1st Day at School!
Hi everyone.
Paul here. I hope you are well.
Well today it was back to school for me and many hundreds of our lovely Clarity & Pergamano friends. I am sure that if I had taken a register of all the attendees, it would have taken me an hour and the class would have been over.
Can you imagine if we had actually all been in the same room, we would have filled a small theatre and no matter how big the screen, we would never had been as close to Linda as we were today!
Lesson 1 is below
I think it is great that you can watch it again and again and again. Pause, rewind, fast forward all at the press of a button
All lessons will be available on our various platforms, depending on how you wish to watch:
Clarity Website HERE
Clarity YouTube HERE
Clarity Facebook HERE
Each week, Linda will guide us through a particular multi-needle tool showing us various techniques together with hints, tips, suggestions and ideas. Then at midday on the Sunday following the class, the lovely Glynis Whitehead will present us with a step-by-step project using that particular multi-needle tool. Where can you find this project? Over on the Clarity Matters Blog HERE so that you can take what you have learnt and turn it into a project.

Did you know that we have a whole library of Tutorials on the Clarity Matters Blog?

There are currently 40 step-by-step projects in the library using stamps, stencils, dies and Groovi – all skill levels are covered.
To make it nice and easy, we have put them all in one place over on the Clarity website HERE
It will be great to see what you have done from today’s class over on our Facebook Community pages – Clarity Worldwide and Groovi Worldwide.
If you missed class this morning, then please leave me a note below with your excuse (I have heard that the dog ate my homework etc etc etc all before!) and I can discuss with the teacher to see if detention is required ahead of next weeks class!
Enjoy your evening, stay safe.
Paul xxx
20 thoughts on “1st Day at School!”
Please Sir, I only missed the last couple of minutes. I’ll do some lines…. Of picot cutting, if you insist!!!
Brilliant summer school. I learnt loads.
Fab class today loved following along and will definitely be having a look back xx thank you to Paul and Linda xx can’t wait for next week xx
Sorry Paul for not attending this morning but I had to take my mother in law out to her friends for coffee and it ran on somewhat! I have made a start on watching on catch up! 🤪 it looks like a really useful lesson and has just reminded me I haven’t got a three needle tool! Had to have a trip to the website and have added more than one tool to my basket! (Note to self should have bought in half price sale!) thank you guys for putting all this together for us all and it’s great that we can watch over and over again.
Thanks to everyone involved in producing Summer School it was brilliant👏👏👏👏👏
Hi Paul, I had to leave the class early as I needed to go over to Moms to take her shopping. I have watched it since I got back but must confess I fell asleep – something to do with the heat & listening to soft speaking voices through headphones !! So I will get my bits & bobs together & start again. I can see my end of year report reading, needs to try harder, easily distracted !!
Hi Paul,
Watched later as 10am is not good for me. Enjoyed a relaxing hour and will be actually doing the class tomorrow.
Have a good evening.
Summer school was fabulous today learnt a lot, Next week i wll have to watch in the evening as i will be back at work after a week off, thank you Linda & Paul,
Oh Paul, I’m sorry I’m not a Groovi chick, but I’m glad it is all going so well – it is lovely to hear from you too!
Hope you are all OK.
Maggie (Bendy Yorkite) – (Bendy is the cat)
Please Sir, I missed class this morning because I had to go into town to buy a fan. Thus allowing me to be cool in bed, get some sleep and therefore ready to craft tomorrow. I must be getting old though as being a heat lover I am finding I cannot sleep in this heat. I am really sorry sir. Can you forgive me?
Thank you Paul and Linda, watched later this afternoon really enjoyed the show and will watch again and try to join in before the next one.xxx
I need to attend special school. I watched and it was fab! Can’t wait to have a go. I was watching on my phone so everything was so small. Can’t find it on you-tube.
Sorry Sir, I had to visit a friend that has moved away,turned out I got the wrong day,so was supposed to go tomorrow, wasted my time when I could have been watching ,though I’m not to sure about groovi though I do have the club ones ,will look on utube
Although my tools didn’t arrive in time I thoroughly enjoyed watching the first lesson with Linda she is a great teacher. Bonus was not being sent to Headmasters office for the cane. RESULT! Thank you so much for the expert tuition.
Hi Paul sounds like you had a fantastic time this morning. Life is getting in the way a bit here. Enjoy the rest of your evening. Take care. Hugs xxx
Thank you Paul and Linda for a brilliant first day in the Pergamano Summer School! Looking forward to the rest of term!
Hi Paul, sounds like you did not have too many errant pupils 🙂 and everyone enjoyed themselves. Well done to you and Linda. Take care and stay safe everyone. Bx
Really enjoyed watching the class in 2 halves! I’ve had the books and tools for a while and this is the nudge to really get to grips with them! Thanks Linda and Paul. X
Sorry Paul could not attend as I am in the Lakes taking Mum on holiday for the first time in 18 months. Enjoying lovely sunny weather. Will be there next week and will watch and do my homework.
Hi Paul,
Apologies for not watching but I’m down south on holiday visiting my brand new 3 week old granddaughter will try and catch up when back home
Hello Paul,
Sorry I didn’t make it into school. Was all set up ready and then #1 daughter called in. Thank god for YouTube etc!