Pause for Thought.
Hi there
Thank you for popping in. Been working alone this afternoon, prepping the 2 hours of Live TV on Hochanda on Friday. 9am and 1pm. So don’t forget all you Shackers! The ShacShac is at 10.30 on Friday.
Anyway, it’s been okay, being alone with myself today. Stayed busy with art, and produced some pretty cool stuff, which is always sweet relief when it comes together quickly.
Back in the day, when I first started doing Live TV shows, I would spend a whole day on one single demo, which would be over and done in 10 to 15 minutes. I was so terrified of getting it wrong, that I would practice and practice. Ironically, by the time the TV shows rolled round, I could do the demos with my eyes shut, becasue I had redone them so many times! Here is a little gallery of cards I made in the good old days. Believe it or not, all before 2014.
2014 BG. Before Groovi!
Nowadays, I neither have the time nor the inclination to invest so many days in whirlwind demos. But I do still prepare well – just not as obsessively. It’s strange, the more relaxed I am with art, the better the result. The less constraints and expectations I load on myself, the easier the ride.
So I shall carry on tomorrow, but for today I have said “That’ll do Donkey…”

Here’s a card I made a while ago, using the Gel press, a stencil and alcohol ink…
Reminds me of my parents.

Here‘s another one, using the same technique. Reminds me of Dave.

Do you find that? Association? Certain images connect you with certain people? The mind is so complex, isn’t it? Every one of those old pieces of artwork above reminds me instantly of somebody from back then too. In a nano, I am transported back in time. Who needs a time machine when you‘ve got art?!
Anyway. In a bid to strike a Work-Life balance, I shall call it a day.
Stay safe.
Love always
Barb xxx
34 thoughts on “Pause for Thought.”
It’s lovely to see these cards again. I still have a version of the trust one which you gave me at the SECC in a frame up on my wall. It makes me smile when I look at it.
Lovely blog. I need trust and pause. Trust in the powers that be to save my critical Ill grandson born today and not well at all. Pause and think how precious life is
My thoughts are with you Anne. X
Thank you
Bless i hope he fights and pulls through, hugs to you xx
Bless you again Anne – I was intending to ask people on the blog to think of you and your new grandson. To either send positive thoughts, or to pray – depending on everyone’s beliefs. Sending another distant comforting hug, Gilly x
Thank your
Sorry to hear about your grandson Anne. Trust and pray he will improve soon x
Anne thinking of you and your family.
Sending prayers and positive thoughts for your baby grandson, Anne x x x
Those wee tots are tough, Anne. Praying for you and your family. Hxx
Think of you and keeping you and your grandson in my prayers Anne.
I had heard a lot about you from a friend that had a class once a month
Then went to Port Sunlight show to see you, and you had just started groovi. I still have the piece you did me to show how it was done. That was the start of getting hooked. Vera now can’t have her class. She still keeps busy making cards. I have told her about Shac Shack. One of her daughter’s is a fan .
Thank you for all you do. Xx
All lovely cards but my favourite is the trust one . It says it all doesn’t it . Have a great evening xx
All your cards are beautiful 😍
Wow. What beautiful artwork. Have a lovely evening with Dave. X
I have always been a follower of yours ,but when my friend passed i found it hard but her daughter said to take note of what new things you did because mum will be watching! So im now back with you love all you do. ps can you still get the couple on the bench stamp ?
Some lovely memories seeing those cards. I do love the gelplate ones too.
I love your beautiful work I find it all so inspiring and nothing dates even in the pause of time from back then to now.
Some lovely artwork Barb – I am looking forward to seeing you demonstrate on tv on Friday. I totally agree that some cards definitely seem so right for certain people in our lives. Thanks again for all you do. Hugs, Gilly x
Wow, I remember those cards is it really that long ago?!! – Why is it time flies even quicker the older we get?! – I got released from my Jury Service today so it means I have the rest of the week to play! 😃 So tomorrow playing with my Clarity Stamps and some Groovi. Friday the TV shows and more playing! Things are looking up! 😃XX
I remember you doing your first TV show with the corset stamp, Angelina fibres and an iron. It was like watching someone do live magic! It still is x
I have so many of the stamps etc you used back then. it’s lovey to see them again and be reminded of ideas. I saw that today is Holocaust remembrance day. We must NEVER forget those who died , and those who still suffer atrocities even now.
Sending cyber hugs to Anne and positive thoughts for her wee grandson.
Hi Barbara what gorgeous cards. The image that resonates with me is the couple on the bench. Have a great evening. Take care. Hugs xxxx
Beautiful cards. Is the dog stamp still available. Must go look.
Great artwork.
Glad you had a better end to your day. X
Those cards are stunning, Barbara. Hang on in there. Hxx
Lovely to see these images again. I remember doing some of them on the annual retreats – great memories and hopefully we’ll be able to do that again before too long. Looking forward to Friday’s shows
Love all the artwork you are very imaginative with your art and it seems to contain you within it xx yes I understand you see certain people within a piece of art odd isn’t it xx will look forward to Friday xx
Hello Barb, I love looking at your older cards, because often they were the inspiration to do something, or try something new. Love the alcohol ink one with the couple. Received my Love heart stamp set and words masks yesterday, now to make Hubby’s Valentine’s Day card. Looking forward to Friday’s shows. Take care and stay safe everyone. Bx
Such lovely cards Barbara. Thank you for the pause for thought to enjoy your art. xx
I’ve loved looking at this art work and remember it all well. Sometimes it’s nice to go back and slow down instead of always having to keep up with the latest thing. Still say some of the best stamps/stencils are the old ones that pound for pound, use after use, are worth their weight in gold – just like you. Hope you had a lovely evening xxx
wow your taking me back can remember all of them, done most of them or variations of them going back to visit them stay safe love to the Vikings