Christmas Come Early! This Week’s Half Price Offer.
Hi there
Thanks for popping in. August already. Where is this year going? Wherever it went, it certainly took the Summer with it! Or are we still ever hopeful of a mini heatwave in August? Shakes her head in mute acceptance of the way it is…
On a happy note, it’s only 130 sleeps to Christmas! Oh Joy. Or to bring it even closer, there are only 19 Fridays till Christmas Eve! Now doesn’t that little factoid dilate time? Oh yes.
So we’d best get started on those Christmas Cards!
Last year, I didn’t send many cards at all. I was not in a good headspace. We were in the throes of a global pandemic, the kids couldn’t come home from the States, we weren’t even able to meet up with the parents or the family over here. As I recall, I just climbed into the back of the cave, metaphorically speaking.
Actually, in hindsight, last year would have been the perfect time to send cards to friends and family. Why give cards to people you are sitting opposite? Surely we should send cards to people we can’t spend the Festive Season with. My mistake. Got that wrong.
So this year I’m doing it differently, and starting early. I love these two-way Christmas Ornament designs. Tina Cox designed the lovely original Groovi plates, and we turned them into overlay stamps. Very cool to use.
Perfect if you are looking to kick start your Christmas Cards. Tina’s 2 Way Christmas Ornament stamp sets are perfect for quick and easy cards.
So, in a bid to encourage you too, to get making early, how about this collection half price?!

Available HERE
Here is some artwork to inspire you from the design team

Mmmm. I really like this card by Sam. Mmmm…. where are the star boxes on the righthand side from though…stops to investigate….aahh…. Either she’s stamped out the starry strip stamp from the Angel set, and then chopped up the little boxes, or she’s stamped out the larger single heart and then doodled a box around it. Upon closer inspection, I reckon the chopped strip, don’t you? Mmm…Neat. Very neat.

Lovely samples. Lovely stamp collection = lovely Christmas cards. These designs by Tina are very doodle-lovely!
I really must get started soon! Always leave it till the last minute and then scramble. How about you? Are you one of those super efficient crafters who has already made theirs ?! Pray do tell!!
Love and Hugs
Barb xxx
23 thoughts on “Christmas Come Early! This Week’s Half Price Offer.”
I have been making Christmas cards since last Christmas. I love them xxx
Been busy with my Christmas card for about 4 weeks now. All parchment, practicing the white work Linda showed us in a Groovi Tuesday a few weeks ago. Using the twiggy wreath plate with the bow, perfect for practicing on. Very relaxing to do, but not something you can leave until December as I’m letting the parchment rest between layers. xx
Beautiful cards and the stamps are fab xx I always say I will start early for Christmas but never do and like you it’s a last minute dash xx This year I am going to start beginning of September so these have come at an opportune time to get me going xx Thank you for all you do xx
Been busy with my Christmas card for about 4 weeks now. All parchment, practicing the white work Linda showed us in a Groovi Tuesday a few weeks ago. Using the twiggy wreath plate with the bow, perfect for practicing on. Very relaxing to do, but not something you can leave until December as I’m letting the parchment rest between layers. xx
Always the best intentions……but suddenly its December and the last postal dates loom! So this year I am planning to start on the 1st September! I recently purchased the Christmas baubles two way overlay stamps, so no excuses this year!
Take care, keep safe everyone.
Waiting for the Gud stamps 🤣🤣🤣
Hello Barbara
I start my Christmas cards in January. Doing a few each month I aim to get them all made by the end of September/beginning of October. This leaves a few weeks to do the inserts and addresses.
Always starting in september with the Christmas cards, but this year it will be different. Don’t know when I can start my Christmas cards because our house is just for sale and we have to search for a home again.
Those cards are beautiful Barbara.
Take care and a lot of love, Trijntje Huppel
Last year I made more than usual as I wasn’t seeing people near Christmas time and ended up being seriously time challenged. Therefore this year I started last month and have made almost half of the those I shall need.
Am just getting to the stage where a bit fed up of batch making so will take a break; tidy up ( ha ha) and make some different cards.
I’m trying to do a Christmas card most days (aim for 5 a week) and have been using Clarity stuff from last year, including the Shac village and other Shac inspiration. I sent lots of cards last year because I knew I wouldn’t see anyone and plan to keep it up this year as Bea and I don’t see many extra people over the Christmas period. Just one relative each usually. Now friends are too old, too far away or too ill to visit us and I can’t drive very far to visit them so we spend a very quiet time. Sending cards is a good way to stay in touch.
Unusually I’m really organised this year and got mine done by the end of February. 90 parchment cards. They are all the same theme but slightly different. I also bought quite a few presents in Debenhams closing down sale. The last two Christmas’s for us haven’t really happened. First of the two we were ill and in bed and, of course, last year was lockdown so I am determined to have a good one this year.xx
Hi Barbara I make Christmas cards all year round. I love making Christmas cards. These stamps are gorgeous. I love them all. The samples are stunning too. Have a good evening. Take care. Hugs xxx
I made most of my Christmas cards ( about 80) in May and June- just some inserts to finish. I made some from 2020 Shac Shack doodles, gnomes, baubles and little houses plus some die cut ones backed with Clarity designer paper.
Lovely cards as usual, so clever. I have a feeling I may have some of these designs in my stash, will have to have another search. They do seem familiar.
I only have 14 cards to do, bit of a drop from the 192 I used to send (not all hand made I hasten to add) before I retired. This year they will all be hand made, some stamped and some parched. Started in July, just doing a couple as the mood takes me. Plan to have another “laid back” festive season this year.
2021 is speeding by, time seems to go faster every year I get older.
Saturday looks like being our summer this August. Can’t say I mind it being cooler – I seem to get a lot more done than in the dreadful heat. They do say we may have a heatwave Sept/Oct time. We shall see.
Can’t wait to see what surprise you have in store for us on Friday.
Take care, stay safe.
Have made a few used the baubles doodle from the Shac and made a landscape inside using Janyne’s Christmas scenes. Also have used the Peace stamp and mask. Have been quite busy never been so organised.
Not a single Christmas card yet! Par for the course but no excuse this year except that I will be attempting to fill a stall at a Christmas Craft Fayre at the beginning of November! If the cards don’t sell, I should have loads ready for Christmas! Lol. Looking forward to Friday. Lots of love. Hxx
Hi Barb,
I absolutely love this set of stamps. I made quite a lot of last year’s cards using them and they were very well received. I usually start my Christmas cards in October and I’ve cut down to only 100!! I’ve been quite busy making some decorations for presents , I’ve got 10 more to do and then might get an early start with the cards. I’m using the new 12 days of Christmas stamps and a few other makes(sorry!) and I might use these two way stamps again – if I can remember who I sent them to last year! Hope your Dad is continuing to improve. Love and hugs,Alison xxx
Hello Barb, these stamps really are beautiful, and wow the gorgeous artwork from the team. Finished my Christmas cards. HaHa, not even started, although I have thought about it. It has just been a really weird year, and not sure where the time has gone. I do have a few days off from the day job, and perhaps if we can get the garage sorted out quickly, may get some crafting time. Well done to all those that have finished their festive cards. Take care and stay safe everyone. Bx
As the sun has taken a break it does make you feel like crafting Christmas cards, can’t do it if the sun is out and the outdoors beckons! Love these designs especially the poinsettia xx
love these stamps – have got a couple of the sets. Have made a few individual Christmas cards, but now need to start on the batch making. Have got a fete in Sept, so want to have some ready to sell there – need to start pedalling faster!
Have already made lots, started really early a few each week. Only the special family ones to make. I don’t batch make as such I get bored, maybe just a few similar ones. Won’t it be brilliant seeing family this Christmas? Love and hugs Pam xxx
I sent more cards last year. Sent to a lot of neighbours who live alone and were isolating- just to let them know someone was thinking of them. I have made one or two already, but a big push after the schools go back in September and the weather starts to change. Doesn’t feel quite right making Christmas cards when the sun is shining. 😂xx
Having searched for the 2nd time I found the 3 sets that I knew I had bought in the past so now to make up the set & get cracking. I also found some toppers that I did with the Poppets & some with the Groovi Baubles so further ahead than I thought.