Final call!

Final call!

Hi everyone!

Paul here. I hope you all had an enjoyable weekend.

Just a quick reminder that the Half Price Clarity Craft Club Members Sale ends at midnight tonight. So if you have been humming and hawing, you don’t have long!

Despite the scorching temperatures down here in Kent, we have been busy in the picking, packing and dispatch department. Royal Mail has been backwards and forwards collecting all the packages – this was waiting for the 3rd and final collection of the day………….

Now, I wonder if the warm weather or the excitement will prevent me from getting a good nights sleep tonight!

One more sleep until school starts – I am so excited!

School starts at 10am sharp tomorrow morning with the lovely Linda Williams, I will be in the room as the teachers assistant and taking the register!

Enjoy your evening!

Stay safe and keep crafting.

Paul xx

10 thoughts on “Final call!

  1. Hi Paul I did place an order last week. You always think you have enough stuff and then temptation comes along. Enjoy the summer school tomorrow. Take care. Hugs xxx

  2. I was so pleased my club envelope came today -I was able to order extra items I didn’t already have at half price!! Thanks to all of the picking and packing team.

  3. Goodness, you have been hard at work.
    I placed 2 orders in the week and look forward to receiving them, but sorry, I couldn’t face a third run through especially as hubby was on the alert !!!!!
    I find it hard to do anything physical in this heat so have been pleased to have an excuse to sit and fill some of my folders which arrived on Saturday.
    Linda’s school is going to be great for everyone. See you there.
    Try to get a good night’s sleep despite the heat.

  4. Wow what a lot or orders to go and THIRD lot today! You’ve all been so busy and thank you to everyone for your hard work. My Club Groovi plate arrived today – happy post! Looking forward to Pergamano Summer School tomorrow – suspect I’ll just be watching as it’s likely to be too hot for my usual place in the dining room.

  5. Iโ€™ll check in but will have to catch up later as my book and tools didnโ€™t arrive today and the post never comes early. Fingers crossed they arrive tomorrow. Looking forward to learning some new parching skills.

  6. Can’t wait……We’re never too old to learn!
    See you at 10 a.m. ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•

  7. Hi Paul, wow, that is a lot of post. Looking forward to mine arriving. Love the Club items this month which arrived yesterday, can’t wait to play with the stencil. Take care everyone, stay safe and enjoy summer school. Bx

  8. Finally gave in and placed an order! Hoping it doesn’t arrive until my office/craft room is installed next week, then it can just get stored away with all the bits I’ve had for ages!!! ๐Ÿ˜

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