When Clay meets Clarity….

When Clay meets Clarity….

Hi there

Thanks for popping in. Been playing in the Pottalot Studio pretty much all day. It’s been a learning day. Figuring things out, so I can decorate the virgin batch which came out of the kin last weekend!

First thing I did was mix up hugs batches of glaze in big buckets. Just whites and clears. They have to sit for a day now, so tomorrow I can crack on with glazing. I did paint some Botz ready mixed glazes on a few, but I want to dip a few, and you need a bucketful to do that!

Decided to work on some tiles too. Used a few of our Stencils. In a word :

B r i l l i a n t ! Look at the detail!!

Here’s another one….

Absolutely perfect. Like cheat’s sgraffito!! Hahahaha! The last time I was called a cheat was when we developed the Groovi System! And the time before that was when I came up a completely transparent stamp!

I’m on a mission now, to refine this tile work. Exciting, innit.

In the meantime, I embedded another little stencil in two other tiles, just to see how it would work like a quasi stamp. Carefully pressed it into the wet tile with a brayer – then lift. Bingo!

Now I am going to investigate oxides, and figure out a way to make this etching pop. There’ll be a simple solution. I think oxides may be the solution. More will be revealed.

So there we have it: 4 experiments….

What a glorious way to spend a day. I get lost in it for hours. Didn’t go near the wheel – there‘s so much more to pottery than throwing.

Let me show you where these stencils are, just in case you like them:

There are 3 in the set, but you can get them separately too. I used the Doodleology Square Waves Stencil:


Here are the floral flourish frameless stencils. They come large and small.

Click HERE

The above stencils work brilliantly in our papercraft world too. Especially with the brushes or the Gelpress plates. Splendid.


Hope your day has gone well too.

Time to go in and cuddle a couple of kittens x

Stay safe

Love and Hugs

Barb xxx

32 thoughts on “When Clay meets Clarity….

  1. Glad you’ve had a good day. Fantastic tiles. No wonder you are pleased. Just heard the English news. Bombshell about to be dropped on Scotland now. However, it will change nothing for me. Staying put. Lots of love. Hx

  2. Glad you had a good day. I rediscovered these stencils as moving all my craft stash from loft to the front room. So o many things I have not used very much it was like an Aladins cave. The news isn’t good. So sorry for everyone who will have to change plans for Christmas but keep safe everyone

  3. Those look amazing. I wonder if you put liquid wax on the bottom of the stencil before you pressed it into the clay, if that would act as a resist? Happy Potting x

  4. They are fantastic! Those stencils look great too! Shall have to look at those. May have to buy those with my hopeful Christmas voucher!!!
    Have a good Christmas!

  5. Fabulous, so glad you had a great day ! I’m currently testing the new cooker before sitting down for Strictly. Have a good evening. X

  6. Love em Barbara, what a clever lady, I agree patina and gold or silver will look amazing on those tiles. Happy potting! 😍 you are so lucky you can design your own stencils for your pots absolutelyamazing. Looking forward to seeing more of your pottery, so excited for you. Crafty hugs

  7. Those are brilliant and I don’t consider it cheating. You just invented another technique. Another way to get a good result and very inventive too! And I bet your pottery friends will love it.
    Enjoy your evening. Love and hugs xxxx

  8. Can’t wait to see the finished result of your tiles – at the moment they are looking fantastic. The stencils make such delicate lace work.
    Stay safe everyone – this too will pass !! thank goodness for the SHAC Shack family.

  9. The tiles look brilliant Barbara and just shows you how versatile the goods you make are! Have fun with the glazes tomorrow and give the kittens a cuddle from me x

  10. Look absolutely fabulous can’t wait to see them all finished xx glad you had a great day in the studio good to keep busy xx

  11. How lovely that you can use your stencils with your clay -and what lovely tiles you’ve made. That doodleology set is one I found when out elf hunting, and put on my list in case I get a voucher!! If not, I’ll need to give myself a present LOL. Your friends will have special presents this year!!

  12. Oh Barbara, where do I start! I love the stencils, I love your pots and I adore the combination of both. Genuinely, they look amazing – I hope Dave is prepared to build you a ceramics art studio! Happy Christmas to all of you (and Erik and Ragnar).⛄🎅🎄❤ xxx
    Debbie Lee

  13. Wonderful tiles, you are so clever. I have the stencils but haven’t used them for a while, too caught up with trying out the new goodies delivered this week.
    I am counting my blessings today, after seeing the virus update this afternoon we are planning to lock the door tomorrow for at least 2 weeks or until we run out of fresh food.
    Stay safe everyone.

  14. Wow! Truly fantastic results, you must be so pleased Barbara. It’s great to read your blog, as I have had a really difficult day. I had a callback from a GP today, because I have felt very unwell for about 5 weeks now. I appear to have many of the covid symptoms, which is a mystery because I haven’t been out since 3rd November. He has prescribed some antibiotics and although he doesn’t think it can be covid, because I haven’t been out for so long – he wanted both Neill and I to have a covid test. This we did. It wasn’t a nice experience and it caused a severe coughing fit and difficulty in breathing. He has told Neill to call 111 if I have problems with my breathing over the weekend. I’m keeping everything crossed that the result will be negative. Hugs, Gilly x

    1. Hi Gilly,
      Sorry to hear you are not feeling well, fingers crossed that it it not COVID. The tests are not pleasant – I had to have one when I went for my pre- op. I thought the nasal one was coming out of my eyeball as the nurse put it so far up my nostril!! I had an awful feeling in my nose for a couple of days after. Anyway, stay safe and hope the news is good and that you feel better soon. Lots of love to you and Neill, Alison xxx

  15. The stencils are fab to put detail on your tiles, they are looking great Barbara. Rotten news today wasn’t it. Maybe it will get the young ones to have the some common sense and to stop having raves. So many people not taking any notice of the social distancing and having their masks under their noses or not using them at all. It beggars belief. Stay Safe. Love and hugs.xxx

  16. Hi Barb,
    Your tiles look brilliant – you’ll be selling them on Clarity website soon! Great idea to use the stencils, I particularly like the doodleology one. The news today isn’t good for London and SE and I hope that people do follow the new rules there. I feel sorry for everyone whose plans for Christmas have had to be changed, but I do think that limiting the restrictions to just Christmas Day is a good idea for everyone as we have to get on top of this horrible pandemic. I’ve really enjoyed doing the elf hunt and even though it hasn’t finished yet, I’ve sent my answers in now on 2 consecutive days!! I keep pressing send instead of save – honestly I think my brain is not in gear!!! Love and hugs Alison xx

  17. Hi Barbara it looks like you have had a brilliant day. I can’t wait to see the tiles when they are finished. Have a good evening. Hugs xxx

  18. Fantastic Barbara ,putting your stamp in another artistic direction . Love your passion and excitement – you are a very talented lady xx

  19. Hi
    We had the news that my sister and family can no longer come for Christmas, whilst we have accepted it my mum who now lives with us was quite distraught but if it is her we are worried about. Still a Christmas barbecue sounds quite good fun 🤣.
    Stencils look good have to get Jackie to try some on her tiles, she trying to get a couple of bird baths completed. Glad your enjoying the pottery.
    Love to the kittens hope you had a good evening

  20. One VERY talented lady. The tiles look amazing as does everything you put your hand to. So generous of you to share your talents with anyone and everyone worldwide. You have given a lot of joy to many. Have a safe and happy Christmas albeit a lot different to normal. Thank you from Australia for all you do for so many.

  21. Your pottery looks lovely, Barbara. The place where we live used to be one of the major pottery area in Greece and a lovely lady opened up a pottery workshop and shop just across the road from us. We are now working with her once a week, making some wonderful stuff under her guidance. I am just finishing a large, flat plate and 4 coasters with stamped angels and stars. I wonder if they’ll be glazed in time for Christmas. I’ll be interested in how the oxides work out. Have the best Christmas you can under the circumstances … hope to see you in the Shac Shac on Christmas Day.

  22. Wow Barbara a clap on the back…..your first firings in your own kiln, amazing. Just love the way you experiment and the end results are beautiful. We will all be queuing up to purchase some lovely tiles. It’s good to see you’ve got something to enjoy. Xxx

  23. WOW look what happens when you have time to play. I keep promising myself that but it doesn’t seem to happen. I’m all over the place and can’t concentrate on any one thing at the moment. I really must try harder as my teachers used to say. Anyway Barbara it’s not cheating – it’s creating. GILLYFLOWER I hope you soon feel better xx

  24. It’s wonderful to see your hobby Barbara. You always get to see and lead our hobbies and it’s always a query as to what the manufacturers hobbies are. We are all following with anticipation and your clay pots, tiles and vases are turning out brilliantly. Well done.

  25. Hi Barb, your tiles are just so creative and very arty, love the ideas. Whoever calls you a cheat is just jealous, so ignore them. Hope the kittens are well. So gutted to be in Tier 4, and sad for all others too. Hang tight all, stay safe and take care. Bx

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