Cards, Cake and Flowers!

Cards, Cake and Flowers!


Hi there

Thanks for popping in. Went AWOL for a day yesterday. Sat in the garden, cuddled a cat, got my hair cut off, went for a walk on the Ashdown Forest, and caught a beautiful sunset. I think it’s called a day off…

But I wanted to say a big THANK YOU to you for making our 28th Birthday Celebrations on The Craft Store this weekend such a success – and so special.

Cards, Cake and flowers – not to mention a huge delivery of chocolate goodies – were delivered right to the TV studios by generous friends and customers. Thank you Karen. Thank you Roz .

At this rate I shall never get into those size 12 jeans again!!

Paul has a very sweet tooth! He enjoyed the cake!

But seriously folks, it was great to be back in the studios with a smashing bunch of switched on, motivated people, all working their socks off to make the shows a success. And weren’t they just! All those months of design and preparation paid off. All the products – from the new Doodle Dies on Friday morning to the Personalised Stamps on Sunday evening – sold out completely. And believe you me, we had a lot a lot of stock!

So I want to say a huge Thank you to the Clarity Team, to the CraftStore Team – and of course to you, our friends who actually buy and use our art products! Because, let’s face it – without you what would be the point?

But now I am going AWOL again for the day. Why? Grace is coming home for the week! She didn’t get to see her Grandad a month ago, when he was in hospital, and she was most upset about this. In fact, the only way to appease her was to make sure she came back soonest. I hear the car in the drive now.

Gotta go!

Love always.

Barb xxx

33 thoughts on “Cards, Cake and Flowers!

  1. Congratulations on the weekend birthday celebrations ! Have a lovely week with Grace and hope to see you both on Friday evening xx

  2. Fantastic blog! Love the photo of bloated Paul! Love all that you do! Just can’t afford it all! Enjoy the brief time with Grace, you deserve it after recent events!

  3. Congratulations, the products have sold themselves and that’s all down to your great clarity team and of course the bus driver! Have a great time with Grace you deserve it xx

  4. Congratulations on the weekend, I have had to catch up as we were not near wifi. As usual such wonderful products and love them all. Enjoy your time with Grace and glad she can now see her Grandad. Hope you have enough tissues handy, xx

  5. Have a lovely time with Grace. Nothing like spending time with your children, no matter their age. Enjoy every minute. Thank you for a wonderful weekend and all the fabulous goodies. Can’t wait for mine to arrive. Have fun. Hugs xx

  6. Have a lovely time with Grace. Nothing like spending time with your children, no matter their age. Enjoy every minute. Thank you for a wonderful weekend and all the fabulous goodies. Can’t wait for mine to arrive. Have fun. Hugs xx

  7. So glad it all went well and that you have/are taking some well earned time out. Enjoy your time with the family. Xxx

  8. Pleased to hear that you are looking after yourself and taking a much deserved time to relax. Great birthday celebrations and I am looking forward to receiving the amazing square doodle frames. Have a super time with Grace. X

  9. The shows were brilliant. Really looking forward to all my goodies arriving! Hope you all have a lovely time with Grace. Lots of love to all of you. Hxx

  10. You so deserve some days off after your TV marathon. Still catching up with the recorded shows, but the inspiration from what I’ve seen so far was amazing. Enjoy your extra week with Grace x

  11. Glad all went so well and what a success but of course without all your fabulous products and team and the craft store it wouldn’t be possible xx hats off to you and Paul and you both deserve days off xx
    Thrilled that Grace has managed to get back to see her grandad and of course you xx have a fabulous time with her and your family enjoy every minute xx

  12. Many congratulations Barbara on such a successful birthday weekend, so well deserved! It was a fun time in the Craft Store but appreciate how hard all in Team Clarity have worked for it! Looking forward to playing with some amazing Clarity goodies!
    Have lots of fun family time now Grace is back home.

  13. It was a great weekend but oh so busy for you & Paul. Not just physically but mentally to as I am sure you were fretting over the number of demos & whether we would like the new products. We didn’t just like them but we loved them as the extended shipping & total sell outs showed. The Clarity team are no doubt working their way through the pile of orders as we speak so pass on our thanks to them as they play a big part in all of this as well.
    Have a great time with Grace, I am sure she will want to be over to see her Grandad asap but no doubt there are some hoops to pass through first regarding covid tests.
    Take care

  14. Congratulations. really enjoyed the shows, couldn’t buy everything. What a shame, but always next time. Enjoy your time with Grace.

  15. How lovely that you had a day off. You deserve it after all the hard work (especially last weekend). I’ve seen a few of the shows. Lovely! Love the new contour plates and the personal doodle stamps. But i have no money to spend at the moment. Love to hear that Grace is coming back so soon. Will you please give her my greetings (Yvonne, her facebook Pel from Sweden)?
    Enjoy your time together!

  16. After that oh so busy birthday weekend it is good that you are taking time to recoup. If you need to step back a bit more to spend time with Grace we will all understand.
    Orders are already starting to trickle through so thank you to the Clarity team who work so hard. 👍
    Paul looks like he really enjoyed that cake. 🎂 Hope you and Dave got a look in.
    Here’s to the next umpteen years of Crafting with Clarity.
    Have a good day and stay safe.🍒

  17. Hi Barbara what a fantastic birthday weekend. You work so hard you deserve all the success. Keep up the good work. Who doesn’t love cake. Enjoy your time with Grace. Take care. Hugs xxx

  18. So pleased for you, great result as always. Enjoy Grace being home again. Looking forward to Shac Shack tomorrow. Xx

  19. Thanks to all at the studio and all at Clarity for a very enjoyable weekend. I wasn’t well so was so glad of the wonderful entertainment! Thanks guys.
    Enjoy your visit Grace..I’m sure you must be glad to be able to spend some more time with your family.xx

  20. Congratulations on a wonderful weekend , have some on record to catch up. Glad you are now able to have a rest and some time with Grace. Your Dad will be delighted to see her. Still trying to decide which of the labels to get. Lovely designs. Xxxxxxx

  21. All I can think of is the meeting between Grace and her grandad. So very special, especially after her last visit.
    Congratulations on a wonderful birthday weekend. Have a wonderful time with Grace and your family. Hugs. Annette X

  22. Well done with the birthday celebrations. All the products were lovely, some have gone on my to buy list. Enjoy you’re time with Grace and see you tomorrow in the Shac Shack, and on Friday in PJ’S. Thank you for all you’re time with us, you are one special lady. Xx

  23. Enjoy the.time with your family , you all deserve a few days off after the.mammoth family event which was awesome xxx waiting for my goodies to arrive
    Thanks for all the great products and demos

  24. Had a lovely birthday weekend bought what I could afford at the time but definitely will be back for more when I have more available cash. Glad Grace is back home with you enjoy your week with her. Xxxx

  25. What a weekend – loved your shows – you and Paul were the cat’s whiskers!!! Can’t wait for my goodies to arrive although my crafting time is cut a bit short at the moment as I have a black lab pup to contend with. She was in bugger bitch mode today!!! Enjoy your week with Grace xx

  26. Hi Barb,
    Congratulations on a fabulous weekend and well done to everyone involved in making it such a success. I have managed to catch up with the shows I didn’t catch live but still gutted that I couldn’t record them.I am so pleased to hear that Grace is back with you for the week. What a tonic her visit will be for her Grandpa and of course all of the family. You should take a few days off to be with her , you have such a fantastic working for you and they will cope. Had an email today to say my square dies had been posted already – how fantastic is that? Have a great time with Grace, love and hugs Alison xxx

  27. Hello Barb, you certainly deserve to be AWOL, what a fab birthday celebration. Those cards and gifts are well earned. Enjoy Grace’s visit and I am sure she can’t wait to give her Granddad a big hug. Take care everyone and stay safe. Bx

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