Walk, Talk and Roast Pork
Hi there.
Thanks for popping in! If there is something positive to be taken from this dreadful Covid 19, it is that Sundays have become Sundays again.
Today we should have been up in North Yorkshire, having held the Clarity Open Days in Leyburn yesterday, followed by a Parchment workshop today. Then 7 hours back down the motorway, ready for work again bright and early Monday morning.
Whilst it would have been grand to catch up with our friends in the Northern Quarter, I have to admit that staying home, not working and relaxing has been pretty special too. All the more so because working at the weekends was always the norm for us (PC = Pre-Covid). Whereas most folks assume they don’t have to work at the weekends, Dave and I relish every free weekend we get nowadays. We certainly don’t take them for granted.
Jilly came over early and we went for a really long walk in the woods. Chatted all the way round! Then we came back to the house and made a scrummy roast pork meal with apple compote (that I made yesterday with apples from the garden). Sound idyllic? It was. Made all the sweeter by not having to work!
The Lime Kiln Woods are within walking distance of the house. Over 100 acres of very old woodland. Scots Pine and Sweet Chestnut mainly, but plenty of Hazel, Beech and Oak. I love trees. Time for a new set of tree stamps, methinks….
These trees are actually planted as a crop for coppicing (the ancient art of harvesting). The timber was and still is used for building and fencing.
Stretching stretching, reaching for the sunlight….

Straight like soldiers, all in perfect rows – as far as the eye can see…

We can do the short circuit (hour) or the long circuit (about an hour and a half). Did the long circuit, and enjoyed it so much, guess what? Yep! After lunch we went round the long circuit again!
Nobody out there except a couple of dog walkers and us. We are so lucky to have this on our doorstep. If it weren’t dark now, I would go again. There’s nothing like a walk in the woods for clearing the head.
I hope your weekend has been as good as mine. I feel very calm now. Peaceful.
If you had to describe how you are feeling right now with one word, what would it be. Write that word below.
Be safe.
39 thoughts on “Walk, Talk and Roast Pork”
Challenged. X
Looks a wonderful woodland to me
Hope all goes well with your mums op Barbara, you are all in my thoughts.
Your mum will be so much better when she recovers
Love to you all xx
Have been playing with my mixed supplies and loved it!
Methinks AC (after covid) you need to keep your Sundays for you xx
Content, after an afternoon of good chat, putting the world to rights with friends and providing them with a barbecue – last one of the season ? Perhaps not. Beautiful afternoon. Glad you had a peaceful weekend. Good luck to your Mum for this week. X
Stressed! Trying to organise for a group to use our Church for meetings and the rules are horrendous! However, it will work out one way or another! So glad you had a good day. I found a poem I was given a long time ago which I thought you might like. It follows on from your blog: Be true to thine own self.
When you get what you want as your struggle for self
And the world makes you queen for a day,
Just go to the mirror and look at yourself,
And see what that one does say.
For it isn’t your father or mother or husband
Who judgement upon you must pass;
The person whose verdict counts most in your life
Is the one staring back from the glass.
She’s the person to please, never mind all the rest,
For she’s with you clear up to the end.
And you’ve passed your most dangerous, difficult test
If the one in the glass is your friend.
You may fool the whole world down the pathway of life,
And get pats on your back as you pass.
But your final reward will be heartache and tears
If you’ve cheated the one in the glass
Author: Dale Wimbrow
I’ll be thinking of you and your parents tomorrow and in the coming days. Day at a time, my friend. All will be well. Lots of love, Hxx
Fabulous xx
Reflective x
My poppets arrived yesterday sonI have has a lovely day with them. Stamped a lot then settled down to do ome colouring. So relaxed I even forgot to have lunch. Hubby was on kitchen duty so he brought me a sani and a coffee and I carried on until dinner.
I don’t have one word for how I feel now but will these do?
sleepy (thanks to the wine)
Your woods look lovely and I am sure theywill inspire you to more stamps and Groovi to delight us all.
Stay safe 🍒🍒🍒
Just read the poem – very true in all respects.
Listening to Radio Gold…..Chilling and Reminiscing,
can be sad …..
can be happy.
Oldie music.
Grateful xxx. Thanks for sharing Jxx
Thankful x
Hi Barbara
We went for a walk in the woods too, it was lovely and peaceful once away from the busy picnic spots and glorious in the sunshine. Sounds like you’ve had a wonderful Sunday, just what you need. I hope all goes well for mum next week, I’ll be thinking of you all. My word is cosy.
Love Diane xx
Stressed. Logged on to get a food delivery and guess what? Out of stock paracetamol, pasta, bread flour… I hope this isn’t what it appears.
I am having trouble getting the milk I like (goats milk). This problem has been going on for three weeks. Paracetamol and Ibuprofen still available on my order. Very irritated. xxx Maggie (Silvercrafter)
Relaxed on a boat on the Norfolk Broads with OH sister and brother in law. Weather glorious ,very chilled
Content, just had dinner with my family, next Sunday will be dinner on my own as one of them has to have a covid test next Saturday ready for surgery a week tomorrow, so they’ll be in lockdown, but it’ll be SO worth it.
Totally understand, We’re staying up.in Glencoe, Scotland at the moment and went for a wonderful walk thro the local woods with the dogs, absolutely loved it. Away from any roads just heaven x
One word? OUCHY!!! 🙂 (This too shall pass -I hope soon)
Blessed. had a good day crafting and then dinner with my sons.
GRATEFUL. Had a lovely weekend on Friday had a lovely walk in a local beauty spot, mostly woodland, can’t walk far or fast but very relaxed. Leisure day yesterday, partly crafting catching up on Shack Shac then a drive out. Today a lovely home cooked lunch and a visit to my Niece and her husband. All the best for your Mum this week, I will be thinking of you all. God Bless xxx
Apprehensive. Don’t know why but as Sir Tom says tomorrow will be a good day.
Desperate – to get away and meet new people and see new places. Now the parchment retreat is cancelled all the things I had planned for this year have gone. I know I am lucky to live in a lovely place and be well but it doesn’t always help.
Love to all at Clarity
Excited. Puppy coming Friday.
Hello Barb, the word I would use right now, is grateful. There is so much going on, but at least Hubby and I at this point still have jobs, we have a home, we have food, we have children and grandchildren, and we have each other. Love those trees, they are so tall and straight. Take care and stay safe everyone. Bx
Sending my love and best wishes to your mum, dad, you and Dave, Steve and all the family. Hugs. Annette X
Tree stamps sound fantastic. Hope it happens! Xx
Your walk in the woods looks lovely & the poem from Hilda thoughtful but not sure how to describe how I am feeling at the moment.
GLAD that my family & friends have not had to suffer the illness caused by Covid but FRUSTRATED that people cannot see the bigger picture & stick to the rules which has led to extra measures being taken in our area. I feel for those that have been in isolation from March & cannot see the end of the tunnel as to when they will be able to go out safely.
Thanks goodness for the SHAC Shack & the family that has grown from it.
Wishing your Mom all the best for her op this week & that you have a lovely week with your parents. I am sure from what you have said in the past your Dad will come out with some great one liners !!
Now to go & do my doodle from last week on to a piece of Barb’s favourite paper. There have been some stunning ones on FB so far this weekend.
Hi Barbara your Sunday sounded amazing. So lovely to have those wood near you to walk in. No walking for us visiting family mostly. My word is stressed as there is a lot to sort out for my parents who have a live in carer. I will so some doodling to calm down. It always helps. I hope all goes well for your mum this week. Take care. Hugs xxx
Hi Barbara. Sounds like you had a lovely relaxing day. There are so many positives to take from this awful pandemic for those of us who have been fortunate enough to stay well.
My word would be “grateful”
Hope mum’s op goes well. Will be praying for you all.
Stay safe x
Blessed. Poppets arrived on saturday, playing with them today. Also will try my gems on clarity paper. Was pleased how they came out on copier paper. Love to you’re mum and dad, and you and the family. Hope all goes ok. Please God. Stay blessed.
Sunday was a sad day, my lovely daughter left to go back to Singapore. Eventually went into the garden and did some cutting of foliage, that always help. I have a lot of very tall trees at the back of my garden, but can’t walk through them, Or anywhere, would love to. One of my lovely friends called so sat in the garden.
Hope all goes really well for your Mum. Love xxxx
Calm and contented after a soothing walk in the woods.
Frustrated. Thankful. No functioning glasses right now, making crafting difficult, but I and my family are still healthy. Sorry but the two words express how I feel at this moment. Hope your lovely Mum is doing well. xxx Maggie (Silvercrafter)
Had a lovely walk in the Blean Woods this weekend – needed to see some trees! Unfortunately, Kent CC had locked the gate to the car park (!?) so there were a few cars parked up alongside the road – rather a country road! But the sun shining through the trees made the place cool an magical!
Blessed –
By having friends online and off
Through crafting
By family
For having a garden
Love and prayers for your mum xx
Thanks for the poem Hilda x