Catinabox…no, two !!

Catinabox…no, two !!

Hi there

Thanks for popping in. Friday’s blog a private peek, right? Time for a kitty update…We love a box.

Any old box.

Room for a friend ?

That’ll be a NO then.

Which part of NO wasn’t clear?

Come on! Budge up!!

I’m here to stay, so smile for the camera!!

Our little Viking warriors are certainly settling in! When they first landed last Sunday, they were very tiny and timid. It feels like they’ve double in size in just 4 days! Is that even possible?!? And climbing is the thing now.

Amazing really. They can jump 2 times their height already. Just imagine if human babies could do that at 9 weeks! You’d only ever have one, wouldn’t you!!

But oh the joy! The sheer innocence of these little fellas. They are such a pleasure, such a wonderful, refreshing energy in the house.

I love that they are happy, that they are purring, that they are playful, that they are even stopping by for a stroke and a cuddle before they shoot off again. We are so lucky.

On that note, I shall go find them and have a happy hour with them now.

Love and Hugs

Barb xxx

28 thoughts on “Catinabox…no, two !!

  1. Lol. Hilarious. Thanks for sharing the photos. It made me laugh out loud! Great tonic. Hope pottery went well today and that you have a very happy hour with your babies. They will be into everything now. Nothing is safe! Lol. Have a great weekend, Barb. See you on Sunday. Hxx

  2. Absolutely fabulous, don’t know what we’d do without our two, although Mikey is currently asleep in John’s chair and he looks settled for the evening ! Enjoy x x

  3. Thanks for sharing happy photos! Our cat loved a box but her true favourite used to be a brown paper IKEA bag! She was also very fond of a soft brush so don’t leave your Clarity brushes within reach – you have been warned!!

  4. They are so cute! Our two (17 months) still love a box. Their favourite has a drop down lid. It is so funny to see one of them get in the box & the other sit on the top. Watch your curtains if they are starting to climb!! X

  5. Aaaw they are just beautiful and oh yes boxes are a favourite for our 4 furry friends too, infact sometimes the smaller the better.
    Hope you will be sharing pictures as they grow up, I love to see them xx

  6. Oh boy Barbara they are so cute. I love them both. They must be such a delight to have around. We have been hosting three bunnies for our daughter and son-in-law so that they could move house. Five months later they are still here. The move actually happened last Friday so when the room is ready for them they will be able to go home. Then I might get my craft room. Have a fab weekend. Take care. Hugs xxx

  7. I pity any poor curtains hanging around!!
    I love that the one owning the box first can’t take his eyes off you (I can’t tell them apart yet).
    Maggie (Bendy Yorkite – or should that be Bendy Yorvik?)

  8. Double trouble! But their faces are so sweet you would forgive them anything. Good job you have that big dresser to keep all your breakables behind closed doors x

  9. Such lovely boys, brings back many memories of our terrible twins, sadly both over the rainbow bridge now, their place in the house has been filled, but their place in my heart belongs just to them. Happy Days.

  10. Your viking invaders remind me of my two treasures, siblings that have been together for 16 1/2 years now. Still cuddle up occasionally, hiss at each other sometimes too. I used to watch them learning to stand on their hind legs, learning to jump higher and then of course dealing with the catches of day. Not so pleasant, but couldn’t be cross with the culprit. I know you will love and enjoy every minute of them.

  11. Simply gorgeous, they make me smile just to look at a photograph of them, so it must be 1000% better to give them a cuddle and see them in person.
    The box photo reminds me of a picture of two kittens we had when I was a child; two tweeny kittens cuddled up in a child’s shoebox!

  12. Disappointing Hochanda haven’t loaded the shows on Rewind. The button is there on the schedule but they haven’t linked it. I expect it will be there down the week but can’t help wondering if it has cost all the firms today sales. They did it last time you were one – loaded one show and then not the next few hours. Must be training someone.

  13. They are beautiful I’ve never had kittens only puppy’s.
    Puppy’s have the most amazing smell. Do kittens.

  14. Hello Barb, once upon a time we had 2 white brothers from 8 weeks old, and up to the day they went over the Rainbow bridge, they loved playing in or sleeping in boxes. We now have their adopted sister who is getting on in years, and she also love boxes. Your two are just so cute, enjoy them. Cats choose their humans, so if they are settled and happy, they will be the perfect furry kids. Take care and stay safe everyone. I really enjoyed the mixed media shows yesterday. Bx

  15. Love the pictures, just like children they prefer the box to the real toys !!
    Glad its only kittens that can jump that high at that age but now they have settled in they will soon be exploring – have fun

  16. They certainly are lovely kitties. Nothing like a kittie or two to bring down the stress levels and blood pressure. ( I was very careful what I put there for kitties).

  17. Kittens!!!! Such wonderful animals. Just wait til they climb up your legs 😜. Have you ever watched “Simon’s Cat”? Hilarious. Can I also recommend Marylin Edwards cat book series – she’ll have you laughing and crying all at once.

  18. Dear Barbara love the kittens, we have a Ginge he is called Ruskin ( little red haired one )
    Just thought I would warn everyone that LILIES ARE POISONOUS TO CATS all of it even the water in the vase Our local cat rescue remind us of this time and again Love Jan x

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