Crazy for You

Crazy for You

Hi there!

Thanks for joining me. Been prepping TV demos for the LIVE SKYPE SESSIONS on Wednesday 1pm. After Paul’s stellar performance last Thursday, I’m all excited about quasi being back in the building.

Let me share some of the fantastic new stamps and ideas with you – I LOVE these!!! You may recognise them from Linda’s Groovi Heart Sampler plate, which will also be being showcased.

Partial Art on Stamp Board here. Bunting, fridge magnets, dangles …Simply stamp any of the 8 new beautiful Linda Williams heart stamps onto the board using a black Archival ink pad.

Let’s just take one through to completion. Just in case we run out of time on Wednesday 1 o’clock !

We’ll use our Perga Liner pencils – the water soluble ones. Scribble on the Mix Mat, dissolve the pigment with water, and using one of our Water Brush pens, colour in the background.

Colour and shade, using dry pencils on top of the water colour. Edge with a black Sharpie pen, then add a great love sticker…

Let’s finish the back too. Micron Pen and a grey pencil will do nicely.

Punch a hole and thread a cool ribbon to hang. I’m right into hanging things just now!!

Tune in to HOCHANDA on Wednesday at 1pm to join me on LIVE SKYPE. Amazing technology eh. Well, let’s hope so!!!

And then at 5pm on the same day, Paul will be working his magic from Clarity LIVE SKYPE studio No. 2, with another beautiful heart set of dies stamps and all sorts !!

Stay safe.

Love always

Barb xxx

15 thoughts on “Crazy for You

  1. Plenty time to watch the shows and craft this week as I am on holiday from tomorrow! Happy days. Sadly not coming to Maidstone but it would be far too hot down there for me anyway! Enjoy you’re evening and I’ll see you in the morning. Hx

  2. Brilliant idea, love the Groovi plate but the stamps would be a great idea for weddings!!! Favours, confetti and all very personal touches, can be adapted in so many ways! I’m sure you will be absolutely fine via Skype, just look how much practise you’ve had with us all in the Shac Shac!

  3. These look fabulous – oh dear I feel another spend up coming on. Will you be doing Linda’s boy and girl groovi plates in stamps at any time? Hope you have a lovely relaxing evening I’m going to be practicing my bubbles now it’s cooled down a bit.

  4. I have the Groovi Plate and love it. I have just made an anniversary card for friends using it. Pink parchment and white work. I wish I had remembered to photograph it. As someone else said, the stamps will be fantastic for wedding stationery. Looking forward to the show. Have a good evening and see you tomorrow for shading. Hugs. Annette X

  5. Loving all the dangles you are doing. Will be buying a stock of those shapes when I’ve moved and the stamps are really pretty too. Hope you’ve had a relaxing weekend? X

  6. I feel another spend is imminent. Have the Groovi plate and the shapes so it won’t be too bad. Love your artwork. Looks like it’s padded. Very clever.
    HOT – HOT – HOT here.
    Stay safe 🍒🍒🍒

  7. These are lovely! Looking forward to the shows on Wednesday – I think these will be going on my wish list 😍

  8. Knew there was something I needed to do before I left home this morning – set the tv to record !! Oh well will have to rely on catch up this time but your stamp boards look amazing !!
    Hope you have had a great weekend with Jilly. Will catch up with the SHAC at some point tomorrow depending on the weather

  9. Hi Barb,
    Love these and love what you’ve done. I can definitely feel a spend coming on! I’m getting more into stamping now. Had an email yesterday telling me that my poppets and stamp board shapes are on their way. Can’t wait! Love and hugs,Alison xxxx

  10. Hello Barb, what beautiful stamps, love this little project, especially the variation from colour to monochrome on the back and front. Take care and stay safe everyone, Looks like another hot day. Bx

  11. I’ve been a bit more crafty today, still sooooo hot. I stamped a happy birthday sentiment and it took me ages to spot I’d stamped happy upside down! 😂

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