I declare the Clarity Craft Club Library officially open !

I declare the Clarity Craft Club Library officially open !

Hi there,

Thanks for popping in. We’ve been busy at Clarity, reviewing our Craft Clubs. The Clarity projects Club and Clubs have been going almost as long as I have! Of course, like me, they’ve changed over the years; matured, evolved, dare I say improved? Well, I think so. I’ve done a new video, see below, to explain what it’s all about. Much easier to TALK about it than try and write about it! Click the video to listen.



“An Arty Craft Club and a Loyalty Club at the same time”. That just about sums it up really. In a nutshell then, you can learn crafting skills in your own time, as it suits you, and you can save money while building your crafting stash of designs and essentials.

We’ve got a fantastic library of past projects too. And believe you me, old is GOLD!! Some of the best designs and techniques are catalogued and demonstrated in the past issues. I want to clarify one thing though: the past projects and issues are not old stock, not unsold stuff. No no no. Every month we deliberately make and print more than we need. That’s how we have built up such a good stock and library!

This week is Clarity Craft Club Week!  If you’re not a Club member yet, now may be the perfect time to join – especially as there’s a GRAY FRIDAY sale looming large soon. At Clarity, we prefer to go GRAY rather than Black. Black Friday smacks of something ominous, doesn’t it? So with Gray Friday in mind, joining one (or more) of the project clubs this week  automatically gives you 10%(or even 15%) discount on all purchases next week – ON TOP OF THE SALE PRICES. Well, it makes good sense to me, and that’s just pennies logic. Who’s Penny? Not sure, but she certainly knows that £6 a month is a barrrginnnn!

The Past Issues Library is Officially OPEN this week! We’ve always quietly added them to the website, and they’ve been available. But you had to know where to look.


I declare the Clarity Craft Club Library OPEN.

And what’s more, to celebrate, we’re having a half price sale in the Past Issues Library. Yep. Half price. So if you were wanting to backdate your sets, if you fancy dipping your toe in this lovely pool of knowledge and inspiration – Penny says TODAY is good!!

Let me tell you how to find the past issues on the website, and how to find specific subject issues, like stamps or stencils..

  • Go to www.claritystamp.com. You will land on the HOMEPAGE
  • From the menu across the top, choose “More”
  • Then from the drop down menu, choose “Craft Club Back Issues”
  • You will then see the following page:


If you wanted to buy the whole set from a whole year, we’ve bundled them together for you too – HALF PRICE. And of course we will send you the binder, the folder, to keep your projects all filed and in order. Great reference library of ideas and inspiration PLUS key design.

There are four days left in the week, so how about a bloggy bus, taking you on a Clarity Craft Club trip, one day at a time, from stamps today through to dies on Friday. All aboard!

In the beginning, it was STAMPS and only stamps. I worked alone. I designed them, made them, cut them out and wrote the projects. The kids earned their pocket money bagging the stamps and sticking the photos on the projects sheets, and my Mum helped me label and stuff the envelopes. Those were good times actually. Fond memories.

Nowadays we have a fabulous full-colour printed concertina double-project print, and a whole team works together every month to deliver top quality projects and product. I may not always be as involved on the frontline as I was, but believe me when I tell you I am still working away on club stuff in the background !

I think the reason the Stamp Club is so strong is not only because of exceptional value for money;  its roots run deep, and many of its members have been with me since the beginning, since the days of photos stuck on photocopies. Hands up who has been in the Stamp Club over 20 years, and remembers those mad days? Cor blimey. I ought to collate the newsletters too! They’d make a great book! All the sagas and dramas back then! Boy oh boy. One day, when I am old and grey, I shall sit down and read through that diary…

I have the complete YEAR sets here, and I only have to dip into the folders to see how special this reference library is. You can‘t build this overnight; it takes many years. Let’s dip into STAMPS


2016.. Just picking out a couple. 5 years ago and yet still as current as today’s, don’t you agree?





So yes. This week is the week to join the oldest, biggest craft club in Britain. Join online, or call Jeannine on 01732 868215. She will help you. And treat yourself to a few past issues – they are such a great way to build your arsenal of stamps and knowledge! Especially Half price ! Offer ends at the end of November. CLICK HERE

Here’s the other key thing about The Clarity Craft Clubs. Definition of A CLUB: an association dedicated to a particular interest or activity. Ours is all that – and a wonderful, kind, clever creative community too. Many of you have been part of the Clarity family since the get go, and found friends for life here. In a world where many of us are feeling more lonely and isolated than ever, this community may just help.

Stay safe.

Love and Hugs

Barb xxx

PS A Club Subscription and/or a folder full of projects would make a great gift for somebody too. Just saying….



38 thoughts on “I declare the Clarity Craft Club Library officially open !

  1. Morning Barbara. I shall definitely be looking through to see what delights I missed in the days before I joined. I love getting my Happy Envelope each month and trying things out. Long may it continue. XXX Maggie Craner (Silvercrafter)

  2. I called and renewed my membership yesterday before diving into the last hours of the die sale. Always great to catch up momentarily with Jeannine and thank her for all she does, alongside you and the rest of the team, Barb xoxo

  3. Love it ! Getting the envelope each month, stroking the items and I have started to look at them (the older ones) more recently. Especially when my great-niece comes, she loves a stencil ! Think I’ll be due for renewal next month. Going to have a look at some of the very earliest now in case I missed something xx

    1. I love that you are one of the Clarity crew, and that you are teaching your young niece to play and craft too. Cool xxx

  4. I have been a club member so still have those photocopies and photos of all your stamps from the beginning. I love the way the clubs have evolved and am now a diamond member but I am running out of space for all my folders, stamps, stencils, dies and groovi. I’m gonna have to throw out some books in my bookshelf to accommodate all my folders for all my instructions etc. love love love getting a surprise every month from you and the clarity family. Thank you very much.

  5. Wow what a fabulous idea and offer I am a member of all the clubs now but started with stamps so will be looking at the back issues xx
    Thank you to you and your team for everything you do and the value you give us all the time xx

    1. Thank you so much for your loyalty Jayne. I also want to thank you for leaving a comment on this ere blog most days. It is always appreciated xxx

  6. I love getting my ”Happy Post” every month & have quite a collection. Like others I have cleared some of my craft books on subjects I am no longer interested in to make room for the folders. Makes it easy to grab a folder when in need of some inspiration or revisiting a project. The added bonus of the club discount is even greater as it means you benefit on all your shopping. Thank you Barbara & the Clarity Team for putting it altogether each month.
    Off to look at the website to see what I have missed before I joined.

  7. I love getting my monthly envelope of goodies too! I wasn’t a member from the very start, but do have some of the projects with stuck on photos still. Worth every penny!!!

  8. This club absolutely does help. I have made a few good friends through Clarity and that means a lot to me, particularly now that I am retired. More than you will realise. I am already a member of all four clubs and love getting my monthly post. I have collected a huge amount of Clarity products over the last three years or so but that won‘t stop me having a wee peek at past issues! You never know what I might find! Take care of yourselves, Barbara. Lots of love. Hxx

  9. Can I join your blog so I am notified when you post something new? Or, do you have a Facebook page I can joint?
    Thanks/Angela Knoll
    Arnprior, Canada

  10. HOORAY!! At last I can research those odd few club stamps where I have the stamp but no ideas. Still got a few gaps on my Club stamp excel sheet – no. 085 has eluded me thus far, I would love to know what it was .
    I would pay to access the archive.
    Thanks so very much.
    Maggie (Bendy Yorkite)

  11. I really enjoy receiving my envelope each month. I always sit down with a cuppa and have a read through the design sheets and newsletter. Love the inspiration, I sometimes need a kick start. Time for me to renew soon so must not forget. X xx

  12. I am going to get to grips with learning about patstamping as I have an eye problem which, heaven forbid, could affect my vision eventually, and stamping is something I would hope I could manage.. I am a club member and really enjoy the treat that arrives each month. Thank you Barbara and all at Clarity. X

  13. Oh yes – I still have all my folders with the photos stuck onto the top of the step by step instructions and the newsletters. I’m still as excited each month to receive my envelope as I was way back then. I think the only club I haven’t joined at some point over the years is the die club. Off to have a look at the back issues to see what I’ve missed. Love the clubs and really appreciate how much time it must take to put it altogether each month. Thank you xxx

  14. Ooh have only been a club member for about 5 years so must have a look to see what I missed. I have dipped into all 4 clubs at various times so will be interesting to see what I have skipped

  15. Best club I ever joined!
    I love getting my envelope each month. It’s like having Barbara drop round for a cuppa telling me her news and what’s going on when I read the newsletter.

  16. I put an order in last night so just missed adding a back project on to it. Bother…. But I shall browse. Well it would be rude not to.😁

  17. I’ve been a club member for several years and really appreciate the beautiful designs and excellent quality. It’s amazing that I open the envelope and love what I see every time. Thank you Barbara for your newsletters which make me feel I’m part of a welcoming club. xx

  18. Love finding my Clarity post, it is like birthdays every month. I have been looking and have already ordered from the sale, will probably be looking again, who knows….. Yes of course I will. hahaha. Love Clarity Club.

  19. What a brilliant idea, don’t need any stamp back orders (joined with moon shadow number 5)🤦🏻‍♀️, and been a die club member from the start. But it I’ll be lovely to look at the stencils and tempt myself a little more 🤣

  20. Yes I’ve still got my early Claritystamp project sheets with the photos stuck on, and great memories of helping out at the “old farm” sticking on photos and filling the envelopes! Now I’m a Diamond member and love getting the “Happy Post” each month, quality product, amazing tutorial sheets from the experts and Barbara’s Brilliant Bulletin in her newsletter, keeping us in touch with all that’s happening at Clarity Towers! Big thank you to Team Clarity for all the hard work to ensure we get our “Magic package! each month – can’t recommend enough being a member, so worthwhile!

  21. So glad I joined the clubs. Dave kept telling me I should at every Alexandra Palace Show and I’m delighted I did when I took early retirement. It is a joy to get Barbara’s newsletter,( it’s so like getting a letter from a friend isn’t it), every month and the box of delights accompanying it. Always such a treat. After my stroke I didn’t think I’d be able to craft again but here I am back in the fold and looking forward to the next mixed media retreat.
    Barbara, I’ve suggested to “My Stoke Guide” that Groovi is a good way of getting those impaired by stroke to become actively creative again with OTs help. It worked for me!

  22. Been a club member for years and added Groovi and dies from their beginning. I am missing some of the very early club stamps but will have a browse to see what I can add to my stash.
    My book cases are overflowing with Clarity folders and really ought to get rid of some more books I never look at to make more space.
    Love receiving my envelope every month, it always puts a smile on my face.
    Thank you for your generosity and inspiration. I will be renewing my membership shortly.

  23. I love being a member of the Groovi Club so look forward to the envelope dropping through the letterbox every month and reading the letter you write each month. I feel part of a lovely community, sharing, encouraging each other. Thank you for all the fabulous products and new ideas. Thank you for the Shac Shack.

  24. It must have been right near the beginning that I joined the stamp club with the photos and stamps. I stopped for a while when the stamps and projects seemed to be repeated, and then rejoined. I have newsletters back many years too. I first saw Clarity (Imagina) in 1994 and have been collecting the stamps ever since. I ‘unmounted’ most of my stamps for convenience and just kept a couple of sets of mounts as I now use a stamp press, except for tiny stamps, as my hands don’t like mounts any more. I hope Bea and I will collect stamps/dies (which I joined from the beginning) and stencils for many more years!!

  25. Hi Barb, just received my oct. Groovi plate. Takes a bit longer to get to Aussie. Always a surprise what,s in the bag. Love this one.
    Keep the clubs going.

  26. I’ve been a club member since edition 74 in late 2012 (with a short break at one point), back when the project were the photos stuck onto typed sheets. I love getting the envelope each month – my sister & crafty buddy are now club members too and we get together online each month for a ‘crafternoon’ with our club stamps – I love that we get such different results when we’re all using the same stamp. I’ve also been challenging myself to work through all my back issue stamps since the beginning of the year, using one each week, so they don’t just sit in the folders. I’m loving resurrecting them – I’m up to July 2017 so far, so I’ve still got a bit of a way to go yet! Huge thanks to you and the team for all the inspiration each month!

  27. I joined the stamp club in the a4 sheet and photo days and I’ve been with the stencil and die clubs from the beginning. I also joined the Groovi club at the beginning but then swapped to dies. Thinking of going back to Groovi when I renew. I love receiving the envelope each month and am always surprised, as I have no idea when in the month they are due! Like other people, books had to find an alternative home to accommodate all the folders. Clarity rocks!
    Thank you Barbara. Xx

  28. My Groovi Club runs out at the end of the month I think. Must phone Jeannine to renew before I go into hospital otherwise I’ll forget. I’ve truly enjoyed the past year (my 1st year). Thank you for all you’ve done to keep us sane Barbara and Clarity team xxxx

  29. Hi Barbara
    I have all your newsletters since I joined in 2012 so coming up to 10 years. Its nice to look back on them. Mind you might have to build another Billy bookcase to house them. Carry on the good work it is very much appreciated.
    Ruth & Jackie xx

  30. Hello Barb, I love the clubs, three of them that I belong to, love the projects, the detail makes it really easy to replicate, love the products, pure Clarity quality. Fantastic value. I can’t remember without looking what year I joined, but it was back when the Projects had the photo stuck on the A4 sheet. So often I will look through them to get my mojo back and find inspiration. So thank you to you and all the team involved, and to the lovely Jeannine who always has a smile in her voice, for all that you bring us. It is the highlight of my day when that envelope drops through the door. Take care and stay safe everyone. Bx

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