Haven’t been out this year…
Hi there
Thanks for popping in. Just realised that there is a particularly lovely set of Clarity Christmas Stamps (and in Groovi too) which haven’t been out at all this year. That’s what happens when you have such a vast selection; there just aren’t enough opportunities to show everything off!
I love these aperture stamps. 2017 or even earlier…
Here’s a little how to I have dug out, to show you how they work.
Cor! Here’s the leafy canvas too.

I found this canvas step by step from March 2017 here too!
Here are all the Aperture Stamps and Groovi Baby equivalents in our range:

I remember doing a really cool Snow globe with these stamps too! Let me find it.

Well, Wednesday’s blog from me to you, right? So here are two little canvases I made way back when, which I’m happy to give to anybody who wants them!

Just think of a ABC name for the stag in the picture and post it below. So first person to post may like Andy, then the next person will go to B – Bertie for example. Etc… Like the hurricanes – except we’re on the Deer! Not the beer, Dear, the DEER!! When we get to Z, go back to A. Just like the hurricanes!
We’ll pick two random names for two random winners to receive the pics. There you go! That’s another Christmas Present sorted then!
In the meantime, let‘s also have a fabby little bloggy offer on all these stamps and Groovi Outline designs, for anybody who fancies a last minute pre-Christmas bargain !! All available on their own at a great price too….
Have a good evening!
Love always
Barb xxx
138 thoughts on “Haven’t been out this year…”
Arthur for the letter A
Barnabus would be my choice for B
Adventurer..at this time of Advent we are hoping for better times to come.
How about Alfie….
How about Donny…
Daniel think we are up to D
Enrique. What a dear! Hugs to all on Humpday! Xx
F = forrester
this canvas has a Special place in my home.
Gravely the great stagg
G for Gorgeous George – well I had to didn’t I? 😂
Love these aperture items – so versatile for any time of the year.
Can’t think of a name just now.
Stay safe
Hogwart as it is a magical name.
Hogwart as it is a magical name.
Ignatious! That’s all my brain will let me think of!!!
They are all lovely cards to make. Hoping to get a voucher for Christmas and although it maybe too late for this, would be great to be early for next!!!!
Doh someone beat me! So I will say, Jolly!
Ivan the scot ,is a good name for a stag i think xx
Immanuel seems an appropriate name for this time of year.
Oh deer, the list moved on before I posted.
Monarch of the Glen…. …He’s very majestic 😊
Monarch …. as of the Glen…. … J😊
Kevin is the name I’ve picked, hoping the k is next xx
Make that Luke, after my bro xx
Delete this one Cathryn got there just before me xx
Joss for the great stag!
I think we’ve got to K. So Kevin – no. Kingsley for the regal deer xx
Steve, after my hubby xx
Comments move on a kit while you are typing.
I think for i Ivan the fella x
Peace – is that an ok name, if not Peaceful Peter ! X
We are just saying on the Groovi page about the lovely Christmas tree plate (one of the first ones) that some of us haven’t used this year and now someone has inspired us ! X
I would have said Monarch but we are now at R so Rudolph looking a bit lost and it’s so warm where he is that his nose has lost it’s red glow! Lol. Poor Rudolph. Thanks for all step by steps. Hx
Archibald as we’re back to A.
I remember doing something like this at a Clarity retreat.
How about Bertie for the Deer? Take care. Hugs xxx
Seems that everyone is loving naming the stag/deer. Posted a name quick & still there were 3 of us with B oh well lets see how far we have got now ??
think these are lovely and as its Christmas how about cupid after one of santas reindeers.
Got to be Dave.
could have done the obvious D – Dave but why not Denzil
I think Denis after my late darling husband xxx
Let’s go for Edmund !😊
I say Freddie…..
Eddie after my husband ted
Hi Barb,
I reckon Gordon ,!
Love the aperture stamps. I remember you doing these canvasses.
Love and hugs Alison xx
I adore the snowglobe and saved the step-by-step, it was so special!
Looks like we’re on the H so – how about Honour?
I’m going for Merlin as I’m sure we will have reached ‘M’ by the time it comes up! x
Ivan the fello
I think we missed a few!! I’ll go for Janus as J,K &L seem to have been missed!
Nicholas (Santa Claus)
Love the snow globe. Very clever using the tree for a fence. Xx
Think we’re back to K kyle
Ludwig … der Hirsch aus dem hohen Norden
Ozzie 😃
P (which is where I think we might be!) is for Paulinus.
Maggie (Bendy Yorkite)
I loved all those stamps, I can remember them at Leyburn Open Day in 2016!
I think it’s back to P now – Percival! xx
Margaret just beat me to it! So I shall try Q – Quaid xx
Think we are back to R so Reginald. x
I came across these stamps the other day when I was searching through my stash. Not been used enough, same goes for a lot of my stamps. Must start using some of them before I buy any more. X
Very busy this week, cleaning and moving my daughter into their house, but I’ll be popping in and out. Elf hunt and SHACSHACK Catchup
Love these pictures and the way the landscape is in the stag.
How was your pottery this afternoon!
Lots of love Trijntje Huppel
Hope we are at S for Samuel. As it is Christmas.
Samuel. As it is Christmas.
Thomas, after a Captain Tom. X
Trevor…no idea why!
I am going to call him Ubert which is what I used to call my uncle Herbert when I was little xxx
I think Victor as it means defeating an enemy. Which this has felt like.
Merry Christmas
my suggestion is Windsor
William after my Dad. Got a lot of those they are brilliant why do we forget they are there in our stash. Must get them out.xxx
Hi Barbara
Remember having a conversation about these with you at Leybern a few years ago, they are beautiful. I bought the stamps and some of the groovy plates too but haven’t used them this year. I did chuckle at the deer, beer, dear,just like our house! 😂.i expect it’s moved on while I’ve been prattling on but my guess is Xanthe
Love Diane xx
Ole after my Danish cousin.
Y – Yolanda
I used to work with a lovely lady with that name many years ago.
Hi again,
Just to complete the second alphabet how about Z for Zeppelin?
I’m not sure if my last comment went through, it was Y for Yolanda as it reminds me of a lovely lady I worked with many years ago.
How about Muspell after the Norse God
Oh it’s Y not an easy one, how about Yannis after the lovely Hochanda presenter xx
I think he could be called Yule .
Still making Christmas cards here so many ideas and inspiration from clarity !
Zac, have the groovi set, and a couple of the stamps. Brilliant artwork. xx
Aidan ,after my cute 5 year old Grandson so looking forward to Santa !
How about Loki? a mischievous Norse God who can transform into an animal!
Blitzen after Santa’s reindeer x
C is for Cor (that was easy!) as a person we know often tells us, eh?! haha xx
Freedom …
Hello Barb, love the samples shown and the step by steps. Added the stamps to my wish list. As the letter in now G, I think we should call the deer Gazza. I think everyone is hoping to get picked for this giveaway. Take care and stay safe everyone. Bx
Well after G I’ll go for Huelanda! ( just sounded good 🤗)
I’l go for Ivor! Seems like a sophisticated name for a sophisticated stag.
Not sure what letter were on but my suggestion would be:
Vidar (VEE-dahr)
Fighter in the woods
Juno sounds good xx
Think we are back to J so Jack after my great nephew
Think we’re at V so Valentino
Hi. Great game. How about Dazzle. We’re all dazzled by the ideas that Barbara presents to us and the miracle that we can produce! Thanks x
Bit behind the race here – how about AUGUSTUS?
He was a Roman emperor and my Dad’s nickname was Gus.
Stags have horns so………….
Dizzy (Gillespie)
Miles (Davies)
Louis (Armsrong)
all famous horn players (suggested by hubby)
I just did this for fun so please do not put me in the draw as I already have a gallery of the aperture designs and I know that yours will be greatly appreciated by whoever wins them.
Stay safe everyone.
I’m all rushed and late as usual but it appears we are on K now so, KORKA (yes, I made that up) 🤣🤣
Think we are on L now so Lancelot
M so it has to be Martin, x
Love these little apertures, made the snowglobe one when you did them…probably back in 2017! My deer name would be Nicholas. XX
I remember using these at the Clarity Retreat a few years back. Look like we’re back at O now, so I’d go with Owen
How handsome he is, just ready for a picture
Mine would be P for Prancelot
Quin – celtic for wise.
S for Struan the stag – good strong Scottish name for him! Loved doing these little scenes at one of the away days – such a brilliant concept x