A Groovi Shac Shac!
Hi there
Thanks for popping in. In case you didn’t catch it in the SHAC this morning, we are starting a Groovi Tuesday ShacSHAC for all our friends who like parchment craft, or want to try their hand at our Groovi art!
You’ve been asking for this for a long time – and we have listened!
I’ve wanted to do it for ages, but time has always been my issue. However, Paul is happy to be the bus driver on the Groovi Trail – and I can join in if he ever needs a bus conductor!
Starting next Tuesday at 10am Paul will be heading up a new weekly Shac Shac session. We ran a test today, to see whether we can invite guests to the party too – and it worked! So we’ll be able to invite friends in too, like Linda, Josie, Glynis, Hazel or even me – depending on what we’re doing!
It will be a perfect opportunity to hang out every week on Tuesday with like-minded people, and craft along.
The only thing, as I said today, is that – unlike the Monday, Wednesday and Friday Doodle-Colouring Shac Shac, where all you basically need is a pencil and a piece of paper to join in, you will need a few tools and things to join in on Groovi Tuesday!
So, with that in mind, we have reduced the price of the STARTER KIT and added a lovely Butterfly plate:

That’ll keep us going for weeks! And if you’ve got the Pergaliners or Polychromos for colouring – we’re golden!! They are perfect for parchment too!
If you have been thinking about taking up parchment, what with guaranteed free weekly online tuition, now is a great time! And maybe you’ll even consider joining our Groovi Club:
What’s included?
- A new beautiful plate designed by Linda Williams,
- full colour step by step double project sheets.
- A folder to store all your tutorials and plates in
- 10% discount on any Clarity purchases
- A Half price member’s Sale twice a year.
By the way, that half price member’s sale starts on Monday February 1st. Foe one week only. So when I say there’s never been a better time to join – I mean it !! Click here to investigate xx We’ve got 4 Craft clubs, you know. And you can join any one, two, three – or all four!
Food for thought…while we’re all hunkering down, why not join in and get good at something. It works.
Stay safe
Love always
Barb xxx
27 thoughts on “A Groovi Shac Shac!”
Certainly want to improve my parching. Apologies for my comment on your test this morning. It was meant humorously. Enjoying the kingfisher too. What a great deal has been learnt xx
What a cracking idea💡 Thank you all cant wait for Groovi Tuesday ♥
Iv been dipping in and out of groovi so hopefully ‘groovi Tuesday’ will keep me in the groove as to say 😃
Luv to all 💕
Awesome! I need all the help I can get xx
What a fantastic idea. I love it. I have got the starter kit and I have used it once. I think I need some help. So this idea is ideal for me. I will pick up the butterfly plate soon enough. Have a great evening. Take care. Hugs xxx
It’s a great plan to do this. So many people want to do Groovi but need a bit of help dipping their toe in. Or have bought the starter kit and need a bit of help using it. It is easy once you get over that fear but with Paul leading the way it’ll be like having someone holding your hand.
Glad I could help out with your test today. I though I was seeing things when the notification came up that you had gone live again.
Hope you have a great evening.
Love and hugs xxx
Yes, it’s a brilliant idea! I was listening to you this morning Barb, and I was really pleased to hear about this new idea. I bought the Groovi starter kit ages ago, and did make quite a few very simple cards. Then Life got in the way, and I didn’t continue. So, I have ordered the butterfly wreath plate today and I am going to join in! I am really looking forward to it. Having watched Paul demonstrate Groovi at Leyburn a few years ago, he is super patient. Perfect man for the job! I did a lesson with Glynis on the same day with my very good Clarity friend, Pam Kershaw. The difference being that Pam has carried on with it. Hugs, Gilly x
Oh that’s great.
I’m a parcher since many years, but it’s always nice to get some new ideas from other people. 😊
Hello Barbara (and Paul),
I am looking forward to the Tuesday mornings on Facebook Live. I have shared your post with my East Northants Groovi Group friends. It has been over a year since I attended one of Paul’s workshops. Too long.
Brilliant for the starter kit for Christmas. Have just ordered the butterfly plate that comes with the starter kit. I hope paul uses it. X
What a brilliant idea and Paul is perfect for the job. As I have said before, I don’t do facebook so I hope it will be on YouTube too.
Although I have been parching (and Groovin’) for many years I know there will be many people who will apppreciate the very relaxed sessons with Paul. With the input from your parchment experts too this will be something special. Even those of us with experience can still pick up some tips and inspiration so I will be watching and have let my crew know about it too.
Stay safe
Cherry- You don’t have to ‘do’ Facebook to view the shacshac on Clarity worldwide and groovi worldwide as they are public sites. I don’t do Facebook either but still look at both sites. It’s good to see Sonia Goodliff’s art as I worked with her at Sunbury back in the 90s!
Great idea to have a Groovi SHAC shack on Tuesdays. Although I have been doing Groovi since it started & have all the elements required it is always good to go back & refresh the basics & get more ideas on how to get the most out of the plates. Grooving along with everyone will be great as well although I got so caught up in the banter this morning I had to rewind as I missed what you had done with the stippling on the bull rushes !! I had my headphones in but was repeating what you were doing with Alexa to my OH & like last night our Alexa joined in again this time with what we thought was some random piece of music but turned out it was Lady Gaga & Elton John !!
What a brilliant idea, both for those who are just starting their Groovi journey and those of us who need help to improve. There goes Tuesday morning housework! Hugs. Annette X
I have got the A6 plate of the butterfly wreath . Will this still work on groovi Tuesday?
I have carer commitments but will dust down all my groovi stuff and try to join in. Usually just end up watching a bit here and there these days but do love seeing all the results from other members. Thank you for continuing to give yourself to us so generously Barbara. Keeps me in the loop . Xx
Great news. I’m so relieved the sale is much shorter too.
Hello Barb, what a fab idea, and Paul will be a perfect driver. I think there are many happy people out there right now. Take care and stay safe everyone. Bx
You’ve cracked it again, a great idea for Groovi Tuesday. That’s my week sorted now. To Groovi along with Paul and his calming voice will be another tonic another angle on our therapy sessions. Well done Clarity Team.
Can’t wait……….only been into Groovi for about 10 months……..I am a SHAC shacker, thanks for everything, you are an amazing company x
What a brilliant idea. Can’t wait. Really looking forward to learning more with Clarity. Thank you. xx
Is Paul’s session today or tues 2nd feb?
Really looking forward to this. I’m totally new to Groovi and waiting for my kit and much more to arrive. Really excited!
Ooo I can’t wait for Groovi Tuesdays. I joined the Groovi club last year but haven’t done much with the lovely plates yet…this will be the kick up the bum that I need !😄 Thanks Barb and Paul xx
Looking forward to Groovi Tuesday. I have the starter kit and bought loads of plates in the last sale. I only know the basics, need help with shadeing and the picot cutting. Well done.
Thank you to you and Paul for doing this Barbara. The Clarity team are so kind and generous with their time. Can’t wait for next week. God bless and stay safe xx
Hello. Still considering groovi. The few times I have tried it in classes my hand cramped up and I was unable to continue for hours.,which could have been my technique. The groovi plates from the groovi club do they need the normal starter kit or the mini started kit.
Thank you going back to the reeds and some meatloaf on Alexa.