clues hard? Not for me – I wrote them !! Play nicely though – no getting frustrated n all that jazz ! They’ll be there. But I will check every morning, just to be sure. You never gnome, do you…
And now for something super cute and fun!
To coincide with the Gnome Hunt 2021 we have also created these amazing little packs of – wait for it –

Stocking Stuffer Stickers!

each pack contains 5 sheets of stickers.



Gnomes & Elves!

Available HERE
So cool for adding to envelopes and gift tags. And the kids will LOVE these stocking stuffer stickers! Maybe I’m just a big kid then, cos I think they are brilliant!


Stay safe.

Love and hugs

Barb xxx


25 thoughts on “There’s Gnome place like Gnome….

  1. A little light relief looking for these little fellas. I need some distraction from everyday life at the moment. Can’t even get into the Christmas spirit , unusual for me. Thanks for running this fun competition again. X X

  2. Currently sat here colouring in the Groovi Gud family, reckon I should get the stickers and stick them on instead ! Just nibbling on some banana chips – they must be healthy and not too bad ….. anyway always waiting for heating engineer tomorrow – thankfully we do have electric fire so not all bad, also milder today, better than yesterday ! Thanks for the comp, will look forward to that. So far I’ve been quite Gud today eating wise hope it lasts ! So much to be grateful for ! X

  3. Ha, ha – as if I need an excuse to check out the Clarity website each day! Thanks for doing this again Barbara, another chance to exercise the little grey cells (a lot greyer these days!) and accept the challenge of Barb’s cryptic Christmas clues! A bit of festive fun is just what is needed at the moment – and you’ve come up with Festive stickers, looks like there’s another order coming in!

  4. Thanks again for this fun event, in all the everyday running of your lovely business, you still find time for us. Hope all the order picking went well on Saturday and looking forward to the Shac Shack this Thursday. Just listening to our PM with all the news surrounding this new variant. Do hope Grace and Mark do get home for Christmas got everything crossed for you. It’s never ending!!!! Still take one day at a time x

  5. Thank you for organising this again – need some light relief with all that is going on – I have decided to boycott the News for while, to try to improve my headspace situation.
    Quite a few more Christmas cards to make, so better crack on with those………!
    Take care – all of you xxxx

  6. This is brilliant Barbara, thank you for setting the clues and keeping us all occupied in the run up to Christmas xx

  7. These stickers appeal to the child in me too so I expect they will jump in to my basket at some stage.
    I have enjoyed the Elf hunts in the past so looking forward to the Gnome hunt. I love these little people, stamps and Groovi.
    Got the Christmas gear out today, Tree goes up tomorrow.
    I hope that this new virus and bad weather do not prevent Grace and Mark from coming home for Christmas.
    Take care everyone, stay safe.

  8. I have been looking forward to doing this again, so thanks Barbara, for doing it for us again. It is a great chance for people to switch off from their worries for a while each day, while they hunt for clues, and such fun to do. Hugs. Annette X

  9. Looking forward to your rhymes & clues to locate the hiding places of Bee & Doug over the next 24 days. No doubt I will find products I had forgotten about that will land in my basket as I go through the pages.
    I must do my wreath before Thursday as I only watched last week & somehow the last week has flown by.

  10. My daughter (7) has been asking for weeks if the Elf Hunt will be on again – she’s now very excited to start looking for the Güdlis! It’s become part of our family Christmas tradition!

  11. Hi Barbara
    Had a great day today spent weeks organising surprise for my sisters 60th. Her daughter has been playing soccer in America due to fly back on the 9th December but we decided to get her back for her birthday. So an early morning trip round the M25 to pick her up at Heathrow. Then back to Essex with her big surprise it went like a dream she had no idea was a special moment.
    Will join the gnome hunt for sure.
    Ruth & Jackie xx

  12. Can’t wait to get gnome hunting ….your efforts in providing this bit of light relief, especially since gloomy news of new varient, is much appreciated..Thank you Barbara.👍👍

  13. Gud news. Thanks Barbara. I Loved last year’s hunt , and I certainly need something to occupy my mind at the moment. Fingers crossed Grace and Mark get home too.
    I am supposed to be going to my daughters for Christmas for the first time. She’s going to the Canary Islands ( her first family holiday abroad with her kids) and doesn’t come back until 23rd Dec. Fingers crossed the restrictions are lifted by then! Well, it is what it is! X

  14. Hello Barb, what really tickles me is the names of the Gudlis, such a fabulous range. I am still playing a very slow catch up with the Shac Shak lessons, but nice to have something to watch at times when you just need something uplifting. Looking forward to the hunt, I really do enjoy it every year, and why not give it a go, as you always say Barb gotobeinittowinit! A fabulous prize on offer, worth the effort. Thanks for writing the clues Barb. Off to prep my notepad and find a working pen. Take care and stay safe everyone. Bx

  15. Always love the elf/gnome hunt! It’s like an advent calendar crossed with a puzzle and no chocolate. Wish I had little people to gift your stickers to xxx

  16. Yey – A Gnome hunt 🙂 Little relief, brain teasers not withstanding, in these challenging times.
    Take care everyone, and thank you Clarity 🙂

  17. Ooh lovely Gnomes where are you ?
    We’re.moving house this Friday so when I’ve got a minute I can look for them , thanks for running the Christmas raffle again, hugs xxx

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